- 2.8.9 AIMS Command Code AMRET
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Background
- Authority
- Responsibility
- Program Management and Review
- Program Controls
- Terms/Definitions/Acronyms
- Related Resources
- Command Code AMRET
- Command Code AMRETZ
- Command Code AMRET Error Messages
- Command Code AMRETZ
- Exhibit 2.8.9-1 Command Code AMRET
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 2. Information Technology
Chapter 8. Audit Information Management System (AIMS)
Section 9. AIMS Command Code AMRET
2.8.9 AIMS Command Code AMRET
Manual Transmittal
December 11, 2024
(1) This transmits revised IRM 2.8.9, Audit Information Management System (AIMS), AIMS Command Code AMRET.
Material Changes
(1) IRM 2.8.9 Replaced Wage and Investment (WI, W&I) with Taxpayer Services (TS) throughout the IRM.
Effect on Other Documents
IRM 2.8.9, dated December 08, 2023, is superseded.Audience
This IRM is intended for the general use of IDRS system personnel from all four Business Operating Divisions (TS, SB, LB&I and TE) and Appeals accessing the Audit Information Management System.Effective Date
Rajiv Uppal
Chief Information Officer
AMRET is a single screen input command code. It is used to request Form 5546, Exam Return Charge-Out document, for EO, EXAM and EP cases open on the TIF. An indicator is present to request the return with the charge-out document. Generally, AMRET is used if the original charge-out document is lost, or when the original chargeout document did not request the return.
Purpose: This transmits revised IRM 2.8.9, Audit Information Management System (AIMS), AIMS Command Code AMRET.
Audience: The audience for this IRM section are users of the Audit Information Management System (AIMS).
Policy Owner: Information Technology, Chief Information Officer.
Program Owner: Information Technology, Applications Development, Compliance, Business Compliance Management System Branch AIMS Related Section.
Primary Stakeholders: IDRS users from Appeals, LB&I, SB/SE, TE/GE and TS
Program Goals: To provide explicit instructions for the use of command code AMRET in entering and requesting data.
As a result of a study, it was concluded that Examination had a need for a new information management system. The study group recommended a terminal assisted Audit Information Management System (AIMS). A stand alone direct access terminal system was considered along with the enhancement of IDRS. Enhancement of IDRS was determined to be clearly the best choice for the Service.
This new system satisfied Examination Division's current needs for accurate and timely inventory controls, better control of assessments and up-to-date management reports. The system traces examination results through final determination of tax liability including Appeals and Tax Court.
After the successful implementation of AIMS for the Examination Division, control of returns in Appeals was added to AIMS. As of January 1, 1977 control of Exempt Organization returns was added and on October 1, 1977 control of Employee Plan returns was added.
During the summer of 1973, the Deputy Commissioner established a Task Force to identify ADP requirements of Compliance functions, and to make appropriate recommendations to satisfy their needs
Headquarters AIMS Related Section is responsible for maintaining procedures related to AIMS programming.
Command Code AMRET is managed by Work Requests which are submitted for changes and also by tickets which are submitted by users for corrections.
IRS implements access control measures that provide protection from unauthorized alteration, loss, unavailability, or disclosure of information.
SACS controls all the IDRS user accesses and permissions.
The following table defines acronyms frequently used throughout this IRM section:
Acronym Definition PBC Primary Business Code SBC Secondary Business Code EGC Employee Group Code TIN Taxpayer Identification Number DLN Document Locator Number
This command code is used only for requesting a Return Charge-Out, Form 5546, for a case already established on AIMS. The input of CC AMRET will produce, during the nightly processing to the Service Center, a Form 5546 which will be used for retrieving a return from files. The input document for CC AMRET is Form 5348, Examination Update or Form 5595, TE/GE Update. Use this CC when item 7, Follow Up Request is checked.
This Command Code is used to zero-out the "AMRET Update Counter" that is displayed with each Request-Completed message. It performs no other function.
The following error messages apply to CC AMRET:
ACT-CD - 305 SPECIAL-PROJECT-CD MUST BE 0999 & SOURCE CD MUST BE 23 Self-explanatory. For EGC 79XX only. ACTIVITY CODE/MFT INCONSISTENT Self-explanatory ACTIVITY CODE XXX IS NON-TAXABLE - CLAIM AMOUNT INVALID Self-explanatory AGING-RSN-CD 50 — EGC MUST BE 2XXX Self-explanatory AGING REASON 50 & 51 ONLY VALID WITH PBC 212 Self-explanatory AIMS STATUS CODE IS 90—CANNOT USE AMRET Self explanatory AMRET NOT ALLOWED WITHIN 60 DAYS OF CREATION DATE The opening creation date is less than 60 days from the current date and the Return Requisition Ind = 0 (Return Requested). CLAIM AMOUNT PRESENT, SOURCE CODE MUST BE 30 FOR EGC 76XX Self-explanatory COMMAND CODE INVALID Self-explanatory DLN = ELECTRONIC RETURN, CANNOT USE AMRET - INPUT CC TRPRT Self explanatory DLN = ELF, CANNOT USE AMRET Self explanatory DLN = MEF, CANNOT USE CC AMRET Self explanatory DLN = SCR, CANNOT USE CC AMRET Self explanatory EGC 1000-1099, 2000-2099, 1850-1999, AND 2850-2999 REQUIRE AN SBC OF 877XX Self-explanatory EGC 5XXX — MUST USE SERVICE CENTER TERMINAL Self-explanatory EGC 56XX IS ONLY VALID WITH PBC 194 Self-explanatory EGC/ACTIVITY CODES INCONSISTENT Self-explanatory EGC/SOURCE CODES INCONSISTENT Self-explanatory EMPLOYEE GRP CD/PRIMARY BUSINESS CODE INCONSISTENT ** Self explanatory FIRST 2 DIGITS OF THE TAX PERIOD MUST BE 19 OR 20 The century digits of the Tax Period must be in the first two characters of the Tax Period and must be either 19 or 20. IF TIN CORRECT, CD/NC IS XXXX Input matches on TIN, File Source, MFT, and Tax Period, but Check Digit/Name Control field does not match TIF Name Control/Check Digit INCONSISTENT PBC WITH EMPLOYEE-TYPE For TS, SB and LB&I: PBC 1XX and 2XX must equal 1XXX or 2XXX. PBC 3XX must equal 1XXX. INCONSISTENT PBC/SBC The PBC is not consistent with the first 3 digits of the SBC. INCONSISTENT PBC WITH SECONDARY-BUSINESS-CD The PBC is not consistent with the entire 5 digits of the SBC. INVALID AIMS-BOD-CD AIMS BOD Code must be 1, 2, 3 or 4. INVALID COMMAND CODE DEFINER Command Code Modifier, character 6 line 1, not Z or blank. INVALID DLN DLN is not numeric or does not meet standard validity checks INVALID EGC FOR CORRESPONDENCE LETTER EGC must be 5XXX INVALID EMPLOYEE GROUP CODE EGC must be 1000–2999, 5000–5999, 7200–7299, 7600–7699, 7700-7799, 7900–7999 INVALID EMPLOYEE-TYPE First character of the EMPLOYEE-GROUP-CD must be 1, 2 or 5 INVALID INDUSTRY-AREA-CD RANGE For TS, SB and LB&I: Last 2 digits of the PRIMARY-BUSINESS-CD must be 01-07, 12-14, 20, 21, 23-25, 27, 30, 90-99 INVALID NAME CONTROL/CHECK DIGIT Name Control/Check Digit does not meet standard validity checks INVALID PLAN NUMBER Self-explanatory INVALID PLAN-RPT-NUM Must be 3 digit numeric INVALID PRIMARY-BUSINESS-CD Valid codes 101-107, 190-194, 201-207, 212–214, 295-299, 320, 321, 323-325, 327 and 330. INVALID SBC First 3 digits of the SBC must be 000–900 INVALID TAX PERIOD Tax Period not numeric or not valid for MFT input INVALID TERRITORY-CD RANGE 4th and 5th position of the SECONDARY-BUSINESS-CD must be 00–60 INVALID TIN TIN does not have a valid File Source or configuration of TIN & F/S not valid for AMRET I/O ERROR (PSCR, READ XXXX) Computer error try again, (xxxx = status of error) I/O ERROR (PSCR, WRITE XXXX) Computer error—try again (xxxx = status of error) I/O ERROR (XTIF, FIND XXXX) Computer Error try again (xxxx = status of error) I/O ERROR ON AUDIT TRAIL RECORD Alert IDRS control LIN LINK PRESENT ON AMDISA – AMRET NOT ALLOWED/USE CC ESTAB IF PAPER RTN NEEDED Self explanatory MFT 46/76/84/85/86 — PLAN-RPT-NUM MUST BE INPUT Self explanatory MFT 96 NOT VALID FOR EGC 76XX Self-explanatory MFT INVALID MFT field is blank or does not meet standard validity checks MFT/TIN INCONSISTENT Format of TIN is not valid for MFT input MUST USE 77XX EGC FOR SOURCE-CD 93 & 96 Self-explanatory NAME CTRL MUST BE USED WITH INVALID TIN Name Control entered with an invalid TIN. NMF 99 - CANNOT USE AMRET Self Explanatory NMF 74 - CANNOT USE AMRET Self Explanatory PBC XXX - AGING REASON 99 (TAX EXAMINERS) NOT VALID Self Explanatory PBC 2XX,330 - EGC 1998 & 2998 NOT VALID - MUST UPDATE TO ANOTHER EGC Self Explanatory PBC 398 IS ONLY VALID WITH EGC 54XX/58XX Self-explanatory PBC INCONSISTENT WITH STATUS CODE Must update the PBC before you can update to the status code input. PLAN-RPT-NUM NOT VALID FOR NMF CASES Self explanatory PLAN-RPT-NUM ONLY VALID WITH MFT 46/76/84/85/86 Self explanatory RECORD NOT ON FILE No record on the TIF for the TIN, MFT, and TAX PERIOD RETURN REQUEST INDICATOR NOT 1 OR BLANK Self Explanatory SBC 877XX ONLY VALID WITH EGC 1000-1099, 2000-2099, 1850-1999, & 2850-2999 Self explanatory SFR DLN – CANNOT REQUEST A COPY OF A COMPUTER GENERATED TC150 Self explanatory SFR DLN – CANNOT REQUEST A COPY Self explanatory SOURCE CODE 31, CLAIM AMOUNT PRESENT Self-explanatory SOURCE CODE 30, POS CLAIM AMT NEEDED Self-explanatory SPECIAL PROJECT CODE 0153 NOT VALID Self explanatory STATUS-CDS 12-19 ARE NOT VALID WITH SOURCE-CD 45 Self explanatory STATUS CODE/EGC INCONSISTENT Self explanatory TAX PERIOD/MFT INCONSISTENT MFT not valid for to period input TE/GE FLOW-THROUGH ACTIVITY CODE/MFT INCONSISTENT Self-explanatory TERMINAL SERVICE CENTER CD NOT EQUAL TO AIMS DATA BASE SERVICE CENTER CD Self-explanatory TERMINAL SERVICE CENTER CD NOT EQUAL TO AIMS BASE SC-CD/PROCESSING CAMPUS CD Self explanatory TIF OPENING-DLN PRESENT - SCREEN DLN NOT ALLOWED Self explanatory TIF OPENING-DLN NOT PRESENT - SCREEN DLN REQUIRED Self explanatory TIN CHANGE INDICATED BUT NOT FOUND Record indicates a TIN change record, but no TIN found TIN CHANGED TO XXXXXXXXX TIN changed. Use TIN indicated to obtain account. TIN/CK-DIGITS MISMATCH-CHECK TIN Check TIN for mis-key because calculated check digits do not match screen input
For each terminal, there is a 4-character "AMRET Update Counter" , used to keep track of AMRET updates. The counter is incremented by one for each successful update for AMRET.
The total number of updates is displayed along with the Request Completed messages in the following format:
Whenever you wish to reset the counter to zero, enter AMRETZ in positions 1–6 of line 1, and transmit the screen. The message returned will be: "REQUEST COMPLETED/UPDATES 0000"
CC AMRET is a single input command code. It will produce a Form 5546 only if there is a complete AIMS record. | |
1 Input Display |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
2 Record Element Description |
1 | 1 | 1–6 | CC " AMRET" | |
2 | 2 | 1–12 | TIN and File Source. | |
3 | 3 | 1–2 | MFT — 2 digit numeric | |
4 | 4 | 1–6 | Tax Period—Format YYYYMM | |
5 | 5 | 1–4 | Name Control-vvvv or Check Digits as are right justified. | |
6 | 5 | 6–8 | Plan Report Number — 3 digit numeric | |
7 | 6 | 1–17 | DLN-Format is XXXXX-XXX-XXXXX-X. | |
8 | 7 | 1 | No Return Request Indicator; blank or "1" (return not wanted) | |
9 | 8 | 1–3 | EP Plan Number |
If no errors are encountered, the entire input screen will be displayed back with the message "REQUEST COMPLETED UPDATES nnnn" on line 24.