- 2.4.34 Command Code DOALL
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Background
- Authority
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Program Management and Review
- Program Controls
- Terms/Definitions/Acronyms
- Related Resources
- Command Code DOALL Overview
- Terminal Input For Command Code DOALL
- Case Control (ACTON) Using Command Code DOALL
- Correspondence (LETER) Using Command Code DOALL
- Status Update (STAUP) Using Command Code DOALL
- TDI Notice Code Input (ASGNI/B) Using Command Code DOALL
- Telephone Number Update (TELEA) Using Command Code DOALL
- NO LONGER FUNCTIONAL - Paper Document Request, Using Command Code DOALL
- Master File Transcript Request (MFTRA) Using Command Code DOALL
- Terminal Responses for Command Code DOALL
- Exhibit 2.4.34-1 Terminal Input for DOALL "F" Entry
- Exhibit 2.4.34-2 Terminal Response to DOALL "F" Entry and Terminal Input ("ACTON" function)
- Exhibit 2.4.34-3 Terminal Input of DOALL Entry ("LETER" function)
- Exhibit 2.4.34-4 Terminal Input of DOALL Entry ("STAUP" function)
- Exhibit 2.4.34-5 Terminal Input of DOALL Entry ("ASGNI/B" function)
- Exhibit 2.4.34-6 Terminal Input of DOALL Entry ("TELEA" function)
- Exhibit 2.4.34-7 Terminal Input of DOALL Entry ("MFTRA" function)
- Exhibit 2.4.34-8 Sample DOALL Entry, Simple Case
- Exhibit 2.4.34-9 Sample DOALL Entry, Complex Case With Multiple Command Code Functions
- Exhibit 2.4.34-10 Sample DOALL Entry, Showing Interaction With Command Code LPAGE
- Exhibit 2.4.34-11 Command Code LPAGE Format Returned Following DOALL Entry With LETER Fields
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 2. Information Technology
Chapter 4. IDRS Terminal Input
Section 34. Command Code DOALL
2.4.34 Command Code DOALL
Manual Transmittal
January 23, 2025
(1) This transmits revised IRM 2.4.34, IDRS Terminal Input, Command Code DOALL.
Material Changes
(1) Updated Audience, replace W&I with TS.
(2) Updated new Chief Information Office.
(3) IRM Updated Policy Owner with new CIO.
(4) IRM Updated Primary Stakeholders, replaced Wage & Investment (W&I) with Taxpayer Services (TS).
Effect on Other Documents
IRM 2.4.34, dated November 14, 2023, is superseded.Audience
LMSB, SB/SE, TE/GE, TSEffective Date
Rajiv Uppal
Chief Information Officer
This sections provides information on the use of the Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS) terminal input command code TERUP. The information in this section is a general guide of the input of content.
Audience Customer Service Representatives
Policy Owner Rajiv Uppal
Program Owner Application Development
Primary Stakeholders LMSB, SB/SE, TE/GE and TS
Program Goals In support of Transaction Perfection when Command Code inputs are done on IDRS, the ERAS/TRAS Section provides this command code to allow for the most frequently used features from Command Codes ACTON, LETER, STAUP, ASGNI/B, TELEA and MFTRA to be processed on one screen. This program helps ensure that correct and accurate inputs are processed by IDRS.
This IRM and the contained sections provide the user the necessary information on how to use the command code DOALL that is part of IDRS
DOALL was created to assist in reducing workload for Field Users by incorporating the most frequently used Command Codes into one screen; ACTON, LETER, STAUP, ASGNI/B, TELEA, and MFTRA.
DOALL Project Lead is responsible for
Review and implementation of WRs that affect this program
Updating the contents of this IRM
Program Reports: There are no reports produced by Command Code DOALL.
Program Effectiveness: The effectiveness of this Command Code relies solely on the users that use this program and their adherence to the instructions presented in this IRM for their use.
Acronyms Unique to IDRS
Acronym Definition IMF Individual Masterfile BMF Business Masterfile TIF Taxpayer Information File TC Transactions Code CC Command Code QR Review
IRM 2.3.12 - Command Code ACTON
IRM 2.3.32 - Command Code MFTRA
IRM 2.4.27 - Command Code ASGNI/ASGNB formerly TSIGN
IRM 2.4.28 - Command Codes STAUP, STATI and STATB
IRM 2.4.29 - Command Codes TELEA, TELEC, TELED and TELER for Telephone Processing
Command Code DOALL incorporates the most frequently used features from Command Codes ACTON, LETER, STAUP, ASGNI/B, TELEA, and MFTRA. Normally, two or more of these commands are input in sequence for a high volume of adjustments/correspondence cases. Combining up to six separate actions into one command greatly facilitates working these cases.
In addition, Command Code DOALL allows many data items to be defaulted on input by entering an asterisk or a one character code in place of the data element. The program will substitute a predetermined value for that data element before processing the request.
Use Command Code DOALL when it is necessary to initiate one or more of the following actions for an account:
a) Establish, update, or close a control base for a tax module. See Section 34.2.1. b) Write an acknowledgment or other computer generated letter to the taxpayer. See Section 34.2.2. c) Update a tax module status to delay, accelerate, or skip the routine issuance of a balance due notice or TDA. See Section 34.2.3. d) Delay, or release a previously input delay of, the routine issuance of a TDI notice or TDI. See Section 34.2.4 e) Input or change a Home or Other Telephone Number. See Section 34.2.5 f) Generate a request for a Master File Transcript. See Section 34.2.7. -
Any combination of functions of Command Code DOALL may be requested with one input depending on the actions required for an account. For example, one screen might contain case control data, while another screen might contain data for closing a control base, releasing a previously input STAUP, and writing a letter of explanation to the taxpayer, See Exhibits 2.4.34–9 through 2.4.34–11 for sample inputs.
Command Code DOALL must be initiated with Command Code definer "F" . If difficulty is encountered, see Section 34.2.
It is helpful to remember that while DOALL does incorporate features of numerous other command codes, it is not designed to replace those command codes. If difficulty is encountered trying to accomplish an action for an account using DOALL, use ACTON, LETER, STAUP, ASGNI/B, TELEA, or MFTRA as appropriate. Specific information regarding the functions performed by Command Code DOALL can be found in Sections 34.2.1–34.2.7.
A valid input of CC ADJ54, ENMOD, FRM77, REINF (when default from SUMRYR) SUMRY, or TXMOD must precede each DOALL input request. Account identification data is stored in terminal memory and need not be re-entered as part of the DOALL request. All prerequisites store the TIN and the file source. In addition, CC TXMOD stores the MFT, Plan Number (EPMF only), and the Tax Period.
Generally, the research sequence prior to the input of DOALL will be the use of CC ENMOD and/or CC SUMRY , followed by CC TXMOD. Any other necessary research should also be performed prior to the input of CC DOALL. CC TXMOD input is not necessary, however, if ENMOD or SUMRY shows that the account is not on the TIF or that a "HISTORY ONLY" account is present. Also CC TXMOD input is not necessary if SUMRY shows that the tax module to be controlled etc. is not on the file.
a) When ENMOD or SUMRY request yields the message DUMMY ACCOUNT-HISTORY ONLY, verify that the TIN and file source are correct to prevent the generation of a TC 902 containing erroneous account data, and then proceed directly to a DOALL request. The MFT, tax period, correct name control for the taxpayer, and plan number (EPMF only) must be entered on screen line 1 of the DOALL Request, when not returned by the previous TXMOD. When ENMOD or SUMRY request yields the message " NO DATA AVAILABLE" , DOALL will return the error message: SYSTEM-I/O-ERROR—000313—NOTIFY DBA* to signify that the account is not found on the TIF. An account must be present on the TIF for DOALL to process. b) DOALL will build a tax module on the TIF only when a case control is being established. It is possible however to initiate correspondence and order a Master File Transcript for a tax module without controlling the case. c) If SUMRY shows that the requested tax module is present on the TIF, TXMOD must be entered before controlling the module with DOALL or the error message "INITIATE TXMOD" will result. This is to direct the Customer Service Representative's attention to possible control or other pertinent information in the module. d) If a memo account or module is present on the file (indicating that the account has been resequenced to another TIN or that an incomplete merge has taken place), DOALL may be used only to update or close an existing control base, initiate correspondence, or generate a request for a Master File Transcript. e) When a SUMRY request is made and there is only one tax module present for an account, the SUMRY request returns a TXMOD display of that module. If this is not the desired tax module, input TXMOD for the MFT, plan number and the tax period desired. This will result in a SUMRY display. Now input DOALL, re-entering the MFT, plan number and tax period of the module to be controlled, along with the taxpayer's name control. -
Once research is complete and proper initialization via ENMOD, SUMRY or TXMOD has been completed, DOALLF must be input to generate a format to facilitate input of CC DOALL. Every effort has been made to design the DOALL input screen format to mimic the field order of the respective command codes being combined. See Exhibit 2.4.34–1 for instructions on how to input DOALL with Definer "F" . See Exhibit 2.4.34–2 for the record element description of a DOALLF Response. Command Code DOALL may NOT be entered directly without use of an input format.
See Exhibits 2.4.34–2 through 2.4.34–8 for record descriptions of the Terminal Input for the various command functions within Command Code DOALL.
With the exception of screen line 1 containing the command code, the TIN (which is obtained from the previous TXMOD display and is field protected from overlay), the MFT, tax period, name control, and plan number (when returned from the previous command code), and with the exception of the data that is returned on the DOALL "F" screen (mainly for the ACTON function), the data for the various functions of Command Code DOALL must be entered in the fixed field format, as returned from the DOALL "F" .
Field order is specific to the literal preceding it, but many fields are optional. When an optional data item is omitted from a line of input, leave the field blank.
Note that the ASSIGNEE EMPLOYEE NUMBER on screen line 3 is usually applicable to the letter generation, and the Master File Transcript Request functions of CC DOALL as well as the case control function. Therefore, the value in this field cannot be blanked out even when the case control is not desired. However, if a BATCH-CONTROL-ID number is present on line 5, the ASSIGNEE EMPLOYEE NUMBER is ignored for Letter generation, and any Master File Transcript request. Even if one is present, the MFTRA request will come back to the BATCH-CONTROL-ID number instead of the ASSIGNEE EMPLOYEE NUMBER field.
Every effort has been made to design the DOALL input screen format to mimic the field order of the respective command codes being combined. The input format may seem confusing however as there are numerous data fields. If proper initialization has already been accomplished via ENMOD, SUMRY, or TXMOD, there is no need to repeat these actions. The data from the prerequisite command will still be available.
A control base is appended to a tax module on IDRS to record the employee to whom a case is assigned and other case control information. See IRM 2.3.11 for the format and contents of a Control History Group as displayed by CC TXMOD.
Command Code DOALL may be used to establish, update or close existing control bases for tax modules only. CC ACTON must be used for entity case control functions. See IRM 2.3.12 for general information regarding case control.
Case control data for Command Code DOALL is entered on screen lines 2 and 3. See Exhibit 2.4.34–2 for description and validity of case control fields.
Similar to CC ACTON, most DOALL fill-ins are optional and various combinations of these elements may be input. The automatic tabbing feature is designed to facilitate input. DOALL also allows for the input of special one character codes instead of a multi-character activity code.
All DOALL control base entries are recorded by control sequence number in chronological order in the Control History Section of the tax module. A changed record is available for display immediately following the DOALL input and can be inspected using CC TXMOD.
DOALL generates a TC 902 to request Master File Data only when establishing a dummy account and/or tax module on the TIF or when appending a control base to a "HISTORY ONLY" account (a partial account that has been built for quality review purposes only).
Note that several functions of command code ACTON have not been included in CC DOALL.
a) Use Command Code ACTON to append history items to entities or tax modules. History items are automatically generated for the STAUP and ASGNI/B functions of CC DOALL, however, if data is entered for them. b) Use ACTON to control entity modules. c) Use ACTON to update the name control on a dummy account. DOALL automatically updates a name control of "AAAA" or "WXYZ " on a HISTORY ONLY account, however, when the correct name control is input on the screen. d) Use ACTON to establish a new control base on a memo account or module in advance of re-establishing the account at the Master File with a TC 000 (this would be necessary only for an account that has been merged in error). e) See IRM 2.3.12 for information regarding Command Code ACTON.
Command Code DOALL may be used in place of a separate input of Command Code LETER to generate a LETER record facilitating the generation of correspondence to a taxpayer.
Correspondence data for Command Code DOALL can be entered on screen line 7.
The input of KEY-CHAR "L" and at least one of the other data fields will cause DOALL to obtain the taxpayer's current name and address (including pending address changes) from the TIF (but not from "DUMMY" accounts) if available. There are two formats available.
The automatically generated "2645C " acknowledgement letter requires the DATE OF TAXPAYER LETTER . The "2645C" is also unique in that it should not be used for third party response, so this means it is improper to overlay the taxpayer's current name and address when the LETER format is returned.
This LETER record is passed to Command Code LETER when the balance of the DOALL Request has been processed.
Care should be exercised when issuing correspondence to the taxpayer which covers multiple tax periods as there will be a search of the local CAF file done for the case MFT and Tax Period only, and a copy of the letter will be sent to the taxpayer's representative if a valid POA is on file for that tax module. Since it is not possible to search the CAF for multiple tax modules mentioned only in the text of a letter, disclosure might be a problem if tax data is revealed for a module without a valid POA on file for that specific module.
When the generation of Correspondence is required, the Assignee Employee Number will be used unless a Batch-Control-1D line is present on the screen.
Command Code DOALL will only retrieve the "Most Current" nameline and address. Use CC LETER to retrieve a nameline or address other than the most current.
See IRM 2.4.6 for information on CC LETER .
Command Code DOALL may be used to delay, accelerate, or skip the routine issuance of a balance due notice or TDA. See IRM 2.4.28 for general information regarding status updates.
Status update data for Command Code DOALL can be entered on screen line 8.
Status updates via CC DOALL are valid for IMF, BMF, and IRAF accounts only. CC STAUP must be used for status update for NMF accounts.
Status Updates via CC DOALL are restricted to notice status requests. Notice status requests include:
a) Status 20, IDRS First Notice (501) valid for IMF only b) Status 54, Second Notice 14(502) valid for IMF only c) Status 56, Third Notice (503) d) Status 58, Fourth Notice 14(504) e) Status 22, TDA (505) f) CC STAUP must be used to request statuses other than those listed. -
Similar to CC STAUP, DOALL can update certain statuses real time or request that a specific notice be issued during a weekly update.
a) If the requested status is 20, 54, 56, 58 or 22 and the number of cycles delay requested is greater than 00, IDRS status 48 will be generated. b) If the requested status is 20, 54, 56, 58 or 22 and the number of cycles delay requested is 00, IDRS status 50 will be generated with the appropriate notice number. c) The weekly update will cause the notice and appropriate status to be generated when the number of cycles delay has expired. -
The current range of values for the number of cycles delay is 00–15.
Also, the input of status update via CC DOALL causes a history item to be appended to the tax module. The Activity Code portion of the history item will vary depending on the input. The four different Activity Codes are:
Enhancements have been added to Command Code DOALL to facilitate status update input.
a) An asterisk "*" may be entered in the STATUS-REQ-CD field of the DOALL Request and the program will automatically substitute the next valid balance due status prior to processing. b) If there is an asterisk "*" in STATUS-REQ-CD field and the current IDRS status of the tax module is 20, the program will substitute a 54 for the asterisk. c) Under certain conditions such as a defaulted installment agreement, the program will not be able to determine an appropriate value for the status even though the module is eligible for a "STAUP" . In the event this happens, the message "CHECK STATUS" will be returned to the examiner, who may then enter an appropriate status on the screen if desired and re-transmit. d) If the IDRS status is 48 or 50, which indicates a prior STAUP, CC DOALL will not allow the input of an "*" , the input of the actual status is required. e) An asterisk "*" may also be entered in the NUM-CYCLES-DELAY field of the DOALL Request and the program will automatically substitute the maximum number of cycles, which is currently 15. Transmission of this data will cause the next notice (or TDA) to be delayed 15 cycles providing that the module is eligible. f) The above capability is extremely powerful and care should be exercised when researching the tax module to ensure that automatic generation of the next notice status is not used when a prior STAUP has been input by another examiner for the purpose of accelerating a notice or TDA. g) If, for example, the current IDRS status of a tax module is 56 and a "STAUP 22 00" was input this cycle. Subsequent to this, a status update via CC DOALL is entered with an asterisk in the STATUS-REQ-CD. The result of this action would be the generation of a "STAUP 58" for the requested number of cycles and the TDA would not be generated during the weekend processing. h) When using DOALL to update a status after manually voiding a notice, caution should be taken to not accelerate or skip a notice by using the "*" in the STATUS-REQ-CD field. The presence of a notice suppress code "2" , (selected for review) in the Notice History Section will allow for the re-input of the current status when necessary. -
See Exhibit 2.4.34–4 for sample inputs.
Command Code DOALL cannot be used to input TDA/TDI assignment codes. Use CC ASGNI/B (See IRM 2.4.27).
Command Code DOALL may be used to input TDI Notice Code "D" to delay the routine issuance of a TDI notice or TDI for the requested number of cycles (similar to CC ASGNI/B).
CC DOALL may also be used to release a previously input delay by entering TDI Notice Code "D" followed by zero "0" in the number of cycles field.
TDI Notice Code data for Command Code DOALL can be entered on screen line 9.
As a time saving device, an asterisk " *" may be entered in place of the "Dnn" and the program will automatically generate the maximum delay (15 cycles). See Exhibit 2.4.34–5 for sample inputs.
ASGNI/B input via DOALL is limited to TDI notice delay. Use CC ASGNI/B to input notice codes other than "D" or to input TDA/TDI assignments. See IRM 2.4.27 for information regarding CC ASGNI/B.
Command Code DOALL may be used to input Telephone Numbers, or to change Telephone Numbers. However, unlike true command code TELED, DOALL cannot remove a Telephone from an account. TELED itself must be input in order to accomplish a deletion. See Exhibit 2.4.34–6 for sample input. See IRM 2.4.29 for information regarding CC's TELED/TELEA/TELEC.
Command Code DOALL is no longer used to request paper taxpayer documents.
Command Code DOALL may be used in place of a separate input of Command Code MFTRA to request tax data from the Master File. See IRM 2.3 Section 32 for a detailed description of the Transcript Research System (TRS).
"MFTRA" requests generated using DOALL are sent via communications link to ECC-MTB, searches of files are made for the requested data, and requests are filled in exactly the same manner and subject to the same time constraints as those generated using MFTRA.
Multiple "MFTRA" requests can be requested using Command Code DOALL on screen lines 18–21. Up to 4 separate "MFTRA" requests may be entered on one screen. See Exhibit 2.4.34–8 for description and validity of transcript data input fields.
If the "MFTRA" request is wanted only for the Alternate TIN, then the Alternate Only Indicator must be "A" .
As with CC MFTRA, DOALL requires the input of a request type code to indicate the type of search to be performed. This field is required for requests via CC DOALL. A value or values must also be entered in the MF Transcript Variable Field for certain request types e.g. transaction code with request type "T" ). If more than one data item must be entered in the variable field (e.g., MFT and TAX-PRD), fields must be separated from each other by commas.
Enter request type code "A" to request a TRANSACTION AMOUNT search which will return the entity module (except posted entity transactions) and all non-low-level tax modules which have a transaction with a money (debit/credit) amount matching the transaction amount input in the variable field.
Enter request type code "B" to request OPEN BALANCE search which will return the entity module (except posted entity transactions) and all non-low-level tax modules with a balance other than zero.
Enter request type code "C" to request COMPLETE transcript which includes the complete entity module with posted transactions and all non-low-level tax modules. For EPMF requests, all plan modules are returned.
Enter request type code "D" to request TRANSACTION DATE search which will return the entity module (except posted entity transactions), and all non-low-level tax modules with a posted transaction carrying the same transaction date as the date input in the variable field.
Enter request type code "E" to request ENTITY transcript which returns the complete entity module with posted transactions.
Enter request type code "G" to request Debtor Master file (DMF) transcripts (IMF valid only).
Enter request type code "K" to request hardcopy Literal Transcripts of all BMF Tax Modules for one calendar year which ends in "YYYY" .
Enter request type code "L" to request Lower Level Modules. (hardcopy transcripts only). (BMF and IMF) The Lower Level Files contain dormant modules which are not yet old enough to go to Retention.
Enter request type code "M" to request MFT search which will return the entity module (except posted entity transactions), and all non-low-level modules for the MFT specified in the variable field.
Enter request type code "P" to request the Name of Sponsor, Sponsor's Address, Plan Numbers, and Plan Names from the EPMF.
Enter request type code "S" to request SPECIFIC TAX MODULE transcript when the module desired is not the case module. (Use request type code "*" , if the case module is desired.) MFT, Tax Period and EPMF Plan Number are input in the variable field. This type of request will return the entity module (except entity posted transactions), and the requested tax module from whatever level it is on. Retention Register information will be provided only if the module is not on the Master File and (for BMF) the module is old enough to be on retention. (Entering "MFT, EPMF Plan Number" will result in the return of all tax modules for the input plan number).
Enter request type code "T" to request TRANSACTION CODE search which will return the entity module (except posted transactions), and all non-low-level modules containing the transaction code entered in the variable field.
Enter request type code "U" to request a NUMIDENT SSA transcript of Social Security Administration data. NUMIDENT data is a history of changes made to one Social Security account. Requests are allowed for IMF valid segment accounts only. Turnaround is a minimum of two days.
Enter request type code "X" to request BMF or IMF Literal Transcripts (hardcopy transcripts only). Enter a 4 digit tax period (YYYY format) to get a BMF Literal Transcript of all quarters for that year (e.g. 1997). (MFTs 01, 03, or 04 only). Spouse requests are not allowed.
Enter request type code "Y" to request a one year complete transcript (BMF only). Tax Period can be either a YYYY MM or YYYY format.
Enter request type code "Z" to request a specific Tax Module from the Annual Temporary Retention Register Backup File. It requires the entry of the full tax period. (IMF and BMF only). "Z" is a temporary request type code and may be discontinued by Master File processing once all Service Centers receive their microfilm cartridges.
Enter request type code "*" to request SPECIFIC TAX MODULE transcript when the module required is the case module. The MFT, Tax Period and EPMF Plan Number do not need to be input in the variable field (they will be picked up from the stored data or from screen line 1).
Enter request type code "+" to request DEBIT BALANCE search which will return the entity module (except entity posted transactions), and all non-low-level tax modules with a debit module balance.
Enter request type code "−" to request CREDIT BALANCE search which will return the entity module (except entity posted transactions), and all non-low-level tax modules with a credit module balance.
Enter request type code "#" to request a DLN search which will return the entity module (except entity posted transactions), and any Tax Module under that TIN which contains that DLN. If no module has that DLN, only the entity module is returned (IMF and BMF only).
A hardcopy transcript will be produced.
A Spouse SSN/INVALID SEGMENT REQUEST Indicator may be entered as part of DOALL's "MFTRA" data if needed. (A one or two position indicator which is optional for IMF, BMF SSN, and IRAF account requests only. Cannot be entered with BMF EIN, EPMF, or DMF requests).
Enter "S" when you know that the case SSN is a secondary SSN. The Spouse SSN File will be searched to find the primary SSN for the Master File search. Output is returned under the primary SSN only (IMF only).
Enter "B" when it is not known whether the case SSN is primary or secondary. If the case SSN is found to be a primary SSN, output is returned under that SSN. If the case SSN is found to be a secondary SSN, a search is made to find the primary SSN and output is returned under the primary SSN. If the case SSN is found to be both a primary SSN and a secondary SSN, output is returned under both SSN's (IMF only).
Enter "I" when you want to request a transcript from both the valid segment and a transcript from the invalid segment for this SSN (BMF SSN, IMF, and IRAF only).
If present on IMF requests, the only values possible are "S" , "B" and "I " . However, if both the SPOUSE SSN and the INVALID SEGMENT REQUEST indicators are entered, the SPOUSE SSN indicator must be entered first. Thus, the only valid combinations on the IMF request entries are "S" , "B" , " S1" , "B1" (generates 4 requests with one entry), or "I" .
A receiver employee number is automatically generated from the Terminal Operator Number unless a BATCH-CONTROL-ID NUMBER is present. In that case the BATCH-CONTROL-ID NUMBER will be the "Receiver Employee" . See Exhibit 2.4.34–2 for description and validity of BATCH-CONTROL-ID NUMBER.
Provisions have been made for the input of requester remarks via CC DOALL. Appropriate remarks can be entered on the BATCH-CONTROL-ID line 5. NOTE: Only 21 characters will be appended to the "MFTRA" record. The remarks as entered on line 5 are used for all occurrences of MFTRAs on the screen.
See Exhibit 2.4.34–10 for sample inputs.
Command Code DOALLF entry displays a general input format to facilitate entry of DOALL data elements. See Exhibits 2.4.34–1 and 2.4.34–2.
A valid DOALL request which does not include a request for letter generation will cause the generation of a response consisting of the screen exactly as input with a message containing the literal "COMPLETED:" followed by up to 6 command code names representing actions completed for that request.
A valid DOALL request which includes a request for letter generation will cause the generation of an LPAGE input screen unless there is an address change pending. In that case a Pending Address Message will be generated.
If an error is encountered processing a DOALL request, processing stops (although validity checking of fields may continue) and an appropriate message or message are displayed to the operator. Each data field in error is displayed in inverse video. No part of a request is processed once an error is encountered in any portion of the request.
Certain general errors applicable to more than one function of CC DOALL cause the display of a 40 character error message in inverse video beginning in position 1 of screen line 24. These messages are listed in section (5) below.
Error messages applying to a specific line of input are displayed in inverse video beginning in position 1 of screen lines 22 through 23. These messages are listed in section (6) below.
Every effort has been made to make error processing parallel to that of the individual command codes, and to make the error messages as self-explanatory as possible.
General terminal messages usually appearing on screen line 24:
Requested account is temporarily unavailable, retry in a few minutes. -
A valid name control must be supplied when an account is to be built on the TIF. -
The command code definer must be "F" or blank with CC DOALL. -
This message indicates the actions completed by CC DOALL. Any combination of the six commands above will appear depending on what functions were initially requested. Any combination involving the LETER function will result in the LPAGE format coming back to the screen, as opposed to a "COMPLETED " message. -
An error was encountered trying to update the data base (TIF), make a screen print including the account TIN and notify an RPA. -
CC DOALL cannot be used to process requests for entity updates (MFT=00). -
An unprocessable condition was encountered in a TIF record. Make a screen print, record TIN of account, and notify Control Group. Subsequently, a TIF-EDIT should be done and the ECC-DET staff notified immediately. -
DOALL can be used to process IMF, BMF, EPMF, NMF, and IRAF accounts only. -
DOALL was preceded by an invalid input of SUMRY, ENMOD, TXMOD, FRM77, ADJ54, or REINF (when default from SUMRYR). -
The MFT is not consistent with the TIN. -
The MFT-CD will not pass standard validity check. -
The screen input MFT does not match the MFT stored by CC TXMOD. -
The MFT must be input on the DOALL screen if the prior command code is other than TXMOD. -
The name control will not pass standard validity check. -
The input name control does not match the TIF name control. -
A name control must be supplied on the screen in order for CC DOALL to build a TIF account. -
A request to process data was received before DOALL has displayed the input format screen. -
The requested TIF area is unavailable. Input requests for accounts with TIN's ending in different digits. -
A plan number is present for a non-EPMF account. -
The plan number is not within the valid range 001–999. -
The screen input plan number does not match the plan stored by CC TXMOD. -
For EPMF requests, the plan number must be input on the DOALL screen if the prior command is other than TXMOD. -
A "HISTORY ONLY" account is present on the TIF with a name control of "AAAA" or "WXYZ" ; therefore the taxpayer's correct name control must be supplied on the DOALL input screen so that a request for Master File Data (TC 902) can be generated with the proper name control ("AAAA" or "WXYZ" won't suffice for screen input name control). -
No name control was entered on the DOALL screen and the TIF account is a "HISTORY ONLY" account, therefore the name control must be supplied. -
This message is generated to notify the terminal operator that address for LETER from the TIF is pending. -
The prior command code was not SUMRY, TXMOD, ENMOD, ADJ54, FRM77, or REINF (when default from SUMRYR). -
No processable data was entered on the screen. -
The TIN stored in terminal memory by the prior command is invalid. Repeat prior command input, make screen print (to record TIN), and notify Control Group. -
Error encountered trying to access the TIF. Make screen print, record account TIN, and notify an RPA -
The tax period is not consistent with the MFT. -
The tax period will not pass standard validity check. -
The screen input tax period does not match the tax period stored by CC TXMOD. -
The tax period must be input on the DOALL screen if the prior command code is other than TXMOD. -
The name control found on the TIF will not pass standard validity check.
Specific line error messages appearing on screen lines 22–23:
The action being requested requires that the account be present on the TIF e.g. control base update "CO1" or "CO2" etc.). -
The ACTIVITY-CD contains an imbedded space within the field. ADDCTRL ERR nn An error was encountered in the ADDCTRL subroutine. For a more detailed explanation please refer to IRM 2.3 Section 5. -
The entry of an ALTERNATIVE-TIN of MF-TRANS-INPUT is inconsistent with the file source. -
The ALTERNATIVE-ONLY-INDICA-TOR must be either an "A" if the "MFTRA" request is only wanted for the alternate TIN or it must be blank if request are wanted for both the case and alternate TINS. -
The ALTERNATE-TIN of MF-TRANS-INPUT will not pass standard validity check. -
The entry of an ALTERNATE-TIN is required in order to process an MF-TRANS-INPUT ("R" in character position 1). -
Has to be a ten character numeric. -
If a request is for a complete block, the Serial Num of the DLN must be zeroes. -
The CASE-STATUS-CD contains an invalid character (must be "A" , "B" , "C" , "M" , or "S" ). -
Input of a CASE-STATUS-CD is required to establish a new control base. -
The CONTROL-CATEGORY contains invalid characters. -
The CONTROL-CATEGORY is required to establish a new control base. -
The STATUS-REQ-CD was input as an asterisk "*" , but the program is unable to determine the appropriate notice status automatically. A STATUS-REQ-CD of other than "*" must be input on the screen. -
An open control base with a sequence number corresponding to the CONTROL-SEQ-NUM on the screen cannot be found. -
Insufficient data is present to process a request for a control base update. At least one of the optional fields must be input when only a SEQ-NUM is entered. -
Decimal point required for money amount. -
The DLN input on the screen must contain only numeric characters (and hyphens for MFTRA only) and the hyphens must be in the proper position. -
A "MFTRA" request for a DLN search is valid for IMF and BMF accounts only. -
Zero cycles is invalid when module is in Status 22. -
The current module already reflects the requested status and number of cycles delay. -
The form number contains a space in the first position of the field. -
The ASSIGNEE-EMPLEE-NUM contains invalid characters. -
The input of an ASSIGNEE-EMPLEE-NUM is required to establish a new control base, generate a letter format, or order a MF Transcript with CC DOALL. A BATCH-CONTROL-ID-NUMBER can be used in place of the ASSIGNEE-EMPLEE-NUM for MFTRA Requests. -
The first two characters of ASSIGNEE-EMPLEE-NUM and/or Batch-Control-Num must be within the jurisdiction of the requesting Service Center. -
The last eight characters of ASSIGNEE-EMPLEE-NUM and/or the Batch-Control-Num must not be zero. -
An unprocessable condition was encountered in a TIF record. Make a screen print, record TIN of account, and notify Control Group. Subsequently, a TIF EDIT should be done and the ECC-DET staff notified immediately. -
The first two characters of the screen input DLN or the TIF tax module DLN must contain a valid service center or district office code. -
Has to be an EPMF module. -
Invalid for File Source. -
Invalid for File Source. -
Invalid for File Source because of prior Request-Type Code. -
Spouse SSN Indicator is invalid for a non IMF File Source. -
The IRS-RCVD-DATE (ACTON), the DT-TP-LTR (LETER), or the TRANS-DATE (MFTRA) entered on the screen is later than the current date. -
The Tax Period year input with MFT 01, 03, or 04 (request type "S" ) is later than the current year. -
CC TXMOD must be entered prior to establishing a new control base if the tax module is present on the TIF. -
The ASSIGNEE-EMPLEE-NUM or BATCH-CONTROL-ID NUMBER is less than ten characters. -
Data is present in SUSP-IND and RET-ADD-CD fields when the form number is 2645C or in DT-TP-LTR field for all other form numbers. -
The DATE-OF TAXPAYER-LETTER must be entered when requesting a 2645C letter. -
The TDA-LOC-CD or the PRIMARY-LOC-CD for the taxpayer is out of the Service Center's jurisdiction. -
The FILE-LOC-CD is inconsistent for the year of the DLN. For example District Office "65" would not be consistent for 1980. -
The action requested is not valid for a memo account. -
The action requested is not valid for a memo tax module. -
The action requested is not valid for a memo or dummy account. -
The action requested is not valid for a memo or dummy tax module. -
MFT-CD is invalid for this function. -
The MFT-CD is not valid for FTD microfilm request. -
The MFT-CD (request type L or M or S or Z) will not pass standard validity check. -
REQUEST-TYPE-CD (L or M or S or Z) was entered, indicating that an MFT or specific module search is desired, but the MFT was not entered in the MF-TRANS-VARIABLE-FIELD. -
Entry of MFT-CD of zeroes is not valid for an MFT or specific tax module search. -
MFTRA is invalid for this File Source. -
A Master File Transcript cannot be ordered for a Non-Master File (NMF) account. -
The MFT-CD (request type M or S) is not consistent with the TIN. -
The Microfilm Number input on the screen must contain only numeric characters. -
The Microfilm Number is needed when data is present in PYMT-DATE or AMOUNT fields. -
The requested action requires that the tax module be present on the TIF e.g. control base update "C01" ). -
The IDRS status record of the requested tax module indicates that no balance due notice has been issued for the module, therefore, a status update is invalid. -
There is no compliance record on the TIF for the requested account; since the account is not in notice status, the input of a delay is invalid. -
The Master File status record of the requested tax module indicates that a Master File First Notice has not been issued to the taxpayer, therefore, a status update is invalid. -
A "nn" was input on the screen, indicating that a control base update is desired, but an open control base with a matching sequence number is not present on the TIF. -
There is no Master File Status History record on the TIF for the requested module, therefore, a status update is invalid. -
There is no Notice History Record on the TIF for the requested module, therefore, a status update is invalid. -
This message will be displayed whenever the operator attempts to blank out either the Home or the Other Phone Number which has been returned to the screen following an entry of DOALL with the "F" Command Code definer. Any phone number already existing on the account cannot be deleted by the entry of the Command Code DOALL. To do this, the Command Code TELED must be entered. -
A Service Center Status History record is not present on the TIF for the requested module, therefore, a status update request cannot be processed. -
The Service Center Status History record does not contain enough information to process a status update for the requested module. -
The notice to be delayed, as specified on the input screen has already been issued. -
The DLN as it appears on the input screen is an asterisk "*" indicating that the controlling DLN is to be extracted from the tax module on the TIF, but no controlling DLN is present on the TIF. -
The NUM-CYCS-DELAY field on the input screen is not in the valid range 00–15. -
The NUM-CYCS-DELAY field is required for each status update input via DOALL. -
YYYY portion of the date has to be later than 1961. -
If an IRS-RCVD-DATE over one year old is entered, the OLD DATE INDICATOR must be "V" ; else it must be a blank. It may not be used with the asterisk (*). -
The IRS-RCDV-DATE is more than one year prior to the current date and the OLD-DATE-INDICATOR is not "V" . -
The Tax Period Year (YYYY) input for a specific module search (request type S), is not later than 1961. -
The OUTPUT-TYPE field contains other than "D" (IDRS display), " T" (transcript), or blank (default to hardcopy). Also, if the Request Type Code is "L" or "X" or " K" or "Z" and the Output-Type is " D" (Request-Type-CD "L" or "X" or "Z" or "K" must be a hardcopy). -
The AMOUNT field does not contain a valid money amount. -
PYMT-DATE field does not contain a valid date. -
Both the HOME NUMBER (if entered) and the OTHER NUMBER (if entered) are checked for errors. Errors detected are (1) entry of all zeros for AREA CODE, EXCHANGE or EXTENSION, (2) entry of non-numeric values in AREA CODE, and (3) entry of an EXTENSION without a preceding AREA CODE and EXCHANGE. -
MFT-CD 76 must have a Plan Number 000–999. -
Plan Number is not numeric or is not greater than zero. -
The value of the Plan Number (request type S) is not within the valid range 000–999. -
The Plan Number was not entered in the MF-TRANS-VARIABLE-FIELD (request type S), for an EPMF tax module. -
Received date invalid. -
An IRS Received Date must be input when establishing a new control base ("#" ). -
A control base update (CNTL-NUM = "nn" ) was requested but there is no control record (TIF 70) on the TIF. -
This account has been updated or established by the input of RECON or MFREQ "C" . A STAUP update is not permitted. -
An "R" was found in 1 position of ALT-TIN field, but the program could not find an alternate tin from the prior line or the repeat indicator is on the first line. -
The requested status is not for a later status than the current status. -
The screen input REQUEST-TYPE-CD contains invalid character; must be A, B, C, D, E, G, K, L, M, P, S, T, U, X, Y, Z, *, +, – or #. Request type " Z" may be discontinued by Master File processing, once all Service Centers receive their microfilm cartridges. -
Input of a request type code is required for all "MFTRA" requests via DOALL, with the exception of a repeat of the prior request with an alternate TIN. -
The requested delay will expire before the due date of the return. Input longer delay. -
The RETURN-ADDRESS-CD contains invalid characters; must be 01–99 or AA–ZZ. -
MFT-CD 46 must have a Report Number. -
Report Number for MFT-46 is within the Invalid Range of:
IfGREATER THAN '199' and LESS THAN '300'
If LESS THAN '399' and LESS THAN '500'
If LESS THAN '599' and LESS THAN '700'
If LESS THAN '799' and LESS THAN '900' -
Report Number for MFT68 is Invalid if it is LESS THAN '001' -
An attempt was made to change the control category of an open control base from "RFDL" to another category. -
The screen input CONTROL-SEQ-NUM contains invalid characters; must be "#" , " nn" , or (last value only when no ACTON intended). -
A CONTROL-SEQ-NUM must be input as part of each case control request via DOALL. -
The value of the Signature Title Code is not within the valid ranges 00–99, or AA–ZZ. -
The SPOUSE-SSN/INVALID SEGMENT REQUEST INDICATOR contains an invalid character; must be "S" , "B" , "I" , "SI" , "Bl" or blank and can't be Request Type "G" , "K" , "M" , "P" , "U" , "W" , "Y" or "Z" . -
The requested status is not 20, 54, 56, 58, or 22. -
The requested status is not valid for BMF accounts. -
The request status is not valid for IMF accounts. -
The requested status is not valid for IRAF accounts. -
The current IDRS status is 14, 22, 24, 26, 41–46, 60, 71–73, or 91 and the account is not eligible for a status update. -
An entry in the STATUS-REQ-CD field is required for all status updates via DOALL. -
The requested delay will expire less than six months prior to the statute expiration, Input shorter delay. -
An attempt was made to update the status of an EPMF account. -
NMF status updates cannot be processed by CC DOALL; use CC STAUP. -
The value of the Suspense Indicator is not within the valid range A–Z. -
The tax module for which a "STAUP" was requested is already in status 22. -
Input Format, Command Code DOALL with Command Code Definer "F" .

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Record Element Description
Element | Line | Position | Description and Validity |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | Command Code —"DOALL" |
2 | 1 | 6 | Command Code Definer — Must be "F" (a) Enter " F" to generate fixed format for a subsequent entry of up to six command codes. |
Terminal Response, Command Code DOALL with Command Code Definer F, with "ACTON" function description.
The "=" above is really ">" on all exhibits, when displayed on real-time.

Please click here for the text description of the image.
"ACTON" Case Control function
Element | Description | ||
1 | TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (TIN)—This is always present from the previous command code and cannot be overlaid. This TIN is used by all subsequent functions. | ||
2 | MFT—After the DOALL "F" is entered, tabbing points at this field. Significant value is often present from a previous command code. Required to be entered if prior command other than TXMOD. If from TXMOD, previous value may not be changed. | ||
3 | TAX PERIOD—Significant value is often present from a previous command code. Required to be entered if prior command other than TXMOD. If from TXMOD, previous value may not be changed. | ||
4 | PLAN REPORT—Required to be entered is value range 001–999 if EPMF and if prior command other than TXMOD. If from TXMOD, previous value may not be overlaid. | ||
5 | NAME CONTROL—If present, it was passed forward from the previous command code entry and be overlaid, as long as values meet standard validity checks. If initially blank, | ||
(a) | if the account is not on the TIF, the name control must be input; check digits are invalid; | ||
(b) | if the account is present on the TIF, the name control is usually returned to the screen. If so, it may not be changed. If blanks are returned to the screen, a name control must be entered, as the input must match TIF name control (see exception below). | ||
(c) | if a "HISTORY ONLY" account is on TIF with a name control of "AAAA" or "WXYZ" , the correct name control for the taxpayer must be supplied on the screen; the program will expand the TIF account (it will no longer be a "HISTORY ONLY " account) and correct the name control (the above is performed only when control is established). | ||
6 | CONTROL SEQUENCE NUMBER—Value initially returned by DOALL "F" is "[slashb][slashb]" . If it is desired to add or update a control base, this field must be entered with either a "#[slashb]" for the establishment of new Control Base or an "nn" (nn = 01–99) for the update of an existing base. If a value is entered in this field, at least one of the other elements from 7 through 11 must be entered. | ||
7 | ACTIVITY CODE — Values initially returned by DOALL " F" is blanks in all 10 positions. May be left blank or entered with any information that is desired. However, imbedded blanks are not allowed. Input of long literal is optional and not recommended; special one character codes in the left-most portion of this field are recommended as a timesaver: | ||
(a) | Enter "C" to generate the Activity Code "DOCCDMFTRA " on the new Control Base, or | ||
(b) | Enter "D" and the program will generate the activity code " DOCREQ" , or | ||
(c) | Enter "L" to generate "LETERvvvvv" where "vvvv" will be the Form Letter Number of the LETER function of the DOALL Request if present on input, or | ||
(d) | Enter "R" (standing for research) to generate "MFTRA " . | ||
When CONTROL SEQUENCE NUMBER is "nn" (nn = 01–99) for the update of an existing base, if ACTIVITY CODE is left as blanks on the screen, theACTIVITY CODE of the previous base is extracted to the updated control base. | |||
8 | CASE STATUS CODE — Must be A, B, C, M, or S; required with CONTROL SEQUENCE NUMBER"#[slashb]" ; optional with "nn" . Possible values are "A" (stands for "ASSIGNED" ), B ("BACKGROUND" ), C ("CLOSED" ), M ("OTHER" ), or S (" SUSPENSE" ). | ||
When CONTROL SEQUENCE NUMBER is "nn" (nn = 01–99) for the update of an existing base, if left as blank on the screen, the CASE STATUS CODE of the previous base is extracted to the updated control base. | |||
9 | CONTROL CATEGORY — Must be on list of approved codes [See Document 6209 section 14.9]; required with CONTROL SEQUENCE NUMBER"#" ; optional with "nn" . If none entered along with the "nn" , then the CONTROL CATEGORY for the updated Control Base is derived from the previous control base. | ||
10 | INPUT-SYSTEM-SOURCE-CODE — Displays the input source of the taxpayer tax return. Blank = ISRP/DED, A = ASFR/AWF, C = SCRIPS, D = ETD, E = ELF/EFS, F = XML, G = FEDTAX II, I = IDRS, L = MEF (IMF fORMS), M = MAG TAPE, O = OLF, P = PAC, R = RPS, S = IRP OCR, T = TELEFILE (Defunct), W = WIRS (CAWR) (Defunct), U = UNPOSTABLES, Z = Default. | ||
11 | ASSIGNEE EMPLOYEE NUMBER — When not all blanks, must be 10 numerics. The first two characters must be a valid Service Center or DO code; required with CONTROL SEQUENCE NUMBER"#[slashb]" , optional with "nn" (in which case the ASSIGNEE EMPLOYEE NUMBER is repeated on the update Control Base from the previous Control Base). If you wish to have the case assigned to the TERMINAL OPERATOR , key in an asterisk ("*" ) in the first position (upon a "COMPLETED" request, the Terminal Operator is returned to the screen in this field.) If assignment of the case control is to someone other than the Employee of the previous assignment, or to the Terminal Operator, input a ten digit EMPLOYEE NUMBER. | ||
(a) | This field also applies to the LETER, and MFTRA functions of CC DOALL. It must be present on the input screen if any of the above actions are requested for anybody other than the Terminal Operator, whenever a Case Control is added or updated and the BATCH CONTROL NUMBER IS blank. | ||
12 | IRS RECEIVED DATE — Must be in MMDDYYYY format, normally cannot be later than the current date or more than one year earlier than the current date (but see OLD DATE INDICATOR below). Value initially returned by DOALL "F" is all blanks; required with CONTROL SEQUENCE NUMBER"#" , optional with "nn" . If you wish the date to be carried over from the original control base, leave this field blank when entering CONTROL SEQUENCE NUMBER of "nn" . | ||
13 | OLD DATE INDICATOR — Optional. However, if an IRS RECEIVED DATE over one year old is desired and entered in the previous Element, then the OLD DATE INDICATOR must be entered with a value of "V" . | ||
14 | BATCH CONTROL NUMBER — Used only rarely, when the person or functional area who receives the LETER or MFTRA results is not the same person who is assigned control of the case. Sometimes used to direct paper results back to the functional area, but not to any specific employee. This is a substitute for ASSIGNEE EMPLOYEE NUMBER but only when LETER or MFTRA sub-functions are entered. If entered, must be 10 numerics, and first two characters must be a valid Service Center or District Office Code. | ||
15 | REMARKS — Optional. If entered, written to MFTRA requests. | ||
16–20 | These elements for CC LETER are described in Exhibit 2.4.34–3. | ||
21–22 | These elements for CC STAUP are described in Exhibit 2.4.34–4. | ||
23 | This element for CC ASGNI/B is described in Exhibit 2.4.34–5. | ||
24–28 | These elements for CC TELEA are described in Exhibit 2.4.34–6. | ||
29–35 | These elements for CC MFTRA are described in Exhibit 2.4.34–8. |
Terminal Input, Command Code DOALL with blank Command Code Definer, using the format returned by DOALLF (with "LETER" function description).

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Element | Description | |
"ACTON" Case Control function — | ||
1–15 | See Exhibit 2.4.34–2. | |
"LETER" function— | ||
16 | FORM LETTER NUMBER — If entered, it must be valid FORM NUMBER on the Correspondence Letter Validity File (CLVF); optional, since it may also be entered once the DOALL LETER screen is returned to the examiner. A value of "A" entered in this field will result in the generation of "2645C" in the FORM LETTER NUMBER. | |
(a) | The presence of any one of the five "LETER" fields on the DOALL input screen will cause the generation of a LETER screen (with name and address from TIF if available) when the balance of the DOALL request has been processed | |
17 | SIGNATURE TITLE CODE — Optional | |
(a) | Enter AA–ZZ to generate two lines consisting of a name and a signature title | |
(b) | Enter 01–99 to generate signature title only | |
(c) | Enter 00 to generate a blank line, a name and/or title can be entered in a fill-in or the output LETER screen. | |
(d) | If left blank, LETER/LPAGE processing will generate a SIGNATURE TITLE CODE which appears on the LPAGE display. The value generated is always based upon the functional area of the Terminal Operator who is entering the LPAGE command code. The ASSIGNEE EMPLOYEE NUMBER (if entered on line 3) is ignored in this LPAGE analysis. | |
18 | SUSPENSE INDICATOR — Optional; any alphabetic A–Z is valid; this indicator is subsequently printed on the letter and is used at local option to route letter responses to the area maintaining the suspense file. It is recommended that this field be entered when FORM LETTER NUMBER is "2645C" , but it is not mandatory. | |
19 | DATE OF TAXPAYER LETTER — Optional. Format is MMDDYYYY. For most FORM LETTER NUMBERs it may be left blank. However, if the FORM LETTER NUMBER is "2645C" , this DATE must be entered. This also could be the DATE of any type of contact (FAX, PHONE IN, etc.). | |
20 | RETURN ADDRESS CODE — Optional; Must be AA–ZZ or 01–99; causes a special return address to be printed on the letter. |
Terminal input, Command Code DOALL with blank Command Code Definer, using the format returned by DOALLF (with "STAUP" function description).

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Element | Description | ||
"ACTON" Case Control function— | |||
1–15 | See Exhibit 2.4.34–2 | ||
"LETER" function— | |||
16–20 | See Exhibit 2.4.34–3 | ||
"STAUP" function— | |||
21 | STATUS REQUEST CODE— Must be 20 (IMF ONLY), 54 (IMF ONLY), 56, 58, 22, or "•" , identifies the notice to be delayed or accelerated |
(a) | Enter "•" to delay or accelerate the next routine issuance and the program will computer the proper value for the status request code. | ||
22 | NUMBER OF CYCLES DELAY—Must be 00–15 or " •" ; specifies the length of delay before the requested issuance: | ||
(a) | Enter 01–15 to delay issuance for 1 to 15 cycles | ||
(b) | Enter "•" to delay issuance for the maximum allowable cycles (currently 15) | ||
(c) | Enter 00 to release the requested issuance |
Terminal Input, Command Code DOALL with blank Command Code Definer, using the format returned by DOALLF (with " ASGNI/B" function description).

Please click here for the text description of the image.
"ACTON" Case Control function — | |
1–15 | See Exhibit 2.4.34–2. |
"LETER" function — | |
16–20 | See Exhibit 2.4.34–3. |
"STAUP" function — | |
21–22 | See Exhibit 2.4.34–4. |
"ASGNI/B" function — |
Element | Description | |
23 | TDI NOTICE CODE FIELD — Specifies that TDI notice issuance should be delayed (or resumed) | |
(a) | Enter D01–D15 to delay routine issuance for the specified number of cycles | |
(b) | Enter "*" (not "D*" ) to delay issuance for the maximum number of cycles (currently 15) | |
(c) | Enter D00 ("D" followed by zeros) to release a previously input delay |
Terminal Input, Command Code DOALL with blank Command Code Definer, using the format returned by DOALLF (with "TELEA" function description).

Please click here for the text description of the image.
"ACTON" Case Control function — | |
1–15 | See Exhibit 2.4.34–2. |
"LETER" function — | |
16–20 | See Exhibit 2.4.34–3. |
"STAUP" function — | |
21–22 | See Exhibit 2.4.34–4. |
"ASGNI/B" function — | |
23 | See Exhibit 2.4.34–5. |
24 | HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER – Returns from DOALL "F" entry, if present on the account. All or part may be altered. If any alteration of values is done just before the DOALL when blank definer is entered, the HOME TELEPHONE is replaced. If you wish the values to remain on the account, do not clear any entry field on this line. If you wish to add a HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER, simply enter it before your entry of the DOALL with a blank definer. |
25 | An EXTENSION cannot be added or changed without a HOME NUMBER being present . If spaces return to these two fields, you may leave the spaces and nothing will be updated. |
26 | OTHER TELEPHONE NUMBER – Returns from DOALL "F" entry, if present on the account. All or part may be altered. If any alteration of values is done just before the DOALL with the blank definer is entered, the OTHER TELEPHONE is replaced. If you wish the values to remain on the account, do not clear any entry field on this line. If you wish to add an OTHER TELEPHONE NUMBER, simply enter it before you entry of the DOALL with a blank definer. |
27 | An EXTENSION cannot be added or changed without a OTHER NUMBER being present . If spaces return to these two fields, you may leave the spaces and nothing will be updated. |
28 | CELL TELEPHONE NUMBER – Returns from DOALL "F" entry, if present on the account. All or part may be altered. If any alteration of values is done just before the DOALL when blank definer is entered, the CELL TELEPHONE is replaced. If you wish the values to remain on the account, do not clear any entry field on this line. If you wish to add a CELL TELEPHONE NUMBER, simply enter it before your entry of the DOALL with a blank definer. |
Note: For ALL telephone numbers, the AREA CODE must be numeric. However, the EXCHANGE and the SUFFIX may be entered with either characters or numeric. If characters are entered, these are changed to numeric when written to IDRS. |
Terminal Input, Command Code DOALL with blank Command Code Definer, using the format returned by DOALLF (with " MFTRA" function description).

Please click here for the text description of the image.
"ACTON" Case Control function — | |
1–15 | See Exhibit 2.4.34–2. |
"LETER" function — | |
16–20 | See Exhibit 2.4.34–3. |
"STAUP" function — | |
21–22 | See Exhibit 2.4.34–4. |
"ASGNI/B" function — | |
23 | See Exhibit 2.4.34–5. |
"TELEA" function — | |
24–28 | See Exhibit 2.4.34–6. |
Element | Description | |
2 | MFT — This field is written to those MFTRA requests which are directed to a specific tax period, when an asterisk (*) is entered in the REQUEST TYPE CODEfield. | |
3 | TAX PERIOD — See comment for MFT above. | |
4 | PLAN NUMBER — EPMF only. See comment for MFT above. | |
14 | BATCH CONTROL NUMBER — Used only rarely, when the person or functional area who receives the MFTRA results is not the same person who is assigned control of the case. Sometimes used to direct paper results back to the functional area, but not to any specific employee. This is a substitute for ASSIGNEE EMPLOYEE NUMBER but only when MFTRA subfunctions are entered. If entered, must be 10 numerics, and first two characters must be a valid Service Center or District Office Code. | |
15 | REMARKS — Optional. If entered, written to all MFTRA requests entered on this screen input. | |
29 | REQUEST TYPE CODE — Specifies the type of search to be performed | |
(a) | Enter "A" for TRANSACTION AMOUNT search | |
(b) | Enter "B" for OPEN BALANCE search | |
(c) | Enter "C" for COMPLETE transcript | |
(d) | Enter "D" for TRANSACTION DATE search | |
(e) | Enter "E" for ENTITY transcripts | |
(f) | Enter "G" for DEBTOR MASTER FILE account (IMF only) | |
(g) | Enter "K" for Literal Transcripts of all BMF Tax Modules for One Year Ending "YYYY" . (hardcopy only) | |
(h) | Enter "L" for LOWER LEVEL MODULES (IMF and BMF only) | |
(i) | Enter "M" for MFT search (BMF only) | |
(j) | Enter "P" to request EPMF-INFORMATION | |
(k) | Enter "S" forSPECIFIC TAX MODULE transcript when the module desired is the case module | |
(l) | Enter "T" for TRANSACTION CODE search | |
(m) | Enter "U" for Numident Social Security Data (IMF only) | |
(n) | Enter "X" to request BMF or IMF Literal Transcripts | |
(o) | Enter "Y" to request a One Year Complete Transcript | |
(p) | Enter "Z" for data from the IMF or BMF temporary BACKUP RETENTION REGISTER file | |
(q) | Enter "*" for SPECIFIC TAX MODULE transcript when the module desired is the case module | |
(r) | Enter "#" for DLN search (IMF and BMF only) | |
(s) | Enter "+" for DEBIT BALANCE search | |
(t) | Enter "-" for CREDIT BALANCE search | |
30 | MF TRANSCRIPT VARIABLE FIELD—Must contain data necessary to complete the type code above if additional data is required; a variable data field is separated from another by a comma "," . | |
(a) | Enter TRANSACTION AMOUNT with request type "A" . The first position may be "$" or blank; enter commas when required; if amount is credit, enter minus sign "-" after the amount, otherwise the amount is assumed to be debit; may not exceed 13 characters for IMF (excluding minus sign) or 14 characters for BMF (excluding minus sign) | |
(b) | Omit with request type "B" (OPEN BALANCE) | |
(c) | Omit with request type "C" (COMPLETE) | |
(d) | Enter TRANSACTION DATE in MMDDYYYY format with request type " D" | |
(e) | Omit with request type "E" (ENTITY) | |
(f) | Omit with request type "G" (ENTIRE ACCOUNT) | |
(g) | Enter "YY" (year) with request type "K" | |
(h) | Enter MFT with request type "L" | |
(i) | Enter MFT with request type "M" | |
(j) | Omit with request type "P" (EPMF) | |
(k) | For TYPE "S" , each field must be separated from the prior field by a comma; a tax year (YYYY) may also be entered for MFT's 01, 03, & 04, to get transcript of all quarters for that year; if entered, the year e.g. 1997) must be separated from the MFT by comma | |
(l) | Enter TRANSACTION CODE with request type "T" | |
(m) | Omit with request type "U" | |
(n) | Enter MFT, Tax Period (separated by comma) with REQUEST-TYPE"X" | |
(o) | Enter Tax Period or Year Ending with REQUEST-TYPE"Y " . Formats YYYYMM or YYYY are acceptable | |
(p) | Enter MFT, Tax Period (separated by comma) with REQUEST-TYPE"Z" , when "Z" is allowed to be input | |
(q) | Enter in format NNNNN-NNN-NNNNN-N for the Requested DLN if REQUEST-TYPE"#" . | |
(r) | Omit with request type "*" (SPECIFIC MODULE) — the MFT, Tax Period and Plan Number will be obtained automatically from the data on Line 1. Request Type "*" is used when requesting "MFTRA" for the case tax module | |
(s) | Omit with request type "+" (DEBIT BALANCE) | |
(t) | Omit with request type "–" (CREDIT BALANCE) | |
31 | OUTPUT CODE — Optional; input of "T" will cause a hard copy transcript of the return data requested if omitted, a hard copy transcript will be generated. | |
32 | SPOUSE SSN INDICATOR — Optional; "B" or "S" causes Master File search for requested data on the spouse's account. An "I" causes a Master File search for requested data on the valid/invalid segments of the IMF. | |
(a) | Enter "S" when the case SSN is known to be a secondary SSN. An attempt will be made to locate the Primary SSN and if found, output is returned under the Primary SSN only | |
(b) | Enter "B" when it is not known whether the case SSN is Primary or Secondary; if found at ECC-MTB to be Secondary, output will be returned under that SSN; if case SSN is both a Primary and Secondary SSN, output will be under both numbers | |
(c) | Enter "I" when requesting a transcript from both the valid segment and a transcript from the invalid segment of the IMF to be returned on the same TIN. "SI" and "Bl" combinations may also be entered for IMF only. These will generate requests directed to both the valid and invalid segments. None of these combinations can be entered with request types "G" , "K" , "M" , "P" , "U" , "W" , "Y" , or "Z" . |
33 | ALTERNATE TIN — Optional. If a full edited TIN is entered in this field, this alternate TIN will be substituted for the case TIN from line 1 in the MFTRA request, or MFTRA requests will be generated for both TINs, depending on the ALTERNATE TIN value (see below). The " R" Repeat Indicator may be used, with the following restrictions. | |
Full TIN keyed-in. Format is either EIN: nn-nnnnnnnv or SSN: nnn-nn nnnnv. May be keyed in on all lines 17 through 20. Enter "R" Repeat Indicator, but only on lines 18 through 20 (this is an easy way to repeat the TIN from the line above). | ||
34 | ALTERNATE TIN OPTION INDICATOR— Key in value " A" if you wish MFTRA request to be directed only to the alternate TIN instead of to the TIN displayed on line 1. Otherwise, leave blank and the MFTRA requests will be generated toward both the alternate TIN and the TIN on line 1, but only if the ALTERNATE TIN field is entered. | |
See Exhibit 2.4.34–10 for example |
Sample Input and Response, Command Code DOALL entered with blank definer, following DOALL "F" .
Assume that the TIN stored by proceeding CC TXMOD was 32–9999999, business name INTERNATIONAL AIRWAYS, and that the account and the Tax Module 01/199703 are stored on the TIF. DOALL "F" entry date is August 27,1997. The terminal operator signed on is number 2803700131.
Expected response to above condition: Lines 1 through 3 default values are described in Exhibit 2.4.34–2. None of the other fields are returned by DOALL "F" with significant values.
The following action would have resulted from completion of the above request, without entering values in the other fields, so long as the End of Transmission button (ETX) is entered on line 3 position 44 or farther down on the screen:
Case Control is established for MFT 01, TXPD 199703 on TIN 32–9999999, assigned to Employee Number 2803700131, which is the Terminal Operator number which was returned to the DOALL "F" screen. |
(This is an unusual case, because the operator would normally have chosen the Command Code ACTON after the TXMOD, if the only action desired was to create a Control Base).
Sample Input and Response, Command Code DOALL entered with blank definer, following DOALL "F" (with extensive alteration of screen by operator).
Assume, like before, that the TIN stored by proceeding CC TXMOD was 32–9999999, business name INTERNATIONAL AIRWAYS , and that the account and the Tax Module 01/199603 are stored on the TIF. DOALL "F" entry date is August 27,1997, terminal operator number still 2803700131.

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Expected response to above condition Lines 1 through 3 default values are described in Exhibit 2.4.34–2. On this example, only the ASGNI/B, and MFTRA functions have been entered with significant values. However, note that the value in two elements of the ACTON function have been overlaid by the operator.
The following actions would have resulted from completion of the above request, without entering values in the other fields, so long as End of Transmission button (ETX) is entered beyond line 20:
A Case Control is established for MFT 01, TXPD 199603 on 32–9999999, assigned to Employee Number 2830100067, since the Terminal Operator number 2803700131 which was returned to the DOALL "F" screen was overlaid.
All TDI notice issuances are delayed for 9 cycles and a history item is added.
Four "MFTRA" requests are generated (when these are satisfied, the results will also be directed to the Number 2830100042):
Specific tax module request for MFT 01, TXPD 199703 on 32–9999999 (which is the case TIN) to be printed on transcript hardcopy, under BATCH CONTROL NUMBER 2830100042;
Specific tax module request for MFT 01, TXPD 199706 on 32–1234567 (which is the alternate TIN) to be displayed on IDRS;
Specific tax module request for MFT 01, TXPD 199709 also on 32–1234567 (which is the alternate TIN) to be displayed on IDRS;
Specific tax module requests for MFT 01, TXPD 199712 on the case TIN 32–9999999 and the alternate TIN 32-1234567, both to be displayed on IDRS.
Sample Input and Response, Command Code DOALL entered with blank definer, following DOALL "F" (with entry of fields for LPAGE only).
Assume that the TIN stored by proceeding CC TXMOD was 32–6669930, business name HOLLAND OIL CO , and that the account and the Tax Module 03/199003 are stored on the TIF. DOALL "F" entry date is May 1, 1991, terminal operator number is 2824800232.

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In the example above, the operator does not want a control base established, so all items on line 2 and line 3 were left blank. The values in line 7 generate the LPAGE screen shown in Exhibit 2.4.34–12 (following).
See Exhibit 2.4.34–3 for explanation of the Line 7 entry fields above.
Sample Response, following DOALL entry with "LETER" fields only:

Please click here for the text description of the image.
See IRM 2.4 Section 6 for explanation of the LETER/LPAGE fields above.