Qualifying businesses, tax-exempt organizations, or entities such as state, local and tribal governments can take advantage of certain business tax credits even if they don't have taxable income to which the credits can be applied. Register for tax year 2024 and 2023 credits To make an elective payment or transfer election, an authorized representative of the entity must: Use this online tool to create an Energy Credits Online (ECO) account Get a registration number for each applicable credit property Include registration numbers from this online tool on the entity's tax return The registration tool is part of the IRS business tax account application. For detailed guidance, see Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and CHIPS Act of 2022 (CHIPS) Pre-Filing Registration Tool -- User Guide and Instructions, Publication 5884 PDF. For information about which credits are applicable and what types of entities can monetize them, see frequently asked questions about elective pay. First-time users Authorize a clean energy account After you authorize a clean energy account, access the Energy Credits Online (ECO) portal. Click the Clean Energy and Semiconductor Manufacturers link. Returning users Access a clean energy account Go to the Energy Credits Online (ECO) portal. Click the Clean Energy and Semiconductor Manufacturers link. What you need Each entity that will monetize an IRA clean energy or CHIPS credit must have its own clean energy account. If the entity already has a clean energy account, just sign in. Don't create a new account for your entity. First-time users must go through personal identity verification. You only need to do this once. If you're a first-time user, have your photo identification ready. Verify your personal identity, not the entity's information. You will provide entity information in the next step. As an authorized representative, the first time you use the tool for an entity you will need to sign in and provide the following information about the entity to authorize its clean energy account: Employer ID number (EIN) Name and address Once you sign in, follow the prompts to provide details and documentation to support the credits the entity will report on its tax return. The information required will vary according to the credits the entity will earn. Who can use this Only an authorized representative of the entity may use this tool to register and provide information. Use the entity's EIN Never use the EIN of any other entity, even if it is closely related. Each entity that will file a return to make an elective payment election or a transfer election must have its own EIN. Refer to Publication 1635, Understanding Your EIN PDF, for more information. When to register Allow time for the IRS to review your submission. In general, you should register: After placing an investment property or production facility in service, but no earlier than the beginning of the tax period when you earn the credit. At least 120 days before the due date (including extensions) for the return where you report the credits. Use the form identified in the instructions for your form of annual return to apply for an extension of the time to file your return. For tax years that begin in 2023, government entities (including tribal governments) will receive a paperless automatic 6-month extension of the time to file when they register. They do not need to apply for an extension. For tax years that begin in 2024 and later, government entities and tribal governments should use the revised Form 8868, Application for Extension of Time To File an Exempt Organization Return, to request an extension. Where’s my registration number We want to hear from you if you submitted a pre-filing registration package and The extended due date for your annual tax return is approaching (60 days or less) and You submitted your registration package more than 90 days ago and the status of your registration package has not changed within the last 30 days. Please contact us by email at irs.elective.payment.or.transfer.of.credit@irs.gov with the following information: Subject line: Where's My Registration Name, last four digits of EIN and address of the registering entity Date the registration package was submitted (or an estimate if you aren’t sure of the exact date) Name and telephone number for a contact person (if we need to talk to you about your submission). Note: The contact person must be authorized to receive private taxpayer information about the registering entity (e.g., be an officer, trustee, or representative (IRS Form 2848, Power of Attorney) of the registering entity. Related IRS 2023-249, IRS opens free IRA and CHIPS Pre-filing Registration Tool for organizations to register to monetize clean energy credits Credits and Deductions Under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 Elective Pay and Transferability About Form 3800, General Business Credit Resources Publication 5884, Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and CHIPS Act of 2022 (CHIPS) Pre-Filing Registration Tool User Guide PDF Elective pay and transferability frequently asked questions: Elective pay IRS: Inflation Reduction Act and CHIPS Act of 2022 Pre-filing Registration Tool how-to video