IRS tax volunteers

Learn to prepare taxes and make a difference in your community at the same time. How can you make a difference? Simple. Volunteer to help your community by preparing taxes free of charge with the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) or Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) Programs.

You will receive training to provide free tax help for low-to-moderate income families who need assistance preparing their tax returns. As a volunteer, you will join the thousands of others who each year prepare millions of tax returns at thousands of tax sites nationwide.

If you have an interest in partnering with us to sponsor or host a free tax preparation site in your area you can also complete and submit the VITA/TCE volunteer and partner sign up form and we will be sure to follow-up on your inquiry.

As a committed tax volunteer, you’ll be assigned to work with a sponsoring organization, first to receive training and then to begin volunteering at a location in your community. Training is offered both online and in the classroom. Tax sites are generally open nights and weekends, and the hours are flexible. You will surely find a volunteer site close to you.


For additional information and next steps, submit your inquiry now using the VITA/TCE volunteer and partner sign up form and you will be one step closer to becoming a VITA or TCE tax volunteer and giving back to your community. We will share your volunteer interest with sponsoring organizations in your area for follow-up contact.

What do volunteers do?

Why do people volunteer?

Volunteer training

Volunteer resources

Obtaining printed products

Limited printed products are available only to volunteers in the VITA and TCE programs. The assigned partner training or site coordinator will provide all printed products needed for volunteer training. The public can download electronic versions of these products. The IRS provides access to the electronic version of the products on the Forms, instructions & publications webpage.

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Recruiting volunteers to prepare taxes in communities across America