- 4.29.5 PCS TEFRA/ILSC Notices and Cover Letters
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Background
- Authority
- Responsibilities or Roles and Responsibilities
- Program Management and Review
- Program Controls
- Terms/Definitions/Acronyms
- Related Resources
- TEFRA Notices
- TEFRA Notice Generation (TSLOD and TSNOT)
- General Information on Notices and Form 886Z Investor Listing
- Notice of Beginning of Administrative Proceeding (NBAP)
- 60 Day Letter
- Notice of Final Partnership Administrative Adjustment (FPAA)
- Letter 2064 - No Change FPAA
- Electing Large Partnership Final Notice
- Appeals Settlement Letter for non-Docketed Cases with Affected Items to ALL Linked Investors
- Appeals Settlement Letter for Non-Docketed Cases to All TEFRA Linked Investors
- Appeals Settlement Letters for Docketed Cases
- Schedule of Adjustments
- Form 886Z, Partners Shares of Income
- AAR 60-Day Objection Letter, Letter 3904
- TMP Settlement Notification Letter
- ILSC Notice Generation
- ILSC Pass-Through Audit Notification Letters
- Notice Suppression Due to Disaster
- Notice Letterhead/ Signature Changes and Employee Contact Changes
- Exhibit 4.29.5-1 TEFRA Output Generated by the PCS (Form 8340 and Form 8342 Inputs) (Text
- Exhibit 4.29.5-2 Instructions for Form 8342, PCS Notice Generation (Text
- Exhibit 4.29.5-3 TEFRA NBAP Letter Mailing List (Text
- Exhibit 4.29.5-4 Certification of 60Day Letters (Text
- Exhibit 4.29.5-5 FPAA Certified Mail Listing A (Text
- Exhibit 4.29.5-6 FPAA Certified Mail Listing B (Text
- Exhibit 4.29.5-7 Instructions for Form 8346, Notice Parameters
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 4. Examining Process
Chapter 29. Partnership Control System (PCS)
Section 5. PCS TEFRA/ILSC Notices and Cover Letters
4.29.5 PCS TEFRA/ILSC Notices and Cover Letters
Manual Transmittal
August 15, 2019
(1) This transmits a revision for IRM 4.29, Pass-Through Control System (PCS), Section 5, PCS TEFRA/ILSC Notices and Cover Letters
Material Changes
(1) Change to Title. Changed title from Partnership Control System (PCS) to Pass-Through Control System (PCS). PCS is used to manage S-corporations as well as partnerships. Pass-through control is more reflective of the systems function.
(2) IRM - Program Scope and Objectives. Added acronyms to the first use of commonly used terms. Added paragraph (8) for contact information and removed the contact information from IRM paragraph (2).
(3) IRM - Background. Remove paragraph (2) and moved the contact information to IRM paragraph (8).
(4) Editorial changes made throughout. Updated terminology used, and removed italics from titles. Changed Campus TEFRA Function (CTF) to Campus Pass-through Function (CPF). Spelled out first use of acronyms. Updated name changes to applicable forms and letters.
Effect on Other Documents
This material supersedes IRM 4.29.5, dated 11/27/2017. Changes to this IRM will also affect the Pass-Through Entity IRM 4.31 Sections 1 through 8. That IRM is currently being rewritten and will include the changes contained in this IRM.Audience
Field and campus personnel working TEFRA and ILSC pass-through entities and/or their investors.Effective Date
(08-15-2019)Maha H. Williams,
Director, Examination - Field and Campus Policy
Small Business/Self-Employed (SB/SE) Division
This Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) section provides an explanation of the different notices available through the Partnership Control System database.
Purpose: This IRM is to describe the Pass-Through Control System (PCS) generated notices and settlement letters.
Audience: Field Examination Revenue Agents (RAs) and campus RAs, Tax Compliance Offers (TCOs), Tax Examiners (TEs) and Clerks working pass-through entities and/or their investors linked on the PCS.
Policy Owner: Director, Small Business/Self-Employed (SB/SE), Headquarters, Examination - Field and Campus Policy (SE:S:E:HQ:EFCP)
Program Owner: Program Manager, Campus Examination and Field Support (SE:S:E:HQ:FCP:CEFS)
Primary Stakeholders: SB/SE, Large Business and Industry (LB&I), and Appeals
Program Goals: PCS is a database used to create an electronic linkage between pass-through entities and their underlying partners. Linking in some instances is mandatory. Linkage allows for the proper control of statutes and ensures all relevant partners are processed.
Contact Information: To recommend changes or make any other suggestions related to this IRM section, see IRM, Providing Feedback About an IRM Section - Outside of Clearance.
PCS was created to monitor and control pass-through entity investors. Pass-through entities can have many partners and many levels of tiering. Tiering occurs when an investor in a pass-through entity is also a pass-through entity. This complexity can make it difficult to keep track of statutes and monitor all the investors.
PCS control is a policy that was established in response to the partnership provisions of the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) of 1982. It has been expanded to cover other pass-through entities that fall outside of TEFRA.
The Director, SB/SE, Headquarters, Examination Field and Campus Policy (SE:S:E:HQ:EFCP) is responsible for:
Coordinating and implementing PCS enhancements;
Coordinating resolutions for PCS systemic problems; and
Updating this Handbook.
The SB/SE Program Manager, Examination Field and Campus Policy, Campus Exam & Field Support (SE:S:E:HQ:EFCP:CEFS) is responsible for:
Ensuring that PCS procedural changes and computer program changes are implemented and coordinated with area office and campus examination personnel; and
Monitoring and evaluating area office and campus examination PCS quality control procedures.
Field Territory Managers, Field Area Directors, Director over LB&I Ogden and Director, Examination - Brookhaven, are responsible for ensuring that:
An accurate database is established by designating PCS responsibilities and activities; and
A PCS quality control system is implemented. This includes timely action on PCS record establishments, PCS reports, and AIMS TC424 Reject Registers. It also includes timely processing of TEFRA notices and Appeals settlement letters (campus only).
Area office Examination Managers and campus Field Support Operations managers are responsible for:
Maintaining an updated copy of IRM 4.29, Pass-Through Control System (PCS) Handbook, in their respective functions;
Ensuring the training of technical and clerical employees in PCS procedures; and
Establishing PCS records and acting on PCS reports in a timely manner to assure an accurate PCS database.
The campus PCS Coordinator works with:
The other PCS coordinator(s)
Technical Services TEFRA Coordinators
Their local employees
Other campus functional areas to ensure timely processing of PCS related activities
The campus PCS Coordinator is charged with:
Identifying and resolving technical problems
Identifying and coordinating the resolution of PCS systemic problems
Following are specific campus PCS Coordinator responsibilities:
Coordinate PCS operations among areas, Campus Pass-through Functions (CPFs), and other campus functions;
Ensure timely processing and distribution of PCS output;
Ensure that all requests for establishment and linkage on PCS are reviewed for accuracy, completeness, and timeliness;
Maintain accuracy of the PCS database by ensuring that action and error reports are worked in required time frames;
Resolve AIMS problems;
Assist in the training of examination personnel in PCS procedures and the system;
Establish and update CPF and Appeals parameter files;
Review completed Form 8346, PCS Notice Parameters, prepared by the CPF;
Create, load, print, proofread, and edit parameter file data using Form 8346, PCS Notice Parameters;
Coordinate with Computer Systems Analyst (CSA) whenever a change is made to parameters;
Review and input all campus Command Code (CC) Mass Change (MSCHG) and linkage deletion (TSDEL) requests;
Coordinate requests for PCS IVLs with campus computer services and the requesting function.
Program Reports: PCS generates a variety of reports used to monitor the inventory and related statutes. These reports are explained in detail in IRM 4.29.4, PCS Reports.
Program Effectiveness: PCS is used to help identify the effectiveness of the CPF program. PCS shows the number of partners linked within a partnership structure. Failing to link partner returns timely can result in barred statutes or the need to follow burdensome procedures such as manual assessments or untimely notice procedures.
PCS is a Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS) based system. Access to command codes are restricted based upon need. For example, generally only the PCS Coordinator is allowed to delete records from the system.
There are several terms unique to PCS. Examples of these words:
Defined Terms
Word Definition Key Case A linked pass-through entity that is being examined. This entity is where any pass-through adjustments will originate. Linkage The electronic relationship between a pass-through entity and its investor. One-Year Date This is a statute date applicable only to TEFRA partnerships. Adjustments to the partner returns must be made within one year of a final partnership determination that finalizes the key case adjustments. Record Information stored on the PCS database for a key case or an investor. Tier A pass-through entity that is a partner of a pass-through entity. An S-corporation would be a tier partner of a partnership. -
See IRM Exhibit 4.29.1-1 for a list of acronyms.
The following Internal Revenue Manual cross references may be helpful to PCS coordinators:
Terminal Operator Instructions: IRM 2.2 Sections 1–10
Processing: IRM 3.30.123, Processing Timeliness Cycles, Criteria and Critical Dates Handbook
Handling of Output: IRM 3.13.62, Media Transport and Control Handbook
Management of Interrelated and Related Cases: IRM 4.31, Pass-Through Entity Handbook
AIMS: AIMS/Processing Handbook, IRM 4.4
PCS generates all TEFRA notices to TEFRA notice investors.
Procedures for processing these notices are contained in IRM 4.31, Pass-Through Entity Handbook.
The sub-sections below discuss the various notices required by the statute, and the various notices provided for administrative proceedings.
PCS CCs TSLOD and TSNOT are used to generate notices. CC TSLOD is used to establish investors on the PCS database, and will generate a Notice of Beginning of Administrative Proceeding (NBAP) with the proper definer. CC TSNOT will generate a variety of notices depending on the definer used. The generation of the different notices is explained in the following sub-sections.
Form 8342, PCS Notice Generation, is used to generate TEFRA investor notices (60-Day Letters, Notices of Final Partnership Administrative Adjustment (FPAAs), and Appeals Settlement Letters.
Exhibit 4.29.5-2, Instructions for Form 8342, PCS Notice Generation, provides instructions for completing Form 8342.
To generate notices, the key case and investor records must both be present on PCS.
In addition, the investor must be linked to the TEFRA key case and the investor’s TEFRA indicator must be present.
If there is a one-year assessment statute date present on the linkage, a letter will not generate for the investor.
Notices and forms which can be generated by PCS are:
60-Day Letter (investor settlement package),
Appeals Settlement Letter for non-docketed cases with affected items, to all linked investors,
Appeals Settlement Letter for non-docketed cases, to all TEFRA linked investors,
Appeals Settlement Letter for docketed cases,
Form 886-Z, TEFRA Partners' Shares of Income,
Tax Matters Partner (TMP) Settlement Letter
Investor Level Statute Control (ILSC) Pass-through Audit Notification Letter, and
Administrative Adjustment Request (AAR) 60-Day Objection Letter
Exhibit 4.29.5-1, TEFRA Output Generated by the PCS, (Form 8340, PCS Establish or Add with Notice Generation, and Form 8342, Partnership Control System (PCS) - PCS Notice Generation)
The NBAP is a letter which notifies each notice investor or notice group that the TEFRA key case is under examination. It is generated via CC TSLODK (Form 8340, PCS Establish or Add with Notice Generation, Form 14090, TEFRA Electronic Linkage Request Check Sheet (LB&I), or Form 14091, TEFRA Electronic Linkage Check Sheet (SBSE)) using information on the Schedules K-1.
Input of CC TSLODK generates:
Letter 1787-C, Notice of Beginning of Administrative Proceedings, for partnership investors
A mail listing.
A cover sheet
After the partnership is established on PCS, CC TSCHG must be used to add the address of the partnership. The address is needed for the generation of investor NBAPs. CC TSCHG items 31, 32 and 33 will be used to enter the partnership address information.
Review all NBAPs to insure the partnership address was correctly printed within the body of the letter. If no address was printed, a new letter must be generated manually.
The NBAP notices are sent by regular mail. The CC TSLOD generates two Mail Lists:
One listing is sent to the area or Appeals Processing Manager as proof of mailing of the notices. The other listing is filed in a permanent reference book, not in the administrative file, as was previously done. The need for this information usually comes about after the key case administrative file was destroyed. (Exhibit 4.29.5-3, Certification of TEFRA NBAP Letters)
Two copies of the letter, (2)(a) above, are generated for each notice investor. One copy of an NBAP is be mailed to the investor, and one copy is filed in the key case administrative file.
A copy of the mail listing is sent (via mail or email) to the agent, and one copy is filed in the key case administrative file.
The 60-Day Letter is generated by input of CC TSNOT, notice type 2.
Letters and forms generated for partnership investors are:
Letter 1829-C, TEFRA Partnership 60 Day Letter for Penalties and Adjustments, and
Form 870-LT, Agreement to Partnership Items and Partnership Level Determinations as to Penalties, Additions to Tax, and Additional Amounts and Agreement for Affected Items.
Letter 1827-C, TEFRA Partnership 60 Day Letter, and
Form 870-PT, Agreement For Partnership Items and Partnership Level Determinations as to Penalties, Additions to Tax and Additional Amounts.
Forms 870-LT/PT generated with a 60-Day Letter will have "60" displayed in the upper left hand corner, to denote that the agreement form was generated with a 60-day letter.
The generation of the correct notice is dependent upon the tax year end and the input of the penalty/affected item code on the key case record. Below is a table explaining when each notice will be generated:
P/AI Code Package type Notice Attachment Blank 60 Day 870-PT N/A Blank FPAA 870-PT N/A A (for affected item) 60 Day 870–LT N/A A (for affected item) FPAA 870-PT E -
This notice is issued upon receipt of a 60-day Letter TMP package from Technical Services.
Three copies of the 60-day Letter, Form 870-PT or Form 870-LT, and applicable attachments are generated for each investor. Two copies are mailed to the investor, one is a customer service in case the taxpayer requests a conference, and one copy is filed in the key case administrative file.
Two copies of the 60-Day Letter Certification List are generated. One copy is sent to the Technical Services TEFRA Coordinator, and one copy is filed in the key case administrative file, (Exhibit 4.29.5-4, Certification of 60–Day Letters).
The FPAA is generated by input of CC TSNOT, notice type 3.
A separate spousal notice is generated on jointly filed returns. The spousal notice is generated based upon there being a spousal record on the TIF file.
The letters and forms generated for partnership investors are:
Letter 1830-C, Notice of Final Partnership Administrative Adjustment,
Form 870-PT , Agreement For Partnership Items and Partnership Level Determinations as to Penalties, Additions to Tax and Additional Amounts, and
The appropriate attachment as required if the key case penalty/affected item notice code is on.
Forms 870-PT generated with an FPAA will have "FP" displayed in the upper left hand corner, to denote that the agreement form was generated with an FPAA.
Three copies of each FPAA, Form 870–PT, and any applicable attachments are generated for each investor. Two copies are mailed to the investor, one as a customer service in case the taxpayer files a petition, and one copy is filed in the key case administrative file.
The FPAA notices are sent by certified mail. Input of CC TSNOT, notice type 3, also generates three Certified Mail Lists:
Version A (two copies): One listing is sent to the area or Appeals Processing Manager as proof of mailing of the notices. The other list is filed in a permanent reference book, not in the administrative file, as was previously done. The need for this information usually comes about after the key case administrative file was destroyed. (Exhibit 4.29.5-5)
Version B (one copy): This list is certified by the post office and returned to the CPF as proof of certified mailing. (Exhibit 4.29.5-6) The certified list is filed in a permanent reference book, not in the administrative file, as was previously done. The need for this information usually comes about after the key case administrative file was destroyed.
A cover sheet is necessary for certified mailing.
The No Change FPAA is generated by input of CC TSNOT, notice type 9.
A Letter 2064, Notice of Final Partnership Administrative Adjustment, will be generated for each partner.
The no change FPAA is generally used to no-change a TEFRA case after the initial 45 day period. It is also used when a taxpayer believes there are adjustments in their favor, but the Service does not agree. The No-Change FPAA allows the taxpayer to petition the court regarding the adjustments.
For an electing large partnership a Notice of Partnership Adjustment is the final document instead of an FPAA.
The Appeals Settlement Letter to all linked investors in a TEFRA partnership is generated by input of CC TSNOT, notice type 4.
Letters and forms generated for partnership investors are:
Letter 3394(NO), Transmittal Letter for Form 870-LT(AD) for nondocketed TEFRA partnership cases, and
Form 870-LT(AD), Settlement Agreement For Partnership Items and Partnership Level Determinations as to Penalties, Additions to Tax and Additional Amounts, and Agreement for Affected Items.
The generation of the correct notice is dependent upon the input of the penalty/affected item code on the key case record. Below is a table explaining how each notice is generated:
This notice is issued upon receipt of a TMP package and request to issue the settlement letter from the Appeals office.
Three copies of each letter package are generated. Two copies are mailed to the investor and one copy is filed in the key case administrative file.
Two copies of the Appeals Letter Certification List are also generated. One copy is sent to the Appeals office Appeals Processing Manager for the Appeals office that has the key case, and one copy is filed in the key case administrative file.
Appeals Settlement Letters to all linked investors with a TEFRA indicator present on the linkage record are generated by input of CC TSNOT, notice type 5.
Letters and forms generated to partnership investors are:
Letter 3395(NO), Transmittal Letter for Form 870-PT (AD) for nondocketed TEFRA partnership cases, and
Form 870-PT (AD), Settlement Agreement For Partnership Items and Partnership Level Determinations as to Penalties, Additions to Tax and Additional Amounts.
This notice is generated upon receipt of a TMP package and request from the Appeals office.
Three copies of each letter package are generated for each investor. Two copies are mailed to the investor, and one copy is filed in the key case administrative file.
Two copies of the Appeals Letter Certification List are generated. One copy is sent to the Appeals office Appeals Processing Manager for the Appeals office that has the key case, and one copy is filed in the key case administrative file.
The Appeals Settlement Letter for docketed cases to all investors is generated by input of CC TSNOT, notice type 6.
Letters and forms generated for partnership investors are:
Letter 2607 (NO), Transmittal Letter for Form 870-LT (AD) for docketed TEFRA partnership cases, and
Form 870-LT (AD), Settlement Agreement For Partnership Items and Partnership Level Determinations as to Penalties, Additions to Tax and Additional Amounts, and Agreement for Affected Items,
Letter 2606 (NO), Transmittal Letter for Form 870-PT (AD) for docketed TEFRA partnership cases, and
Form 870-PT (AD), Settlement Agreement For Partnership Items and Partnership Level Determinations as to Penalties, Additions to Tax and Additional Amounts.
The letter and forms generated depends on the penalty/affected item code input on the system. See IRM, TEFRA Penalty/Affected Item Code, for further explanation. Below is a table explaining how each notice is generated:
Three copies of each letter package are generated for each investor. Two copies are mailed to the investor, and one copy is filed in the key case administrative file.
Two copies of the Appeals Letter Certification List are generated. One copy is sent to the Appeals Processing Manager for the Appeals office that has the key case, and one copy is filed in the key case administrative file.
The docket number and TMP name and address must be present on the key case record for PCS to accept a request for notice type 6. It is extremely important that the literal "Tax Matters Partner" is NOT included as part of the TMP name.
The functionality of generating the schedule of adjustments via PCS has been removed. The campus or PTE should use a copy of the schedule of adjustments provided by the field when sending notices to investors. Sending the copy eliminates any transcription errors that can occur when inputting that data in PCS for the purpose of having PCS generate the schedule.
The Form 886-Z is a listing of all investors linked to a particular key case. The form lists each investor with their name, address, TIN, and Schedule K-1 income/loss percentage.
Subsequent Form 886-Z may be generated via CC TSNOT, notice type Z.
Letter 3904 is generated to all investors using notice type "A" .
The Letter 3904 is used when the TMP files an AAR requesting substituted treatment. The law requires all partners be given the opportunity to object to the partnership changes if those changes will result in additional tax to them. The letter is generated to all linked partners. If a partner objects, a determination needs to be made as to whether that partner is subject to an assessment and therefore allowed to object.
See IRM 4.31.4 for more information of substituted AARs.
The Letter 2513, TMP Settlement Notification Letter, provides the TMP with a list of investors that have entered into a settlement agreement.
The letter and list of investors are generated weekly and includes investors that have had a settlement date input with CC TSCHG during the prior week cycle.
Letter 2513, will generate for partnership key case records.
PCS generates audit notification letters to all ILSC investors.
Procedures for processing these notices are contained in IRM 4.31, Pass-Through Entity Handbook.
The sub-sections below discuss the ILSC letters and consents that can be generated using PCS. PCS generates letters to investors in an ILSC pass-through to notify them of an examination.
PCS will generate a letter to notify ILSC investors of an audit of an ILSC pass-through entity in which they invested. The Letter 3457, Pass-Through Audit Notification Letter, is used for pass-through examinations of partnerships not subject to TEFRA, partnerships electing out of the Bipartisan Budget Act (BBA) and S-corporations.
The letter is not required by law, but was created to inform investors when an examination is beginning. This way, the investors first contact from us will not be an audit report or a request to extend the statute.
It is recommended that the letter be issued to all investors controlled by the campuses, and all field controlled investors that may not be aware of the pass-through examination.
The letter should not be sent by certified mail.
PCS will generate the letter by using CC TSLODK. The CPF will send letters to all partners if requested when the linkage package is submitted. CC TSLODK is also used to issue the NBAP on TEFRA investors. PCS recognizes the PICF Code of 2 on the ILSC key case and will generate the appropriate Letter 3457.
PCS will automatically suppress any notices that would normally be generated to investors in a disaster area. Investors in a disaster area receive a disaster code on their module. The disaster code is set based upon the taxpayers zip code.
Notice suppression will not apply to FPAAs (CCs TSNOT3 or TSNOT9).
If CC TSNOT encounters a disaster code on a partner record, an error condition will occur with "DI" in column 41-42 on the terminal, and a message displayed that a disaster code exists for that partner. Alternately, the operator may over-write the "DI" with "OV" to override the suppression, and TSNOT will then transmit the request. If the disaster suppression indicator is not overridden, a Disaster Notice will be generated to put in the file.
Each notice contains several parameters that can be changed using Form 8346, PCS Notice Parameters. The Form 8346 is used to change the letterhead and signature information.
Form 8346 is also used to add or change the employee contact information.
The completed form needs to be signed by the person requesting the change, approved by their manager.
To change the signature, see IRM, Changing Name of Director on Notices.
Type of Output | Input Document | Command Code |
Investor Notice of Beginning of an Administrative Proceeding
Form 8340 or Form 14090 or Form 14091 and Schedule K-1 | TSLODK |
Investor 60-Day Letter Packages:
Form 8342 | TSNOT2 |
Investor FPAA Packages:
Form 8342 | TSNOT3 |
Appeals Settlement Letter for Non-Docketed Cases with affected items to all linked investors
Form 8342 | TSNOT4 |
Appeals Settlement Letter for Non-Docketed Cases to all TEFRA linked investors
Form 8342 | TSNOT5 |
Appeals Settlement Letter for Docketed Cases
Form 8342 | TSNOT6 |
No Change FPAA
Form 8342 | TSNOT9 |
AAR 60-day Objection Letter
Form 8342 | TSNOTA |
Form 886-Z | Form 8342 | TSNOTZ |
Part A—Key Case Entity
Item | Title of Item | Instructions |
2 | TIN | Enter the key case EIN. If the key case is established on non-Master File (NMF), indicate one of the following after the TIN: N = non-Master File; —D = Dummy TIN |
3 | MFT | Enter the key case MFT Code |
4 | Tax Period | Enter the key case tax period in "YYYYMM" format |
5 | Notices to be Issued | Enter "P" if notices will be issued to all investors. Enter "I" if notices will be issued to investors specified in Part B only |
6 | Notice Type | Enter 2 for 60 day letter Enter 3 for FPAA Enter 4 for Appeals settlement letter to all linked investors Enter 5 for Appeals settlement letter to all TEFRA linked investors Enter 6 for Appeals settlement offers for docketed cases Enter 9 for generation of No Change FPAA, Letter 2064 Enter A for generation of an Letter 3904, AAR 60-day Objection Letter. Enter Z to generate Form 886–Z |
7 | Employee Indicator (IRM | Three character field - (ANN) Must enter a "B" or an "O" in the alpha field to designate the campus where the notices will be printed. Two numeric characters may be entered (01-99) to generate specific contact information on the letter. If no number is entered, 99 will be used for default contact information. |
Part B—Related Investor
Item | Title of Item | Instructions |
8 | TIN | Enter the related investor’s TIN. If the investor is established on non-Master File , indicate one of the following after the TIN: N = non-Master File; —D = Dummy TIN |
9 | MFT | Enter the related investor’s MFT Code |
10 | Tax Period | Enter the related investor’s tax period in "YYYYMM" format |
11 | Requestor Name | Enter requestor's name |
12 | PBC | Enter requestor's PBC |
13 | EGC | Enter requestor's EGC |
14 | Approved by | Enter team leader's name |
15 | Title | Enter team leader's title |
16 | Signature | Requestor's signature |
17 | Date | Date signed by requestor |
18 | Signature | Team leader's signature |
19 | Date | Date signed by team leader |
20 | Name of Input Operator | Enter name of input operator |
21 | Title | Enter input operator's title |
22 | Signature | Input operator's signature |
23 | Date | Date form is input by operator |

A. Letterhead Information
Item | Title of Item | Instructions |
1 | IRS Signature Name | 35 positions. The first position must be "B" , followed by the name of the signing official |
2 | IRS Signature Title | 40 positions. The first position must be "C" , followed by the title of the signing official. |
3&4 | IRS Address Line | 70 positions. The first position must be "D" , followed by the complete return address. |
B. Employee Contact Information
5 | Employee Indicator | 4 positions. The first position must be 1. The second position must be B if the employee resides at the Brookhaven campus, or O if the employee resides at the Ogden PTE. Positions 3 and 4 are the employees assigned identification number for purposes of generating their contact information on the letters. Each organization must use 99 for default contact information. |
6 | Employee Name | 35 positions. Entry of the employee name begins in position 5 of line beginning with 1 in position 1. |
7 | Employee ID Number | 15 positions. Entry begins in position 40 of line beginning with 1 in position 1. This is were the employee enters their badge number. |
8 | Mail Stop | 13 positions. Entry begins in position 55 of line beginning with 1 in position 1. |
9 | Employee Office Hours | 35 positions. The first position must be 2. |
10 | Employee Phone Number | 24 positions. Entry begins in position 37 of line beginning with 2 in position 1. |
11 | Name of Requester | Name of person requesting changes. |
12 | PBC | Requester's Primary Business Code. |
13 | EGC | Requester's Employee Group Code. |
14 | Signature | Requester's Signature |
15 | Date | Date the form is signed by the requester. |
16 | Approved by | Name of approving official. Either the employees manager, the PCS Coordinator, or both. |
17 | Title | The title of the approving official. |
18 | Signature | The signature of the approving official. |
19 | Date | Date the form is signed by the approving official. |
20 | Name of Input Operator | Name of the MITS employee inputting the change. |
21 | Title | Title of the Input Operator. |
22 | Signature | The signature of the input operator. |
23 | Date | Date the information is input on the system. |