- 2.3.51 Command Code IMFOL
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Background
- Authority
- Responsibilities or Roles and Responsibilities
- Program Management and Review
- Program Controls
- Terms/Definitions/Acronyms
- Related Resources
- Command Code IMFOL
- Command Code IMFOB
- Restoring RRR Tax Modules to Master File
- Command Code IMFOR
- IMFOL Module Balance Information
- Refund Research Database
- Command Code IMFOL Full Input Formats
- Command Code IMFOL Abbreviated Input Formats
- Command Code IMFOL Message Screens and Index Screen Messages
- Table of Screen Exhibits
- Exhibit 2.3.51-1 Command Code IMFOL Input Display — Tax
- Exhibit 2.3.51-2 Command Code IMFOL Input Display — Tax Abbreviated
- Exhibit 2.3.51-3 Command Code IMFOL Input Display — Entity
- Exhibit 2.3.51-4 Command Code IMFOL Input Display — Abbreviated
- Exhibit 2.3.51-5 Command Code IMFOL Input Display — Payments
- Exhibit 2.3.51-6 Command Code IMFOL Input Display — Resequence Amount
- Exhibit 2.3.51-7 Command Code IMFOL Input Display — Help
- Exhibit 2.3.51-8 Command Code IMFOR Input Display — Full Tax Module Data plus Year Removed
- Exhibit 2.3.51-9 Command Code IMFOL Input Display — Refund Check
- Exhibit 2.3.51-10 Command Code IMFOL Input Display — Entity Freeze History
- Exhibit 2.3.51-11 Command Code IMFOL Input Display — Tax Module Freeze History
- Exhibit 2.3.51-12 Command Code IMFOL Output Display — Index
- Exhibit 2.3.51-13 Command Code IMFOL Output Display — Entity
- Exhibit 2.3.51-14 Command Code IMFOL Output Display — Tax Module
- Exhibit 2.3.51-15 Command Code IMFOL Output Display — Return Page 1
- Exhibit 2.3.51-16 Command Code IMFOL Output Display — Return Page 2
- Exhibit 2.3.51-17 Command Code IMFOL Output Display — Return Schedule H
- Exhibit 2.3.51-18 Command Code IMFOL Output Display — Return IRA MFT 29
- Exhibit 2.3.51-19 Command Code IMFOL Output Display — Adjustment
- Exhibit 2.3.51-20 Command Code IMFOL Output Display — Status History
- Exhibit 2.3.51-21 Command Code IMFOL Output Display —Vestigial
- Exhibit 2.3.51-22 Command Code IMFOL Output Display — Audit History
- Exhibit 2.3.51-23 Command Code IMFOL Output Display — Payment Summary
- Exhibit 2.3.51-24 Command Code IMFOL Output Display — Resequenced Transactions
- Exhibit 2.3.51-25 Command Code IMFOL Output Display — Refund Research
- Exhibit 2.3.51-26 Command Code IMFOL Output Display — RRR Request Confirmation
- Exhibit 2.3.51-27 Command Code IMFOL Output Display — FTHB
- Exhibit 2.3.51-28 Command Code IMFOL Output Display — Tax Module Balance History
- Exhibit 2.3.51-29 Command Code IMFOL Output Display — Entity Freeze History
- Exhibit 2.3.51-30 Command Code IMFOL Output Display — Tax Module Freeze History
- Exhibit 2.3.51-31 Command Code IMFOL Output Display — IRC 965 Liability
- Exhibit 2.3.51-32 Command Code IMFOB Output Display — Direct Deposits
- Exhibit 2.3.51-33 Command Code IMFOL Output Display — Error
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 2. Information Technology
Chapter 3. IDRS Terminal Responses
Section 51. Command Code IMFOL
2.3.51 Command Code IMFOL
Manual Transmittal
November 17, 2023
(1) This transmits revised IRM 2.3.51, IDRS Terminal Responses, Command Code IMFOL.
Material Changes
(1) TAX MODULE SCREEN DISPLAY - Added EPE Indicator on the Tax Module Balance Section
(2) TAX MODULE SCREEN DISPLAY - Added TC424/425 WI-EX-IND on the Tax Module Variable Section
(3) TAX MODULE SCREEN DISPLAY - Added TC970 AC004 on the Tax Module Variable Section
(4) TAX MODULE BALANCE HISTORY SCREEN DISPLAY - Added EPE Indicator on the Tax Module Balance History Variable section
(5) TAX MODULE BALANCE HISTORY SCREEN DISPLAY - Added TC424/425 WI-EX-IND on the Tax Module Balance History Variable section
(6) TAX MODULE BALANCE HISTORY SCREEN DISPLAY - Added TC970 AC004 on the Tax Module Balance History Variable section
(7) TAX MODULE FREEZE HISTORY SCREEN DISPLAY - Added EPE Indicator on the Tax Module Freeze History Variable Section
(8) TAX MODULE FREEZE HISTORY SCREEN DISPLAY - Added TC424/425 WI-EX-IND on the Tax Module Freeze History Variable Section
(9) TAX MODULE FREEZE HISTORY SCREEN DISPLAY - Added TC970 AC004 on the Tax Module Freeze History Variable Section
(11) Error Messages — Updated CFOL006 Error Message
(12) Error Messages — Added CFOL057, CFOL058 Error Message
(13) IRM Exhibit 2.3.51-14 has been updated
(14) IRM Exhibit 2.3.51-28 has been updated
(15) IRM Exhibit 2.3.51-30 has been updated
(16) IRM Exhibit 2.3.51-33 has been added
Effect on Other Documents
IRM 2.3.51 dated November 23, 2022, is superseded.Audience
LB&I, SB/SE, TE/GE, W&I.Effective Date
Kaschit Pandya
Acting, Chief Information Officer
The Individual Master File On-Line system provides read-only access to accounts on the Individual Master File (IMF) in Martinsburg, WV. All modules on the IMF plus all tax modules dropped to retention from 1994 to present are available for display. All transactions resequenced, including those resequenced with RC 24 (TC610 remittance with return) will be viewed using definer code Q. Paper refunds may be researched by check number using definer code C or by TIN, MFT and Tax Period using definer code #. IRA MFT 29 tax modules are included in the IMF.
Purpose: This IRM section provides the instructions for the use of Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS) command code IMFOL to display the IMF (Individual Master File) data.
Audience: Wage & Investment (W&I), Large Business and International (LB&I), Small Business Self-Employed (SB/SE), Tax Exempt and Government Entities (TE/GE).
Policy Owner: Acting, Chief Information Officer, Kaschit Pandya.
Program Owner: Information Technology/Applications Development.
Primary Stakeholders: Tax Analysts, Research Analysts, Wage & Investment (W&I), Large Business and International (LB&I), Small Business Self-Employed (SB/SE), Tax Exempt and Government Entities (TE/GE).
Program Goals: The information provided in this IRM will instruct the user how to access the Individual Master File (Command Code IMFOL) screen that is requested.
IMFOL gives the users read-only access to the tax return data submitted by individual tax payers. The data are pulled from DB2 or VSAM files.
Applications Development is responsible for operations and maintenance of the command codes.
Program Reports: IMF is the primary source of data for IMFOL where data repository stored at ECC mainframe.
Program Effectiveness: N/A
Defined Terms
Acronym Definition ABA American Banking Association ADP Automated Data Processing BMF Business Master File BFS Bureau of the Fiscal Service CADE2 Customer Account Database Engine 2 CFOL Corporate-Files-On-Line DLN Document Locator Number FLID Field ID IMF Individual Master File IMFOL Individual Master File Online IRAF Individual Retirement Account Master File SACS Secure Access Communications Systems
This command code provides read-only access to the Individual Master File. Fields available include basic identifying information, amounts, dates, codes, indicators, and freezes. Transaction posting and status history are also available. For any specified account, a tax module Index can be requested. Additionally, IMFOL provides recovery to Master File of tax modules dropped to retention (dropped from 1994 to present only).
IMFOL files are updated daily, concurrently with the tape IMF. IMFOL is an on-line version of the tape IMF at Enterprise Computing Center - Martinsburg (ECC-MTB). Normally, the files will be updated Monday through Friday night unless there is an elongated day.
IMFOL contains an exact copy of all the entity module and tax module records on the IMF as well as all modules dropped to the retention register from 1994 to the present. This file also has an Index Record for each account (SSN) on the IMF identifying tax modules present on the IMF and retention modules available though IMFOL.
IMFOL does not show pending transactions, IDRS control bases or history items or unpostable transactions.
IRA MFT 29 tax modules are included in the IMF.
Archived IRAF tax modules can be viewed and restored to the active Master File with Command Code IMFOR and Definer Code B.
Archived IRAF tax modules are not listed on the IMFOL Index Screen.
IMFOL definer code B will restore MFT 30 recoverable retention tax modules (dropped from 1994 to present) back to the active Master File. Recoverable Retention Register (RRR) tax modules are listed on the Index Screen.
IMFOL definer code Q displays all resequenced transactions (enter SSN) or transactions resequenced with RC24.
TC610 transactions (remittance with return) are resequenced when the account does not exist, as a 610 can not create an account. These 610s are assigned Resequence Code (RC) 24. The 610 will resequence until the account is created (at which time it will attempt to post) or until it has resequenced at least 3 cycles. It will continue to resequence until ECC-MTB cycle 29 when it will unpost 151 if the account has not yet been created. After cycle 29 the 610 will unpost 151 when it has resequenced 3 cycles.
The User will input either a SSN or an Amount (amount must have decimal point). IMFOL will read the resequence files and display all transactions matching the input SSN or Amount.
At peak cycles, around April 15th, the potential exists for 2000 or more records for the same dollar amount (100.00, in particular is very common). Display will be limited to 40 pages or approximately 840 transactions.
A help feature, definer code H, provides general information to the user about IMFOL. A help feature for input formats, definer code ?, provides user information for inputting IMFOL commands.
Whenever possible the entire set of data requested will be presented on a single page. When all the data cannot fit on a single page, multiple pages will be required for the presentation of the entire set of data. In those cases users may request a particular page number. The next page can be accessed by pressing the XMIT key.
Abbreviated input formats permit the user to display related data without reentering a full command. Once a TIN has been input subsequent inputs do not have to provide the TIN.
This command code is input exactly the same and provides the exact same responses as command code IMFOL with one exception. The taxpayer's bank account information, Bank Account Number, ABA Routing Transit Number and the Account Type (checking/saving), are displayed only for IMFOB. These fields are restricted to only those Users with a need to have access to this information.
IMFOL definer code B is used to restore RRR tax modules back to the active Master File. RRR tax modules are those dropped from 1994 to present and are listed on the Index Screen, definer code I.
Two transactions are created by run 460-26 (ECC-MTB), a TC 013 with the name line and a TC 370 with the tax module. IMFOL sends these transactions weekly to IMF and they will attempt to post that cycle.
Weekly cut-off time for IMFOLB requests is 5:00 P.M. ET. Requests input after 5:00 PM Wednesday are processed the following cycle.
Note that only TC 370 is generated for IRAF restorations (IMFORB) as no name line is required.
460-26 is not run for the final two cycles of the year, or in cycles 01-03 at the beginning of each year. Any pending requests are purged as part of the beginning of year processing
If multiple tax modules are requested to be returned from retention, and those tax modules' name line information varies, transactions will only be created for modules having name lines that match with the first processed module. Modules with non-matching name lines will be deferred until later cycles. IMFOL will not show any unpostable code or other information for deferred accounts.
When IMFOLB is input for a specific tax module it is marked in the online file as "Pending reestablishment to Master File" . The User should verify the "Pending" message is displayed on the IMFOL definer code T screen. Once the Pending message is displayed, subsequent inputs of IMFOLB for the tax module are ignored, except as noted in (4) below.
460-26 runs two times per cycle. On the Weekly Day, it runs in the morning, and creates a file that is input to 460-02 of accounts to be restored to the master file. On the following Monday, the resequence/unpostable files from Run 12 (460-12-16) are read in, and the statuses of the requests are updated. If a tax module does not reestablish back onto the active Master File and the Retention Register message literal on the Tax Module Screen remains "Pending" , contact your local IDRS User Support.
IMFOL RRR transactions that are unposted by IMF are not sent to GUF. The UPC will be displayed on the IMFOL screens. When IMF unposts or resequences IMFOL RRR transactions, IMF puts them to the resequence file then does a "print and drop" . IMFOL resubmits most of these transactions back to IMF the following cycle to attempt to post again.
If either the 013 or 370 transaction unposts IMFOL will display the unpostable codes (UPC) within the Retention Register literal that appears in the center of line two on the Tax, Return, Status History and Adjustment screens.
IMF will only post one unique name line per cycle to an account. If there are more Tax Modules attempting to post and the name lines are not the same they will be resequenced until the following cycle. The UPCs displayed when they are being resequenced are TC370 UPC 188/1 and TC013 UPC 000/0.
TC370 with UPC 188/1 indicates the tax module could not post because a matching name line was not found.
TC013 with UPC 157/2 indicates a problem with the name line. Usually this is because there is not a space on both sides of the "& " or the "&" is not followed by a minimum of alpha blank alpha, e.g., "Joe & Mary Smith" , not "Joe Smith & Mary" .
In the case where the UPC code indicates there is an invalid name line, a corrective manual name line for that Tax Year should be input using the INCHG command code. The name line displayed on the IMFOLT screen is the name line attempting to post and the corrective name line should match that name line. The User should take care to mark the start and end of the Taxpayers last name when inputting the corrective name line. When multiple retention tax modules within an account have not restored due to invalid name lines, separate manual name lines must be input for each Tax Year. Once the corrective name line has posted, the retention tax module will post to Master File, usually during the same cycle the corrective name line posts.
TC370 with UPC 162/0 indicates a Fiscal Month Mis-Match. The Taxpayer has changed their Tax Period end date since filing the tax module attempting to restore. The Fiscal Month is displayed on the IMFOLE, Entity screen. The User should change the Fiscal Month of the account to match the tax module attempting to post then resubmit the IMFOLB request. Once the RRR tax module posts, the User will change the Fiscal Month of the account back to it's previous value.
When Master File unposts an RRR transaction with the following UPC codes, 151/0, 162/0, 183/0, 197/1, and 197/2, IMFOL will not resubmit the transactions for these. The User must resolve the problem that caused these transactions to unpost then resubmit the IMFOLB request.
If you can not determine the cause for why the IMFOL RRR transactions unposted, contact your local IDRS User Support.
This command code provides read-only access to IMF retention tax modules from accounts that merged to a new TIN after the tax module had been dropped to retention. When an account merge takes place retention modules removed prior to the merge continue to be stored under the old TIN. This command code allows access to those records.
When the CFOL007 error screen, "Recoverable Retention Register Problem" , is returned after attempting to access a retention module listed on the IMFOL Index screen, (definer code I), the user should try accessing the module using IMFOR.
The TIN input with IMFOR is the original TIN of the tax module when it was dropped to retention. The User can find the original TIN by researching entity (definer code E) transactions.
IMFOR will also provide read-only access to IRA Tax Modules that have been archived.
The archived IRA Tax Modules can be restored to the active Master File with Command Code IMFOR Definer Code B.
Archived IRA Tax Modules are not listed on the IMFOL Index screen or the IMFOL Vestigial screen.
Year Removed is not required for Archived IRA Tax Modules.
Run 460-26 will build TC 370 to IMF containing the module to be restored. No name line will be associated with the tax module in this transaction. Therefore no TC 013 will be generated as with RRR module restoration.
Input to IMFOR is the same as IMFOL except it requires the additional input of the year the tax module was dropped to retention. IMFOR executes the same programs as IMFOL and provides the same screen responses as IMFOL. The year removed can be found on the vestigial screen (definer code V) of the current (new) TIN to which the original (old) TIN information merged.
Year Removed is not required for archived IRAF modules.
IMFOR displays the tax module screens only. Valid definer codes are ‘T’ for Tax Module, ‘R’ for Posted Return, ‘S’ for Status History and ‘A’ for Adjustment transactions.
Entity information, such as PDT Indicator and Name Control, are not displayed for these modules.
IMFOR MFT 30 tax modules can not be re-established to Master File with IMFOL definer code ‘B’.
Only IMF MFT 30 modules dropped to retention in 1994 and later are available. Prior years must be retrieved from microfilm.
Tax Modules brought online with the IMFOR command code are purged every Friday at 5:00 P.M. ET..
CADE2 is the technology foundation that will provide the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with the capability to manage its tax accounts in a way that is central to the achievement of the IRS' modernization vision. CADE2's goal is to create current, complete, and accurate authoritative data stores and construct the related tax administration systems processes. Starting with the first implementation of CADE2, individual (1040) taxpayer accounts will reside on both IMF Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) files and CADE2 database. IMF VSAM files will be used as a backup in case the CADE2 database is unavailable or there is a problem accessing the CADE2 database.
The user will not need to change their input to access CADE2 data using IMF-On-Line (IMFOL). The IMFOL definer codes and input fields are the same for CADE2 accounts. The screen outputs for CADE2 are the same as they are for IMFOL VSAM files. Accessing the accounts on CADE2 is through the Data Access Service (DAS).
IMF processing is now daily with a Day of Week added to the Cycle fields.
Additional history screens (Definer Codes J, K and L) are now available with the CADE2 database and these screens can only be displayed if the CADE2 database is available. The other screens (Definer Codes A, E, F, I, P, R, S, T, V, M and Z) will always be displayed with data coming from either CADE2 if available or IMFOL VSAM Files.
The processing of CADE2 is described in CADE2 Design Specification Report (DSR) and CADE2 to CFOL Transformation Rules. CADE2 DAS provides Field IDs (FLIDs) for all the same tables as IMFOL does currently in the same order and data structure so that no down stream systems or screens need to be changed.
The IMFOL Index screen (Definer I) displays the Total Module Balance (which includes accruals (unassessed interest and FTP)) for each module in the account. It also displays the total of all Assessed Module Balances (which excludes accruals of unassessed interest and FTP) in the account.
The IMFOL Tax Module screen (Definer T) displays the Assessed Module Balance which excludes accruals of unassessed interest and FTP. This reflects the current module balance at Master File.
The Refund Research Database contains paper refunds issued by the Treasury Department Bureau of the Fiscal Service (BFS). Beginning January 2004, BFS will no longer print the TIN on paper checks. The database will contain refunds from all Master Files, IMF, BMF etc.
IMFOL Definer code C allows research by Check Number. IMFOL will search for the matching tax module and return the IMFOLT screen if found. BFS does not store TIN validity digits and IMFOL will only attempt to access valid SSNs. Therefore, the User must compare the check with the tax module to ensure they have the correct module. When IMFOL does not find a matching tax module, a screen listing the Check Number, TIN, MFT and Tax Period will be displayed. The User can try BMFOL or NMF to search for the matching tax module.
IMFOL Definer code # allows research by TIN, MFT, Tax Period. IMFOL will return a screen listing up to five (5) matching refund checks for that tax period. If more than five checks are found a message is displayed and the User should contact their local IDRS User Support area.
Direct Deposit, EFT refunds are not on the database.
Paper refunds prior to January 2004 will not be on the database. Paper refunds will remain on the database for 4 years before being purged.
CC IMFOL input with definer " A" , an SSN, a display file source, an MFT, and a Tax Period will result in the display of TC29X and TC30X adjustment transactions for the specified tax module.
CC IMFOL input with definer " B" , an SSN, a display file source, an MFT, and a Tax Period will result in the tax module on the Recoverable Retention Register (modules dropped to retention from 1994 to present) to be reestablished onto Master File. An informational screen will be returned to confirm that the reestablishment process has begun. The IMFOL Index screen will be returned with an informational message when the request can not be processed due to a merge already in progress.
CC IMFOL input with definer " C" , and a Check Number will result in the display of the matching tax module or the refund research database listing for the Check Number.
CC IMFOL input with definer " E" , an SSN, and a display file source will result in the display of various indicators and freeze codes as well as posted transactions in the entity.
CC IMFOL input with definer " F" , an SSN, and a display file source will result in the display of various information relating to the First Time Home Buyers Credit.
CC IMFOL input with definer " H" , and page number will result in the display of on-line help screens.
CC IMFOL input with definer " I" , an SSN, and a display file source will result in the display of an index of all the tax modules for the input SSN.
CC IMFOL input with definer " J" , an SSN, a display file source, an MFT, and a Tax Period will result in the display of Tax Module Balance History amounts, various module amounts and dates along with a listing of posted transactions for the specified tax module.
CC IMFOL input with definer " K" , an SSN, a display file source, and CYCLE will result in the display of various indicators and freeze codes (CYCLE entered) as well as posted transactions in the entity.
CC IMFOL input with definer " L" , an SSN, a display file source, an MFT, Tax Period, and CYCLE will result in the display of various module amounts and dates along with a listing of posted transactions for the specified tax module. The freeze codes are as of CYCLE entered and posted transactions are up to the CYCLE entered.
CC IMFOL input with definer " M" , an SSN, a display file source, an MFT, Tax Period will result in the display of IRC 965 Screen. IRC 965 will result various tax liability, installments amounts, deferred amounts and due dates for the specified tax module.
CC IMFOL input with definer " P" , an SSN, a display file source, a From Date and a To Date will result in this display of payment transactions posted to the SSN within the time frame specified by the From and To dates. Payment transactions with posting dates from the first day of the month in From Date to the last day of the month in To Date are displayed.
CC IMFOL input with definer " Q" , an SSN or an Amount with decimal point (required) will result in the display of all resequenced transactions (matched on SSN input) or RC24 (TC610) resequenced transactions (matched on Amount input).
CC IMFOL input with definer " R" , an SSN, a display file source, an MFT, and a Tax Period will result in this display of the posted return for the specified tax module. It should be noted that because IMFOL displays posted data all applicable adjustments have been applied to the displayed return.
CC IMFOL input with definer " S" , an SSN, a display file source, an MFT, and a Tax Period will result in the display of the status histories for the specified tax module.
CC IMFOL input with definer " T" , an SSN, a display file source, an MFT, and a Tax Period will result in the display of various module amounts and dates along with a listing of posted transactions for the specified tax module.
CC IMFOL input with definer " V" , an SSN, and a display file source will result in the display of the vestigial section of the entity. The vestigial screen lists the tax modules in the account that have been aged off to the retention register.
CC IMFOL input with definer " Z" , an SSN, and a display file source will result in the display of the audit history section of the entity.
CC IMFOL input with definer " ?" will result in the display of an information screen containing a summary of definers and their functions.
CC IMFOL input with definer " #" , an SSN, a blank display file source, a MFT and a Tax Period will result in the display of up to 5 paper refunds issued by BFS for that tax module since January 2004.
Definer Display File Source MFT & Tax Period Result A Y Y Adjustment transactions including trans code, posted date, amount, cycle, DLN, codes, and other dates B Y Y Re-establishes retention tax module back to the active Master File. C N N A matching IMFOLT tax module screen or matched item from Refund Research Database. E Y N Entity information including cross-ref TIN, freeze codes, indicators, codes, and posted transactions F Y N First Time Home Buyer data H N N Help screen I Y N Lists tax modules in account, provides merge information, total module balance, freeze codes, posted return indicator, IDRS service centers, presence of adjustment transactions, current status code and the cycle module was last activated on Master File. J Y Y Tax Module Balance History information, Control DLN, exemption total, settlement information, amounts, freezes, indicators K Y N Entity information including cross-ref TIN, freeze codes (CYCLE entered), indicators, codes, and posted transactions L Y Y Control DLN, exemption total, settlement information, amounts, freezes (CYCLE entered), indicators, posted transactions up to CYCLE entered. M Y Y Return cycle posted, installment percentage, installment amount, deferred amount and due date. P Y N Payment transactions 41x, 43x, 61x, 64x, 66x, 67x, 68x, 69x, excluding Doc Codes 24, 34, 48 or 58. Q Y N SSN or Amount is input. Amount must have decimal point. Returns list of all matching resequenced to SSN and resequenced (RC24 only) transactions for amount entered. R Y Y Return DLN, cycle posted, transaction date, some schedules, codes, exemptions, amounts S Y Y Status histories T Y Y Control DLN, exemption total, settlement information, amounts, freezes, indicators V Y N Vestigial data (retention register) Z Y N Audit history data ? N N IMFOL information screen # Y Y Lists refunds from Refund Research Database
Abbreviated formats permit the user to omit input fields that are the same as the previous command. For instance the user may want to view a different Tax Period for the same SSN and MFT or may want to view status information immediately after having viewed the return for the same module. A valid definer is required in all cases.
CC IMFOL input with a "tax type " , definer codes T, R, S, M, A and B, input with a MFT and a Tax Period will result in the display of data for the same SSN and display file source from the previous input.
CC IMFOL input with a definer will result in a display of information from the previous entity or tax module.
Sometimes IMFOL cannot satisfy a request. In most cases a message screen is generated containing a message and explanation. In some cases an index screen is generated instead of a message screen to help the user make his/her next selection. A brief message is placed at the bottom of the index screen.
The segment of the file you attempted to access may be in the update process, or an operational problem in Martinsburg may exist. Re-enter in five minutes. If file is still disabled, report problem to the control point in your Center.CFOL002- INPUT DATA INDICATES A BMF REQUEST-CHECK INPUT.
Your input indicates a request for BMF data. Use command code BMFOL.CFOL003- DEFINER CODE USED REQUIRES MFT AND TAX PERIOD-CHECK INPUT.
The definer contains A, B, J, L, M, R, S, or T. These definers require an MFT and a Tax Period. Insert missing fields and re-enter.CFOL004- ERROR READING FILE. PLEASE TRY AGAIN.
A hardware error occurred during the attempt to read the data you requested. Re-enter in five minutes. If file is still disabled, report problem to the control point in your Center.CFOL005- FILE NOT AVAILABLE-TRY AGAIN LATER.
The segment of the file you attempted to access may be in the update process, or an operational problem in Martinsburg may exist. Re-enter in five minutes. If file is still disabled, report problem to the control point in your Center.CFOL006- DEFINER CODE FIELD IS IN ERROR-CHECK INPUT.
- The definer must be A, B, C, E, H, I, J, K, L, M, P, Q, R, S, T, V, Z, #, or "?" . Change and re-enter.
This record was previously requested from the recoverable retention register, but could not be processed.
Check the entity transactions for a merge from another account that occurred after this tax module was dropped to retention. RRR retention modules remain under the original TIN. If there had been a merge after this module was dropped to retention, you may be able to retrieve the module for display only using IMFOR and the original TIN of this module at the time it was dropped.
Otherwise, you must use the microfilm retention register to obtain this record.CFOL008- MFT FIELD IS IN ERROR-CHECK INPUT.
The MFT field is not valid. Change and re-enter.CFOL009- MFT INCONSISTENT WITH TAX PERIOD-CHECK INPUT.
The MFT field is not valid for the Tax Period entered.CFOL010- MFT INCONSISTENT WITH TIN & VALIDITY DIGIT INDICATOR-CHECK INPUT.
The MFT is not valid for the SSN and validity digit indicator entered.CFOL011- RECORD NOT FOUND.
Although an Index record indicates that the CADE2 record exists, the record was not found. Please contact User Support.CFOL012- REQUESTED MODULE DOES NOT EXIST ON MASTERFILE OR RRR.
Although the account exists, there is no tax module for the MFT and Tax Period you have entered. This message is returned at the bottom of the IMFOL Index screen.CFOL013- YOU HAVE REQUESTED A RETENTION MODULE
The SSN, MFT and Tax Period of your request are displayed confirming the retention module is being retrieved. It will be available for display in a few seconds (normally) at which time the Command Code should be re-entered.CFOL014- MODULE ALREADY ON MASTERFILE
An IMFOL Definer B was input with a MFT and Tax Period for a module that already exists on Master File. This message appears at the bottom of the IMFOL Index Screen.CFOL015- TAX PERIOD FIELD IS IN ERROR-CHECK INPUT.
The Tax Period is either non-numeric or greater than the current year and month plus one year.CFOL016- THE ACCOUNT YOU REQUESTED IS NOT ON MASTER FILE-CHECK INPUT.
There is currently no such SSN with this validity indicator on the Master File. Check input SSN and re-enter if in error. If SSN is correct, resubmit the command with the reverse validity.CFOL017- TIN INCONSISTENT WITH VALIDITY DIGIT INDICATOR-CHECK INPUT.
The validity digit indicator is invalid for this TIN. Use asterisk or blank for IMF; use V or W for BMF SSNs; use blank for EINs.CFOL018- TIN FIELD IS INVALID-CHECK INPUT.
An IMFOL Definer B was input for an account that has a merge in progress. Try again at a later date after merge processing is complete. This message appears at the bottom of the IMFOL Index Screen.CFOL021- INVALID FROM DATE OR TO-DATE
The IMFOL Payment Summary Definer Code P was input with an invalid From Date or To-Date. The format is YYYYMM. The To Date must be later than the From Date.CFOL022- TAX MODULE TO BE REESTABLISHED ON MASTERFILE
Processing has begun to reestablish the Recoverable Retention Register tax module. Run 460-26 will copy the tax module from disk and input TC370 and TC013 to Master File processing. If tax module does not restore to Master File within a few cycles, contact User Support.CFOL023- CFOL PAGE EXPIRATION
IMFOL pages are expiring before they can be accessed, indicating the page timing in the CICS region is too low. Contact NOCC, directing the report to Enterprise Computing Center - Martinsburg.CFOL024- DB2 IS NOT AVAILABLE
Notify User Support. The problem should be brought to the attention of Enterprise Computing Center - Martinsburg.CFOL025- YEAR REMOVED IS INVALID
Command Code IMFOR requires the input of the Year Removed field. This field is incorrect or not present. The Year Removed field in the input command must be four digits, and must be 1994 or later.CFOL026- NO PRIOR IMFOL REQUEST
A paging request was entered before an IMFOL Request was entered.CFOL041- INVALID CHECK NUMBER INPUT
The check number was incorrectly formatted. There are 4 numeric digits, the BFS Check Symbol Number, followed by a space or dash and 8 numeric digits, the BFS Check Sequence Number.CFOL042- DATA NOT FOUND ON REFUND RESEARCH DATABASE
The input Check Number or TIN, MFT, Tax Period was not found on the database.CFOL043- IRAF RECORD NOT FOUND ON ARCHIVE
The input SSN and Tax Period were not found on the IRAF Archive File.CFOL050- CADE2 DATABASE IS NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME
CADE2 Database is not available or there is a problem accessing the DatabaseCFOL051- DEFINER CODE USED REQUIRES CYCLE — CHECK INPUT.
The CYCLE is either non-numeric, greater than the current year, invalid month or day.CFOL052- DEFINER CODE USED REQUIRES CYCLE — CHECK INPUT.
The CYCLE is either non-numeric, greater than the current year, invalid month or day.CFOL053- TAX MODULE IS ON RECOVERABLE RETENTION REGISTER RRR.
Definer code of “J” or “L” was entered but Tax Module is on RRR.CFOL054- REQUESTED DATE RANGE RETURNED TOO MANY PAYMENTS
MFT 32 was entered and Tax Period must be = or > 201312.
MFT 35 was entered and Tax Period must be = or > 201412
MFT 65 was entered and Tax Period must be = or > 201512
MFT 82 was entered and Tax Period must be = or > 201712CFOL056- MFT AND TAX PERIOD ENTER IS NOT VALID FOR IRC 965-CHECK INPUT.
The following table shows an index of the following exhibits.
Input 1 Full Tax Module Data 2 Abbreviated Tax Module Data 3 Full SSN Entity Data 4 Abbreviated Data 5 Payments 6 Resequence Amount 7 Help and Information Screens 8 Full Tax Module Data plus Year Removed 9 Refund Check Number 10 Entity Freeze History 11 Tax Module Freeze History Output 12 Index 13 Entity 14 Tax Module 15 Return Page 1 16 Return Page 2 17 Return Schedule H 18 Return IRA MFT 29 19 Adjustment 20 Status History 21 Vestigial Section 22 Audit History 23 Payment Summary 24 Resequence Transactions 25 Refund Research 26 RRR Request Confirmation 27 FTHB 28 Tax Module Balance History 29 Entity Freeze History 30 Tax Module Freeze History 31 IRC 965 Liability 32 Error
Full Tax Module Data |
(includes adjustment, return, status, tax, tax module balance history) |
Use this format of the command code to obtain a display of IMF tax module data. A particular page can be requested, but if none is specified, the command code will default to page 1. Once a particular tax module is displayed, other definers can be accessed using the abbreviated formats. Exhibit 2.3.51-2.Exhibit 2.3.51-4.. |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code (required): IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code (required): A = adjustments B = Reestablish Tax Module J = tax module balance history R = return M= IRC 965 Liability Screen S = status history T = tax module # = refunds |
1 | 07-17 | SSN (required): nnn-nn-nnnn |
1 | 18 | Display File Source Code (required) * = IMF invalid SSN blank = IMF valid SSN |
1 | 19-20 | MFT (required) |
1 | 21-26 | Tax Period YYYYMM (required) |
1 | 27 | Page Specifier (optional) |
1 | 28-29 | Page Number (required if page specifier is present) |
Abbreviated Tax Module Data |
(includes adjustment, return, status, tax, tax module balance history) |
Use this format of the command code to obtain a display of tax module data for the same display file source and SSN as is currently on the screen. This command is used to change the definer, MFT, or Tax Period. To view a different display file source or SSN, use the full format Exhibit 2.3.51-1.. |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code (required): IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code (required): A = adjustments J = tax module balance history R = return M= IRC 965 Liability Screen S = status history T = tax module # = refunds |
1 | 07-08 | MFT (required) |
1 | 09-14 | Tax Period YYYYMM (required) |
1 | 15 | Page Specifier (optional) |
1 | 16-17 | Page Number (required if page specifier is present) |
Full Entity Data |
(includes entity, index, vestigial, audit history, resequence, first time home buyer) |
Use this format to obtain a display of IMF entity data. A particular page can be requested, but if none is specified, the command code will default to page 1. Once a particular entity module is displayed, other definers can be accessed using the abbreviated formats. Exhibit 2.3.51-2.Exhibit 2.3.51-4. |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code (required): IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code (required): E = entity I = index F = first time home buyers Q = resequenced transactions V = vestigial Z = audit history |
1 | 07-17 | SSN (required): nnn-nn-nnnn |
1 | 18 | Display File Source Code (required) * = IMF invalid SSN blank = IMF valid SSN |
1 | 19 | Page Specifier (optional) |
1 | 20-21 | Page Number (required if page specifier is present) |
Abbreviated Data |
Use this to change the definer. To view a different display file source, TIN, MFT, or Tax Period use the full format Exhibit 2.3.51-1.Exhibit 2.3.51-3. |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code (required): IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code (required): A = adjustment E = entity F = First Time Home Buyers I = index M = IRC 965 Liability Screen P = payments R = return S = status history T = tax module V = vestigial Z = audit history # = refunds |
1 | 07 | Page Specifier (optional) |
1 | 08-09 | Page Number (required if page specifier is present) |
Payments |
Use this format for the IMFOL command code to obtain display of payment transactions within a specified date range. |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code (required): IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code (required): P = payments |
1 | 07-17 | SSN (required): nnn-nn-nnnn |
1 | 18 | Display File Source Code (required) * = IMF invalid SSN blank = MF valid SSN |
1 | 19-24 | From Date (required) Year and Month |
1 | 26-31 | To Date (required) Year and Month |
Dollar Amount |
Use this to display resequenced RC24 (TC610 remittance with return) transactions matching the amount input. Amount is only recognized by the presence of the decimal point. |
Use this to display all resequenced transactions matching the SSN input |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code (required): IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code (required): Q = resequenced transactions |
1 | 07-17 | SSN |
1 | 18 | Display File Source Code (required) * = IMF invalid SSN b = IMF valid SSN |
1 | 07-17 | Amount. Up to 8 contiguous numeric digits preceding the decimal point are processed as the dollar amount. Any leading zeroes are ignored. If 2 numeric digits immediately follow the decimal, they are processed as the cents amount. Otherwise, a whole dollar amount will be used. |
Help and Information Screens |
Use this format to obtain a display of help screens. |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code (required): IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code (required): H = help screens ? = quick help screen |
1 | 07-08 | Page Number (optional) |
Includes adjustment, return, status, tax Use this format for the IMFOR command code to obtain displays of IMF retention tax modules from accounts that merged to a new TIN after the tax module had been dropped to retention. |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code (required): IMFOR |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code (required): A = adjustments R = return S = status history T = tax module |
1 | 07-17 | SSN (required): nnn-nn-nnnn |
1 | 18 | Display File Source Code (required) * = IMF invalid SSN blank = IMF valid SSN |
1 | 19-20 | MFT (required) |
1 | 21-26 | Tax Period (required) |
1 | 28-31 | Year removed Required for MFT 30 modules. Not required for MFT 29 modules. |
Refund Check Number |
Use this format to obtain refund check information . |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code (required): IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code (required): C = check number # = TIN, MFT, Tax Period |
1 | 07-19 | Definer C = Check number (required): nnnn-nnnnnnnn |
1 | 07-26 | Definer # = TIN, MFT, Tax Period (required): nnn-nn-nnnn xxyyyymm |
Entity Freeze History |
Use this format to obtain a display of IMF entity data with Freeze codes as of the CYCLE entered. |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code (required): IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code (required): K = Entity Freeze History |
1 | 07-17 | SSN (required): nnn-nn-nnnn |
1 | 18 | Display File Source Code (required) * = IMF invalid SSN blank = IMF valid SSN |
1 | 19-26 | CYCLE YYYYCCDD (required) |
Tax Module Freeze History |
Use this format to obtain a display of IMF tax module data with Freeze codes as of the CYCLE entered. It will only display the posted tax modules up to the CYCLE entered. |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code (required): IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code (required): L = tax module freeze history |
1 | 07-17 | SSN (required): nnn-nn-nnnn |
1 | 18 | Display File Source Code (required) * = IMF invalid SSN blank = IMF valid SSN |
1 | 19-20 | MFT (required ) |
1 | 21-26 | Tax Period YYYYMM (required) |
1 | 27-34 | CYCLE YYYYCCDD (required) |
1 | 35 | Page Specifier (optional) |
1 | 36-37 | Page Number (required if page specifier is present) |
Index Summary |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code: IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code: I |
1 | 07-17 | SSN |
1 | 18 | Display File Source Code |
1 | 20-21 | Page Number |
1 | 60-63 | Name Control |
1 | 69-74 | Eligible Indicator WEEKLY = Not Eligible for Daily Processing DAILY = Eligible for Daily Processing |
1 | 76-80 | PDT Indicator *PDT* = Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer *CAU* = Use Caution with Taxpayer |
2 | 01-16 | IRS Employee Indicator P = primary taxpayer S = secondary taxpayer B = both taxpayers |
2 | 25-55 | Account Merge Message MERGE IN PROGRESS: LOSING ACCT. or MERGE IN PROGRESS: GAINING ACCT. or blank |
2 | 70-80 | IMFOL Update Cycle UP-CYC:ccdd |
3 | 01-35 | 1st Name line |
3 | 39-73 | 2nd Name line |
3 | 77-79 | Offer In Compromise Indicator OIC or blank |
4 | 18-21 | Cycle Entity was last activated by Master File ECC-MTB Cycle |
4 | 36-44 | Freeze Codes |
4 | 61-63 | Audit History Presence Indicator |
4 | 77-79 | Vestigial Section Presence Indicator |
5 | 21-38 | Total Assessed Balance Total of Assessed Balance Amount from all active (not on retention) tax modules in the account. Note: The Assessed Balance does not represent a payoff amount. |
8 | 03-04 | MFT |
8 | 06-11 | Tax Period |
8 | 14 | Filing Status Code |
8 | 16-19 | Cycle Tax Module was last activated by Master File ECC-MTB Cycle |
8 | 21-23 | TIF Indicator YES = Tax Module is on consolidated TIF. NO = Tax Module is not on consolidated TIF. |
8 | 27-44 | Total Module Balance Amount Total Module Balance includes accruals of unassessed interest and FTP penalties. |
8 | 46-53 | Interest/Late Payment Penalty Computation Date |
8 | 55-63 | Tax Module Freeze Codes |
8 | 65-70 | Return Status POSTED or NONE or SUBST4 or ELF or 1040PC or EZ-T MEF |
8 | 73-75 | Adjustment Presence Indicator |
8 | 78-79 | Current Status Code |
8 | 77-79 | Status History Presence Indicator YES NO |
9 | 01 | Retention Indicator |
9 | 03-04 | MFT |
9 | 06-11 | Tax Period |
9 | 30-31 | Vestigial Control Universal Location Code (ULC) |
9 | 49-52 | Period Module Removed |
24 | 80 | Data Source : V =VSAM R = Replica Data Base A = Active Data Base |
Entity |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code: IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code: E |
1 | 07-17 | SSN |
1 | 18 | Display File Source Code |
1 | 20-21 | Page Number |
1 | 63-66 | Name Control |
1 | 69-74 | Eligible Indicator WEEKLY = Not Eligible for Daily Processing DAILY = Eligible for Daily Processing |
1 | 76-80 | Special Condition Indicators: *PDT* = Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer *CAU* = Use Caution with Taxpayer KITA = Killed in Terrorist Action HSTG = Hostage |
2 | 01-35 | First Taxpayer Name line |
2 | 45-79 | Secondary Name line |
3 | 01-35 | Second Taxpayer Name line or if a foreign address is present this will be the Street Address |
3 | 56-67 | Spouse's SSN |
3 | 70-80 | IMFOL Update Cycle UP-CYC:ccdd |
4 | 01-35 | Street Address or if a foreign address is present this will be the City |
4 | 45-60 | IRS Employee Literal *IRS EMPLOYEE:P* = Primary taxpayer is IRS Employee *IRS EMPLOYEE:S* = Secondary taxpayer is IRS Employee *IRS EMPLOYEE:B* = Both are IRS Employees blank = not an IRS Employee |
4 | 63-80 | Federal Employee/Retiree FED EMPLOY/RETIREE or blank |
5 | 01-22 | City or if a foreign address is present this will be the Country |
5 | 24-25 | State or blank if foreign address |
5 | 27-40 | Zip Code or blank if foreign address |
5 | 47-48 | Foreign Country Code |
5 | 60-65 | Address Change Cycle Cycle of latest address change |
5 | 78-79 | Scrambled SSN Indicator 01 = Scrambled SSN 04 = Mixed Entity 10 = No 239C Questionnaire 12 = True Scrambled SSN 13 = SSN Not Valid for Federal Tax Purposes 20 = Closed No 239C Questionnaire 21 = Closed Scrambled SSN Indicator 22 = Closed True Scrambled SSN Indicator 23 = Closed SSN Not Valid for Federal Tax Purposes 24 = FDC Identified SSN Owner |
6 | 07-76 | Indicators: PMF, CAF, TDI, DMF, CC85, TDA, TC916, TC130, ACCRETION, CNC, MOP/UN, OIC, WHC, LOW, FRIV, BAD ADDR, UNDELIV, COMP MRG. These are displayed only when a value is present on the Master File. Those displayed are left-justified and are separated by spaces. |
7 | 16-24 | Entity Freeze Codes |
7 | 42 | Invalid SSN Refund Code 0 = Invalid SSN freeze on; refund frozen 1 = Account on valid segment OR invalid SSN freeze release this calendar year only by posting TC 30X (unless disposal code is 01) or TC 29X (except TC 29X with priority code 5,6,7) or input to MFT 55 2 = Account on invalid segment and invalid SSN freeze released by TC 150 with doc code 72 or 73 posting to a temporary number. Freeze remains released until end of calendar year of the posting. 3 = Combination of 1 and 2 4 = Account on invalid segment and invalid SSN freeze release by a transaction which has posted and turned on the accretion indicator 5 = Combination of 1 and 4 6 = Combination of 2 and 4 7 = Combination of 1, 2, and 4 8 = Account on invalid segment and invalid SSN freeze release by posting of TC 510. Thus is a permanent setting, 9 = Combination of 1 and 8 A = Combination of 2 and 8 B = Combination 1, 2, and 8 C = Combination of 4 and 8 D = Combination of 1, 4, and 8 E = Combination of 2, 4, and 8 F = Combination of 1, 2, 4, and 8 |
7 | 52-53 | Mail Filing Requirement 00 = 1040ES only—no 1040 01 = 1040 not required 02 = 1040A, 1040EZ (schedules A,B) 03 = 1040 (schedules A and B) 04 = 1040 full non-business (schedules A, B, D, E) 05 = 1040 business (schedules A, B, D, E, C, F) 06 = 1040SS 07 = 1040PR 08 = Inactive 09 = 1040NR 10 = Schedule F business with farm package 11 = IMF child care credit present 12 = Schedule R/RP present 13 = 1040EZ 14 = 1040A (Schedule R/RD present) 15 = 1040EZ-TEL |
7 | 73-78 | Last Return Posted Cycle |
7 | 79-80 | Last Return Posted Cycle Day Of Week 01 = Friday 02 = Monday 03 = Tuesday 04 = Wednesday 05 = Thursday 08 = IMF Prior 2012 |
8 | 19-20 | TC148 Hold Code No unreversed TC 148 present (00,02) E = W-4 Civil Penalty Case (04) L = Letter 903 (DO) Case (09) N = False Refund Claim Case (07) Q = Immediate TDI (01) S = Erroneous Refund Case (08) T = Narcotics Case (05) U = Special Enforcement Program Case (06) W = Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer (03) nn = see Document 6209, IRS Processing Codes and Information, section 11. |
8 | 42 | Minister Self-employed Code Condition not present 1 = Form 4361 present 2 = Form 4361 denied 4 = Form 4029 approved 5 = Combination of 1 and 4 6 = Combination of 2 and 4 8 = Form 4029 denied 9 = Combination of 1 and 8 A = Combination of 2 and 8 B = Combination of 1, 2 and 8 above C = Combination of 4 and 8 above D = Combination of 1, 4 and 8 above E = Combination of 2, 4 and 8 above F = Combination of 1, 2, 4 and 8 above |
8 | 52-53 | Foreign Operations District |
8 | 73-76 | Year of Latest Return Filed |
9 | 19-22 | Primary Location Code=Universal Location Code (ULC) and Area Office code (AO). AO is inflated to include BOD Code designation. Inflated AO values: 11-17 = W&I AO 1-7 21-36 = SB/SE AO 1-16 40-49 = TE/GE AO 0-19 50 = LB&I |
9 | 42-43 | Fiscal Year Month |
9 | 52 | AIMS Code 0 = No tax modules under AIMS control 1 = At least one tax module under AIMS control |
9 | 73 | Filing Condition Code E = Even B = Balance due C = Credit elect R = Refund 0 = None of the above |
10 | 19-20 | Collection Location Code (CLC) = Area Office (AO) Code. AO is inflated to include BOD Code designation. Inflated AO values: 11-17 = W&I AO 1-7 21-36 = SB/SE AO 1-16 40-49 = TE/GE AO 0-19 50 = LB&I |
10 | 30-31 | EIC Recertification Indicator 00 = EIC may a processed normally 01 = EIC disallowed, taxpayer must be recertified to receive EIC 02 = 2 Year ban 03 = Banned for periods prior to EITC Eligible Tax Period 04 = 10 year ban 09 = Income only, recertification for taxpayers with EIC abatement due to modifications to income. or blank |
10 | 42-43 | Disaster Indicator 0 = No disaster processing 1 = "Small" Disaster Freeze (set by TC971 AC86) -S FREEZE 2 = "Major" Disaster Freeze (set by TC971 AC87). 4 = Set as an historical reference. 1 or 2 settings previously set. |
10 | 52 | Filing Status Code 0 = Single, filing ES declaration 1 = Single taxpayer 2 = Married, filing joint 3 = Married, filing separate, and spouse also married, filing separate (neither claiming spouse exemption) 4 = Head of household 5 = Widow(er) with dependent child 6 = Married, filing separate, and spouse is not required to file (spouse exemption is claimed) 7 = Head of household with an unmarried child's last name listed on the return, but not exemption claimed |
10 | 73-74 | Filing Location Code |
11 | 08 | Combat Indicator 0 = Not a combat zone participant 1= Combat zone freeze is on 2 = Historical setting. Freeze was on sometime in the past. |
11 | 19-20 | Conflict Indicator 1 = Desert Storm 2 = Bosnia 3 = Desert Storm and Bosnia 4 = Afghanistan 5 = Afghanistan and Desert Storm 6 = Bosnia and Afghanistan 7 = all three 1x= Hospitalization (where x = above values 0 to 7) |
11 | 30 | ERO Indicator identifies taxpayers who participate as EROs Transmitters and Reporting Agents. |
11 | 37-38 | Bankruptcy Litigation Location Code |
11 | 46-49 | Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) Enrollment Code 84 JPMC (prior to November 2004) 85 Bank of America 8485 JPMC and Bank of America |
11 | 60-62 | Math Error Codes |
11 | 63 | Indicator of Over 2 Math Errors: blank = less than two math errors * = over two math errors |
11 | 80 | ES Tax Discrepancy Code blank = no discrepancy $ = discrepancy |
12 | 19-74 | IRA Yearly Filing Codes 0 = No designation 1 = Primary taxpayer has IRA 2 = Second taxpayer has IRA 3 = Both taxpayers have IRA 4 = IRA notice issued 5 = IRA notice issued to primary taxpayer 6 = IRA notice issued to secondary taxpayer 7 = IRA notice issued to both taxpayers |
13 | 12-14 | Business Operating Division (BOD) Client Code |
13 | 28-33 | Not Combat Zone Tax Period |
13 | 50-55 | EIC Recertification Tax Period |
13 | 71-76 | EITC Eligible Tax Period |
14 | 07-08 | New York/Pentagon Indicator 1 = FEMA declared Terrorist-Disaster area. (TC971 AC87 w/appropriate FEMA number) 2 = IRS declared Terrorist-Disaster area (TC971 AC87 w/FEMA number 9999 or 3169) 4 = Self Identified Terrorist-Disaster area (TC971 AC86 w/appropriate FEMA number) |
14 | 18 | BFS Code Indicator |
14 | 32 | ID Theft 1 Indicator 0 = No ID Theft 1 = Account contains an unreversed TC971 AC 501 2 = Account contains an unreversed TC971 AC 504 3 = Combination of 1 and 2 4 = Account contains an unreversed TC971 AC 505 5 = Combination of 1 and 4 6 = Combination of 2 and 4 7 = Combination of 1, 2, and 4 8 = Account contains an unreversed TC971 AC 506 9 = Combination of 1 and 8 A = Combination of 2 and 8 B = Combination of 1, 2, and 8 C = Combination of 4 and 8 D = Combination of 1, 4, and 8 E = Combination of 2, 4, and 8 F = Combination of 1, 2, 4, and 8 |
14 | 46 | ID Theft 2 Indicator 0 = No ID Theft 1 = Account contains an unreversed TC971 AC 522 2 = Account contains an unreversed TC971 AC 523 3 = Combination of 1 and 2 4 = Account contains an unreversed TC971 AC 524 5 = Combination of 1 and 4 6 = Combination of 2 and 4 7 = Combination of 1, 2, and 4 8 = Account contains an unreversed TC971 AC 525 9 = Combination of 1 and 8 A = Combination of 2 and 8 B = Combination of 1, 2, and 8 C = Combination of 4 and 8 D = Combination of 1, 4, and 8 E = Combination of 2, 4, and 8 F = Combination of 1, 2, 4, and 8 |
14 | 60 | ID Theft 3 Indicator 0 = No ID Theft 1 = Account contains an unreversed TC971 AC 527 2 = Account contains an unreversed TC971 AC 528 3 = Combination of 1 and 2 |
14 | 70 | IP Pin Indicator 0 = No IP Pin 1 = IP Pin available 2 = IP Pin available and Valid Taxpayer's E-mail 3 = IP Pin available and Invalid Taxpayer's E-mail |
14 | 78 | VODV Indicator 0 = Not a Victim of Domestic Violence 1 = Victim of Domestic Violence |
15 | 10-10 | ITIN Status Code 0 = Non ITIN account 1 = Active ITIN - ITIN accounts on the valid segment only 2 = Inactive ITIN - ITIN accounts on the valid segment only 4 = Unvalidated ITIN - ITIN accounts on the invalid segment only |
15 | 21-24 | 45R Year 1 (yyyy) |
15 | 35-38 | 45R Year 2 (yyyy) |
15 | 50-57 | Death Date |
15 | 68-77 | Authentication ID (Taxpayer) |
16 | 15-20 | ACTC Eligible Tax Period |
16 | 37-38 | ACTC Recertification Code |
16 | 57-62 | ACTC Recertification Tax Period |
16 | 72 - 73 | Business Operating Division (BOD) WI = Wage and Investment Income SB = Small Business/Self Employed |
17 | 15-20 | AOTC Eligible Tax Period |
17 | 37-38 | AOTC Recertification Code |
17 | 57-62 | AOTC Recertification Tax Period |
17 | 72-73 | Private Debt Collection Indicator |
18 | 05-06 | Alternate Media Preference Code (AMP) |
18 | 12-14 | Alternate Language Preference Code (ALP) |
18 | 23-23 | FATCA Indicator 0 = No Form 8938 1 = Form 8938 filed |
Note: Each transaction will be shown in posting sequence. The line number is for illustrative purposes only. Variable fields are displayed only if present on the Master File. | ||
20-22 | 01-03 | Transaction Code |
20-22 | 05-14 | Transaction Date |
20-22 | 16-23 | Transaction Cycle |
20-22 | 22-23 | Transaction Cycle Day Of Week 01 = Friday 02 = Monday 03 = Tuesday 04 = Wednesday 05 = Thursday 08 = IMF Prior 2012 |
20-22 | 25-41 | Transaction DLN |
20-22 | 43-80 | Primary Variable Data |
21-23 | 11-41 | Tertiary Variable Data |
21-23 | 43-80 | Secondary Variable Data |
24 | 80 | Data Source : V = VSAM R = Replica Data Base A = Active Data Base |
Standard Entity Change TC012-014, 016-019, 150, 152, 430, 432 | NL-CH-YRS:yyyy yyyy ADDR-CH ADDR SRCE:n |
Name line or SSN Change (1) TC011-014, 016-019, 040, 041, 152, 432 | NL-CH-YRS:yyyy yyyy ADDR-CH ADDR SRCE:n PR-NC:vvvv XREF-TIN:nnnnnnnnnn |
Name line or SSN Change (2) TC011-014, 016-019, 040, 041, 152, 432 | NL-CH-YRS:yyyy yyyy ADDR-CH ADDR SRCE:n XREF-TIN:nnnnnnnnnn |
Name line or SSN Change (3) TC000, 001 | ADDR-CH XREF-TIN:nnnnnnnnnn |
Entity Change (1) TC006 | ADDR-CH NO-MRG-REASON-CD:nn |
Entity Change (2) TC000, 015, 030 | NL-CH-YRS:yyyy yyyy ADDR-CH |
Account Merged (1) TC005 | ADDR-CH XREF-TIN:nnnnnnnnnn |
Account Merged (2) TC005 | ADDR-CH PR-NC:vvvv XREF-TIN:nnnnnnnnnn |
TC016 | RUF |
DMF TC130, 132 | AGENCY-CDS:nnnnnnnnnn TIN:nnnnnnnnn |
DMF TC131 | AGCY-CD:nn aa PMT-AMT:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- |
NMF TC13X | CC:nn XFSC:n SC:nn NC:vvvv XREF:nnnnnnnnn |
BMF TC13X | CC:nn XFSC:n SC:nn NC:vvvv EIN:nnnnnnnnn |
IMF/NMF TC13X | XFSC:n SC:nn |
Innocent Spouse TC130 | XFSC:n SC:nn XREF:nnnnnnnnn |
TC140 | NL-CH-YRS:yyyy yyyy ADDR-CH |
TC148, 149 | TC148-IND:nnnn |
TC50X | CC:nn |
TC91X | AGENT-ID:nnnnnnnn |
TC97X | AC:nnnn SECONDARY DT:mmddyyyy (Transaction date is Disaster Start Date) BOD:aa BOD CL:aaa FEMA:nnnn REVERSAL-IND:n MISC: a/n or blank. Max size = 20 INCOME: nnn,nnn,nnn.nn |
Tax Module |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code: IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code: T |
1 | 07-17 | SSN |
1 | 18 | Display File Source Code |
1 | 19-20 | MFT |
1 | 21-26 | Tax Period |
1 | 27-27 | blank |
1 | 28-31 | Year Removed (IMFOR only) |
1 | 64-67 | Name Control |
1 | 69-74 | Eligible Indicator WEEKLY = Not Eligible for Daily Processing DAILY = Eligible for Daily Processing |
1 | 76-80 | PDT/Caution Indicator *PDT* = Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer *CAU* = Use Caution with Taxpayer |
2 | 01-17 | Document Locator Number |
2 | 57-68 | Spouse SSN |
2 | 70-80 | IMFOL Update Cycle UP-CYC:ccdd |
3 | 01-35 | First Taxpayer Name Line |
3 | 37-52 | IRS Employee Literal *IRS EMPLOYEE:P* = Primary taxpayer is IRS Employee *IRS EMPLOYEE:S* = Secondary taxpayer is IRS Employee *IRS EMPLOYEE:B* = Both are IRS Employees blank = not an IRS Employee |
3 | 70-71 | Total Master File Exemptions |
3 | 79 | BFS Levy Indicator |
4 | 01-35 | Secondary Taxpayer Name Line |
4 | 40 | Filing Status Code 0 = If no Return Exists for the Tax Module |
4 | 49-50 | Current Master File Status |
4 | 64-71 | Status Date |
4 | 79 | AIMS Code 0 = Not under AIMS control 1 = Under AIMS control |
5 | 12-21 | Imminent Collection Statute Expiration Date |
5 | 35-52 | Assessed Module Balance Assessed Module Balance amount. Excludes accruals of unassessed interest and FTP. |
5 | 64-71 | Settlement Date If blank and a 150 is posted, return is not settled. |
5 | 79 | Lien Indicator blank = no lien data 4 = regular lien filed against the return 5 = " refile" lien filed against the return, but no regular one |
6 | 12-21 | Latest Collection Statute Expiration Date |
6 | 35-49 | Total Interest Amount |
6 | 64-71 | Interest Date |
6 | 79 | Backup Withholding Indicator 0 = Not subject to backup withholding 1 = Potentially subject to backup withholding 2 = Subject to backup withholding 4 = Backup withholding satisfied 8 = Backup withholding suspended |
7 | 12-21 | Earliest Collection Statute Expiration Date |
7 | 35-49 | Interest Assessed |
7 | 64-71 | Disaster Extended Return Due Date |
7 | 79 | Backup Withholding Notice Count |
8 | 12-21 | Assessment Statue Expiration Date |
8 | 35-49 | Interest Paid Amount |
8 | 64-71 | Disaster Start Date |
8 | 79 | CC81 |
9 | 12-21 | Refund Statute Expiration Date |
9 | 35-49 | Failure to Pay Penalty Total |
9 | 59-60 | Governing Service Center Code Governing Service Center for controls. |
9 | 70-71 | Historical Location Code Pre-DOS II FLC associated with the Taxpayer’s address at the time of filing. Once TC 150 posts and the Historic FLC has been updated, no further updates will occur. |
9 | 79 | CC85 blank = not applicable 1 = unreversed TC520 with closing code 85 present |
10 | 12-20 | Freeze Codes |
10 | 35-49 | Failure to Pay Penalty Assessed Amount |
10 | 58 | Math Increase Code 1 = Original return posted with increase in tax and either a math error or both condition codes X and Y present. Also a TC 29X blocked 770-789 posted. blank = Above condition not present |
10 | 68-71 | TDA COPYS Score |
10 | 79 | TC 914 Indicator 0 = absent 2 = present |
11 | 12-53 | Various Indicators: DMF, TC130-HOLD, CHILD-TAX, OIC, SFR, FRIV. Only those indicators present on the Master File are displayed. Those displayed are left-justified and are separated by spaces. |
11 | 55-71 | Amended/Duplicate Indicators AMENDED DUPLICATE AMENDED/DUPLICATE Blanks |
11 | 79 | CAF Indicator |
12 | 9 | EFT Code 0 = No EFT (for non-ELF filers) or an ELF filer and the refund has been completed using EFT 1 = EFT number failed input processing validity checks 2 = EFT denied for this module 3 = EFT denied because actual refund differs from taxpayer amount 4 = EFT refused by financial institution 5 = EFT denied because the credit is frozen by an account or module freeze 6 = EFT refund after settlement cycle denied because control FLC is non-EFT number or one or more Split Refund direct deposits refused by the bank. 9 = EFT return not requesting a direct deposit |
12 | 16-17 | Direct Deposit Reject Code Blank = Direct deposit not requested 10 = Valid direct deposit 21 = Missing routing transit number 22 = Invalid routing transit number—non-numeric characters present. 23 = Invalid routing transit number—first two digits not in a valid range 24 = Invalid routing transit number—RTN not on FOMF-RTN-FILE. 25 = Invalid routing transit number—failed internal RTN algorithm check. 31 = Missing depositor account number 32 = Invalid depositor account number—non-alphanumeric characters present (other than hyphen) 33 = Missing account number checksum (Form 1040PC & ELF returns only) 34 = Invalid account number checksum (Form 1040PC & ELF returns only)—account number checksum contains non-numeric characters or less than three characters. 35 = Invalid account number checksum (Form 1040PC & ELF returns only)—account number checksum does not match account number when algorithm is applied 41 = Prior year return 42 = CAF indicator switching refund recipient present. 43 = Computer Condition Code W present. 44 = A refund transcript is being issued (see PRP 460-002 (8)(B) 8.b.) or a TC 840 is posted. 45 = More than 5 direct deposits attempted for this account number. 50 = Direct deposit rejected by bank. 56 = One or more Split Refund direct deposits rejected by the bank. 60 = Miscellaneous condition. |
12 | 26-27 | Private Debt Collection Code 1 = TC 971 AC 54 4 = TC 971 AC 154 with DLN other than N27799999999Y. 16 = TC 971 AC 54 and the Agreement Indicator = 1 |
12 | 36-37 | Savings Bond 1 Reject code |
12 | 45-44 | Savings Bond 2 Reject code |
12 | 54-55 | Savings Bond 3 Reject code |
12 | 63-63 | Tax Mef Balance Due Indicator |
12 | 79 | Accounts Receivable Dollar Inventory Indicator (ARDI) MFT 30, 31, 32 and 35 only. 0 = Credit balance, zero balance, or debit balance less than $25,000.00 1 = Debit balance of $25,000.00 to $99,999.99 2 = Debit balance of $100,000.00 to $999,999.99 3 = Debit balance of $1,000,000.00 to $49,999,999.99 4 = Debit balance of $50,000,000.00 or greater |
12 | 79 | Trust Fund Recovery Indicator (TFRP) MFT 55 only |
13 | 11-18 | Tax Settlement Cycle:yyyyccdd |
13 | 36 | Feb15 Refund 0 = No Freeze 1 = Refund is Frozen Until Feb 15 2 = Historical Setting |
13 | 52-53 | LEVY-971-IND |
13 | 60 | EPE Indicator |
Note: Each transaction will be shown in posting sequence. The line number is for illustrative purposes only. Variable fields are displayed only if present on the Master File. | ||
15-23 | 01-03 | Transaction Code |
15-23 | 05-12 | Transaction Date For TC 150 this is the Return Settlement Date For TC 610 this is the TC 150 Transaction Date For TC 806 this is the Return Due Date |
15-23 | 14-28 | Transaction Amount For TC 150 this is Total Acceptable Tax For TC 610 this is the TC 150 Remittance Amount For TC 806 this is the Withholding Amount (Does not include FICA as of 2007) |
15-23 | 30-35 | Transaction Cycle |
15-23 | 36-37 | Transaction Cycle Day Of Week 01 = Friday 02 = Monday 03 = Tuesday 04 = Wednesday 05 = Thursday 08 = IMF Prior 2012 |
15-23 | 39-55 | Transaction DLN |
15-23 | 57-80 | Primary Variable Data |
16-23 | 16-54 | Tertiary Variable Data |
16-23 | 56-80 | Secondary Variable Data |
17-23 | 16-54 | Quintenary Variable Data |
17-23 | 56-80 | Quaternary Variable Data |
24 | 80 | Data Source : V = VSAM R = Replica Data Base A = Active Data Base |
1040ES/1040C Credit TC430 | MULTIPLE-REMIT OR SPLIT-REMIT CDDB:nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn |
Electronic Refund Authorization TC660 | BNKACCT:vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv RTN:nnnnnnnnn REFUND:n ACCT-TYPE:a [Bank account information displayed on IMFOB only] |
DAR TC55X | CSED:mmddyyyy CSED-CD:n DEFINER:nn |
DAR TC460 | EXT-DT:mmddyyy |
DAR TC56X | ASED:mmddyyyy |
DAR TC520 | DISPOSAL-CD:nn CC:nn APPELLATE:nnn CSED-CD:a BKSI:nnn (Bankruptcy-Statistical Indicator) |
DAR TC52X | CC:nn |
DAR TC470, 472, 473 | CC:nn |
DAR TC474 | CYC-CNT:nn TDI-SEL-CD: nn |
DAR TC53X | CC:nn |
DAR TC534 | CSED:mmddyyyy |
DAR TC583 | XREFnnn-nn-nnnn DEFINER:n |
DAR TC59X | XREFnnn-nn-nnnnv CC:nnn |
DAR TC494 | MEMO:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- |
DAR TC500 | CC:nn CSED-CD:a CORR:n |
DAR TC91X | AGENT-ID:nnnnnnnn |
DAR TC93X | ACT-CD:nnnnnnnn |
DAR TC971, 972 | XREFnnn-nn-nnnn nnyyyymm MEMO:nn,nnn,nnn.nn- ACT-CD:nn REVERSAL-IND:n REIM-LOW-INC-IA-IND:n MISC:a/n or blank. Max size = 20 |
Refund TC840 | BPI:nn RFND-ADJ:n RFND-PAY-DATE: mmddyyyy RSN:yyyyjjjscaaaa EMP SEID: nnnnnnnnnn APRV-SEID: nnnnnnnnnn ORIG-BOD-IND: n IDRS-EMP-NUM: nnnnnnnnnn or REQ-EMP: nnnnnnnnnn |
Refund TC846 | RFND-INT:nnn,nnn.nn BPI:nn REJECT CD:nn DD:n SPLIT RFND:n RFND-PAY-DATE: mmddyyyy BFS DEBT RSN:yyyyjjjscaaa BNKACCT:v-v RTN:nnnnnnnnn ACCT-TYPE:a [Bank account information displayed on IMFOB only] |
Refund Reversal TC720 | CDDB:nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn |
Refund TC740, 841 | SPLIT RFND:n RSN:yyyyjjjscaaaa BFS CANCEL:mmddyyyy |
Refund Reversal TC844 | ERR-REF:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- DEMAND-DT:mmddyyyy |
Refund Freeze TC810 | RESPNSBLTY:n |
Spousal Offset TC706, 736, 826, 856 | XREFnnn-nn-nnnn nnyyyymm |
Within Account Offset TC706, 736, 826, 856 | XREFnnyyyymm |
DMF Offset TC896, 897 | AGENCY-CD:nn SUBAGENCY-CD:aa |
IRA/ACA Offset TC896, 892 | OFFSET-SSN-CD:n MFT:nn |
IRA Offset Transactions TC790, 792, 793, 796 | XREFnnn-nn-nnnn nnyyyymm |
ES Debit Transfer TC666 | XREFnnn-nn-nnnn DESG-PYMT-CD:nn |
ES Debit Transfer TC667 | XREFnnn-nn-nnnn yyyymm DESG-PYMT-CD:nn |
TC680 | MEMO:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- |
TC970 AC001 | ACT-CD:nnnn EFT:n DDRC:nn RTN1:nnnnnnnnn ACCT-TYPE1:a BNKACCT1:vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv RTN2:nnnnnnnnn ACCT-TYPE2:a BNKACCT2:vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv RTN3:nnnnnnnnn ACCT-TYPE3:a BNKACCT3:vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv [Bank account information displayed on IMFOB only |
TC970 AC002 | ACT-CD:nnnn SCH H QUA SICK & FAMILY WAGES PRI:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- SEC:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- NON-REFND SICK & FAMILY LEAVE PRI:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- SEC:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- REFND SICK & FAM LEAVE PRI:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- SEC:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- NON-REFND SK & FAM LEAVE A0321 PRI:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- SEC:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- REFND SICK & FAM LEAVE A0321 PRI:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- SEC:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- |
TC970 AC003 | ACT-CD:nnnn EXC ADVCTC COMPUTER: PRI:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- SEC:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- EXC-ADVCTC-REPAID: PRI:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- SEC:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- EXC ADVCTC LIMITATION: PRI:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- SEC:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- |
TC970 AC004 | ACT-CD:nnnn ADV MAN PROD CR NON:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- DISALLOW PROD:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- CLN HYDROGN NON:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- DISALLOW CLN HYDROGN:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- ADV MAN INV NON:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- DISALLOW ADV MAN INV:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- CARBON OXIDE NON:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- DISALLOW CARBON OXIDE:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- |
Debit-Credit Transfer Doc Code 34 | BYPASS:n DESG-PYMT-CD:nn CORR-RCVD-DT: mmddyyyy XREFnnn-nn-nnnnvnnyyyymm vvvv or nn-nnnnnnnvnnyyyynn vvvv EPI:a CDDB:nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn |
Revenue Receipts | BYPASS:n MULTIPLE-REMIT or SPLIT-REMIT DESG-PYMT-CD:nn EPI:a EFT-TRACE:nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn XREFnnn-nn-nnnn nnyyyymm CASH-BOND-PAYMENT EXS-COLL/UNID-REMIT CDDB:nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn |
AIMS TC420 | SOURCE-CD:nn PBC:nnn (Primary Business Code) SBC:nnnnn (Secondary Business Code) EGC:nnnnn (Employee Group Code) |
AIMS TC424, 425 (1) | XREFnnn-nn-nnnn nnyyyymm MEMO: nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- SOURCE-CD:nn SPC:nnnn (Special Project Code) PBC:nnn (Primary Business Code) SBC:nnnnn (Secondary Business Code) EGC:nnnn (Employee Group Code) PTR PBC:nnn (Partnership PBC) PUSH:nnn (Push Code) TEGE:nnnn |
AIMS TC424, 425 (2) | SOURCE-CD:nn PBC:nnn (Primary Business Code) SBC:nnnnn (Secondary Business Code) EGC:nnnn (Employee Group Code) RET-REQ WI-EX-IND:nnnnnnnn WI-EX-IND:nnnnnnnn |
AIMS TC520 | CC:nn CSED-CD:a |
AIMS TC564 | MEMO:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- ASED:mmddyyyy |
IRP Underreporter TC922 | PROCESS-CD:nn-nn-nn-nn-nn PROCESS-CD:nn-nn-nn-nn-nn |
IRP Underreporter TC924 | REF-NUM:nnn AMT:nn,nnn,nnn,nnn- |
Penalty Transactions secondary on 29X 16X, 17X, 20X, 24X, 27X, 28X, 31X, 32X, 35X | CSED:mmddyyyy RCA:nn (Reasonable Cause Assistant) REASON-CD:nnn |
Penalty TC24X | XREFnnn-nn-nnnn nnyyyymm CSED:mmddyyyy REASON-CD:nnn REF-NUM:nnn |
ES Penalty TC17X | NORM-ES:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- WAIVED:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- CSED:mmddyyyy |
Interest Restriction TC34X | PTRSH-T nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- PTRSH-I nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- INTEREST-TO-DT:mmddyyyy CSED:mmddyyyy CMPTD-INTnnn,nnn,nnn.nn- |
Credit Interest TC77X | CR-INT-TO-DT:mmddyyyy 180-DAY-CR-INT-TO-DATE: mmddyyyy |
Refundable Credit TC76X | REF-NUM:nnn OTN:nnnnnnnnnn DMF-AGENCY-CD:aa DMF-SUB-AGENCY-CD:aa |
Treasury Offset TC898, 899 | OFFSET:nnn,nnn,nnn.nn- XREFnnn-nn-nnnn SPLIT RFND:n OTN:nnnnn-nnnnn REVERSE:n DMF-AGENCY-CD:aa DMF-SUB-AGENCY-CD:aa |
AIMS TC30X Doc Code 47 Audit Claims/Net Operating Loss | NOLCF DIS: nn,nnn,nnn- NOL CRDIS: nn,nnn,nnn- EXM UNAGD: nn,nnn,nnn- NOL CLAIM: nn,nnn,nnn- EX CLMDIS: nn,nnn,nnn- CF-NUM: n EXAM-CLM: n DISPOSAL CD:nn TECHNIQ CD: n APPELLATE:nnn CSED: mmddyyy RSN-CD-1: nnn RSN-CD-2: nnn RSN-CD-3: nnn PEN-RSN-CD: nnn |
TC29X/30X Adjustment | XREFnnn-nn-nnnn nnyyyymm CSED:mmddyyyy |
Erroneous Refund TC700 Doc Code 58 | ERRONEOUS REFUND BAL DUE |
Return Page 1 |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code: IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code: R |
1 | 07-17 | SSN |
1 | 18 | Display File Source Code |
1 | 19-20 | MFT |
1 | 21-26 | Tax Period |
1 | 27 | blank |
1 | 28-31 | Year Removed (IMFOLR only) |
1 | 64-67 | Name Control |
1 | 69-74 | Eligible Indicator WEEKLY = Not Eligible for Daily Processing DAILY = Eligible for Daily Processing |
1 | 76-80 | PDT/Caution Indicator *PDT* = Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer *CAU* = Use Caution with Taxpayer |
2 | 01-17 | DLN |
2 | 70-80 | IMFOL Update Cycle UP-CYC:ccdd |
3 | 01-16 | IRS Employee Literal *IRS EMPLOYEE:P* = Primary taxpayer is IRS Employee *IRS EMPLOYEE:S* = Secondary taxpayer is IRS Employee *IRS EMPLOYEE:B* = Both are IRS Employees blank = not an IRS Employee |
4 | 25-43 | Math Error Indicators |
4 | 53-58 | Cycle Posted |
4 | 59-60 | Cycle Posted Day Of Week 01 = Friday 02 = Monday 03 = Tuesday 04 = Wednesday 05 = Thursday 08 = IMF Prior 2012 |
4 | 71-79 | Self Exemption Type 1 or BLIND or >65 or BLIND/>65 |
5 | 12 | Schedule C, Y/N Indicator |
5 | 31 | Checkbox Indicator |
5 | 53-62 | Date Posted |
5 | 71-79 | Spouse Exemption Type 1 or BLIND or >65 or BLIND/>65 |
6 | 12 | Schedule D Y/N Indicator |
6 | 31-36 | NAICS Codes |
6 | 53-62 | Failure to Pay Start Date |
6 | 80 | Number of Children at Home Claimed |
7 | 12 | Schedule F Y/N Indicator |
7 | 31-33 | Preparer Codes |
7 | 53-62 | Date Return Processed/Correspondence Received Date |
7 | 80 | Number of Children Not at Home Claimed |
8 | 12 | Form 2555/4363 Y/N Indicator |
8 | 31 | Number of Months Delinquent |
8 | 53-62 | CSED Date |
8 | 80 | Parents at Home Claimed |
9 | 12 | Input System Source code (ISSC) Blank = USRO.DED A = ASFR/AWF C = SCRIPS D = ETD E = ELF/EFS F = XML G = FEDTAX II I = IDRS L = MEF M = MAG TAPE P = PAC R = RPS S = IRP OCR W = WIRS (CAWR) U = Unpostables Z = Default |
9 | 29-37 | Preparer ID |
9 | 60 | Political Checkoff Indicator 0 = None elected 1 = One elected—original return 2 = Two elected—original return 3 = One elected—amended return (none on original) 4 = Two elected—amended return (none on original) 5 = Two elected—amended return (one on original) |
9 | 80 | Other Children Claimed |
10 | 12 | CISSC 1 = ISRP 3 = BOB correction 7 = Form 1040PC E = Electronic Filing System (ELF) L = MeF proecessing M = MeF On-Line Filer O = On-Line Filing T = electronic Tax Deposits (ETD) |
10 | 29-38 | Business EIN |
10 | 60 | Elderly Credits Indicator 0 = none 1 = $1-$99 2 = $100-$282 3 = $283-$374 4 = $375 and up |
10 | 80 | Number of Other Exemptions Claimed |
11 | 12 | Potential High Income Code |
11 | 29-38 | Schedule F ElN |
11 | 59-61 | Percentage Used to Compute Estimated Tax Penalty |
11 | 80 | Earned Income Credit Exemption Count |
12 | 12 | ES Discrepancy Indicator blank = no discrepancy $ = discrepancy |
12 | 21-39 | Computer Condition Codes |
12 | 60 | Exception 5 for ES Tax Penalty 0 = did not qualify for exception 1 = met exception 5 - No Penalty 2 = Full Paid Farmer/Fisher - No Penalty 8 = Full Paid Non Farmer/Fisher - No Penalty 4th Quarter |
12 | 74 | Form 8913 Indicator 1 = Form 8913 filed 2 = 1040EZ-T filed |
13 | 06-80 | Various Indicators: FARMER/FISHER, CCC‘P’, CCC‘7’, CCC‘U’, NONCOMPUTE, SP-MRG, F8888, F8938, USVI, SPCQ, SPCP, SPCH, SPCY, COVERAGE. Only those indicators present on the Master File are displayed. Those displayed are left-justified and are separated by spaces. |
14 | 01-62 | Various Indicators: continue to a new line from above |
14 | 78-79 | New TPI Class: 66, 78-79 |
15 | 12-26 | Wages |
15 | 40-54 | Total Tax |
15 | 66-80 | Withholding. (Excess FICA posts as TC 766 Ref # 252 as of 2007) |
16 | 12-26 | Interest Income |
16 | 40-54 | Tentative Tax—Computer |
16 | 66-80 | Remittance with Return (from TC150 or 610) |
17 | 12-26 | Total Itemized Deductions |
17 | 40-54 | Acceptable Total Tax |
17 | 66-80 | Credit Elect Amount |
18 | 12-26 | Net Income—Taxable Income |
18 | 40-54 | Self Employment Tax |
18 | 66-80 | Advanced Earned Income Credit |
19 | 12-26 | Total Positive Income |
19 | 40-54 | Adjusted Gross Income (Signed if Negative) |
19 | 66-80 | Estimated Tax Credit |
20 | 12-26 | Net Investment Income |
20 | 40-54 | Total Advanced Premium Tax Credit (APTC) |
20 | 66-80 | Base for Estimated Tax Penalty |
21 | 12-26 | Net Investment Income Tax |
21 | 40-54 | Total Premium Tax Credit (PTC) |
21 | 66-80 | Prior Year Base for Estimated Tax Penalty |
22 | 12-26 | Social Security Administration (SSA) Additional Medicare Tax—Computer |
22 | 40-54 | Advanced Premium Tax Credit (APTC) Repayment Amount |
22 | 66-80 | Total Recapture FTHB Amount |
23 | 05-54 | Posted Return Message: NO RETURN INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE FOR THIS MODULE or blank |
24 | 80 | Data Source : V = VSAM R = Replica Data Base A = Active Data Base |
Return Page 2 |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code: IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code: R |
1 | 07-17 | SSN |
1 | 18 | Display File Source Code |
1 | 19-20 | MFT |
1 | 21-26 | Tax Period |
1 | 27 | blank |
1 | 28-31 | Year Removed (IMFOLR only) |
1 | 64-67 | Name Control |
1 | 69-74 | Eligible Indicator WEEKLY = Not Eligible for Daily Processing DAILY = Eligible for Daily Processing |
1 | 76-80 | PDT/Caution Indicator *PDT* = Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer *CAU* = Use Caution with Taxpayer |
2 | 01-17 | DLN |
2 | 70-80 | IMFOL Update Cycle UP-CYC:ccdd |
3 | 01-16 | IRS Employee Literal *IRS EMPLOYEE:P* = Primary taxpayer is IRS Employee *IRS EMPLOYEE:S* = Secondary taxpayer is IRS Employee *IRS EMPLOYEE:B* = Both are IRS Employees blank = not an IRS Employee |
5 | 12-26 | Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) Additional Medicare Tax—Computer |
5 | 40-54 | Limitation Amount |
5 | 66-80 | Premium Tax Credit (PTC) Exposure Amount |
6 | 12-26 | Tax Shown |
6 | 40-54 | Tax Assed |
6 | 66-80 | Max Defrd |
10 | 38-52 | Primary Self Employment Income |
10 | 63-77 | Secondary Self Employment Income |
11 | 38-52 | Primary Social Security Medicare |
11 | 63-77 | Secondary Social Security Medicare |
12 | 38-52 | Primary Total Wages |
12 | 63-77 | Secondary Total Wages |
13 | 38-52 | Primary Social Security Wages Computer Amount |
13 | 63-77 | Secondary Social Security Wages Computer Amount |
14 | 38-52 | Primary Medicare TIP |
14 | 63-77 | Secondary Medicare TIP |
15 | 38-52 | Primary Unreported TIP Income |
15 | 63-77 | Secondary Unreported TIP Income |
24 | 80 | Data Source : V = VSAM R = Replica Data Base A = Active Data Base |
Return Schedule H |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code: IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code: R |
1 | 07-17 | SSN |
1 | 18 | Display File Source Code |
1 | 19-20 | MFT |
1 | 21-26 | Tax Period |
1 | 27 | blank |
1 | 28-31 | Year Removed (IMFOR only) |
1 | 64-67 | Name Control |
1 | 69-74 | Eligible Indicator WEEKLY = Not Eligible for Daily Processing DAILY = Eligible for Daily Processing |
1 | 76-80 | PDT/Caution Indicator *PDT* = Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer *CAU* = Use Caution with Taxpayer |
2 | 01-17 | DLN |
2 | 70-80 | IMFOL Update Cycle UP-CYC:ccdd |
3 | 01-16 | IRS Employee Literal *IRS EMPLOYEE:P* = Primary taxpayer is IRS Employee *IRS EMPLOYEE:S* = Secondary taxpayer is IRS Employee *IRS EMPLOYEE:B* = Both are IRS Employees blank = not an IRS Employee |
5 | 38-47 | Schedule H Primary EIN |
5 | 63-72 | Schedule H Secondary EIN |
6 | 38-39 | Schedule H Primary FUTA Indicator |
6 | 63-64 | Schedule H Secondary FUTA Indicator |
7 | 38-54 | Schedule H Primary SSA Wage Amount |
7 | 63-79 | Schedule H Secondary SSA Wage Amount |
8 | 38-54 | Schedule H Primary Medicare Wage Amount |
8 | 63-79 | Schedule H Secondary Medicare Wage Amount |
9 | 38-54 | Schedule H Primary Medicare Tax Computer Amount |
9 | 63-79 | Schedule H Secondary Medicare Tax Computer Amount |
10 | 38-54 | Schedule H Primary Additional Medicare Tax Computer Amount |
10 | 63-79 | Schedule H Secondary Additional Medicare Tax Computer Amount |
11 | 38-54 | Schedule H Primary Total SSA Medicare Tax Amount |
11 | 63-79 | Schedule H Secondary Total SSA Medicare Tax Amount |
12 | 38-54 | Schedule H Primary Total SSA Medicare Tax Computer Amount |
12 | 63-79 | Schedule H Secondary Total SSA Medicare Tax Computer Amount |
13 | 38-54 | Schedule H Primary Federal Income Tax Withheld Amount |
13 | 63-79 | Schedule H Secondary Federal Income Tax Withheld Amount |
14 | 38-54 | Schedule H Primary FUTA Wage Amount |
14 | 63-79 | Schedule H Secondary FUTA Wage Amount |
15 | 38-54 | Schedule H Primary FUTA Tentative Credit Amount |
15 | 63-79 | Schedule H Secondary FUTA Tentative Credit Amount |
16 | 38-54 | Schedule H Primary FUTA Tax Computer Amount |
16 | 63-79 | Schedule H Secondary FUTA Tax Computer Amount |
17 | 38-54 | Schedule H Primary Base Amount Computer |
17 | 63-79 | Schedule H Secondary Base Amount Computer |
18 | 35-36 | Schedule H Primary State Code |
18 | 38-54 | Schedule H Primary Credit Reduction Amount |
18 | 60-61 | Schedule H Secondary State Code |
18 | 63-79 | Schedule H Secondary Credit Reduction Amount |
19 | 35-36 | Schedule H Primary State Code |
19 | 38-54 | Schedule H Primary Credit Reduction Amount |
19 | 60-61 | Schedule H Secondary State Code |
19 | 63-79 | Schedule H Secondary Credit Reduction Amount |
20 | 35-36 | Schedule H Primary State Code |
20 | 38-54 | Schedule H Primary Credit Reduction Amount |
20 | 60-61 | Schedule H Secondary State Code |
20 | 63-79 | Schedule H Secondary Credit Reduction Amount |
21 | 35-36 | Schedule H Primary State Code |
21 | 38-54 | Schedule H Primary Credit Reduction Amount |
21 | 60-61 | Schedule H Secondary State Code |
21 | 63-79 | Schedule H Secondary Credit Reduction Amount |
24 | 80 | Data Source : V = VSAM R = Replica Data Base A = Active Data Base |
Return IRA MFT 29 |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code: IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code: R |
1 | 07-17 | SSN |
1 | 18 | Display File Source Code blank = valid * = invalid |
1 | 19-20 | MFT 29 = IRAF |
1 | 21-26 | Tax Period |
1 | 27 | blank |
1 | 64-67 | Name Control |
1 | 76-80 | PDT/Caution Indicator *PDT* = Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer *CAU* = Use Caution with Taxpayer |
2 | 01-17 | DLN |
2 | 28-59 | IRAF 370-UPC nnn/n IRAF ARCHIVE MODULE or blank |
2 | 77-80 | IMFOL Update Cycle UP-CYC:ccdd |
3 | 01-16 | IRS Employee Literal *IRS EMPLOYEE:P* = Primary taxpayer is IRS Employee *IRS EMPLOYEE:S* = Secondary taxpayer is IRS Employee *IRS EMPLOYEE:B* = Both are IRS Employees blank = not an IRS Employee |
5 | 16-23 | Cycle Posted |
5 | 55-73 | Computer Condition Codes |
6 | 16-25 | Date Posted |
6 | 55-73 | Math Error Indicators |
7 | 16-25 | CSED Date |
7 | 55 | Number of Months Delinquent |
8 | 16-25 | Failure to Pay Start Date |
8 | 55 | Spouse Indicator 1 = Primary 2 = Secondary |
9 | 16-17 | New TPI Class Indicator 00 = Default 69 = Posted TC424 on MFT 29 |
9 | 55 | Form 5329 Type Indicator 0 = 5329 attached to normal 1040 1 = 5329 attached to dummy 1040 2 = determined by adjustments 3 = determined by adjustments |
11 | 35-49 | Excess IRA Contribution Tax |
12 | 35-49 | Excess Accumulation Tax |
13 | 35-49 | Excess Regular Distribution Tax |
14 | 35-49 | Excess Lump Sum Distribution Tax |
15 | 35-49 | Excess MSA Contributions Tax |
16 | 35-49 | Excess Roth Contributions Tax |
17 | 35-49 | Excess ESA Contributions Tax |
18 | 35-49 | Excess HSA Contributions Tax |
19 | 35-49 | Excess Able Contributions Tax |
20 | 35-49 | IRA Tax Computer |
21 | 35-49 | Tax Shown on Return |
22 | 35-49 | Tax Assessed on Return |
24 | 05-64 | Posted Return Message: NO RETURN INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE FOR THIS MODULE or blank |
24 | 80 | Data Source : V = VSAM R = Replica Data Base A = Active Data Base |
Adjustment |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code: IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code: A |
1 | 07-17 | SSN |
1 | 18 | Display File Source Code |
1 | 19-20 | MFT |
1 | 21-26 | Tax Period |
1 | 27 | blank |
1 | 28-31 | Year Removed (IMFOR only) |
1 | 60-63 | Name Control |
1 | 69-74 | Eligible Indicator WEEKLY = Not Eligible for Daily Processing DAILY = Eligible for Daily Processing |
1 | 76-80 | PDT/Caution Indicator *PDT* = Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer *CAU* = Use Caution with Taxpayer |
2 | 01-16 | IRS Employee Literal *IRS EMPLOYEE:P* = Primary taxpayer is IRS Employee *IRS EMPLOYEE:S* = Secondary taxpayer is IRS Employee *IRS EMPLOYEE:B* = Both are IRS Employees blank = not an IRS Employee |
2 | 70-80 | IMFOL Update Cycle UP-CYC:ccdd |
3 | 71-80 | Interest Computation Date |
4 | 01-03 | Transaction Code: 29X |
4 | 05-12 | Transaction Date |
4 | 14-28 | Transaction Amount |
4 | 30-34 | Transaction Cycle |
4 | 35-37 | Cycle Posted Day Of Week 01 = Friday 02 = Monday 03 = Tuesday 04 = Wednesday 05 = Thursday 08 = IMF Prior 2012 |
4 | 39-55 | Transaction DLN |
4 | 71-80 | Credit Interest Date |
5 | 08-22 | Adjustment Reason Codes |
5 | 32 | Priority Code |
5 | 38-39 | Source Code |
5 | 46-55 | CSED Date |
5 | 71-80 | Correction Received Date |
6 | 05 | Correspondence Imaging System Indicator |
6 | 16 | Hold Code |
6 | 26-35 | Refund Statute Control Date |
6 | 46-55 | Amended Claims Received Date |
6 | 71-80 | Employee Number |
7-10 | 14-16 | Adjustment Reference Code |
7-10 | 20-23 | Ajustment Reference Amount Literal AMT for amounts BEIN for BMF EIN (ref code 992, 993, 994) BSSN for BMF SSN (ref 992) ISSN for IMF SSN (ref 992) |
7-10 | 26-40 | Adjustment Reference Amount Display as an Amount dollars only or dollars and cents Display as a BMF EIN format Display as a BMF SSN (invalid or valid) format Display as an IMF SSN (invalid or valid) format |
7-10 | 52-54 | Adjustment Reference Code |
7-10 | 58-61 | Ajustment Reference Amount Literal AMT for amounts BEIN for BMF EIN (ref code 992, 993, 994) BSSN for BMF SSN (ref 992) ISSN for IMF SSN (ref 992) |
7-10 | 64-78 | Adjustment Reference Amount Display as an Amount dollars only or dollars and cents Display as an BMF EIN format Display as an BMF SSN (invalid or valid) format Display as an IMF SSN (invalid or valid) format |
12 | 71-80 | Interest Computation Date |
13 | 01-03 | Transaction Code: 30X |
13 | 05-12 | Transaction Date |
13 | 14-28 | Transaction Amount |
13 | 30-35 | Transaction Cycle |
13 | 36-37 | Cycle Posted Day Of Week 01 = Friday 02 = Monday 03 = Tuesday 04 = Wednesday 05 = Thursday 08 = IMF Prior 2012 |
13 | 39-55 | Transaction DLN |
13 | 71-80 | 870 Waiver Date |
14 | 11-13 | Appellate Code |
14 | 26-35 | Refund Statute Control Date |
14 | 45-54 | CSED Date |
14 | 71-80 | Assessment Statute Expiration Date |
15 | 12-14 | Penalty Reason Code |
15 | 24 | Priority Code |
15 | 34 | Hold Code |
15 | 41-42 | Disposal Code |
15 | 55 | Technique Code (TC30x) 0 = Undefined 1 = Office Interview Held 2 = Correspondence Examination 3 = Undefined 6 = No Show/No Response 7 = Undeliverable Mail 8 = Undefined 9 = Undefined |
15 | 71-80 | Claim Rejection Date |
16 | 10-12 | FTHB Reason-1 |
16 | 23-25 | FTHB Reason-2 |
16 | 36-38 | FTHB Reason-3 |
17-20 | 14-16 | Adjustment Reference Code |
17-20 | 20-23 | Ajustment Reference Amount Literal AMT for amounts BEIN for BMF EIN (ref code 992, 993, 994) BSSN for BMF SSN (ref 992) ISSN for IMF SSN (ref 992) |
17-20 | 26-40 | Adjustment Reference Amount Display as an Amount dollars only or dollars and cents Display as a BMF EIN format Display as a BMF SSN (invalid or valid) format Display as an IMF SSN (invalid or valid) format |
17-20 | 52-54 | Adjustment Reference Code |
17-20 | 58-61 | Ajustment Reference Amount Literal AMT for amounts BEIN for BMF EIN (ref code 992, 993, 994) BSSN for BMF SSN (ref 992) ISSN for IMF SSN (ref 992) |
17-20 | 64-78 | Adjustment Reference Amount Display as an Amount dollars only or dollars and cents Display as an BMF EIN format Display as an BMF SSN (invalid or valid) format Display as an IMF SSN (invalid or valid) format |
23 | 01-50 | Adjustment Message: NO ADJUSTMENT TRANS CODES IN THIS MODULE or blank |
24 | 80 | Data Source : V = VSAM R = Replica Data Base A = Active Data Base |
NOTE: Each adjustment will be shown in posting sequence. The line number is for illustrative purposes only. |
Status History |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code: IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code: S |
1 | 07-17 | SSN |
1 | 18 | Display File Source Code |
1 | 19-20 | MFT |
1 | 21-26 | Tax Period |
1 | 27 | blank |
1 | 28-31 | Year Removed (IMFOR only) |
1 | 60-63 | Name Control |
1 | 69-74 | Eligible Indicator WEEKLY = Not Eligible for Daily Processing DAILY = Eligible for Daily Processing |
1 | 76-80 | PDT/Caution Indicator *PDT* = Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer *CAU* = Use Caution with Taxpayer |
2 | 01-16 | IRS Employee Literal *IRS EMPLOYEE:P* = Primary taxpayer is IRS Employee *IRS EMPLOYEE:S* = Secondary taxpayer is IRS Employee *IRS EMPLOYEE:B* = Both are IRS Employees blank = not an IRS Employee |
2 | 70-80 | IMFOL Update Cycle UP-CYC:ccdd |
5-22 | 02-03 | Status Code 04 = Extension of time for filing granted |
5-22 | 06-15 | Status Date |
5-22 | 17-22 | Status Cycle |
5-22 | 23-24 | Status Cycle Day Of Week 01 = Friday 02 = Monday 03 = Tuesday 04 = Wednesday 05 = Thursday 08 = IMF Prior 2012 |
5-22 | 40-41 | Area Office Code AO is inflated to include BOD Code designation. Inflated AO values: 11-17 = W&I AO 1-7 21-36 = SB/SE AO 1-16 40-49 = TE/GE AO 0-19 50 = LB&I |
5-22 | 67-76 | Extension Date |
5-22 | 02-03 | Status Code 02 = Return not posted; letter of inquiry mailed 03 = IDRS is delinquency status |
5-22 | 06-15 | Status Date |
5-22 | 17-22 | Status Cycle |
5-22 | 23-24 | Status Cycle Day Of Week 01 = Friday 02 = Monday 03 = Tuesday 04 = Wednesday 05 = Thursday 08 = IMF Prior 2012 |
5-22 | 28 | COPYS Formula Copy |
5-22 | 30-32 | COPYS Form Score |
5-22 | 37-38 | Filing Location Code |
5-22 | 40-41 | Area Office Code AO is inflated to include BOD Code designation. Inflated AO values: 11-17 = W&I AO 1-7 21-36 = SB/SE AO 1-16 40-49 = TE/GE AO 0-19 50 = LB&I |
5-22 | 44-45 | Status Indicator |
5-22 | 78-79 | Selection Code |
5-22 | 02-03 | Status Code 06=Delinquent return not filed |
5-22 | 06-15 | Status Date |
5-22 | 17-22 | Status Cycle |
5-22 | 23-24 | Status Cycle Day Of Week 01 = Friday 02 = Monday 03 = Tuesday 04 = Wednesday 05 = Thursday 08 = IMF Prior 2012 |
5-22 | 37-38 | Filing Location Code |
5-22 | 40-41 | Area Office Code AO is inflated to include BOD Code designation. Inflated AO values: 11-17 = W&I AO 1-7 21-36 = SB/SE AO 1-16 40-49 = TE/GE AO 0-19 50 = LB&I |
5-22 | 44-45 | Status Indicator |
5-22 | 02-03 | Status Code 10 = Return filed or assessed—no tax liability or even balance on filing 12 = Return filed or assessed—overpaid or subsequently collected 19 = Return filed and assessed balance due date is less than RDD as extended 20 = Return filed and assessed; first notice issued 21 = Return filed and assessed; or duplicate freeze and TC 606 criteria are met 22 = Return filed and assessed; TDA issued—ACS 23 = Return filed and assessed—module below TDS deferral level 24 = Return filed and assessed; TDA issued, RWMS 26 = Return filed and assessed; paper TDA issued 29 = Account transferred out 54 = IDRS second notice 56 = lDRS third notice 58 = IDRS fourth notice 60 = Installment |
5-22 | 06-15 | Status Date |
5-22 | 17-22 | Status Cycle |
5-22 | 23-24 | Status Cycle Day Of Week 01 = Friday 02 = Monday 03 = Tuesday 04 = Wednesday 05 = Thursday 08 = IMF Prior 2012 |
5-22 | 40-41 | Area Office Code AO is inflated to include BOD Code designation. Inflated AO values: 11-17 = W&I AO 1-7 21-36 = SB/SE AO 1-16 40-49 = TE/GE AO 0-19 50 = LB&I |
5-22 | 47-65 | Status Amount |
23 | 04-41 | Status History Message: NO STATUS CODES PRESENT IN THIS MODULE or blank |
24 | 80 | Data Source : V = VSAM R = Replica Data Base A = Active Data Base |
NOTE: Each status will be shown in posted sequence. The line number is for illustrative purposes only. |
Vestigial Section |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code: IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code: V |
1 | 07-17 | SSN |
1 | 18 | Display File Source Code |
1 | 20-21 | Page Number |
1 | 63-66 | Name Control |
1 | 69-74 | Eligible Indicator WEEKLY = Not Eligible for Daily Processing DAILY = Eligible for Daily Processing |
1 | 76-80 | PDT/Caution Indicator *PDT* = Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer *CAU* = Use Caution with Taxpayer |
2 | 01-16 | IRS Employee Literal *IRS EMPLOYEE:P* = Primary taxpayer is IRS Employee *IRS EMPLOYEE:S* = Secondary taxpayer is IRS Employee *IRS EMPLOYEE:B* = Both are IRS Employees blank = not an IRS Employee |
2 | 70-80 | IMFOL Update Cycle UP-CYC:ccdd |
4-22 | 02-07 | Tax Period |
4-22 | 10-11 | MFT |
4-22 | 16-17 | Controlling Universal Location Code (ULC) |
4-22 | 23-28 | Year Module Was Removed |
4-22 | 43-48 | Tax Period |
4-22 | 51-52 | MFT |
4-22 | 57-58 | Controlling Universal Location Code (ULC) |
4-22 | 64-69 | Year Module Was Removed |
23 | 02-55 | Vestigial Screen Message: NO VESTIGIAL INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE FOR THIS ACCOUNT or blank |
24 | 80 | Data Source : V = VSAM R = Replica Data Base A = Active Data Base |
Audit History Section |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code: IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code: Z |
1 | 07-17 | SSN |
1 | 18 | Display File Source Code |
1 | 20-21 | Page Number |
1 | 63-66 | Name Control |
1 | 69-74 | Eligible Indicator WEEKLY = Not Eligible for Daily Processing DAILY = Eligible for Daily Processing |
1 | 76-80 | PDT/Caution Indicator *PDT* = Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer *CAU* = Use Caution with Taxpayer |
2 | 01-16 | IRS Employee Literal *IRS EMPLOYEE:P* = Primary taxpayer is IRS Employee *IRS EMPLOYEE:S* = Secondary taxpayer is IRS Employee *IRS EMPLOYEE:B* = Both are IRS Employees blank = not an IRS Employee |
2 | 70-80 | IMFOL Update Cycle UP-CYC:ccdd |
AUDIT HISTORIES up to five (5) are posted. |
7-15 | 01-02 | MFT |
7-15 | 03-08 | Audit History Tax Period |
7-15 | 10-11 | Disposal Code |
7-15 | 15-30 | Audit Results Amount |
7-15 | 32-33 | Net Operating Loss (NOL) Indicator |
7-15 | 37-80 | No Change Issue Codes (up to 5) |
23 | 03-60 | Audit History Screen Message: NO AUDIT HISTORY INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE FOR THIS ACCOUNT or blank |
24 | 80 | Data Source : V = VSAM R = Replica Data Base A = Active Data Base |
Payment Summary |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code: IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code: P |
1 | 07-17 | SSN |
1 | 18 | Display File Source Code |
1 | 19-24 | From Date |
1 | 26-31 | To Date |
1 | 33-34 | Page Number |
1 | 63-66 | Name Control |
1 | 69-74 | Eligible Indicator WEEKLY = Not Eligible for Daily Processing DAILY = Eligible for Daily Processing |
1 | 76-80 | PDT/Caution Indicator *PDT* = Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer *CAU* = Use Caution with Taxpayer |
2 | 01-35 | First Taxpayer Name line |
2 | 46-80 | Secondary Taxpayer Name line |
3 | 52-67 | IRS Employee Literal *IRS EMPLOYEE:P* = Primary taxpayer is IRS Employee *IRS EMPLOYEE:S* = Secondary taxpayer is IRS Employee *IRS EMPLOYEE:B* = Both are IRS Employees blank = not an IRS Employee |
3 | 70-80 | IMFOL Update Cycle UP-CYC:ccdd |
05-22 | 01-06 | Tax Period |
05-22 | 08-09 | MFT |
05-22 | 11-13 | Transaction Code |
05-22 | 15-22 | Transaction Date |
05-22 | 24-38 | Transaction Amount |
05-22 | 40-45 | Transaction Cycle |
05-22 | 46-47 | Transaction Cycle Day Of Week 01 = Friday 02 = Monday 03 = Tuesday 04 = Wednesday 05 = Thursday 08 = IMF Prior 2012 |
05-22 | 49-65 | Transaction DLN |
05-22 | 67-80 | Primary Variable Data — see Tax Module Screen for details |
05-22 | 08-47 | Tertiary Variable Data |
05-22 | 49-80 | Secondary Variable Data |
05-22 | 08-47 | Quintenary Variable Data |
05-22 | 49-80 | Quaternary Variable Data |
24 | 80 | Data Source : V = VSAM R = Replica Data Base A = Active Data Base |
Resequenced Transactions |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
01 | 01-05 | Command Code: IMFOL |
01 | 06 | Command Definer Code: Q |
01 | 07-17 | SSN |
01 | 18 | Display File Source Code |
01 | 07-19 | Dollar Amount (If dollar amount input, it must contain decimal point) |
01 | 68-71 | Update Cycle of files |
03-23 | 01-10 | SSN |
03-23 | 12-13 | MFT |
03-23 | 14-19 | Tax Period |
03-23 | 21-23 | Transaction Code |
03-23 | 25-30 | Transaction Date |
03-23 | 32-48 | DLN |
03-23 | 50-57 | Resequence Cycle |
03-23 | 61-62 | Resequence Code |
03-23 | 66-80 | Transaction Amount |
24 | 01-36 | Message: " No Transactions Match Input Criteria" or blank |
Refund Research Database |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
01 | 01-05 | Command Code: IMFOL |
01 | 06 | Command Definer Code: C = Check Number # = TIN, MFT, Tax Period |
01 | 07-19 | Check Number (nnnn-nnnnnnnn) |
01 | 07-17 | TIN (nnn-nn-nnnn) |
01 | 18 | Display File Source Code |
01 | 19-20 | MFT |
01 | 21-26 | Tax Period |
06 | 12-20 | TIN |
07 | 12-13 | MFT |
08 | 19-24 | Tax Period |
11-15 | 07-19 | BFS Refund Check Number |
11-15 | 24-33 | Refund Payment Issue Date |
19-21 | 07-24 | Message is displayed when over 5 matching refunds were found for the tax module. The User should contact their local IDRS User Support when they receive this message. National Office IMFOL can retrieve all refunds for the User. This is a new database and at this time the maximum number of refunds that will be listed is 5. The maximum number can be increased if it is determined that it is needed. |
RRR Request Confirmation |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code: IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code: T, R, S, A |
1 | 07-17 | SSN |
1 | 18 | Display File Source Code |
1 | 19-20 | MFT |
1 | 21-26 | Tax Period |
1 | 28-31 | Year Removed (IMFOR only) |
10 | 30-40 | SSN |
10 | 41 | Display File Source Code |
09 | 43-44 | MFT |
09 | 45-50 | Tax Period |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code: IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code: F |
1 | 07-17 | SSN |
1 | 18 | Display File Source Code |
1 | 63-66 | NAME CONTROL |
1 | 69-74 | Eligible Indicator WEEKLY = Not Eligible for Daily Processing DAILY = Eligible for Daily Processing |
1 | 76-80 | PDT/CAUTION Indicator *PDT* = Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer *CAU* = Use Caution with Taxpayer |
2 | 01-16 | *IRS EMPLOYEE: P* = Primary taxpayer is IRS Employee B* = Both Taxpayers are IRS Employees S* = Secondary Taxpayer is IRS Employee blank = not an IRS Employee |
2 | 70-80 | IMFOL Update Cycle UP-CYC:ccdd |
4 | 27 | Primary Filing Status Code |
5 | 27-28 | Primary Tax Year Claimed |
6 | 24-25 | Primary Year Acquired |
7 | 23 | Primary Deceased Indicator |
8 | 21-35 | Primary Credit Amount |
9 | 29-43 | Primary Total Recaptured Amount |
11 | 29 | Secondary Filing Status Code |
12 | 29-30 | Secondary Tax Year Claimed |
13 | 26-27 | Secondary Year Acquired |
14 | 25 | Secondary Deceased Indicator |
15 | 23-37 | Secondary Credit Amount |
16 | 31-45 | Secondary Total Recaptured Amount |
17 | 16-26 | Secondary SSN |
23 | 03-60 | First Time Homebuyer Screen Message: NO FTHB INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE FOR THIS ACCOUNT or blank |
24 | 80 | Data Source : V = VSAM R = Replica Data Base A = Active Data Base |
Tax Module Balance History |
Screen fields are the same as Tax Module (Definer T) with Tax Balance History data. |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code: IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code: J |
1 | 07-17 | SSN |
1 | 18 | Display File Source Code |
1 | 19-20 | MFT |
1 | 21-26 | Tax Period |
1 | 64-67 | Name Control |
1 | 69-74 | Eligible Indicator WEEKLY = Not Eligible for Daily Processing DAILY = Eligible for Daily Processing |
1 | 76-80 | PDT/Caution Indicator *PDT* = Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer *CAU* = Use Caution with Taxpayer |
2-13 | Same as definer T (See Exhibit 2.3.51-14) | |
Note: Each line will be displayed in ascending order for as many history records that exist. The line number is for illustrative purposes only. | ||
15-23 | 01-08 | Cycle |
15-23 | 02-26 | Accessed Balance |
15-23 | 30-44 | Accrued Interest |
15-23 | 48-62 | Accrued Pending |
15-23 | 66-80 | Total Module Balance |
17 — 24 | Same as definer T (See Exhibit 2.3.51-14) |
Same as definer T (See Exhibit 2.3.51-14) |
Entity Freeze History |
Screen fields are the same as the Entity (Definer E) |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code: IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code: K |
1 | 07-17 | SSN |
1 | 18 | Display File Source Code |
1 | 19-26 | CYCLE |
1 | 28-29 | Page Number |
1 | 63-66 | Name Control |
1 | 69-74 | Eligible Indicator WEEKLY = Not Eligible for Daily Processing DAILY = Eligible for Daily Processing |
1 | 76-80 | Special Condition Indicators: *PDT* = Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer *CAU* = Use Caution with Taxpayer KITA = Killed in Terrorist Action HSTG = Hostage |
2 - 6 | Same as definer E (See Exhibit 2.3.51-13) | |
7 | 16-24 | Entity Freeze Codes as of the CYCLE entered |
7 | 42-80 | Same as definer E (See Exhibit 2.3.51-13) |
8-24 | Same as definer E (See Exhibit 2.3.51-13) | |
Same as definer E (See Exhibit 2.3.51-13) |
Tax Module Freeze History |
Screen fields are the same as Tax Module (Definer T) |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code: IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code: L |
1 | 07-17 | SSN |
1 | 18 | Display File Source Code |
1 | 19-20 | MFT |
1 | 21-26 | Tax Period |
1 | 27-34 | CYCLE |
1 | 64-67 | Name Control |
1 | 69-74 | Eligible Indicator WEEKLY = Not Eligible for Daily Processing DAILY = Eligible for Daily Processing |
1 | 76-80 | PDT/Caution Indicator *PDT* = Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer *CAU* = Use Caution with Taxpayer |
2-9 | Same as definer T (See Exhibit 2.3.51-14) | |
10 | 12-20 | Tax Module Freeze Codes as of the CYCLE entered |
10 | 36-79 | Same as definer T (See Exhibit 2.3.51-14) |
11-13 | Same as definer T (See Exhibit 2.3.51-14) | |
Note: Each transaction will be shown in posting sequence. The line number is for illustrative purposes only. Variable fields are displayed only if present on the Master File. Posted transactions are displayed up to the CYCLE entered. | ||
15-24 | Same as definer T (See Exhibit 2.3.51-14) |
Same as definer T (See Exhibit 2.3.51-14) |
Use this format to display of IRC 965 Screen. IRC 965 will result various tax liability, installments amounts, deferred amounts and due dates for the specified tax module. |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code: IMFOL |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code: M |
1 | 07-17 | SSN |
1 | 18 | Display File Source Code |
1 | 19-20 | MFT |
1 | 21-26 | Tax Period |
1 | 31-56 | Screen Title IRC 965 LIABILITY SCHEDULE |
1 | 70-73 | Name Control |
1 | 75-79 | PDT/Caution Indicator *PDT* = Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer *CAU* = Use Caution with Taxpayer |
2 | 49-64 | IRS Employee Literal *IRS EMPLOYEE:P* = Primary taxpayer is IRS Employee *IRS EMPLOYEE:S* = Secondary taxpayer is IRS Employee *IRS EMPLOYEE:B* = Both are IRS Employees blank = not an IRS Employee |
2 | 69-79 | IMFOL Update Cycle UP-CYC:ccdd |
4 | 6-37 | Tax Liabilities and Installments - Literal |
4 | 45-59 | Deferred Amount - Literal |
4 | 69-76 | Due Date - Literal |
6 | 6-25 | Liability Amount - Value |
6 | 45-64 | Deferred Amount - Value |
8-15 | 2-21 | Installment 1 to 8 Literal Installment 1 (8%) Installment 2 (8%) Installment 3 (8%) Installment 4 (8%) Installment 5 (8%) Installment 6 (15%) Installment 7 (20%) Installment 8 (25%) |
8-15 | 22-41 | Installment Liability Amount Due (Computed) |
8-15 | 45-64 | Deferred Amount Less Payments (Computed) |
8-15 | 69-78 | Due Date (Computed) |
17 | 25-52 | CARES ACT SECT 2302 DEFERRAL- Literal |
19 | 60-79 | Unpaid Deferred Social Security Tax Due By 12/31/2021 (Computed) |
20 | 60-79 | Unpaid Deferred Social Security Tax Due By 12/31/2023 (Computed) |
23 | 02-55 | IRC 965 Error Message: NO IRC 965 INFORMATION AVAILABLE FOR THIS MODULE or blank |
24 | 80 | Data Source : V =VSAM R = Replica Data Base A = Active Data Base |
Use this format to display Banking Information when the data source is db2. IMFOBN will result SSN, MFT, Tax Period, Bank Account Number, Refund Date and Refund Amount for the specified bank routing number and the bank account number. |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 01-05 | Command Code: IMFOB |
1 | 06 | Command Definer Code: N |
4-22 | 02-12 | SSN |
4-22 | 15-16 | MFT |
4-22 | 18-23 | Tax Period |
4-22 | 26-42 | Bank Account Number |
4-22 | 46-55 | Refund Date |
4-22 | 59-73 | Refund Amount |
23 | 02-42 | Direct Deposit Error Message: NO DIRECT DEPOSITS MATCH INPUT CRITERIA or blank |
24 | 80 | Data Source : V =VSAM R = Replica Data Base A = Active Data Base |
Error |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
05 | 08-09 | Message Number |
05 | 13-65 | Message |
10-18 | 01-80 | Explanation |