- 2.3.80 Command Code DDBKD
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Background
- Authority
- Responsibilities or Roles and Responsibilities
- Program Management and Review
- Program Controls
- Terms/Definitions/Acronyms
- Related Resources
- Command Code DDBKD
- Command Code DDBKD Input Format
- Command Code DDBKD Display Screen when Command Code Definer is 'space'
- Command Code DDBKD Display Screen when Command Code Definer is N
- Exhibit 2.3.80-1 Command Code DDBKD Input Screen
- Exhibit 2.3.80-2 Command Code DDBKD Display Screen when Command Code Definer is 'space'
- Exhibit 2.3.80-3 Command Code DDBKD Display Screen when Command Code Definer is N
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 2. Information Technology
Chapter 3. IDRS Terminal Responses
Section 80. Command Code DDBKD
2.3.80 Command Code DDBKD
Manual Transmittal
January 27, 2023
(1) This transmits revised IRM 2.3.80, IDRS Terminal Responses, Command Code DDBKD.
Material Changes
(1) A new IRM was created to comply with the internal control requirements set forth in IRM, IRM Standards, Address Management and Internal Controls.
(2) Subsequent IRM subsections renumbered due to addition of the new
(3) Internal Controls updated to include the following fields: Background, Authority, Roles and Responsibilities, Program Management and Review, Program Controls, Terms/Definitions/Acronyms, and Related Resources.
Effect on Other Documents
IRM 2.3.80, dated 6-26-2020, is superseded.Audience
Large Business and International (LB&I), Wage & Investment (W&I), Small Business Self-Employed (SB/SE), Tax Exempt and Government Entities (TE/GE).Effective Date
Nancy Sieger
Chief Information Officer
Command Code (CC) DDBKD is used to display a variety of information from multiple sources for the Social Security Number (SSN) that is entered. This CC is maintained within the Dependent Database (DDB) project.
Purpose: This IRM section provides instructions for using the Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS) Command Code DDBKD.
Audience: Wage & Investment (W&I), Small Business Self-Employed (SB/SE), Large Business and International (LB&I), and Tax Exempt and Government Entities (TE/GE).
Policy Owner: Wage & Investment (W&I).
Program Owner: Wage & Investment (W&I).
Primary Stakeholders: Wage & Investment (W&I), Small Business Self-Employed (SB/SE), Large Business and International (LB&I), and Tax Exempt and Government Entities (TE/GE).
Program Goals: The primary use of Command Code DDBKD is to display additional information about a child for Remote Exam to audit returns under the DDB project..
The Dependent Database (DDB) is a Rules Based selection application that is designed to identify Individuals (IMF) and Businesses (BMF) claiming unentitled tax returns.
The primary use of Command Code DDBKD is to display additional information about a child for Remote Exam to audit returns under the DDB project.
The sources of data displayed comes from Social Security Administration, Health & Human Services, and IRS. The primary use of this command code is to display additional information about a child for Remote Exam to audit returns under the Dependent Database program.
Wage and Investment RICS Business partners provide design, program requirements and documentation.
Applications Development is responsible for Operations and Maintenance of the command codes.
Audience: W&I, SB/SE, LB&I, and TE/GE.
Policy Owner: W&I.
Program Owner: W&I.
Acronym Definition DDB Dependents Data Base BMF Business Master File IMF Individual Master File DDBKD DDB’s IMF IDRS Command Code SSN Social Security Number RICS Return Integrity and Compliance Services W&I Wage & Investment SB/SE Small Business Self-Employed LB&I Large Business and International TE/GE Tax Exempt and Government Entities
By entering a SSN, Command Code (CC) DDBKD allows a user to display a variety of information about the SSN that comes from external sources.
The sources of data displayed comes from Social Security Administration, Health & Human Services, and IRS. The primary use of this command code is to display additional information about a child for Remote Exam to audit returns under the Dependent Database program.
The required input for CC DDBKD is:
Command Code
Command Code Definer ('space' or N)
Edited TIN (nnn-nn-nnnn)
The following DM1 information from SSA is displayed:
Date of Birth
Date of Death
DM1 update Date
Citizenship code
Current SSA name control
This information is also available by CC INOLE. N/A will be displayed if no data was found for the SSN entered.
The following FCR information (Federal Case Registry from HHS) are displayed:
Tax Year
Case Type
Custody Parent's SSN
Non Custody Parent's SSN
Putative Father's SSN
FCR data may be available for a child if a divorce decree was issued, or if the child is on public assistance. If no FCR data is available, N/A will be displayed.
The following Kidlink information (from SSA) is displayed:
Child's Name
Birth Mother's SSN and Name
Birth Father's SSN and Name
Generally, Kidlink data is only available for children born after 1998. If no Kidlink data is available, the literal ‘NO DATA’ will be displayed.
The following Numident information (from SSA) is displayed:
Birth Mother's Name
Birth Father's Name
The following DUPTIN information will be displayed for the current tax year and two prior tax years for the SSN entered:
a. The primary SSN of the return that this SSN appeared on. (Listed in the order they were filed. Up to 7 returns are listed vertically.)
b. How it was used on the return (As a primary, secondary, dependent and/or EIC qualifying child)
For detailed list of how a SSN was used on returns, please use Command Code DUPOL.
The following DM1 information from SSA is displayed:
Date of Birth
Date of Death
DM1 update Date
Citizenship code
Current SSA name control
This information is also available by CC INOLE. N/A will be displayed if no data was found for the SSN entered.
The following FCR information (Federal Case Registry from HHS) are displayed:
Tax Year
Case Type
Custody Parent's SSN
Non Custody Parent's SSN
Putative Father's SSN
FCR data may be available for a child if a divorce decree was issued, or if the child is on public assistance. If no FCR data is available, N/A will be displayed.
The following Kidlink information (from SSA) is displayed:
Child's Name
Birth Mother's SSN and Name
Birth Father's SSN and Name
Generally, Kidlink data is only available for children born after 1998. If no Kidlink data is available, the literal ‘NO DATA’ will be displayed.
The following Numident information (from SSA) is displayed:
Birth Mother's Name
Birth Father's Name
The following additional Numident information (from SSA) is displayed:
Place of Birth
Child's Name
Birth Mother's Name
Birth Father's Name
When the additional Numident information is not available, the literal '*** NO NUMIDENT RECORD FOUND ***' will be displayed.
The following DUPTIN information will be displayed for the current tax year and two prior tax years for the SSN entered:
a. The primary SSN of the return that this SSN appeared on. (Listed in the order they were filed. Up to 2 returns are listed vertically.)
b. How it was used on the return (As a primary, secondary, dependent and/or EIC qualifying child)
For detailed list of how a SSN was used on returns, please use Command Code DUPOL.

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Line | Position | Description |
1 | 01–05 | Command Code: DDBKD |
1 | 06–06 | Command Code Definer (x = 'space' or N) |
1 | 07–17 | Edited SSN |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Line | Position | Description |
01 | 01–05 | Command Code: DDBKD |
01 | 06–06 | Command Code Definer: 'space' |
01 | 07–17 | Child SSN Number (edited SSN) |
03 | 02-10 | DM1 Data Literal |
03 | 14-19 | Literal |
03 | 31-40 | Date Of Birth |
03 | 48-59 | Literal |
03 | 62-71 | Update Date of DM1 data |
04 | 14-19 | Literal |
04 | 31-40 | Date Of Death |
04 | 48-59 | Literal |
04 | 62-79 | Citizenship code & description (A = U.S Citizen; B = Alien allowed to work; C = Alien, not allowed to work; D = Other Alien; E = Alien student-restricted work auth; F = Conditionally legalized alien – status not known) |
05 | 14-29 | Literal |
05 | 31-34 | Current Name Control on DM1 |
07 | 02–10 | FCR Data Literal |
07 | 14-29 | Literal |
07 | 32-35 | Current Tax Year |
07 | 38 | Case Type (F - Title IV-D, N=Non Title IV-D) |
07 | 48-51 | Current Tax Year minus 1 |
07 | 54 | Case Type |
07 | 63-66 | Current Tax Year minus 2 |
07 | 69 | Case Type |
08 | 14-29 | Literal |
08 | 31-39 | Custody Parent SSN |
08 | 47-55 | Custody Parent SSN |
08 | 62-70 | Custody Parent SSN |
09 | 14-29 | Literal |
09 | 31-39 | Non Custody Parent SSN |
09 | 47-55 | Non Custody Parent SSN |
09 | 62-70 | Non Custody Parent SSN |
10 | 14-29 | Literal |
10 | 31-39 | Putative Father SSN |
10 | 47-55 | Putative Father SSN |
10 | 62-70 | Putative Father SSN |
12 | 14-29 | Literal |
12 | 31-65 | Child's full name |
13 | 02-10 | Kidlink Literal |
13 | 14-29 | Literal |
13 | 31-39 | Birth mother's SSN |
13 | 45-79 | Birth mother's Name |
14 | 14-29 | Literal |
14 | 31-39 | Birth father's SSN |
14 | 45-79 | Birth father's Name |
16 | 02-10 | Literal |
16 | 14-25 | Literal (Current Tax Year) |
16 | 31-42 | Literal (Current Tax Year minus 1) |
16 | 48-59 | Literal (Current Tax Year minus 2) |
17-23 | 14-17 | Used TIN Source CD (PRIM- Filed as Primary on return SECD- Used as Secondary on return DEPD- Used as Dependent on return EIC - Used as qualifying child for EIC on return D/E - Used as both dependent & EIC on return) |
17-23 | 19-27 | Primary TIN of the return |
17-23 | 31-34 | Used TIN Source CD |
17-23 | 36-44 | Primary TIN of return |
17-23 | 48-51 | Used TIN Source CD |
17-23 | 53-61 | Primary TIN of return |
24 | 14-38 | Literal (If SSN appeared on more than 7 returns, a literal 'FOR MORE, SEE CC DUPOL' is displayed) |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Line | Position | Description |
01 | 01–05 | Command Code: DDBKD |
01 | 06–06 | Command Code Definer: N |
01 | 07–17 | Child SSN Number (edited SSN) |
03 | 02-10 | DM1 Data Literal |
03 | 14-19 | Literal |
03 | 31-40 | Date Of Birth |
03 | 48-59 | Literal |
03 | 62-71 | Update Date of DM1 data |
04 | 14-19 | Literal |
04 | 31-40 | Date Of Death |
04 | 48-59 | Literal |
04 | 62-79 | Citizenship code & description (A = U.S Citizen; B = Alien allowed to work; C = Alien, not allowed to work; D = Other Alien; E = Alien student-restricted work auth; F = Conditionally legalized alien – status not known) |
05 | 14-29 | Literal |
05 | 31-34 | Current Name Control on DM1 |
07 | 02–10 | FCR Data Literal |
07 | 14-29 | Literal |
07 | 32-35 | Current Tax Year |
07 | 38 | Case Type (F - Title IV-D, N=Non Title IV-D) |
07 | 48-51 | Current Tax Year minus 1 |
07 | 54 | Case Type |
07 | 63-66 | Current Tax Year minus 2 |
07 | 69 | Case Type |
08 | 14-29 | Literal |
08 | 31-39 | Custody Parent SSN |
08 | 47-55 | Custody Parent SSN |
08 | 62-70 | Custody Parent SSN |
09 | 14-29 | Literal |
09 | 31-39 | Non Custody Parent SSN |
09 | 47-55 | Non Custody Parent SSN |
09 | 62-70 | Non Custody Parent SSN |
10 | 14-29 | Literal |
10 | 31-39 | Putative Father SSN |
10 | 47-55 | Putative Father SSN |
10 | 62-70 | Putative Father SSN |
12 | 14-29 | Literal |
12 | 31-65 | Child's full name |
13 | 02-10 | Kidlink Literal |
13 | 14-29 | Literal |
13 | 31-39 | Birth mother's SSN |
13 | 45-79 | Birth mother's Name |
14 | 14-29 | Literal |
14 | 31-39 | Birth father's SSN |
14 | 45-79 | Birth father's Name |
16 | 02-10 | Numident Literal |
16 | 14-29 | Literal |
16 | 31-65 | Place of Birth |
17 | 14-29 | Literal |
17 | 31-80 | Child's Name |
18 | 14-29 | Literal |
18 | 31-80 | Mother's Name |
19 | 14-29 | Literal |
19 | 31-80 | Father's Name |
21 | 02-10 | Literal |
21 | 14-25 | Literal (Current Tax Year) |
21 | 31-42 | Literal (Current Tax Year minus 1) |
21 | 48-59 | Literal (Current Tax Year minus 2) |
22-23 | 14-17 | Used TIN Source CD (PRIM- Filed as Primary on return SECD- Used as Secondary on return DEPD- Used as Dependent on return EIC - Used as qualifying child for EIC on return D/E - Used as both dependent & EIC on return) |
22-23 | 19-27 | Primary TIN of the return |
22-23 | 31-34 | Used TIN Source CD |
22-23 | 36-44 | Primary TIN of return |
22-23 | 48-51 | Used TIN Source CD |
22-23 | 53-61 | Primary TIN of return |
24 | 14-38 | Literal (If SSN appeared on more than 2 returns, a literal 'FOR MORE, SEE CC DUPOL' is displayed) |