Ask the childcare provider to use this template on the provider’s letterhead and replace the bracketed information.
<Insert today's date>
<Insert parent/guardian’s name and address>
Re: <Insert child's name>
To Whom It May Concern:
According to our records, <name of care provider> provided childcare service(s) for <child's name> on the following date(s) <insert the date(s) you provided service(s)> in <insert tax year on the notice>.
Our records show the child lived at <street address, city, state, ZIP Code (if the child moved during the year show all addresses)> during this time.
Our records also show the child's parent or guardian during this time was <insert parent's or guardian name(s)>. Their address of record during this time was listed as <insert parent's or guardian address(es)>.
<Insert signature of childcare provider or official>
<Insert title of childcare provider>
<Insert phone number of childcare provider>