TIGTA Recommendation #1


Notice: Historical Content

This is an archival or historical document and may not reflect current law, policies or procedures.

Details and status

Last updated:  July 24, 2013

No. Recommendation Lead ECD Status*
1 Ensure that the memorandum requiring the Director, Rulings and Agreements, to approve all original entries and changes to criteria included on the BOLO listing prior to implementation be formalized in the appropriate Internal Revenue Manual. Director, Exempt Organizations




* Green = On schedule, Yellow = Behind schedule, Red = Significant issues

Update history

July 2013

Because the use of the BOLO lists was suspended (reported in June), the memorandum is no longer operational therefore we are closing this recommendation. However, separately, we are revising the IRM that provides guidance on processing exempt application and have incorporated into the draft comments received from the Taxpayer Advocate and providing training to staff on how to apply appropriate screening criteria.

June 2013

  • Memo issued on May 17, 2012
  • Memo suspending use of BOLO spreadsheet and outlining alternative procedures, dated June 20, 2013, was issued to staff on June 21, 2013
  • Provide training to staff on how to apply the appropriate screening criteria in the absence of BOLO lists


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