- 2.2.3 PCS Command Code TSCHG
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Background
- Authority
- Responsibilities
- Program Management and Review
- Program Controls
- Terms/Definitions/Acronyms
- Related Resources
- Update PICF Data (Command Code TSCHG)
- Exhibit 2.2.3-1 Command Code TSCHG — Input Screen Format
- Exhibit 2.2.3-2 Command Code TSCHG — Input Screen Examples
- Exhibit 2.2.3-3 Command Code TSCHG — Output Screen Examples
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 2. Information Technology
Chapter 2. Partnership Control System
Section 3. PCS Command Code TSCHG
2.2.3 PCS Command Code TSCHG
Manual Transmittal
October 19, 2022
(1) This transmits revised IRM 2.2.3, Partnership Control System, PCS Command Code TSCHG.
Material Changes
(1) Program Scope and Objectives revised to add more detail.
(2) Background, Authority, Responsibilities, Program Management and Review, and Program Controls added.
(3) Related Resources updated to add reference to IRM 10.8.1.
Effect on Other Documents
IRM 2.2.3, dated December 03, 2019 is superseded.Audience
This document provides instructions for the general use of the Partnership Control Systems display terminals in the SB/SE, Large Business and Industry (LBI), and Appeals Operating Divisions in the Campuses and Area/Industry Offices.Effective Date
(01-01-2023)Nancy Sieger
Chief Information Officer
The Partnership Control System (PCS) is used to create, monitor and update information related to Partnership and Investor examinations.
Purpose: This IRM provides instructions on how to use IDRS command code TSCHG.
Audience: Campus Revenue Agents (RAs), Tax Compliance Officers (TCOs), Tax Examiners (TEs) and Clerks working pass-through entities and/or their investors linked on the PCS.
Policy Owner: Chief Information Officer
Program Owner: Information Technology/Application Development
Primary Stakeholders: SB/SE, Large Business and Industry (LBI), and Appeals
Program Goals: PCS is a database used to create an electronic linkage between pass-through entities and their underlying partners. Linking in some instances is mandatory. Linkage allows for the proper control of statutes and ensures all relevant partners are processed.
PCS was created to monitor and control pass-through entity investors. Pass-through entities can have many partners and many levels of tiering. Tiering occurs when an investor in a pass-through entity is also a pass-through entity. This complexity can make it difficult to keep track of statutes and monitor all the investors.
PCS control is a policy that was established in response to the partnership provisions of the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) of 1982. It has been expanded to cover other pass-through entities that fall outside of TEFRA.
The Director, SB/SE, Headquarters, Examination Field and Campus Policy is responsible for:
Coordinating and Implementing PCS enhancements; and
Coordinating resolutions for PCS Systemic problems
The SB/SE Program Manager, Examination Field and Campus Policy, Campus Exam & Field Support is responsible for:
Ensuring that PCS procedural changes and computer program changes are implemented and coordinated with area office and campus examination personnel; and
Monitoring and evaluating area office and campus examination PCS quality control procedures
The campus PCS Coordinator is responsible for:
Identifying and resolving technical problems; and
Identifying and coordinating the resolution of PCS systemic problems
Program Reports: PCS generates a variety of reports used to monitor the inventory and related statutes. The data source for the reports is the Partnership Information Control File located in Martinsburg, WV.
Program Effectiveness: PCS is used to help identify the effectiveness of the Campus Pass-Through Function program. PCS shows the number of investors linked within a pass-through structure. Failing to link partner returns timely can result in barred statutes or the need to follow burdensome procedures such as manual assessments or untimely notice procedures.
IRS will implement access control measures that will provide protection from unauthorized alteration, loss, unavailability, or disclosure of information.
SACS controls all the IDRS user accesses and permissions.
List of terms and definitions used throughout this IRM section.
PICF Partnership Information Control File TIN Taxpayer Identification Number TEFRA Tax Equity and Responsibility Act of 1982 MFT Code Masterfile Tax Code OYD One-year assessment date LN-REC Linkage record CTF Campus TEFRA Function
This Command Code is used to effect changes to PICF data elements. Changes are always addressed through the Partnership record in order that multiple element changes can be effected thru one screen input. (i.e. Partner Record and PICF Linkage Record elements may be changed thru one screen input).
TSCHG will count each request completed and display the results in the message, "REQUEST COMPLETED/UPDATES nnnn" , where nnnn is the number of completed requests. TSCHG’s definer Z will initialize the update counter to zero.
This Command Code utilizes a free form method of data entry. This involves input of fixed Partnership data on Line 1, fixed Partner data on Line 2 (when appropriate) and variable element data on Lines 3 thru 12.
Variable elements 01 thru 35 are input in the format "NN-vvvvvv" . NN is an item number as assigned in the table below. The "-" (hyphen) acts as a breaker between the item number and the input element data "vvvvvv" . A "," (comma) is used to designate the end of an input element. Only one element at a time may be input on Line 3 on a TSCHGM.
The following elements may be changed by Command Code TSCHG within the limitations prescribed for each individual element.
Each item will be validated for the conditions listed or for "D" where delete of an item from the data base is desired. All numeric date elements must be in the format YYYYMMDD.
Item Number Element Name Valid Range of Values 01 PN-K1–NAME May be 1–35 characters, variable or "D" . If the MFT is 05, 20, 21, 30 52, or 53 this line must have a semi-colon. Only one blank is allowed, preceding the suffix. The individual name format is last name space suffix (if any); first name space initial (if any) (Public III;Jon Q). 02 PN-K1–STREET- ADDR May be 1–35 characters, variable or "D" . If the account has a foreign address, the city will be input as this item. 03 PN-K1–CTY- STATE-ZIP May be 1–38 characters, variable or "D" . The City and the State abbreviation must be separated by 2 (two) spaces. The State and the Zip Code must be separated by 2 (two) spaces. The Zip Code can be 5 (five), 9 (nine) or 12 (twelve) digits. If foreign address, the country will be input as the city, a period will be input in the first character position of the state abbreviation and the zip code will be left blank. 04 PN-K1–ADDTNL- ADDR-LINE May be 1–35 characters, variable or "D" . If foreign address, the street address will be input as this item. 05 PN-1YR-ASSMT- DATE/ ASSESSMENT-AMOUNT/ASSESSMENT- TIME May be 8 digits numeric (Formatted date YYYYMMDD), plus one alphanumeric character for entry of the PN-CLOSING-CD, as necessary. May be 55555555 with a PN-CLOSING-CD of J only. '55555555' can only be entered after '11111111' has been entered. When a final court decision is received, a one-year date with an alpha closure code will be allowed to be input over the 5's without deleting them first. May be up to 28 digits Alphanumeric (Formatted 11111111$nnnnnnnnnnnnTnnn.n, 11111111$nnnnnnnnnnnn-Tnnn.n, 11111111$NCTnnn.n, 11111111$CNCTnnn.n, 11111111$TIERTnnn.n, the same format would be used for non-TEFRA with 22222222 in the PN-1-YR-ASSMT-DATE field. May be 9 digits alphanumeric (Formatted YYYYMMDDP with YYYYMMDD representing the date and the P representing a penalty), or a valid PN-CLOSING-CD. May be T (to delete the PN-1-YR-ASSMT-DATE and PN-CLOSING-CD ONLY), or D (used to delete the PN-1-YR-ASSMT-DATE, ASSESSMENT- AMOUNT, and ASSESSMENT-TIME). Time is not required if the partner is in the Appeals status. Only '22222222' can be entered in the PN-1-YR-ASSMT-DATE field for a Non-TEFRA case. 05 Multiple TSCHG For a multiple TSCHG, the only valid input is 8 digits numeric plus one alpha character for the PN-CLOSING-CD (formatted YYYYMMDDx), or T(to delete the PN-1-YR-ASSMT-DATE and the PN-CLOSING-CD). The multiple version of TSCHG cannot be used to close cases. 06 PN-K1–LOSS-PCT May be 6 characters, variable or "D" . Must be numeric and not greater than 1.0. The decimal point is required. 07 USER-SPECIAL- MSG May be 1–70 characters variable, or D. 08 PS-ADJUSTMENT-AMT May be up to 12 digits numeric plus a "-" , if a negative amount is to be input, or "NC" for no change, or "D" . 09 TEFRA-CD May be "T" or "D" . 10 PS-PROMOTER- NUM May be "TTS" , "TNTS" , "NTTS" , "OTHER" , or "NNNNAA" . 11 424–DROP-DT May be 8 digits numeric (formatted YYYYMMDD), the literal "EXTEND" or "D" . 12 PURGE-DATE May be 8 digits numeric (formatted YYYYMMDD), the literal "EXTEND" or "D" . 13 PS-120–DAY-DATE May be 8 digits numeric, (formatted YYYYMMDD) or "D" . 14 PS-TEFRA- PENALTY-CD May be "P" for Penalties, "A" for Affected Items, "X" for Both,or "D" for Delete. If there is already a value on the PS-REC then a "D" must be input first then the change can be re-entered. 15 PS-DBA-NAME May be 1–35 characters, variable or "D" . 16 PS-60–DAY-DATE May be 8 digits numeric (formatted YYYYMMDD) or "D" . 18 PS-ASSMT-AMT May be 1-12 digits numeric plus a "-" , if a negative amount is to be input, or "D" . 20 PS-TMP-NAME May be 1–35 characters, variable or "D" . A semi-colon (;) must be input in place of a comma. Input must be done as intended for printing on any letters. 21 SETTLEMENT- DATE May be 8 digit numeric (formatted YYYYMMDD) or "D" . 22 REPORT- PACKAGE-IND May be A, B, C, M, R, S, Y or D. If input is Y, must input Item no. 27 on the same screen. 23 PS-TMP-SECOND- NAME-LINE May be 1–35 characters, variable or "D" . If foreign address, the street address will be input as this item. 24 PS-TMP-STREET- ADDRESS May be 1–35 characters, variable or "D" . If the account has a foreign address, the city will be input as this item. 25 PS-TMP-CTY- STATE-ZIP May be 1–38 characters, variable or "D" . The city and the state abbreviation must be separated by 2 (two) spaces. The state and the zip code must be separated 2 (two) spaces. The zip code can be 5 (five), 9 (nine) or 12 (twelve) digits. If foreign address, the country will be input as the city, a period will be input in the second characters position of the state abbreviation and the zip code will be left blank. 26 PN-BANKRUPTCY- DATE May be 8 digit numeric (formatted YYYYMMDD) or "D" . 27 PACKAGE- RECEIVED-DATE Must be 8 digit numeric (format YYYYMMDD). If the REPORT- PACKAGE-IND is set toY on the PICF this item cannot be changed. When used on a TSCHGM, the REPORT-PACKAGE-IND field will automatically be set to a Y. 28 PS-DOCKET- NUMBER May be up to 9 digits alphanumeric formatted nnn-nn, nnn-nnS, nnnn-nn, nnnn-nnS, nnnnn-nn, or nnnnn-nnS, or "D" . 29 PN-BANKRUPTCY-IND May be "B" or "D" . 30 CTF-IND May be "B" or "O" 31 PS-NAME-LINE2 May be 1–35 characters, variable or "D" . If foreign address, the street address will be input as this item. 32 PS-STREET-ADDR May be 1–35 characters, variable or "D" . If the account has a foreign address, the city will be input as this item. 33 PS-CTY-ST-ZIP May be 1–38 characters, variable or "D" . The city and the state abbreviation must be separated by 2 (two) spaces. The state and the zip code must be separated 2 (two) spaces. The zip code can be 5 (five), 9 (nine) or 12 (twelve) digits. If foreign address, the country will be input as the city, a period will be input in the second characters position of the state abbreviation and the zip code will be left blank. 34 PN-CLOSURE-CD Valid entries are S, D, B, C, J, N, A or O 35 PN-TIER-IND Valid entries are "X" or "D" . -
For item 05, if a PN-1-YR-ASSMT-DATE of 11111111 or 22222222 is input, the PN-CLSD-PTRSHP-IND is set to 1.
When errors are detected on lines 1–2 or on lines 3–12 (as indicated by "*" on the screen replacing the "-" after the "NN" portion of the change element) one of the following messages will be displayed on line 13 (line 24 for a multiple TSCHG) of the input screen. Where appropriate, the operator should correct the input screen element and re-enter. If the operators correct the particular item, since the size of the items is not affected, instead of re-entering it as the last item on the screen, the "*" following the item number should be replaced by a "-" . If all items are successfully processed the message "REQUEST COMPLETED" will be displayed on line 13 (or line 24 for a multiple TSCHG).
Message Condition BAD NAME FORMAT The name line does not have a ";" and the MFT is 05, 20, 21, 30, 52 or 53. CC-DEFINER NOT VALID WITH TSCHG CC-Definer is not blank, T, or Z. CHAR AFTER ITEM NN NOT A - Invalid character or blank after item number. CONTROL FS/MFT INCONSISTENT Key Case return FILE-SOURCE-CD(line 1) is not consistent with the MFT. CONTROL MFT/TAX PERIOD INCONSISTENT Control return MFT/Tax Period (line 1) are not consistent. CORRECT ERROR, REMOVE ** AND RETRANSMIT, OR REPLACE ** WITH DR TO BYPASS Self explanatory. CSZALL ERROR-ADDRESS-DATA The address as entered is invalid. Check for consistency between state and zip code. No invalid characters (i.e. $, !) in the street address. Two blank spaces must be inserted between city, state, and zip code. DATA ON LINE 2, TYPE-REC IS P A Partnership record is being changed; therefore, line 2 should be blank. DMS ROLLBACK ERROR xxxx Data Base error encountered. Give error number to User Support. DO NOT ENTER CNTRL PRTNRSHP ON LINE 2 Investor entry on line 2 matched the Key Case entry on input line 1. DOCKET-NUM FORMAT IS nnn-nn, nnn-nnS, nnnn-nn, nnnn-nnS, nnnnn-nn, nnnnn-nnS Self explanatory. I/O ERROR (PICF, FIND, XXXX) Computer error, try again. I/O ERROR (PCS, IMPART, XXXX) Computer error, try again. I/O ERROR (PCS, OPEN, XXXX) Computer error, try again. I/O ERROR (PICF, REPLACE, XXXX) Computer error, try again. INPUT NOT NUMERIC. INVALID Input change field is not numeric and is attempting to change a data base field that is numeric. INPUT OF CLOSING DATA NOT ALLOWED ASSMT-AMT and ASSMT-TIME cannot be entered using multiple TSCHG. INPUT OF X ONLY VALID WITH MFT 06, 35, 02, 31, 05 OR 21 Self explanatory INVALID CONTROL MFT Not numeric, or not valid for PICF. INVALID CONTROL TAX PERIOD Not YYYYMM format, numeric or valid. INVALID CONTROL/KEY CASE TIN, F/S TIN does not have a valid configuration and/or FILE-SOURCE-CD indicator. INVALID KEY CASE MFT Not numeric, or not valid for PCS INVALID KEY CASE TAXPRD Not YYYYMM format, numeric, or valid. INVALID ITEM NUMBER Check format of Item Number. Item Numbers must be 2 (two) numeric characters, i.e. 01, 09, 29. INVALID ONE-YR-ASSMT-DT FOR A NON-TEFRA INVESTOR Must be '22222222' INVALID PN-CLOSING-CD. VALID ENTRIES ARE S, D, B, C, N, A or O Self explanatory. INVALID RELATED MFT Not numeric, or not valid for PCS. INVALID RELATED TAX PERIOD Not YYYYMM format, numeric or valid. INVALID RELATED TIN TIN does not have a valid configuration and/or File Source Indicator. INVALID TYPE RECORD Record Type must be "I" , "M" or "P" . INVESTOR IS TEFRA, INPUT OF 2'S NOT ALLOWED Self explanatory INVESTOR IS NON-TEFRA, INPUT OF 1'S NOT ALLOWED Self explanatory ITEM NO. 14/CURRENTLY=__; ENTER ITEM 14-D TO DELETE THEN RE-ENTER NEW VALUE. For Item 14, if there is currently a value in the PS-TEFRA-PENALTY-CD field on the PICF other than a blank, Item 14-D must be done to delete the current value before proceeding. ITEM NO. 27 DATE EXCEEDS CURRENT DATE When changing Item No. 22 and Item No. 27, the user has tried to enter a date that is not the current date or prior to current date. ITEM NO. 27 INPUT NOT ALLOWED WITHOUT ITEM "22–Y" The PACKAGE-RECEIVED-DATE is only allowed as input in conjunction with setting the REPORT-PACKAGE-IND to "Y" . ITEM NO. 27 IS REQUIRED WITH INPUT OF 22–Y When changing Item No. 22 the user did not enter Item No. 27 on the same input screen. ITEM NO. NN-NO CHANGE DATA ENTERED No change request found for Item Number. ITEM NO. NN EXCEEDS MAXIMUM LENGTH The input change element exceeds the maximum length of the record element for which change is being attempted. ITEM NO. NN HAS INVALID ENTRY The change element for the number indicated by input NN has invalid data. ITEM NO. LESS THAN SYSTEMS DATE The date indicated in the change element is less than current systems date. ITEM NO. NN DUPLICATED ON INPUT SCREEN Only one of a given "NN" can be input on a single screen unless the previous input "NN" was followed by an asterisk. ITEM NO. NN/PS MFT INCONSISTENT Self explanatory. ITEM NO. NN/REC TYPE P INCONSISTENT Key Case item being changed is not 07–16, 18, 20, 23–25, 28, or 30-33. ITEM NO. NN/REC TYPE I INCONSISTENT Investor item being changed is not 01–07, 09, 11, 12, 21, 22, 26, 27, 29, 30, 34 or 35. ITEM NO. NN/REC TYPE M INCONSISTENT Multiple investor item being changed is not 05, 07, 11, 12, 27, or 30. KEY CASE FS/MFT INCONSISTENT Self explanatory. KEY CASE MFT/TAX PERIOD INCONSISTENT Self explanatory. KEY CASE RECORD NOT ON PICF A change is being attempted to a key case record which isn't on the PICF. KEY CASE INFORMATION MUST BE ENTERED WITH ITEM 05 Must enter valid key case information, or 'S' if the key case is the same as the Partnership. LAST TWO CHARACTERS OF PROMOTER NUMBER NOT VALID WITH FIRST DIGIT Self explanatory. MUST ENTER CLOSING INFORMATION BEFORE ENTERING 5'S Must enter 1's with assessment information before entering 5's. NO CHANGE REQUESTED Change data was not input, lines are blank. NO COMMA INPUT AFTER ITEM NO. NN There is no field end designator (,) after the change element. NO DATE PRESENT TO EXTEND/DELETE No date found on the PICF to Extend or Delete as requested. NO OYD PRESENT - PN-CLOSING-CD CANNOT BE INPUT/CHANGED There must be a PN-1-YR-ASSMT-DT on the system in order to input or change the PN-CLOSING-CD NO PN-CLOSING-CD ON SYSTEM. PLEASE ENTER A VALID CODE AFTER THE DATE Must enter a closing code if there is not one already present on the LN-REC. NO UPDATE OCCURRED No update of the PICF record has occurred due to error data elements (all date items have "*" in hyphen position). ONE-YR-ASSMT-DT GREATER THAN 32 MONTHS Self explanatory. ONE-YR-ASSMT-DATE ON FILE INCONSISTENT WITH INPUT THE PN-1YR-ASSMT-DATE on the PICF is inconsistent with the current input. ONLY PN-TIER-IND EQUAL TO X MAY BE DELETED Self explanatory. PACKAGE-RECEIVED-DATE IS REQUIRED INPUT AND CANNOT BE DELETED Deletion of this item is an invalid request. PARTNER HAS MULTIPLE LINKAGES. USE TSDEL TO DELETE LINKAGE(S) Setting the PURGE-DATE of a Partner with multiple linkages will cause the Partner and all of that Partner's Linkages to be purged. Only Partners with a single linkage may have their purge dates set. TSDEL should be used to remove specific linkages. PARTNER NOT LINKED TO PARTNERSHIP A change is being attempted to an Investor record which is not linked to the input line one Key Case. PARTNER RECORD NOT ON PICF A change is being attempted to an Investor record which isn't on the PICF. PARTNERSHIP RECORD NOT ON PICF A change is being attempted to a Partnership record which isn't on the PICF. PN-TIER-IND ALREADY SET ON PICF, CANNOT OVERLAY Self explanatory. PN TIN CHANGED TO nnnnnnnnnnnn PICF account is Changed-TIN case. Displays new edited TIN. Re-input using new TIN. PROMOTER NUMBER IS A REQUIRED INPUT AND CANNOT BE DELETED Deletion of this item is an invalid request. PROMOTER NUMBER MUST BE TTS, TNTS, NTTS, OTHER, OR NNNNAA Self explanatory. PS MUST BE TEFRA TO ALLOW TEFRA INVESTOR Attempted to change the Investor's TEFRA-CD to "T" for TEFRA, and the Partnership it is linked to is Non-TEFRA. PS MUST BE TEFRA FOR INPUT OF ITEM 21 Self explanatory. PS TIN CHANGED TO nnnnnnnnnnnn PICF account is Changed-TIN case. Displays new edited TIN. Re-input using new TIN. RELATED/CONTROL TAX PRD INCONSISTENT Control Tax Period (line 1) is more than 11 months prior to the Related Tax Period (line 2). RELATED MFT/TAX PERIOD INCONSISTENT Related return MFT Tax Period (line 2) are not consistent. RELATED TIN/MFT INCONSISTENT Self explanatory. REPORT-PACKAGE-IND IS CURRENTLY SET TO X DELETE BEFORE CHANGING. Take action as is appropriate. SETTLEMENT DATE NOT WITHIN VALID RANGE Item 21 input must be between 2 weeks prior and current date. SYSTEM ERROR ON ACCESS/UPDATE Unable to access the PICF at this time. User may try again later or contact User Support. TEFRA-ASSMT-TIME IS INVALID The characters following the Tmust be numeric in the format nnn.n (the minimum input is .n). The input cannot be zeros unless the input ASSMT-AMOUNT is NC. The input cannot have an alpha numeric character other than one period. THERE IS A ONE-YEAR-ASSMT-DT ON LN-REC. PN-CLOSING-CD CANNOT BE DELETED If there is a OYD on the LN-REC, there must be a PN-CLOSING-CD also. THERE MUST BE AT LEAST ONE INVESTOR Self explanatory. TIME MUST BE INPUT WITH TEFRA-ASSMT-AMT Self explanatory. TMP NAME &/OR ADDRESS NOT PRESENT Self explanatory. UPDATE-COUNTER INITIALIZED/UPDATES 0000 Message generated with TSCHGZ indicating that the update counter has been initialized to zeros. VERIFY INPUT DATA; IF CORRECT RETRANSMIT, AND NOTIFY CTF For Item 05, if the input date is within 60 days of system date or is before system date (system date being date of input), verify the date and retransmit at that time. WARNING: PN REC HAS > 1 KEY CASE LINKS. ENSURE TAX IS PROPERLY SPLIT BETWEEN KEY CASES This will only display on Lines 14 and Lines 15. WARNING: PS RECORD HAS TIERING - TRANSACTION COMPLETED A one-year assessment date is overwriting an existing one-year assessment date on a tiering case, but the transaction was completed.
TSCHG Input Screen Format

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Record Element Descriptions
Element | Line | Position | Description |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | CC TSCHG |
2 | 1 | 6 | CC-DEFINER |
3 | 1 | 7–18 | Control EIN-Edited TIN/FS (Item 2) |
4 | 1 | 20–21 | Control MFT-2 Digits Numeric (Item 3) |
5 | 1 | 23–28 | Control Year-Format YYYYMM (Item 4) |
6 | 1 | 29–31 | Spaces |
7 | 1 | 32 | Type Record (Item 5)-P=PICF Partnership, I=PICF Partner, M=PICF Multiple Partner |
8 | 2 | 1–12 | Related TIN-Edited TIN/FS (Item 9) |
9 | 2 | 14–15 | Related MFT-2 Digits Numeric (Item 10) |
10 | 2 | 17–22 | Related Tax Period-Format YYYYMM (Item 11) |
11 | 2 | 24–26 | Spaces |
12 | 3–12 | Variable | Change elements (FORMAT: NN-v—v,) |
13 | 1 | 34-45 | Key Case TIN (Changes Required with Item 6) |
14 | 1 | 47-48 | Key Case MFT (Changes Required with Item 7) |
15 | 1 | 50-55 | Key Case Tax-PRD (Changes Required with Item 8) |
TSCHG Partnership Record Change Input Screen Example.

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Record Element Description
Element | Line | Position | Description |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | TSCHG |
2 | 1 | 7–18 | Control EIN "23–1234567" |
3 | 1 | 20–21 | Control MFT "02" |
4 | 1 | 23–28 | Control Tax Period "198912" |
5 | 1 | 29–31 | Spaces |
6 | 1 | 32 | Type Record P (Partnership) |
7 | 3 | 1–2 | Item Number "11" |
8 | 3 | 3,15,46,63,78 | Hyphen |
9 | 3 | 4–11 | 424–Drop-DT "19910415" |
10 | 3 | 12,43,60, 75 | Comma |
11 | 3 | 13–14 | Item Number "15" |
12 | 3 | 16–42 | Partnership DBA Name SOME MORE TAXES CORPORATION |
13 | 3 | 44–45 | Item Number "20" |
14 | 3 | 47–59 | Partnership TMP Name "JOHN Q PUBLIC" |
15 | 3 | 61–62 | Item Number "24" |
16 | 3 | 64–74 | Partnership TMP Street Address "111 USA AVE" |
17 | 3 | 76–77 | Item Number "25" |
18 | 3 | 79–80 | Partnership TMP Street Address |
19 | 4 | 1–16 | Partnership TMP City,State, Zip "ANYTOWN MD 99999" |
TSCHG Partner/Linkage/Key Case Record Change Input Screen Example

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Record Element Description
Element | Line | Position | Description |
1 | Same format as Partnership change record except position 32 is "I" | ||
1 | 34-45 | Key Case TIN "03-0338458" (for Item #05 only) | |
1 | 47-48 | Key Case MFT "06" (for Item #05 only) | |
1 | 50-55 | Key Case Tax-Prd "198912" (for Item #05 only) | |
1 | 2 | 1–12 | Related TIN "801–12–2345" |
2 | 2 | 14–15 | Related MFT "30" |
3 | 2 | 17–22 | Related Tax Period "198912" |
4 | 2 | 24–26 | Spaces |
5 | 3 | Change item format is the same as the previous screen |
Examples for entering a:
positive assessment with time is | 05–11111111$250T222.2, |
negative assessment with time is | 05–11111111$175–T.5, |
no change with time is | 05–11111111$NCTO.1, |
tier assessment is | 05–11111111$TIERT.2, |
change no change with time is | 05–11111111$CNCT9.9, |
NON-TEFRA assessment is | 05–22222222$700T.5 |
Actual Date with Penalty is to remove the 1-YR-ASSMT-DATE | 05–19910630P, |
Actual Date with PN-CLOSING-CD | 05-20060601S, |
Court of Claims cases | 05-55555555J, |
pending a second flow-through issue: | 05–T, |
TSCHGM Input Screen Example

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Record Element Description
Element | Line | Position | Description |
1 | Same format as Partnership change record except position 32 is "M" | ||
1 | 4-23 | 1–12 | Related TIN (various) |
2 | 4-23 | 14–15 | Related MFT (various) |
3 | 4-23 | 17–22 | Related Tax Period (various) |
4 | 2 | 24–26 | Spaces |
5 | 3 | Change item format is the same as the previous screen |
Note: Up to twenty investors can be entered on a TSCHG with an M in position 32.
TSCHG Partnership Record Change Output Screen Example.

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Item number 05, PN-1-YR-ASSMT-DATE, is not allowed for a Type P record entry.
TSCHG Partner/Linkage Record Change Output Screen Example.

Please click here for the text description of the image.
The first time Item #06 was entered, there was a blank in the middle of the ownership percentage. Item #06 was input again with the correct ownership percentage. All the items were successfully processed and the message "REQUEST COMPLETED" was generated.
TSCHGM Output Screen Example.

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Note: when an error is found on Lines 4-23, a "**" will be displayed next to the record with the error, as well as on line 3. Change the "*" on line 3 back to a "-" and replace the "**" with "DR" to drop the record. Hit enter and the "DR" will be replaced with "BY" for bypass, and the remaining records will be processed.