Multiyear TCE grant recipient


Welcome! We are excited to have you as a grantee! We look forward to the coming year.

Getting started

Managing the grant

Now that you have the grant, it is time to ensure your processes for managing the funds are in place and that you can access the funds on-line. The following requirements must be maintained each year to continue as a multi-year grant recipient.

Closing the grant

  • Final Report Requirements PDF – Find out what to do when the project period ends and it is time to submit the final report.

Continuation of multi-year grant

Multi-year grant recipients will receive notification of continued eligibility from the Grant Program Office in late April. If you are eligible to continue as a multi-year recipient, you will follow the abbreviated application process. If you are not eligible or if the multi-year period on your agreement indicates period 3, follow the application process at Applying for a TCE Grant to reapply for a multi-year grant. Publication 1101 PDF provides a step-by-step guide.  

Checklist for abbreviated application process

Abbreviated Application Documents – The items listed should be included in the multi-year application. Please label the application by the names indicated.

Application submission

  • Download the application by following system instructions on  
  • Complete the application as directed in Publication 1101 PDF.
  • All applications and required attachments must be submitted through and must pass validation in on or before May 31.

Notification of grant

The Grant Program Office will notify applicants of their acceptance or rejection of a grant award by email. If not awarded a grant, general information is provided on why the applicant was not selected. Notification is scheduled for early October. An applicant that is eligible for multi-year continuation will not be subject to the technical evaluation and will receive notification of award and funding earlier than applicants awarded under the competitive process.




Important links

  • – Online federal grant announcement and application system.
  • Office of Management and Budget – Circulars governing the administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for grant recipients.
  • System for Award Management (SAM) – SAM is the primary registrant database of contracts and assistance awards for the federal government and is a free web site that consolidates the capabilities you used to find in CCR/FedReg, ORCA, and EPLS.  
  • Sub-award Reporting – Reporting of first tier sub-awards. Please refer to the TCE Terms and Conditions, Publication 5245, for guidance on reporting sub-awards.

Contact the TCE Grant Program at

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