You may be eligible to get help paying for health insurance if you sign up through Why am I getting this letter? The IRS began mailing letters in November in partnership with the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services, sharing information about obtaining Marketplace healthcare coverage. The letters were mailed to specific individuals if you or a family member did not have health insurance at some point last year to inform them that they may be eligible to get help paying for health insurance by signing up through What financial assistance is available to reduce health insurance costs? The Premium Tax Credit is financial assistance that may help you pay for the monthly costs of health insurance from Assistance you may receive depends on family size and income. When do I need to sign up to get health coverage for 2025? Open enrollment is between November 1, 2024, and January 15, 2025. For most people, the last day to sign up is January 15. You may be allowed to sign up later if you have a certain life change during the year such as losing health coverage, quitting or losing a job, moving or getting married. What if I already have health insurance? If you already have health insurance (like Medicare, Medicaid or insurance from your employer), then you don’t need to take action to keep your coverage. Where to learn more The IRS can’t answer questions about these letters. To learn more or sign up, visit or call the Marketplace Call Center at 800-318-2596 (TTY: 855-889-4325). You can also make an appointment with an assister who can help you sign up. Information on assisters is available at Reference tools Publication 1, Your Rights as a Taxpayer Publication 17, Your Federal Income Tax Full list of tax forms and instructions