Updated FAQs were released to the public in Fact Sheet 2025-01 PDF, Jan. 17, 2025. This fact sheet contains all of the FAQs in one downloadable PDF.
Q1. What is a qualified product identification number (PIN)? (added Jan. 17, 2025)
A1. A qualified product identification number (PIN) is 17 characters assigned by a QM to each item of specified property produced by the QM that requires a PIN. For any item of specified property placed in service on or after Jan. 1, 2025, taxpayers must include the PIN of such item on their tax returns. For example, if a taxpayer places in service four eligible external windows , the taxpayer must include the corresponding four PINs on the taxpayer’s tax return for the windows for which the taxpayer claims the credit. For specified property placed in service in 2025, taxpayers may use a QM Code (a unique 4-character code assigned to a QM by the IRS) in lieu of a PIN. See section 5.03 of Revenue Procedure 2024-31 . For enabling property, taxpayers may use a QM Code in lieu of a PIN, regardless of whether the enabling property is placed in service after 2025. See section 5.04 of Revenue Procedure 2024-31.
Q2. What types of eligible property require a PIN? (added Jan. 17, 2025)
A2. All property eligible for the credit requires a PIN, with the following exceptions:
- Insulation materials or systems (including air sealing materials or systems).
- Enabling property (taxpayers may use a QM Code in lieu of a PIN). See section 5.04 of Revenue Procedure 2024-31.
For heat pumps with an indoor and outdoor unit, QMs are only required to assign a PIN to the outdoor unit. Taxpayers who claim the credit for a heat pump must include the PIN from the outdoor unit on their tax returns.
No PIN is required for a home energy audit.
Q3. Does a taxpayer need a PIN to claim the credit? (added Jan. 17, 2025)
A3. Yes. For any item of specified property placed in service on or after Jan. 1, 2025, taxpayers must include the PIN of such item on their tax returns. For specified property placed in service in 2025, taxpayers may use a QM Code in lieu of a PIN. A full 17-character PIN is required for specified property placed in service on or after Jan. 1, 2026. For enabling property, taxpayers may use a QM Code in lieu of a PIN, regardless of whether the enabling property is placed in service after 2025. See section 5.04 of Revenue Procedure 2024-31.
To claim the credit for enabling property, the enabling property and the associated enabled property (specified property for which the enabled property enables its installation and use) must be installed in the same taxable year. If enabling property and enabled property are installed in consecutive taxable years, taxpayers may treat the enabling property and enabled property as installed in the same taxable year (deemed taxable year), provided that the deemed taxable year is the later of the taxable year in which the enabling property was installed or the enabled property was installed.
Q4. Where can taxpayers find a list of QMs to determine if a product they would like to buy was produced by a QM? (added Jan. 17, 2025)
A4. The IRS will publish a list of QMs and the date that their applications to become QMs were accepted on IRS.gov. A QM may also produce products that are not eligible for the credit. The listing of the QM on IRS.gov does not indicate that any product produced by the QM is eligible.
Q5. Do taxpayers need a PIN to claim the credit for insulation materials or systems (including air sealing materials or systems)? (added Jan. 17, 2025)
A5. No. Insulation materials or systems may be eligible for the credit but are not specified property and thus do not require a PIN. See the Energy efficiency requirements section to determine whether the insulation materials or systems are eligible for the credit.
Q6. Where can taxpayers find the PIN on products they purchase? (added Jan. 17, 2025)
A6. QMs generally may choose the method for labeling products with PINs. They may affix a label to the product, or etch the PIN on the product itself. They may affix a label containing the PIN to an item’s packaging, print the PIN directly on the package, or include a document containing the PIN inside the item’s packaging. Taxpayers who cannot locate the PIN should contact the QM.
Q7. Where can taxpayers find the QM Code for products they purchase? (added Jan. 17, 2025)
A7. The QM should provide taxpayers with its QM Code. Taxpayers may use a QM Code in lieu of a PIN for enabling property and for specified property placed in service in 2025.
Q8. What happens if a product a taxpayer buys is otherwise eligible for the credit but is missing the PIN? (added Jan. 17, 2025)
A8. The taxpayer should contact the QM. A QM must make its PINs available to taxpayers, including upon taxpayers’ request.
Q9. How can a taxpayer get the full PIN needed to claim the credit for taxable year 2026, where the taxpayer bought specified property in 2025 (that only came with a QM Code), but didn’t install it until 2026? (added Jan. 17, 2025)
A9. For any specified property produced in calendar year 2025 and placed in service on or after Jan. 1, 2026, and to which only a QM Code has been assigned, the QM must assign and make the full 17-digit PIN available to taxpayers upon request.
Q10. Can a taxpayer claim the credit if the taxpayer purchased a product and installed it but does not report the product’s PIN on the taxpayer’s tax return? (added Jan. 17, 2025)
A10. For any item of specified property placed in service on or after Jan. 1, 2025, taxpayers must include the PIN of such item on their tax returns. For specified property placed in service in 2025, taxpayers may use a QM Code (a unique 4-character code assigned to a QM by the IRS) in lieu of a PIN. For enabling property, taxpayers may use a QM Code in lieu of a PIN, regardless of whether the enabling property is placed in service after 2025. See section 5.04 of Revenue Procedure 2024-31.
Previous updates to FAQs
- Fact Sheet 2024-15 PDF, April 17, 2024
- Fact Sheet 2022-40 PDF, Dec. 22, 2022