- 9.10.1 Criminal Investigation Management Information System Equipment Inventory
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Background
- Authority
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Program Management and Review
- Program Controls
- Acronyms
- Related Resources
- Equipment Items to be Tracked in CIMIS
- Equipment Categorization
- Equipment Acquisition Values
- Funding and Special Use Values
- Acquisition of Equipment into CIMIS Ordered by CI Headquarters
- Field Office Purchases
- Equipment Acquired through Asset Seizure and Forfeiture
- Kit Procedures
- Undercover Assets
- CIMIS Responsibilities
- CI Headquarters CIMIS Staff Responsibilities
- CIMIS Coordinator Responsibilities
- Separation of Duties
- Documentation, Forms, and Reports
- Vehicle Usage Reporting
- Employee Equipment Assignments
- Transfer of Unassigned Equipment
- Temporary Custody and Consignment of Equipment
- Disposal of Equipment
- Disposing Vehicles
- Disposing Electronic Surveillance Equipment - Tech Agent
- Disposing Firearms - Including Weapons Converted to Training Weapons
- Disposing Undercover Assets
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 9. Criminal Investigation
Chapter 10. Administrative Databases and Software
Section 1. Criminal Investigation Management Information System Equipment Inventory
9.10.1 Criminal Investigation Management Information System Equipment Inventory
Manual Transmittal
April 05, 2024
(1) This transmits revised IRM 9.10.1, Criminal Investigation Management Information System (CIMIS) Equipment Inventory.
Material Changes
(1) Added Internal Controls to be compliant with IRM, Address Management and Internal Controls and IRM 1.4.2, Resource Guide for Managers, Monitoring and Improving Internal Control.
(2) Section updated to state “Equipment disposals in CIMIS are directly correlated with the equipment type, the disposal action, and the disposal method. The following forms will be used to document equipment disposals; and the correlating disposal methods will be used to dispose the equipment in CIMIS. ALL disposal forms must be completed, with approval signatures, prior to losing custody of the equipment with the exception of the F1933 for lost, stolen or broken equipment. The F1933 for the destruction of equipment must be completed prior to losing custody of the equipment: *Form 1933, Report of Survey, and the Depreciation Fair Value Calculation Worksheet - report equipment that is lost, stolen, broken and/or destroyed. Disposal method - Lost, Stolen, Broke, Destroyed, *SF120, Report of Excess Property - report equipment disposals through FMSS. Disposal method - Assets Xferred to FMSS for Final Disposal Action, *SF122, Transfer Order Excess Personal Property - report disposal of equipment outside of IRS. Disposal method - Transfer Out of IRS-SF122, *Miscellaneous Disposal Form - report the return to GSA of Leased Vehicles ONLY. Disposal method - Excess/Non-Renew of Lease.”
(3) Section removed “CI is no longer using the SF122 or the Vehicle Surplus Spreadsheet” and added “The Miscellaneous Disposal Form must be completed with approval signatures prior to returning the vehicle to GSA.”
(4) Section removed “(Please be advised, the Miscellaneous Disposal Form is an AWSS internal form and therefore does not have a specific signature block for CI personnel” and added “prior to returning the vehicle to GSA”.
(5) Additional revisions, deletions, grammatical changes were made throughout the section which did not result in substantive changes but contributed to procedural clarity.
Effect on Other Documents
This IRM supersedes IRM 9.10.1 dated January 24, 2023.Audience
Criminal Investigation (CI)Effective Date
(04-05-2024)Guy A. Ficco
Deputy Chief, Criminal Investigation
James C. Lee
Chief, Criminal Investigation
Purpose: This section discusses Criminal Investigation Management Information System (CIMIS) topics as described in the following subsections:
Description and Purpose,
Equipment Items to be Tracked in CIMIS,
Acquisition of Equipment into CIMIS Ordered by CI Headquarters (HQ),
CIMIS Responsibilities,
Documentation, Forms, and Reports,
Employee Equipment Assignments,
Transfer of Unassigned Equipment,
Temporary Custody and Consignment of Equipment,
Disposal of Equipment.
Audience: All CI employees.
Policy Owners: Director, Asset and Knowledge Management (AKM), Director, National Criminal Investigation Training Academy (NCITA), Director, Special Investigative Techniques (SIT), and Director, Advanced Analytics and Innovation (AAI).
Program Owners: Director, AKM, Director, NCITA, Director, SIT, and Director, AAI.
Primary Stakeholders: All CI employees.
Contact Information: To make changes or suggestions to this IRM section contact CIHQIRM@ci.irs.gov.
Goal: To provide guidance and procedures to CI employees utilizing CIMIS.
The Integrated Financial System (IFS) property asset management module is in the process of being developed and/or used to track IRS property from acquisition through disposal. Until such time that the IFS asset module is fully implemented agency wide, Criminal Investigation (CI) will continue to maintain its investigative equipment and government owned vehicles (GOV) on CIMIS and its furniture and computer hardware and software on the Information Technology Asset Management System (ITAMS).
The Equipment module of the CIMIS, a web-based inventory tracking system, was introduced to not only replace the former Criminal Investigation Equipment Control System (CIECS) application, but in addition, to provide an enhanced "checks and balances" system for the tracking of CI equipment for all field offices, Director, Field Operations areas, and CI HQ.
The system was implemented in 2005 and allows management to track where equipment is, to whom it is assigned, and to generate reports about the equipment’s acquisition, use, history, and disposal. The system also gives CI field offices access to their assigned equipment for the purpose of queries and updates of selected data based on CIMIS roles and responsibilities.
See IRM 9.1.2, Authority for the delegated authority relating to IRM 9.10.1, Criminal Investigation Management Information System (CIMIS) Equipment Inventory.
The Director, AKM, Director, NCITA, Director, SIT, and Director, AAI are responsible for developing, maintaining, and overseeing this IRM and ensuring compliance with current policies and procedures.
The Director, AKM, Director, NCITA, Director, SIT, and Director, AAI will:
Review the IRM annually.
Update the IRM when content is no longer accurate and reliable to ensure employees correctly complete their work assignments and for consistent administration of the tax laws.
Incorporate all permanent interim content into the next revision of the IRM section prior to the expiration date.
The Director, AKM, Director, NCITA, Director, SIT, and Director, AAI will review the instructions and guidelines relating to the investigation of tax returns and other IRS documents for procedural, operational, and editorial changes.
The table lists commonly used acronyms and their definitions:
Acronym Definition AAI Advanced Analytics and Innovation AKM Asset and Knowledge Management ASAC Assistant Special Agent in Charge BEARS Business Entitlement Access Request System CI Criminal Investigation CIECS Criminal Investigation Equipment Control System CIMIS Criminal Investigation Management Information System DF Digital Forensics GOV Government Owned (Operated) Vehicle GPS Global Positioning System HIDTA High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area HQ Headquarters IFS Integrated Financial System ITAMS Information Technology Asset Management System IRS-CI Internal Revenue Service-Criminal Investigation JTTF Joint Terrorism Task Force KISAM Knowledge Incident Service and Asset Management NCITA National Criminal Investigation Training Academy PII Personally Identifiable Information POD Post of Duty SAC Special Agent in Charge SIT Special Investigative Techniques UC Undercover UCA Undercover Agent
31 USC 3512, Executive Agency Accounting and Other Financial Management Reports and Plans.
40 USC 524, Duties of Executive Agencies.
41 CFR, Public Contracts and Property Management, Chapters 101 and 102.
41 CFR Part 102-36, Disposition of Excess Personal Property.
Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990, Pub. L. No. 101-576.
E-Government Act of 2002, Pub. L. No. 107-347.
Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act of 1982 (FMFIA), Pub. L. No. 97-255.
IRM 9.11.3, Investigative Property.
Current policy dictates that all investigative equipment, accessories and supplies valued at $900 or more, as well as all motor vehicles regardless of value, will be tracked in CIMIS.
Most investigative equipment, accessories and supplies valued at less than $900 will be considered disposable items and will not be entered into CIMIS unless otherwise specified by AKM.
Sensitive investigative equipment, accessories and supplies, susceptible to being converted to personal use will be entered into CIMIS regardless of cost. These items include, but are not limited to, the following items:
Firearms (including weapons converted to training weapons),
Pocket Commissions,
Enforcement Wallet Badges,
Enforcement Belt Badges,
Body Armor (e.g., bulletproof vests),
Digital Cameras,
Video Recorders,
GPS Units.
Computer equipment generally will not be entered into CIMIS unless otherwise specified by AKM. Exceptions currently include computer equipment assigned for undercover use and some types of computer equipment utilized by the HQ Digital Forensics (DF) analysts while providing investigative data support.
Office equipment will not be entered in CIMIS unless otherwise specified by AKM. Exceptions currently include office furniture and equipment assigned for undercover use.
The normal procurement process mandates that investigative equipment purchased by HQ will be entered in CIMIS ordered status with the exception of most vehicles and body armor. When the field offices receive the equipment, the equipment should be acquired and assigned to either a permanent custodian or a storage location in CIMIS by the field office equipment coordinator. All other identifying information about the equipment that was not previously entered when entering the ordered record (e.g., equipment serial number, source document, description etc.) should be updated accordingly in CIMIS when acquiring the record. Vehicles and body armor will not be entered in CIMIS ordered status by AKM National CIMIS equipment coordinator. Vehicles and body armor will be entered in CIMIS by the Field Office equipment coordinator when the items are received. AKM National CIMIS equipment coordinator will provide acquisition information to the Field Office equipment coordinator to ensure accuracy and uniformity of the information entered into CIMIS.
The CIMIS system groups equipment items by up to three different levels of classification. The most general grouping is the Category. Then, within each Category of equipment are various Sub-Category values. For certain types of equipment, such as weapons, radios and motor vehicles, a third level under the Sub-Category is defined as the Sub-Category Class. It is by these increasingly detailed levels of categorization that we can easily identify an equipment item and extract the data necessary to adequately report on the tracking of the different types of equipment in CIMIS. At a minimum, each equipment item and motor vehicle must have a Category and Sub-Category value entered in CIMIS.
Criminal Investigation Management Information System captures the method used to acquire the equipment item or motor vehicle. Generally, procured equipment items will have an acquisition method of "Purchased" .
Equipment acquired by an office through a no-cost acquisition such as forfeiture, donation, or replacement under warranty, will be entered into CIMIS using the appropriate acquisition type. (Instructions on accessing CIMIS and operating instructions for the CIMIS database are found in the CIMIS User’s Guide and through online tutorials).
Criminal Investigation Management Information System tracks the funding source of each equipment item in the system. Generally, items are purchased using normal CI appropriated funds. Occasionally, however, funding is received through other sources such as Asset Forfeiture, High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA), IRS emergency appropriation, and various Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) funds.
Criminal Investigation Management Information System tracks what type of special usage may be made of an investigative equipment item or motor vehicle. Therefore, the intended use of a piece of equipment should be considered when entering it into CIMIS (i.e., Technical Operations/Surveillance or IRS Forensic Lab). If there is no special use of the item, then no entry is made in CIMIS.
The following are the procedures for acquisition of equipment into CIMIS:
The award information is forwarded to AKM including allocation spreadsheets and packing list instructions. Headquarters enters the known equipment information into CIMIS including the "ordered status" specifics and notifies the field office and/or Director, Field Operations CIMIS equipment coordinators. Headquarters forwards the CIMIS equipment order information to the CIMIS equipment coordinators along with the contact information for returning the packing list,
Upon receipt of the equipment, the CIMIS Coordinators will "acquire" the equipment in CIMIS per packing list information and forward the packing list to the HQ’s contact for entry into PPS (Web Requisition Tracking System). At this time, the CIMIS equipment coordinators should also enter all other identifying information regarding the equipment including: the serial number/VIN; the custody or storage assignment information; and, add any further comments or notes.
Occasionally, equipment is purchased outright by an office without having been procured and ordered by HQ staff. All investigative equipment purchases must be approved by NCITA and/or AKM, to ensure that the purchase is compatible with current equipment regulations. Copies of all invoices for any equipment should be forwarded to the CIMIS equipment coordinator. The following information should also be provided:
Model name/number,
Serial number,
Acquisition date/cost,
Employee or storage location assigned.
The CIMIS equipment coordinator will acquire the equipment into CIMIS. -
The CIMIS equipment coordinator should verify through the asset forfeiture coordinator that any assets being placed in inventory for official use have the appropriate approval and documentation based on current asset forfeiture guidelines. The CIMIS equipment coordinator will use the forfeiture date as the acquisition date and the fair market value of the item on the date of forfeiture for the purchase price.
Assembled kits consist of related equipment items which are used collectively as one unit. Some examples include surveillance vans, camera kits, and radio repeaters. Instructions for adding assembled kits to CIMIS are listed below in paragraph 2.
Create the kit in CIMIS (refer to CIMIS Upgrade 4.1-45 for naming guidelines and specific instructions). Add the related CIMIS items in the kit (items over $900). Any items to be included in the kit that are under $900 should be referenced in the notes section under the individual item. They will be identified by description and serial number if applicable (e.g., main item - NIKON Camera $1,528; related - 1.14-50mm Nikon Lens $799; Notes in View/Edit Equipment - 1.25mm Nikon Lens s/n 15222).
The Special Investigative Techniques (SIT) CIMIS equipment coordinator will be responsible for entering all undercover assets into CIMIS and will follow established CIMIS procedures. The real serial numbers, manufacturer, model numbers, and description of these items should be entered.
The CIMIS equipment responsibilities of the HQ-CIMIS staff and the CIMIS equipment coordinators are set forth in the subsequent subsections. Responsibilities not directly related to the CIMIS database, but pertaining to the property management of investigative equipment, can be found in IRM 9.11.3, Investigative Property.
Providing an electronic extract of CIMIS equipment data to various requestors when required.
Providing and maintaining updated listings of the various codes and values required in CIMIS equipment activities. Current procedures dictate that these types of materials be posted online and available to the entire CI user community.
Providing ad hoc reports to CIMIS equipment users and management to assist in various activities, including but not limited to, performing annual physical inventory of all equipment and motor vehicles, monitoring the usage of the general fleet of motor vehicles, and conducting ad hoc audits of sensitive investigative equipment.
The equipment coordinator acts as an office’s focal point with the highest level of input and query for CIMIS. The coordinator responsibilities include:
Coordinate roles (permissions) for new CIMIS equipment users.
Ensure all excess equipment is offered to all other field offices prior to disposal.
Ensure all notifications of equipment available are shared with management.
Ensure all users are aware of security procedures.
Train local group users.
Keep users and supervisors informed of changes and/or updates regarding procedures.
Ensure all supporting documentation for all actions (i.e., transfers, disposals, etc.) is completed and maintained.
Ensure a physical inventory of investigative equipment is completed, documented and reported to the Director AKM within the prescribed timeframe in the 4th quarter of each fiscal year. Corrective actions must be made to the CIMIS Database prior to the end of the 4th quarter.
Review and follow up on any pending receipts, transfers, and disposals twice a month. Management should be notified after 60 days of all discrepancies.
Reconcile any equipment in temporary (loan or consignment) status prior to conducting the annual inventory or whenever an employee is transferred or separated from the Service.
The CIMIS Equipment Coordinator/Backup Coordinator cannot perform any physical inventory of equipment or have custody or control of investigative equipment.
An individual conducting a physical inventory cannot have custody or control of the equipment being inventoried.
Each office will be required to keep the documentation used for updating CIMIS. In addition to local record keeping, the notes section in CIMIS should be used to explain in detail all unusual activity and/or circumstances. Current IRM guidelines for the maintenance and disposal of these records shall be followed.
When a property officer issues an employee personal property and assigns it accordingly in CIMIS, a new CIMIS EQR01 (Custody Receipt for Government Property Report) will be issued for that employee. The current EQR01, with the employee's signature, shall be maintained in a file.
It is recommended that the CIMIS equipment coordinator run the CIMIS EQR09 (Transfer/Receipt of Government Property Report) for all equipment transferred between offices in CI.
This does not refer to equipment that is transferred outside of CI to another IRS section or another agency. That would be considered a disposal of the equipment and the applicable disposal method would be recorded.
When the equipment record(s) are placed in pending transfer status, the sending office will generate CIMIS report EQR09 and forward it to the gaining office with the equipment. The sending office will also send a courtesy e-mail to alert the receiving office of the pending transfer.
Upon receipt of the equipment, the gaining office will accept the transfer of the equipment in CIMIS and assign it to a storage location or the permanent custody of an employee.
When completed, this activity will cause CIMIS to generate an automated e-mail notification of the transfer acceptance to the sending office; it is therefore not necessary for the gaining office to return the EQR09 to the losing office.
The CIMIS system will be used to record and report vehicle mileage, commuting and call out data. Vehicle information will be entered into CIMIS at the following times:
Monthly mileage, commuting and call out data - entered by the 5th workday following the end of the month.
Agents and managers authorized to drive a GOV for Home to Work (HTW) usage will ensure that the Vehicle Usage Logs from the driver’s Diary are uploaded or added whenever there has been usage. If there has been no driving during the month, then no redundant upload of ending mileage is necessary.
The CI National Fleet Manager AKM, will use the mileage records contained in the CIMIS system to identify vehicles for which replacements will be ordered.
All acquired equipment must be assigned in CIMIS to an active CI employee who is accountable for that equipment. Over the course of the life of an equipment item, it may change hands several times, but at all times there will be an active CI employee accountable for that item regardless of who is in physical control of it at any given moment.
There are two types of equipment assignments that confer accountability for the equipment item: permanent custody and the management of equipment that is in a storage location. Each time the custody of, or accountability for, property is assigned to an employee, the CIMIS inventory should be updated and a CIMIS report EQR01 or EQR02 (Storage Responsibility for Government Property Report) will be generated for the accountable employee to sign. These reports will be maintained in a file(s) designated by the SAC.
There are three types of equipment assignments that reflect the current physical status, or "control", of the equipment item but do not confer accountability to the employee assigned because they are recognized to be only temporary: temporary custody, consignment, and shipment.
When an equipment item’s current assignment is one of the above three types of temporary control, the accountability for the equipment remains with the employee who last was assigned either permanent custody or storage location management for the item. It is incumbent on this accountable employee to monitor the status of the equipment while out in one of these three types of temporary assignment.
There are rare occasions when the accountability-conferring assignment must be ended while an equipment item is currently in one of these temporary assignments. For example, an employee who has permanent custody of a radio, and therefore is accountable, had to send the radio to the vendor for repair, so the current assignment would be consignment. Before the radio is returned to the office, the employee separates from CI and can therefore no longer be held accountable for the radio. In these types of instances, there is a sixth type of assignment referred to as an "interim home" assignment. The interim home assignment would be an active storage location to which the accountability could be assigned for this radio until it is returned to the office and reassigned to an employee or storage location.
When an employee is transferred who has "personal" equipment assigned to them, the equipment will automatically be transferred in CIMIS along with the personnel record and remain in the employee’s permanent and/or temporary custody. Additionally, unless unchecked during the Transfer/Detail Employee activity, all non-personal equipment assigned to the employee’s permanent custody will also get transferred. Therefore, if you don’t want the assigned car/radio to go to the gaining office, or if the transferring employee has specialty equipment (i.e., radios, tech, photographic equipment) assigned to him/her, this equipment must be physically inventoried and reassigned before the employee is transferred. The gaining office should run CIMIS report EQR01, and physically inventory all equipment the transferring employee has brought with them. The employee will sign the EQR01 and provide it to the CIMIS equipment coordinator for proper filing.
In all instances of an employee's separation from IRS, where equipment has been assigned to the employee, there are certain common procedures that must be followed so that the equipment assignment end dates are in line with the employee profile termination date.
The CIMIS equipment coordinator shall ensure that the employee has surrendered all equipment in his/her permanent storage and temporary custody prior to his/her departure from CI. This can most easily be accomplished by generating the EQR01/ER02 reports, and the CIMIS EQR08 (Equipment Checked into Temporary Custody Report) for the employee and then checking each item off as it has been verified to be returned. Additionally, all separating employees must complete and submit Form 5389-CI, Criminal Investigation Employee Separation to their respective direct line supervisor prior to leaving CI.
Once this is done, the CIMIS equipment coordinator shall notify the CIMIS employee coordinator that the Employee Profile Record for the separating person can be terminated in CIMIS. While performing the terminated employee's activity, the CIMIS employee coordinator assigns all custodial equipment to the field office’s "Terminated Employees" storage location, thereby ensuring that the equipment reassignment dates are in sync with the date the equipment was surrendered by the employee prior to separation.
When the CIMIS employee coordinator has successfully terminated the CIMIS Employee Profile record, then AND ONLY THEN shall the CIMIS equipment coordinator return and transfer the employee’s enforcement wallet badge, enforcement belt badge and pocket commission in CIMIS to AKM for further action.
Additional subsequent actions by the local office CIMIS equipment coordinator will include reassigning the former employee’s remaining equipment (e.g., motor vehicle, radios, weapon, etc.) in CIMIS to a new employee or storage location. In the instance of the employee’s body armor, it will remain in the field office’s storage location until its destruction at which point it will be disposed in CIMIS by the CIMIS equipment coordinator.
An agent who is retiring in good standing, may request to have his/her enforcement belt badge embedded in Lucite at his/her own expense and/or to have the enforcement wallet badge mounted in a shadow box with the pocket commission at his/her own expense. If one or both elections are made, the vendor order forms and cashier’s checks or money orders will be made payable to the vendors for the full amount due. The payment must accompany the enforcement badges and pocket commission. The enforcement badges and pocket commission should be shipped to the ID Media Coordinator, AKM, 1111 Constitution Ave N.W., Room 2539 Washington, DC 20224. The Disposition of Enforcement Badges and Pocket Commission memorandum from the SAC or Director, to the Director, AKM, will be emailed to the ID Media Coordinator. The agent’s CIMIS equipment coordinator will transfer the enforcement wallet, belt badges, and the pocket commission in CIMIS to the CIMIS organization titled AKM. Upon receipt of the equipment, the designated AKM analyst will accept the transfer in CIMIS. The ID Media Coordinator will process the retirement of the enforcement wallet badge, enforcement belt badge, and pocket commission. The ID Media Coordinator shall maintain a file of all retirement memorandums.
If a retiring agent does not elect to have his/her enforcement belt badge embedded in Lucite or have his/her enforcement wallet badge and pocket commission mounted in a shadow box, both enforcement badges as well as the pocket commission will be shipped to the ID Media Coordinator, AKM, 1111 Constitution Ave N.W., Room 2539 Washington, DC 20224. The Disposition of Enforcement Badges and Pocket Commission memorandum from the SAC or Director to the Director, AKM , waiving these elections will be emailed to the ID Media Coordinator. The agent’s CIMIS equipment coordinator will transfer the enforcement badges and pocket commission in CIMIS to the CIMIS organization titled AKM. The designated SE:CI:S:AKM analyst will accept the transfer of the equipment in CIMIS and place the badges and pocket commission back into inventory for destruction.
All enforcement badges and pocket commissions must be returned and transferred in CIMIS to the CIMIS organization titled AKM. upon retirement, separation, or change in GS-1811 job series. Field offices will not maintain an inventory of enforcement wallet or belt badges for reassignment at any time.
Equipment items that are not in the permanent custody of a CI employee will be assigned to a storage location, formerly referred to as an "unassigned pool" . Typically, the categories of equipment that are most often stored include, but are not limited to: microfilm equipment, firearms training equipment, miscellaneous audio, video and photographic equipment, radio equipment, and various types of tech agent and undercover operation equipment. Additionally, every office shall have a storage location in CIMIS to which the equipment that was in the custody of separating (terminated) employees can be reassigned.
An active storage location will always have a designated equipment manager who is accountable for all of the equipment that is either stored or linked by interim home to the storage locations while he/she is the manager. An equipment manager can be any active CI employee. (They are not required to work in the same office as the office that owns the equipment.) The important factor is that the equipment manager be physically located in a location where he/she can properly monitor and control access to the stored equipment. For instance, an area Director, Field Operations office and a field office may be co-located in an office building. As such, the gun safe where firearms are stored may contain shotguns assigned to either or both of these organizations. One option in CIMIS would be to treat the gun safe as one storage location with one designated equipment manager who would manage the equipment owned by both offices. Alternatively, the vault could be reflected in CIMIS as two storage locations, (e.g., "Director, Field Operations Weapon Storage" and "FO Weapon Storage" ) if there are two separate employees managing the separately owned firearms. Depending on the scope of the equipment coordinator who runs the EQR02 reports for stored equipment, more than one report may be necessary to show all equipment physically stored in that location. In the first example above, the Director, Field Operations equipment coordinator would likely have scope over both the Director, Field Operations office and the field office and would therefore be the best one to run the reports.
With the special exception of the "Terminated Employees" storage location, all other storage location records in CIMIS should be created and maintained to accurately describe the physical location of the equipment using as much detail as desired. Criminal Investigation Management Information System will allow the coordinator to put in several levels of description, (e.g., Description 1, Description 2, etc.), in order to describe the physical location of the stored equipment. Criminal Investigation Management Information System also requires that each storage location record reflect a good street address. Other examples of storage locations include a desk drawer, closet or cabinet in a CI office, a warehouse, a parking lot or garage, or an actual storage unit. The intent is to accurately determine the location and employee accountable of each stored equipment item.
When transferring unassigned equipment, the losing field office will be responsible for initiating the transfer process in CIMIS. The losing field office must notify the gaining field office that there is equipment in CIMIS to accept. Notification of pending transferred equipment to be accepted can be done either by e-mail or by sending CIMIS report EQR09, to the gaining field office. The gaining field office will accept the equipment transfer in CIMIS when the equipment is physically received.
The CIMIS equipment coordinator of the losing field office will check the equipment records pending transfer in CIMIS twice a month and follow up with the gaining field office to confirm receipt. If a transfer is in pending status for more than 60 days, the CIMIS equipment coordinator must notify his/her supervisor. The supervisor must contact the gaining office to resolve the pending status.
When transferring equipment across a large physical distance, all equipment must be packaged securely and shipped using the approved carrier. The shipper's tracking number should be obtainable so that the equipment shipment can be tracked. If desired, the CIMIS equipment coordinator of the losing office may create a shipment control assignment in CIMIS when transferring the equipment record. In these situations, the shipment assignment should be created before the pending transfer is input but can be done immediately afterward if need be.
All equipment assigned to a CI employee on a non-permanent basis must be assigned as temporary custody. Each temporary custody assignment must reflect the name of the CI employee who authorized the loan and the estimated date of return. Once the temporary custody assignment has been created, the accountable employee will be responsible for monitoring the status of the loan and following up with the temporary custodian to ensure that the item is returned to its permanent custodian or storage location.
When equipment is loaned between CI offices and remains out in temporary custody for longer than 1 year, both the loaning and the borrowing office CIMIS Equipment Coordinators will ensure that the loaned equipment is properly accounted for during the annual physical inventory process. The loaning office will generate CIMIS EQR07 (Equipment Checked Out on Temporary Custody or Consignment Report) and the borrowing office will generate CIMIS report EQR08. Using these reports, the coordinators will verify the equipment status with the temporary (borrowing) custodian and the accountable (loaning) employee.
Upon return of the loaned equipment, the temporary custody is automatically ended when a new assignment is created for the equipment.
In some instances, an equipment item may go directly from one temporary custodian to another temporary custodian, a situation termed "serial loaning" that most often occurs with specialized technical equipment that is used in surveillance and/or undercover operations. In all cases of serial loaning, the accountable employee must be closely involved in monitoring the whereabouts of the equipment and ensuring that it is accurately assigned in CIMIS to the current temporary custodian.
As previously mentioned, for purposes of conducting official reviews, audits, and/or physical inventories of equipment in the temporary custody of a CI employee, the CIMIS equipment coordinator will run the CIMIS report EQR01. When the equipment is owned by an office and is loaned to an employee in the same office, the CIMIS equipment coordinator for that office will be able to run the EQR01 so that the temporary custody equipment will show up for the employee. The report should not be run by any equipment user with group level permissions because there is a good chance the loaned equipment is not owned by that same group and would therefore not show up on the EQR01 report when run by the group CIMIS user.
For stored equipment that is loaned out frequently and has a value of less than $900, the "loans out of storage" will be tracked using a sign-out log. This log must include the borrower’s name, date signed out and description of equipment (including serial number). All sign-out logs shall be in an accessible central file and/or posted by the location of the equipment.
All equipment temporarily sent outside of CI for purposes of loaning to other government agencies or sending to vendors, e.g., Motorola, for repair/maintenance must be tracked in CIMIS using the Consignment activity. The CIMIS equipment coordinator will generate CIMIS report EQR07, for the borrower to sign. Equipment may be loaned to other agencies only with the approval of the SAC, Director, and/or AKM,or their designee.
Disposal of investigative equipment and investigative accessories and supplies in good working condition may be done by HQ, Director, Field Operations, and field offices 30 days after the equipment has been offered to other offices via an e-mail to all CIMIS equipment coordinators. No additional approval is required after the 30-day period has expired. Any equipment that is obsolete or broken can be disposed of without offering it to other field offices. Special use vehicles (i.e., undercover, surveillance, etc.) must be offered to other offices for 30 days prior to disposal. Tech equipment disposals must be approved by HQ SIT. Radio disposals must be approved by HQ AKM.
Equipment disposals in CIMIS are directly correlated with the equipment type, the disposal action, and the disposal method. The following forms will be used to document equipment disposals; and the correlating disposal methods will be used to dispose the equipment in CIMIS. ALL disposal forms must be completed, with approval signatures, prior to losing custody of the equipment with the exception of the F1933 for lost, stolen or broken equipment. The F1933 for the destruction of equipment must be completed prior to losing custody of the equipment:
Form 1933, Report of Survey, and the Depreciation Fair Value Calculation Worksheet - report equipment that is lost, stolen, broken and/or destroyed. Disposal method - Lost, Stolen, Broke, Destroyed.
SF120, Report of Excess Property - report equipment disposals through FMSS. Disposal method - Assets Xferred to FMSS for Final Disposal Action.
SF122, Transfer Order Excess Personal Property - report disposal of equipment outside of IRS. Disposal method - Transfer Out of IRS-SF122.
Miscellaneous Disposal Form - report the return to GSA of Leased Vehicles ONLY. Disposal method - Excess/Non-Renew of Lease.
When property has been disposed, that disposal will be entered in the CIMIS system by the disposing office. The appropriate disposal type will be entered in the CIMIS record to accurately record the reason for disposal of the item.
All fleet vehicles will be disposed in CIMIS using the EXCESS/NON-RENEWAL OF LEASE disposal method. The Miscellaneous Disposal Form must be used to document the disposal of leased vehicles. The Miscellaneous Disposal Form must be completed with approval signatures prior to returning the vehicle to GSA.
The Miscellaneous Disposal Form is for disposing LEASED vehicles ONLY. The Miscellaneous Disposal Form must have the signature of your Director (HQ), SAC or ASAC prior to returning the vehicle to GSA.
Equipment of this nature will not be disposed of without approval of HQ SIT.
Firearms may not be disposed of using the "Exchange/Sale" disposal code.
Firearms may be disposed of using the "Excess" disposal method provided such firearms are in excellent condition and known to be used for security or law enforcement or are sufficiently unique to be of interest to a Federal museum.
Firearms not reportable under the above provisions may be sold as scrap (using the CIMIS disposal code for "Salvage/Scrap") after total destruction by crushing, cutting, breaking, or deforming in a manner to assure the firearms are completely inoperative and to preclude their being made operative.
Occasionally, undercover assets that have been acquired as part of a covert operation must then be disposed while still operating covertly. In these situations, such as the return of a leased vehicle, the disposal code to be used is "Covert Disposal (U/C Only)"
Equipment of this nature will not be disposed of without approval of HQ SIT.