Understanding Your CP134R Notice

What this notice is about

This notice tells you a discrepancy exists between the amounts of federal tax deposits credited to your account from the amount reported on your tax return. Therefore, you're due a refund.

What you need to do

  • Make sure all payments listed in the notice are for the correct account and no payments are missing.
  • If our information is incorrect, call us at the number on page 1 of this notice.
  • You can expect to receive your refund in the next 4 to 6 weeks.

Frequently asked questions

Why did I receive this notice?

You received this notice because a discrepancy exists between the amounts of federal tax deposits credited to your account from the amount reported on your tax return and as a result, you’re due a refund.

What should I do if I believe payments were misapplied?

Call us at the toll-free number listed in the top right corner of your notice or mail us copies of your notice and proof of payment to the address on the notice.

What if I am due a refund and I haven't received it within 4-6 weeks?

If it has been more than 6 weeks and you haven’t received your refund, call us at the toll free number listed on the top right corner of your notice.

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