Exempt organizations annual reporting requirements - Form 990, Schedule R: Reporting information about unrelated partnerships


Why does Part VI of Schedule R, Form 990, require information regarding certain partnerships even though they are not related organizations?

Some exempt organizations participate in joint ventures and other arrangements in which the organization does not have a controlling interest that satisfies the Form 990 definition of related organization. These arrangements might lead to activities that result in unrelated business income tax, private benefit, inurement and other exempt status issues, especially when the organization does not control the venture or arrangement.  Accordingly, Part VI of Schedule R PDF was designed to collect information regarding participation in partnerships which are not controlled by the organization but through which the organization conducts significant activities.  For this purpose, the organization must report information regarding unrelated partnerships through which it conducts activities constituting at least 5 percent of its total activities, measured by gross revenue or total assets, whichever is greater.  Certain passive investment activities are excepted.