3.12.263 Estate and Gift Tax Returns

Manual Transmittal

October 21, 2024


(1) This transmits revised IRM 3.12.263, Error Resolution, Estate and Gift Tax Returns.

Material Changes

(1) IRM - Added Form 709-NA as this line refers to both Form 709 and Form 709-NA.

(2) IRM - Updated from Paper Processing Branch to Return Processing Branch. (IPU 24U0105 issued 01-22-2024).

(3) IRM - Changed W&I to Taxpayer Services.

(4) IRM, -(14) - Added instructions for when Part 2 lines 1 plus line 2 are greater than $10 Million and when part 2 line 4 is 0 and a Form 709 is attached, and added note that only 706/W6166 need to be held until 4349 is received back. (IPU 24U0066 issued 01-09-2024.)

(5) IRM, (7) and (13) - Added 709-NA to general instructions. Updated instructions to hold current year returns until programming is completed. Added name of IRM for Campus Mail and Work Control.

(6) IRM - Removed Error Resolution, it shouldn’t be part of the name.

(7) IRM - Updated from Paper Processing Branch to Return Processing Branch. (IPU 24U0105 issued 01-22-2024).

(8) IRM - Updated guidance for digital signature. (IPU 23U1096 issued 11-17-2023).

(9) IRM - Added Form 709-NA and when to detach the Form 709-NA to chart.

(10) IRM - Added Form 706-NA Form 709-NA to the list of Returns to instructions.

(11) IRM - Revised funny box as questionable tax returns.

(12) IRM - Updated wording per Consistency IRM. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(13) IRM, (5) - Updated wording per Consistency IRM. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(14) IRM - Changed W&I to Taxpayer Services. Updated current language for Tax Payer Services (TAS).

(15) IRM - Changed W&I to Taxpayer Services. Updated language for titles from TAS suggestions.

(16) IRM - Updated to ID per consistency IRM. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(17) IRM - Changed reference for IRM Deviation to

(18) IRM - Added 2024 Basic Exclusion amounts and Applicable Credit amount to table. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(19) IRM - Revised that the table starts at 2001 since I deleted years prior to that.

(20) IRM - Added 2024 Annual Exclusion to table and the 2024 Foreign Spouse exclusion amount. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(21) IRM, (2)b and d, (3)c and d, (4)b and c, (8)a - Changed W&I to Taxpayer Services.

(22) IRM - Added instructions for Taxpayer Notice Codes. (IPU 24U0462 issued 3-29-2024).

(23) IRM - Added instructions for the TPNC 90. Added link for Job aids for 2 Digit TPNC and 3 Digit TPNC. (IPU 24U0462 issued 3-29-2024).

(24) IRM - Added TPNC 40 to the table. (IPU 24U0066 issued 01-09-2024)

(25) IRM - Removed TPNC 40 from table, no longer needed, will be using TPNC 54. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(26) IRM - Added an Exception for Taxpayer Notice Code (TPNC) 41 and corrected TPNC 43 language per the Notice programming. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(27) IRM - Updated TPNC language. Added links for TPNC Job Aids.

(28) IRM - Added TPNC 40 to the table. (IPU 24U0066 issued 01-09-2024)

(29) IRM - Removed TPNC 40 from table, no longer needed, will be using TPNC 54. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(30) IRM - Updated TPNC language. Added links to the TPNC Job Aids.

(31) IRM - Added an Exception for Taxpayer Notice Code (TPNC) 41 and corrected TPNC 43 language per the Notice programming. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(32) IRM - Updated language for TPNCs. Deleted TPNC 41. Added TPNCs that were 90 notices last year and now available to enter on IDRS. Added links for TPNC Job Aids.

(33) IRM - Added Chart with valid TPNCs for Form 709-NA.

(34) IRM - Deleted instructions for a EIN per Chief Counsel review as prior instructions says to sned to Entity for SSN

(35) IRM - Updated per Consistency IRM. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(36) IRM - Added 2024 Basic Exclusion amount to table. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(37) IRM - Updated per Consistency IRM. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(38) IRM - Added 2024 Basic Exclusion amounts and Applicable Credit amount to table. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(39) IRM - Deleted last sentence. not necessary.

(40) IRM - Deleted last sentence. not necessary.

(41) IRM - Deleted last sentence. not necessary.

(42) IRM - Deleted last sentence. not necessary.

(43) IRM - Updated per Consistency IRM. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(44) IRM - Updated wording per Consistency IRM. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(45) IRM 4th then(2) - Change year from 2019 to 2020 for Statute returns from memo agreement between SP and AM. (IPU 24U0192 issued 02-02-2024).

(46) IRM - Updated per Consistency IRM. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(47) IRM and (3) - Added instructions for TPNC 90. Added links for TPNC Job Aids.

(48) IRM - Updated per Consistency IRM. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(49) IRM - Updated language for TPNCs. Added TPNC 90 instructions. Added links for TPNC Job Aids. Added instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(50) IRM - Updated language for TPNCs. Added links for TPNC Job Aids. Added instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(51) IRM - Added instruction for when line 4 is negative. Added links for TPNC Job Aids. Added instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(52) IRM - Added links for TPNC Job Aids.

(53) IRM and (4)c - Added Links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions on when to ripple a TPNC.

(54) IRM - Added TPNC 90. Added Links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instruction for when to ripple a TPNC.

(55) IRM - Updated TPNC language. Added TPNC 90. Added Links for TPNC Job Aids. Added a note with instruction for when to ripple a TPNC.

(56) IRM - Changed error Code to TPNC. Added TPNC 90. Added links for TPNC Job Aids. Added a note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(57) IRM - Updated TPNC language. Added TPNC 90. Added links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note for when to ripple a TPNC.

(58) IRM - Updated language for TPNCs. Added links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note for when to ripple a TPNC.

(59) IRM - Added 2024 Applicable Credit amount to table. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(60) IRM - Added TPNC 90. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(61) IRM b. - Corrected TPNC 43 language per the Notice programming. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(62) IRM - Updated language for TPNCs. Added links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note for when to ripple a TPNC.

(63) IRM - Added TPNC 90. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(64) IRM, (3) - Updated wording per Consistency IRM. Added 2024 Applicable Credit amount to table. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(65) IRM - Added TPNC 90. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(66) IRM b. - Added an Exception for Taxpayer Notice Code (TPNC) 41. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(67) IRM - Removed the exception for TPNC 41. Updated language for TPNCs. Added links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(68) IRM - Added TPNC 90. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(69) IRM - Updated per Consistency IRM. Added 2024 Basic Exclusion amounts and Applicable Credit amount to table. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(70) IRM - Added TPNC 90. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(71) IRM - Corrected TPNC 43 language per the Notice programming. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(72) IRM - Added TPNC 90. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(73) IRM - Updated TPNC language throughout. Added TPNC 90 and the links for TPNC 90 Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(74) IRM - Added TPNC 90. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(75) IRM - Added an Exception for Taxpayer Notice Code (TPNC) 41. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(76) IRM - Added TPNC 90. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(77) IRM - Updated TPNCs language, Added links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(78) IRM - Added TPNC 43.

(79) IRM - Added TPNC 90. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(80) IRM - Corrected TPNC 43 language per the Notice programming. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(81) IRM - Added TPNC 90. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(82) IRM and (2)g - Deleted exception for error code 43. Updated language for TPNCs. Added links to TPNC Job Aids. Added note for when to ripple a TPNC.

(83) IRM - Added 2024 Applicable Credit amount to table. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(84) IRM - Added TPNC 90. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(85) IRM b. - Added an Exception for Taxpayer Notice Code (TPNC) 41. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(86) IRM g. - Added TPNC 90. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(87) IRM - Updated TPNC language throughout. Added links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(88) IRM - Added TPNC 90. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(89) IRM - Added an Exception for Taxpayer Notice Code (TPNC) 41. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(90) IRM - Added TPNC 90. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(91) IRM - Updated language for TPNCs throughout. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(92) IRM - Added TPNC 90. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(93) IRM - Added TPNC 90. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(94) IRM - Added TPNC 90. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(95) IRM - Added an Exception for Taxpayer Notice Code (TPNC) 41. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(96) IRM - Removed TPNC 40 and replaced it with TPNC 54, which best informs the taxpayer of the error. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(97) IRM - Added TPNC 90. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(98) IRM - Updated TPNC language and removed exception as TPNC 41 is hard coded.

(99) IRM - Deleted table in invalid conditions. (IPU 24U0259 issued 02-14-2024)

(100) IRM - Added correction procedure table for 01PI. (IPU 24U0259 issued 02-14-2024)

(101) IRM - Updated per Consistency IRM. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(102) IRM - Change year from 2019 to 2020 for Statute returns from memo agreement between SP and AM. (IPU 24U0192 issued 02-02-2024).

(103) IRM - Updated per Consistency IRM. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(104) IRM - Added note if 2005 and subsequent to enter a 0. Corrected line numbers to match form.(IPU 24U0259 issued 02-14-2024)

(105) IRM - Added TPNC’s missing. Deleted TPNC’s not needed. Updated TPNC language. Added links for TPNC Job Aids.

(106) IRM - Added ripple instructions. Added TPNC 90 instructions. Added Links for the TPNC Job Aids. Updated TPNC Language.

(107) IRM - Updated TPNC language. Added TPNC 90 instructions. Added Links for the TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions on when to ripple a TPNC.

(108) IRM and (3) - Updated instruction to use TPNC 73. Updated 2, deleted the chart and added 3.

(109) IRM -Added TPNC 90 instructions. Added Links for the TPNC Job Aids. Added a note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(110) IRM - Added TPNC 90 instructions. Added Links for the TPNC Job Aids.

(111) IRM - Added TPNC 90 instructions. Added Links for the TPNC Job Aids.

(112) IRM - Added TPNC 90 and 64 instructions. Added Links for the TPNC Job Aids.

(113) IRM - Added TPNC 90 instructions. Added Links for the TPNC Job Aids.

(114) IRM - Added TPNC 90 instructions. Added Links for the TPNC Job Aids.

(115) IRM - Added TPNC 90 instructions. Added Links for the TPNC Job Aids.

(116) IRM - Added TPNC 90 instructions. Added Links for the TPNC Job Aids.

(117) IRM - Added TPNC 90 instructions. Added Links for the TPNC Job Aids.

(118) IRM - Added TPNC 90 instructions. Added Links for the TPNC Job Aids.

(119) IRM - Added information to see the exhibit for Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return.

(120) IRM - Updated per Consistency IRM. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(121) IRM - Added procedures to make easier to understand.

(122) IRM - Added Digital Assets (Field 01DAC) to section 01 table. Updated line numbers to match Field Names.

(123) IRM - Changed line number to match Field Name.

(124) IRM - Changed line number to match Field Name.

(125) (1) IRM Added that an extra possibility for considering a CCC(G).for amended returns.

(126) IRM - Updated tax years to more recent years throughout subsequent.

(127) IRM - Added GTSEC 04 and Fields 04ST and Field 04ZIP.

(128) IRM Note - Updated page and line number to match form.

(129) IRM - Added 709-NA to CCC 7, Reasonable Cause statement.

(130) IRM - Updated throughout per Consistency IRM. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(131) IRM, b, c, g, h, and (8)b - Changed line number to match Field Name. Updated that Signature line for consenting spouse not on tax year 2024 and subsequent, but a check box has been added. Removed page number and add schedule A.

(132) IRM - Added Field 01DAC, and renumbered the rest of the subsections and links.

(133) IRM - Updated per Consistency IRM. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(134) IRM, and (2) - Changed line number to match Field Name.

(135) IRM - Changed line number to match Field Name.

(136) IRM - Changed line number to match Field Name.

(137) IRM, (4)c - Updated per Consistency IRM. Added 2024 Foreign Spouse amount to table. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(138) IRM, (5) - Changed line number to match Field Name.

(139) IRM and b, (5), (6) and (7)b - Deleted page 3 out of references. Updated exclusion for 2024 and added note to check chart for year of the return for exemption amount.

(140) IRM - Updated language for the TPNCs throughout. Added note with instructions on when to ripple a TPNC. Removed 90- reference for TPNC.

(141) IRM - Added 2024 amount ($185,000) for Foreign Spouse. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(142) IRM,(3) - Deleted page 2 and page 3 references. Added 2024 amount(185,000) for Foreign Spouse on (2).

(143) IRM - Added Schedule A where missing and deleted Page 3 reference's throughout subsection.

(144) IRM - Removed page reference and added top of Schedule.

(145) IRM - Updated column number to match form.

(146) IRM, (4), (8) - Added 2024 Annual Exclusion amount and Nonresident Alien amount to tables. Updated verbiage per Consistency IRM. Removed outdated information. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(147) IRM, (3), (12), (16) and (18) - Deleted page references and added Schedule A where needed. Removed out dated information from chart.

(148) IRM, (4), 6)a and b, (7) and (15)a and b - Added 2024 amounts for gifts and updated example.

(149) IRM and (11) - Added line changes to match Field names.

(150) IRM - Updated TPNC language throughout subsection, added links to TPNC 90 Job Aids. Added a note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC. Removed 90- through out.

(151) IRM and c - Added Gender Neutral Language.

(152) IRM - Updated per Consistency IRM. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(153) IRM - Removed Page references and add schedule A where necessary throughout subsection.

(154) IRM - Removed Page references.

(155) IRM - Removed Page references.

(156) IRM - Removed Page references.

(157) IRM - Removed Page references.

(158) IRM - Removed Page references.

(159) IRM - Removed Page references.

(160) IRM - Removed Page references.

(161) IRM - Removed Page references.

(162) IRM - Removed Page references.

(163) IRM - Removed Page references.

(164) IRM, (5) - Added 2024 Basic Exclusion amounts and Applicable Credit amount to tables and deleted information from 2001 and prior. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(165) IRM, and (3) - Removed Page references.

(166) IRM - Added 2024 Applicable Credit amount to table. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(167) IRM and (4) - Removed Page references.

(168) IRM - Removed Sweden from treaty countries.

(169) IRM - Added 2024 Exemption amount and removed old date from table. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(170) IRM - Removed Page 4 reference

(171) IRM - Added 04LRE to match screen display, but for 709-NA.

(172) IRM - Change year from 2019 to 2020 for Statute returns from memo agreement between SP and AM. (IPU 24U0192 issued 02-02-2024).

(173) IRM - Updated per Consistency IRM. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(174) IRM - Updated page and line numbers to match current Form 2024.

(175) IRM - Added links for TPNC notices Code Job Aids. Update exclusion amounts for 2024. Updated example for Foreign Spouse with additional donees. Removed reference 90- as no longer needed. Removed page references for schedules.

(176) IRM, (5) - Added 2024 Annual Exclusion, Applicable credit amount and Nonresident Alien amount to tables. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(177) IRM - Updated TPNC Language.

(178) IRM - Updated Language for TPNC and added links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(179) IRM - Added links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(180) IRM - Updated Language for TPNC and added links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(181) IRM - Updated per Consistency IRM. Updated all tables in this subsection with 2024 amounts. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(182) IRM, (15)b, note - Added instructions to use TPNC 90-285 instead of TPNC 90-93. Added a additional note with links to the 2 digit TPNC 90 and 3 Digit TPNC 90.(IPU 24U0462 issued 3-29-2024).

(183) IRM, (4)c, (6)f, (8), (15)b, (17)b - Updated TPNC language. Removed TPNC 90, it is no longer needed. Added TPNCs that were needed. Added links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC. Updated Exclusion amounts throughout.

(184) IRM, b, c, and d - Added TPNC 93, TPNC 91, and 98. Updated language for TPNCs. Added links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(185) IRM, (4)a, (4)b, - Updated Language. Removed TPNC 90, it- is no longer needed. Added links for TPNC Job Aids. Added a note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC. Removed page number that references a Schedule.

(186) IRM, (1)a, (1)b, (1)c, and (1)d - Updated language for TPNCs. Removed TPNC 90, it- is no longer needed. Added links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(187) IRM, (3)d, and (4) - Removed Page number and added Schedule A. Removed TPNC 90, it- is no longer needed. Updated Language for TPNCs. Added links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(188) IRM - Updated language for TPNCs. Removed TPNC 90, it- is no longer needed. Added links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(189) IRM, (3), (4)and (5) - Removed Page reference on (2). Deleted TPNC 42 and added Language for TPNC 79. Added note with instructions for when to Ripple a TPNC.

(190) IRM, (1)b, (1)c, and (1)d - Deleted TPNC 42 and added Language for TPNC 79. Deleted TPNC 42 and added Language for TPNC 79. Added note with instruction for when to Ripple a TPNC.

(191) IRM and (3) - Removed page reference to Schedule A. Added language for TPNC 80.

(192) IRM, (1)b, (1)c, (1)d, and (1)e - Updated TPNCs language. Added Links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(193) IRM and (3) - Removed page reference and added Schedule. Updated Language for TPNC 10.

(194) IRM, (1)b, (1)c, (1)d, and (1)e - Updated TPNCs language. Added Links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(195) IRM - Deleted TPNC 10. Added language for TPNC 81.

(196) IRM, (1)b, (1)c, (1)d, and (1)e - Updated TPNCs language. Added Links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(197) IRM - Removed TPNC 10 and 81 and added Language for TPNC 11.

(198) IRM, (1)b, (1)c, (1)d, and (1)e - Updated TPNCs Language. Added Links for TPNC Job Aids. Added when to ripple a TPNC.

(199) IRM and (4) - Updated TPNCs language. Added Links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(200) IRM, (1)b, (1)c, (1)d, and (1)e - Deleted TPNC 69. Updated TPNCs Language. Added Links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(201) IRM, c and d - Deleted (2)a. Updated TPNC Language. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(202) IRM, (1)b, (1)c, and (1)d - Deleted TPNC 69. Updated TPNCs language. Added Links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(203) IRM - Updated TPNC Language.

(204) IRM, and f - Added Links for TPNC Job Aids. Added when to Ripple a TPNC.

(205) IRM and (4)c - Updated TPNCs language. Added Links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(206) IRM, (4) - Added 2024 Applicable Credit amount to tables. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(207) IRM, b, c, and d - Updated TPNCs language. Added TPNC 95. Added Links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(208) IRM a. - Added an Exception for Taxpayer Notice Code (TPNC) 41. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(209) IRM b. - Corrected TPNC 43 language per the Notice programming. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(210) IRM and (3) - Removed note, Updated TPNC language. Added Links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(211) IRM a. - Added an Exception for Taxpayer Notice Code (TPNC) 41. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(212) IRM b. - Added TPNC 90 in place of TPNC 43 language per the Notice programming. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(213) IRM, b, and c - Removed exception for TPNC 43. Updated TPNCs language. Added TPNC 95 and deleted the 90- reference, no longer needed. Added Links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(214) IRM - Updated TPNCs Language. Added Links for TPNC Job Aids. Added when to Ripple a TPNC.

(215) IRM a. - Added an Exception for Taxpayer Notice Code (TPNC) 41. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(216) IRM b. - Corrected TPNC 43 language per the Notice programming. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(217) IRM, (1)b, (1)c, (1)d, and (1)e - Removed exception for TPNC 43. Removed 90- from TPNC reference as no longer needed. Updated TPNCs language. Added Links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to Ripple a TPNC.

(218) IRM - Added TPNC 75 and its language.

(219) IRM a. - Added an Exception for Taxpayer Notice Code (TPNC) 41. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(220) IRM c. - Added TPNC 90 in place of TPNC 43 language per the Notice programming. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(221) IRM, (1)b, (1)c, (1)d, and (1)e - Added TPNC 75 and updated TPNCs language. Added Links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(222) IRM, and (5) - Removed TPNC 90 reference as longer needed. (5) Added TPNC 90-284. Updated TPNC language. Added Links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(223) IRM a. - Added an Exception for Taxpayer Notice Code (TPNC) 41. (IPU 24U0374 issued (03-08-2024)

(224) IRM c. - Added TPNC 90 in place of TPNC 43 language per the Notice programming. (IPU 24U0374 issued 03-08-2024)

(225) IRM, (1)b, (1)c, (1)d, and (1)e - Removed exception for TPNC 43 and TPNC 41. Added TPNC 90-284. Updated TPNCs language. Removed 90- from TPNC reference as no longer needed. Updated Added Links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(226) IRM, and 5 - Updated TPNCs language. Added links for TPNC Job Aids. Added a note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(227) IRM - Added Suspense correction procedures.

(228) IRM, and (1)d - Added Links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(229) IRM - Added TPNC 54 Language.

(230) IRM, (1)f, and (1)g - Updated TPNCs language. Added Links for TPNC Job Aids. Added note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(231) IRM - Added Links for TPNC Job Aids. Added a note with instructions for when to ripple a TPNC.

(232) IRM - Updated per Consistency IRM. Added $18,000 for 2024 to instructions. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(233) IRM - Updated exemption amounts to 2024 amounts and updated the example.

(234) IRM - Updated per Consistency IRM. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(235) IRM - Updated example and added 2024 exemption amounts through out correction procedures.

(236) IRM - Updated per Consistency IRM. (IPU 24U0025 issued 01-03-2024)

(237) IRM - Added 2024 line number changes.

(238) IRM - Added Form 709-NA, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return of Nonresident Not a Citizen of the United States, General Information.

(239) IRM - Added Due Dates (Form 709-NA), United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return of Nonresident Not a Citizen of the United States.

(240) IRM - Added Section 01 - Form 709-NA, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return of Nonresident Not a Citizen of the United States.

(241) IRM - Added RMIT - Remittance.

(242) IRM - Added Field 01NC - Name Control.

(243) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions.

(244) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(245) IRM - Added Suspense Correction Procedures.

(246) IRM - Added Field 01SSN - Donors Social Security Number (SSN).

(247) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions.

(248) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(249) IRM - Added Suspense Correction Procedures.

(250) IRM - Added 01SSS - Spouses Social Security Number. (Valid for Form 709 only)

(251) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions.

(252) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(253) IRM - Added 01TXP - Tax Period.

(254) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions.

(255) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(256) IRM - Added Early Filed returns Without remittance.

(257) IRM - Added Early Filed Returns With Remittance.

(258) IRM - Added 01CCC - Computer Condition Codes (CCC’s).

(259) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions.

(260) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(261) IRM - Added CCC (D) - Reasonable Cause for Delinquency.

(262) IRM - Added CCC (F) - Final Return.

(263) IRM - Added CCC (G) - Amended Return.

(264) IRM - Added CCC (L) - Treaty Based Position.

(265) IRM - Added CCC (O) - Module Freeze.

(266) IRM -Added CCC (R) -Reasonable Cause for Delinquency.

(267) IRM - Added CCC (W) - Cleared by Statute.

(268) IRM - Added CCC (X) - Credit Freeze.

(269) IRM - Added CCC(Y) - Designates a Yield Condition.

(270) IRM - Added CCC(3) - Added CCC(3) - No Reply Received/Suppress Credit Interest.

(271) IRM - Added CCC(7) - Reasonable Cause Denied. Added 709-NA to note.

(272) IRM - Added 01RCD - Received Date.

(273) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions.

(274) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(275) IRM - Added 01PIC - Penalty and Interest (P/I) Code.

(276) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions.

(277) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(278) IRM - Added Field 01CAF - CAF Indicator.

(279) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions.

(280) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(281) IRM - Added Field 01PFC - Prior Filing Code.

(282) IRM - Added 01CFC - Citizenship Foreign Country Code.

(283) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions.

(284) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(285) IRM - Added Field 01DAC - Digital Asset Check Box.

(286) IRM - Added Field 01CSI - Consent of Spouse Indicator.

(287) IRM - Added Field 01DSI - DSUE Indicator, only valid on Form 709.

(288) IRM - Added Field 01CZC - Citizenship Code, only valid on Form 709.

(289) IRM - Added Field 01CRD - Correspondence Received Date.

(290) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions.

(291) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(292) IRM - Added Field 01DTH - Death Indicator.

(293) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions.

(294) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(295) IRM - Added Field 01DOD - Date of Death.

(296) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions.

(297) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(298) IRM - Added Field 01TND - Total Number of Donees.

(299) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions.

(300) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(301) IRM - Added Suspense Correction Procedures for Field 01TND.

(302) IRM - Added Field 01FSI - Foreign Spouse Indicator.

(303) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions.

(304) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(305) IRM - Added Field 01RFC - Refund Code.

(306) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions.

(307) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(308) IRM - Added Field 01PSN - Preparer’s Tax Identification Number (PTIN).

(309) IRM - Added Field 01PEN - Firm’s EIN

(310) IRM - Added Field 01PTN - Preparer Phone Number.

(311) IRM - Added Section 02 - Form 709-NA, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return of Nonresident Not a Citizen of the United States.

(312) IRM - Added Processing Field Errors.

(313) IRM -Added Field 02GPB - Basis of Gifted Property.

(314) IRM - Field 0201 - Total Gifts Current Amount.

(315) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(316) IRM - Added Suspense Corrections.

(317) IRM - Added Field 0202 - Annual Exclusions for more Information.

(318) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(319) IRM - Added Field 0203 - Total Included Gifts Amount.

(320) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(321) IRM - Added Field 0204 - Gifts of Interest Amount.

(322) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(323) IRM - Added Field 0205 - Exclusions Attributable to Gifts.

(324) IRM - Added Field 0206 - Marital Deduction.

(325) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(326) IRM - Added Field 0207 - Charitable Deductions.

(327) IRM -Added Correction Procedures.

(328) IRM - Added Field 0208 - Total Deductions Amount.

(329) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(330) IRM - Added Field 0209 - Balance After Deductions Amount.

(331) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(332) IRM - Added Field 0210 - GST Taxes Payable Amount.

(333) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(334) IRM - Added Field 0211 - Taxable Gifts (Balance After GST) Amount.

(335) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(336) IRM - Added Section 03 - Form 709-NA, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return of Nonresident Not a Citizen of the United States.

(337) IRM - Added Field 0301 - Current Taxable Gifts.

(338) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(339) IRM - Added Field 0302 - Prior Taxable Gifts.

(340) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(341) IRM - Added Field 0303 - Total Taxable Gifts.

(342) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(343) IRM - Added Field 0304 - Total Tax Taxpayer (Current).

(344) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(345) IRM - Added Field 0305 - Total Tax Taxpayer (Prior).

(346) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(347) IRM - Added Field 0306 - Balance of Tax.

(348) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(349) IRM - Added - Field 03BTV - Balance of Tax Verified.

(350) IRM - Added Field 0312 - Other Credits.

(351) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(352) IRM - Field 0313 - Credit for Foreign Gift Taxes.

(353) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(354) IRM - Added Field 0314 - Total Credits.

(355) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(356) IRM - Added Field 0315 - Balance, Gifts Minus Credits.

(357) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(358) IRM - Added Field 0316 - Generation - Skipping Transfer Taxes (GST).

(359) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(360) IRM - Added Field 0317 - Total Tax.

(361) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(362) IRM - Added Field 03MCT - Manually Corrected Tax.

(363) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(364) IRM - Added Field 0318 - Generation - Skipping Transfer Tax Prepaid with Extension of Time to File.

(365) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(366) IRM - Added Field 03B/R - Balance Due.

(367) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(368) IRM - Added Field 03B/R - Refund Amount.

(369) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(370) IRM - Added Section 04 - Form 709-NA, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return of Nonresident Not a Citizen of the United States.

(371) IRM - Added Field 04PNL - Primary Name Line.

(372) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions.

(373) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(374) IRM - Added Field 04LRE - Legal Residence.

(375) IRM - Added Invalid Condition.

(376) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(377) IRM - Added Field 04CON.

(378) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions.

(379) IRM - Added Correct Procedures.

(380) IRM - Added Field 04FAD - Foreign Address.

(381) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions.

(382) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(383) IRM - Added Foreign Addresses - General Information.

(384) IRM - Added Foreign Addresses.

(385) IRM - Added Field 04ADD - Street Address.

(386) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(387) IRM - Added - Field 04CTY - City/Major City Code.

(388) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(389) IRM - Added Field 04ST.

(390) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(391) IRM - Added Field 04ZIP - ZIP Code

(392) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(393) IRM - Added Math Consistency - Priority IV Errors Instructions, Form 709-NA, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return of Nonresident Not a Citizen of the United States.

(394) IRM - Added Error Code 001 - Tax Year - Fields Displayed.

(395) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions for Error Code 001.

(396) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 001.

(397) IRM - Added Suspense Correction Procedures for Error Code 001.

(398) IRM - Added Error Code 002 - Name Control Mismatch Field Display.

(399) IRM -Added Invalid Condition for Error Code 002.

(400) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 002.

(401) IRM - Added Suspense Correction Procedures for Error Code 002.

(402) IRM - Added Error Code 003 - Check Digit Invalid.

(403) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions for Error Code 003.

(404) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 003.

(405) IRM - Added Suspense Correction Procedures for Error Code 003.

(406) IRM - Added Error Code 004 - Name Control/SSN Validation.

(407) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions for Error Code 004.

(408) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 004.

(409) IRM - Added Suspense Corrections for Error Code 004.

(410) IRM - Added Error Code 007 - Received Date is Earlier than Tax Year.

(411) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions for Error Code 007.

(412) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 007.

(413) IRM - Added Suspense Correct Procedures for Error Code 007.

(414) IRM - Added Error Code 010 - Amended Return G Coded.

(415) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions for Error Code 010.

(416) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 010.

(417) IRM - Added Error Code 011 - Remittance Amount/No data in Section 03/ CCC G not present.

(418) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions for error Code 011.

(419) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 011.

(420) IRM - Added Suspense Procedures for Error Code 011.

(421) IRM - Added Error Code 014 - Missing Address Entries.

(422) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions for Error Code 014.

(423) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 014.

(424) IRM - Added Error Code 015 - Foreign Address/State.

(425) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions for Error Code 015.

(426) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 015.

(427) IRM - Added Error Code 016 - ZIP Code/State Mismatch.

(428) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions for Error Code 016.

(429) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 016.

(430) IRM - Added Error Code 030 - P&I Code of 1 and Received Date is on or before Return Due Date.

(431) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions for Error Code 030.

(432) IRM - Added Corrections Procedures for Error Code 030.

(433) IRM - Added Error Code 034 - Correspondence Received Date.

(434) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions for Error Code 034.

(435) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 034.

(436) IRM - Added Error Code 073 - CCC is "3" and a date has been entered in Field 01CRD.

(437) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions for Error Code 073.

(438) IRM - Added Corrections Procedures for Error Code 073.

(439) IRM - Added Error Code 082 - Name Control disagrees with name line.

(440) IRM - Added Invalid Condition for Error Code 082.

(441) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 082.

(442) IRM - Added Suspense Correction for Error Code 082.

(443) IRM - Added Error Code 084 - In Care of Name present/Donor Name blank.

(444) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions for Error Code 084.

(445) IRM - Added Correction Procedures.

(446) IRM - Added Error Code 400 - Death Indicator/DOD.

(447) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions for Error Code 400.

(448) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 400.

(449) IRM - Added Error Code 408 - Total Number of Donees/Annual Exclusions.

(450) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions for Error Code 408.

(451) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 408.

(452) IRM - Added Suspense Corrections for Error Code 408.

(453) IRM - Added Error Code 416 -Annual Exclusions,

(454) IRM - Added Invalid condition for Error Code 416.

(455) IRM -Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 416.

(456) IRM - Added Applicable TPNCs. for Error Code 416.

(457) IRM --Added Error Code 420 - Total Included Gifts Amount.

(458) IRM - Added Invalid Condition for Error Code 420.

(459) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 420.

(460) IRM - Added Applicable TPNCs for Error Code 420.

(461) IRM - Added Error Code 424 - Marital Deductions.

(462) IRM - Added Invalid Condition for Error Code 424.

(463) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 424.

(464) IRM - Added Applicable TPNCs for Error Code 424.

(465) IRM - Added Error Code 428 - Total Deductions.

(466) IRM - Added Invalid Condition for Error Code 428.

(467) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 428.

(468) IRM - Added Applicable TPNCs for Error Code 428.

(469) IRM - Added Error Code 432 - Balance After Deductions.

(470) IRM - Added Invalid Condition for Error Code 432.

(471) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 432.

(472) IRM - Added Applicable TPNCs for Error Code 432.

(473) IRM - Added Error Code 436 - Taxable Gifts Amount.

(474) IRM - Added Invalid Condition for Error Code 436.

(475) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 436.

(476) IRM - Added Applicable TPNCs for Error Code 436.

(477) IRM - Added Error Code 440 - Current Taxable Gifts

(478) IRM - Added Invalid Condition for Error Code 440.

(479) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 440.

(480) IRM - Added Applicable TPNCs for Error Code 440.

(481) IRM - Added Suspense Corrections for Error Code 440.

(482) IRM - Added Error Code 444 - Total Taxable Gifts.

(483) IRM - Added Invalid Conditions for Error Code 444.

(484) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 444.

(485) IRM - Added Applicable TPNCs for Error Code 444.

(486) IRM - Added Error Code 448 - Total Tax Taxpayer (current).

(487) IRM - Added Invalid Condition for Error Code 448.

(488) IRM - Added Correction Procedure for Error Code 448.

(489) IRM - Added Applicable TPNCs for Error Code 448.

(490) IRM - Added Error Code 452 - Total Tax Taxpayer (prior).

(491) IRM - Added Invalid Condition for Error Code 452.

(492) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 452.

(493) IRM - Added Applicable TPNCs for Error Code 452.

(494) IRM - Added Error Code 456 - Balance of Gift Tax.

(495) IRM - Added Invalid Condition for Error Code 456.

(496) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 456.

(497) IRM - Added Applicable TPNCs for Error Code 456.

(498) IRM - Added Error Code 472 - Total Credits.

(499) IRM - Added Invalid Condition for Error Code 472.

(500) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 472.

(501) IRM - Added Applicable TPNCs for Error Code 472.

(502) IRM - Added Error Code 476 - Total Gift Tax.

(503) IRM - Added Invalid Condition for Error Code 476.

(504) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 476.

(505) IRM - Added Applicable TPNCs for Error Code 476.

(506) IRM - Added Error Code 480 - Total Taxes.

(507) IRM - Added Invalid Condition for Error Code 480.

(508) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 480.

(509) IRM - Added Applicable TPNCs for Error Code 480.

(510) IRM - Added Error Code 484 - Balance Due/Overpayment.

(511) IRM - Added Invalid Condition for Error Code 484.

(512) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 484.

(513) IRM - Added Applicable TPNCs for Error Code 484.

(514) IRM - Added Error Code 488 - Refund Code of one not present.

(515) IRM - Added Invalid Condition for Error Code 488.

(516) IRM -Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 488.

(517) IRM - Added Error Code 492 - Total Tax computer is zero but remittance present.

(518) IRM - Added Invalid Condition for Error Code 492.

(519) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 492.

(520) IRM - Added Applicable TPNCs for Error Code 492.

(521) IRM - Added Error Code 999 - End of Year.

(522) IRM - Added Invalid Condition for Error Code 999.

(523) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Error Code 999.

(524) IRM - Added Section 529(c)(2)(B) Returns (Qualified State Tuition Programs) - Form 709-NA, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return of Nonresident Not a Citizen of the United States.

(525) IRM - Added Correction Procedures for Section 529(c)(2)(B) Returns.

(526) Exhibit 3.12.263-8 - Added new revision Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, and field designators. Renumbered remaining exhibits.

(527) Exhibit 3.12.263-12 Added new Form 709-NA, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return of Nonresident Not a Citizen of the United States, and field designators. Renumbered remaining exhibits.

(528) Changed Wage & Investments (W&I) to Taxpayer Services (TS) throughout IRM 3.12.263.

  • Plain language, simpler words

  • Spelling, grammar, and formatting

  • IRM references, citations, and links

  • Form and IRM titles

  • IRM graphics and alternative text

  • Gender neutral language

  • Updated TPNCs , TPNC STATES and makes them BOLB through

Effect on Other Documents

IRM 3.12.263, Error Resolution, Estate and Gift Tax Returns, dated November 16, 2023, (effective January 1, 2024) is superseded. The following IRM Procedural Updates (IPUs) issued November 16, 2023, and January 3, 2024, through March 29, 2024, have been incorporated into this IRM: 23U1096, 24U0025, 24U0066, 24U0105, 24U0192, 24U0259, 24U0374, and 24U0462.


Taxpayer Services (TS) Submission Processing - Input Correction Operation, Error Resolution

Effective Date


James L. Fish
Director, Submission Processing
Taxpayer Services Division

Program Scope and Objectives

  1. This subsection contains procedures for correcting errors made on certain estate and gift tax returns processed through the Error Resolution System (ERS).

  2. Estate tax returns (Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return and Form 706-NA, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return Estate of Non-Resident not a Citizen of the United States, are filed by the estates of individuals who have more than a specified amount of assets at death and/or have given significant gifts during life.

  3. Gift tax returns (Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return or Form 709-NA United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return of Nonresident Not a Citizen of the United States, are filed by the individuals (donors) who gave the gifts and are responsible for paying the gift tax. However, if the donor does not pay the tax, the person receiving the gift (donee) may have to pay the tax. If a trust, estate, partnership, or corporation makes a gift, the individual beneficiaries, partners, or stockholders are considered donors and may be liable for the gift and Generation-Skipping Transfer (GST) taxes

  4. Purpose: All three taxes exist for the same reason, to tax the transfer of wealth

  5. Audience: Error Resolution:

    • Supervisory Tax Examining Assistant

    • Lead Tax Examining Technician

    • Tax Examining Technician

    • Clerk

    • Lead Clerk

    • Supervisory Clerk

    • Program Manager, Error Resolution

    • Supervisory Tax Examining Technician

    • Technician Lead Tax Examining Technician

    • Tax Examining Technician

    • Clerk

    • Lead Clerk

    • Supervisory Clerk

    • Program Manager, Error Resolution

  6. Policy Owners:

    • Director, Submission Processing

  7. Program Owner:

    • Return Processing Branch, Business Master File (BMF) section

  8. Primary Stakeholders:

    • Accounts Management (AM)

    • Small Business/Self-Employed (SBSE)

    • Large Business and International (LB&I)

    • Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

    • Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS)

    • Chief Counsel

    • Information Technology Programmers (IT)

    • Statistics of Income (SOI)

    • Tax Exempt/Government Entities (TEGE)

    • Compliance

    • Modernized E-File (MEF)

    • Submission Processing (SP)


  1. Error Resolution is to resolve validity errors, field errors, consistency errors, and math errors in returns and other documents for posting to the Master File. Records fall out in Error Resolution System (ERS) due to the Generalized Mainline Framework (GMF). The entries from transcription are transferred to ERS fields. The GMF programming causes a record to fall out to ERS if it fails to meet certain criteria, including:

    • Invalid characters in a field (e.g., numeric instead of alpha).

    • Invalid length of field (e.g., EIN with 8 digits instead of 9)

    • Invalid codes in field (valid Action Codes, Audit Codes, etc. are programmed in GMF)

    • Consistency errors - any valid field used in any computation where the result is inconsistent with (or contradictory to) any other valid field

    • Math errors - computer does math computation and it differs from the taxpayer’s amount, and invalid tax periods and eligibility for certain credits

    Employees use the ERS system and the return to correct these conditions and when necessary use Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS) to research.

  2. This manual is your main source of information in correcting the record on the screen and the related return. You will also find procedures in the following Internal Revenue Manual:

    • IRM 3.12.38, Error Resolution-Business Master File (BMF) General Instructions, containing instructions for correcting records on the screen, document control, inventories and management reports


  1. The authority for the procedures in this subsection is found in the legislation listed below. See IRC 6201(a) of the Internal Revenue Code and the underlying regulations:

    • The Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act Consolidated Appropriations Act (Extenders)

    • American Taxpayer Relief Act (ATRA)

    • Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)

    • Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1998 (RRA 98)

    • Section 2006(a) of the Surface Transportation and Veterans Health Care Choice Improvement Act of 2015, Public Law (PL) 114-41, changed the return due dates for returns of partnerships, and C corporations

    • Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TBOR)

    • Tax Cuts and Job Act of 2017 (TCJA)

    • Taxpayer First Act of 2019


    The above list may not be all inclusive of the various updates to the IRC.

  2. All Policy Statements for Submission Processing are contained in IRM 1.2. Servicewide Policies and Authorities.


  1. The Campus Director is responsible for monitoring operational performance for the Submission Processing campus.

  2. The Operations Manager is responsible for monitoring operational performance for their operation.

  3. The Team Manager/Lead is responsible for performance monitoring and ensuring employees have the tools to perform their work.

  4. The Team Employees are responsible for following the guidance provided in this IRM and staying abreast of the interim guidance defined as procedural updates.

Program Management and Review

  1. Program Goals: Define the objectives or goals for the program, what will be achieved by following the process and procedures provided by this IRM. May include references and links to documents that outline program goals and objectives.

    • Correct any errors that are identified using the Error Resolution System (ERS).Access server, which has a login program control

  2. Program Reports: System control reports are on the Control-D Web Access (CTDWA) and a general listing of the reports are located in IRM 3.12.38, Error Resolution, BMF General Instructions.

  3. Program Effectiveness: How the program goals are measured. It is not intended to provide instruction for determining the program effectiveness. These documents may include links to program and quality reviews.

    • Embedded Quality Submission Processing (EQSP)

    • Balanced Measures

    • Managerial reviews

  4. Annual Review: Review the process included in this manual annually to ensure accuracy and promote consistent tax administration. This may be included under Responsibilities for a manager.

  5. Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA)

Program Controls

  1. Quality Review conducts a statistical valid sample size review of completed work to ensure IRM guidelines are followed.


  1. This table below provides a list of acronyms used throughout this IRM 3.12.263 Error Resolution, Gift and Estate Tax Returns:

    Acronyms and Abbreviations

    Acronym Definition
    AC Action Code
    ADP Automatic Data Processing
    AIMS Audit Information Management System
    APO Army Post Office
    BMF Business Master File
    CADE Customer Account Data Engine
    CAF Centralized Authorization File
    CC Command Code
    CCC Computer Condition Code
    C&E Code and Edit
    CI Criminal Investigation
    CII Correspondence Imaging Inventory
    CID Criminal Investigation Division
    CL Clear Code - A field labeled “CL” is shown for the entry of a Clear Code on records where a charge or correction may not be needed).
    DLN Document Locator Number
    DPO Diplomatic Post Office
    DSUE Deceased Spousal Unused Exclusion
    DSSN Donor's Social Security Number
    DOD Date of Death
    EIF Entity Index File
    EIN Employer Identification Number
    ERS Error Resolution System
    ETIP Estate Tax Inclusion Period
    Exam Examination
    FPO Fleet Post Office
    GMF Generalized Mainline Framework
    GST Generation Skipping Tax
    ICS Integrated Collection System
    IDRS Integrated Data Retrieval System
    IDT Identity (ID) Theft
    IRC Internal Revenue Code
    IRM Internal Revenue Manual
    ISRP Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing
    LB&I Large Business and International
    MCC Major City Codes
    ME Math Error
    MF Master File
    NAP National Accounts Profile
    NC Notice Code
    NMF Non Master File
    NR Notice Review
    OLNR On Line Notice Review
    P&A Planning and Analysis
    PDS Private Delivery Service
    PIC Penalty and Interest Code
    POA Power of Attorney
    PSPC Philadelphia Submission Processing Center
    PSSN Primary Social Security Number
    PTIN Preparer’s Tax Identification Number
    QDT Qualified Domestic Trust
    RCD Received Date
    RDD Return Due Date
    RMIT Remittance
    RPS Remittance Processing System
    SB/SE Small Business/Self Employed
    SCAMPS Service Center Automated Mail Processing System
    SERP Servicewide Electronic Research Portal
    SFR Substitute For Return
    SLA Service Level Agreement
    SSA Social Security Administration
    SPC Submission Processing Center
    SSN Social Security Number
    SSSN Secondary Social Security Number
    SSPND Suspend
    TAS Taxpayer Advocate Service
    TBOR Taxpayer Bill of Rights
    TC Transaction Code
    TEGE Tax Exempt/Government Entities
    TIA Tax Information Authorization
    TIN Taxpayer Identification Number
    TPNC Taxpayer Notice Code
    TRS Transcript Research System
    TXPD Tax Period
    TS Taxpayer Services

Interpretation Words

  1. The table lists Interpretation words and their definitions:

    Word Definition Example of using a word that is open to interpretation: (This column is for Illustration purposes only)
    Fair Provide accurate and professional service to all persons without regard to personal bias. Treat the customer in a fair manner when working with FOIA requests.
    Usually Provide the exceptions when something is not required or what would create the unusual circumstance. Pay adjustments will be accomplished within a reasonable amount of time, usually within two (2) pay periods.
    Timely Provide the time frame to consider what is or is not timely. Process all IMF adjustments in a timely fashion.
    Significant entry Any entry other than zero or blank. For example: If line 1 has a significant entry. Edit CCC "A" .

Related Resources

  1. Submission Processing Home page is designed to meet the needs of our employees in addition to:

    • Servicewide Electronic Research Program (SERP)

    • Submission Processing Design Center (SPDC)

    • Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS)

    • ERS only - Integrated Automation Technologies (IAT)

General Information

  1. This subsection tells you how to correct errors made on certain estate tax returns by both taxpayers and by campus processing. These errors will be shown on the Error Resolution System (ERS). Error Resolution errors are corrected directly on terminal display screens rather than using paper error registers. There will be no basic change to the flow of work through the campus pipeline.

  2. The general subsection covers the returns listed in items (a) through (c), below. If general and specific instructions conflict, follow the specific instructions. The forms for which Error Resolution text instructions are provided in this manual are listed as follows:

    1. Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return is filed for estates of citizens or residents of the United States.

    2. Form 706-NA United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return Estate of Non-Resident not a Citizen of the United States, is filed for estates of nonresidents who are not citizens of the United States.

    3. Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, is filed to report the tax applied to any gift, or transfer by gift of real or personal property that the taxpayer made directly or indirectly, in trust, or by any other means to a donee. It applies not only to taxes applied to the gratuitous transfer of any kind of property, but also to sales or exchanges where money or money's worth is exchanged, but the value of what is sold or exchanged exceeds the value in money or money's worth of the consideration given therefore. The gift tax is, in addition to any other tax, such as Federal income tax, paid or due on the transfer. The Document Code for Form 709 is Doc Code 09, the Tax Class is 5 and the Master File Tax (Class) Code (MFT) is 51.

    4. Form 709-NA, United States ( and Generation Skipping Transfer) Tax Return of Nonresident Not a Citizen of the United States, is filed to report the tax applied to any gift, or transfer by gift of real or personal property that the taxpayer made directly or indirectly, in trust, or by any other means to a donee. It applies not only to taxes applied to the gratuitous transfer of any kind of property, but also to sales or exchanges where money or money's worth is exchanged, but the value of what is sold or exchanged exceeds the value in money or money's worth of the consideration given therefore. The gift tax is, in addition to any other tax, such as Federal income tax, paid or due on the transfer. The Document Code for Form 709-NA is 08, the Tax Class is 5 and the Master File Tax (Class) Code (MFT) is 51. This form is for a foreign filer.

  3. Estate tax and Gift and Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax.

  4. See Figure 3.12.263-1, Document Locator Number for information on the Document Locator Number (DLN). The Document Code for Form 706, is 5 and the Tax Class is 6; for Form 706-NA, the Document Code is 5 and the Tax Class is 5. The Master File Tax (Class) Code (MFT) is 52 for both forms.

    Figure 3.12.263-1

    This is an Image: 33741005.gif

    Please click here for the text description of the image.

  5. It may be necessary to refer to instructions in the following IRMs:

    • IRM 3.11.106, Estate and Gift Tax Returns

    • IRM 3.12.38, BMF General Instructions

    • IRM 3.24.106, Estate Tax Returns

    • IRM 3.24.143, Gift Tax Returns

  6. See IRM, Filing Requirements and Due Dates for Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Returns, IRM, Filing Requirements and Due Date for Form 706-NA, United States (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return Estate of Non-Resident not a Citizen of the United States, and IRM, Filing Requirements and Due Dates for Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Returns, for information on who needs to file these returns.

  7. When a field error sets due to the date of death falling in the current calendar year, January to June , suspend with Action Code 480 and hold until further instructions are issued by Submission Processing Headquarters Analyst to show the Basic Exclusion tables for current year programming is complete.

  8. Hold any Form 706, United States (and Generation -Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, with a date of death for current January to June year, hold until June 15th of current year.

  9. Error Resolution (ERS) do the following:

    • ERS SSPND 410 to the team lead

    • The Team Lead, will take the return to BMF Rejects to be re-suspended and placed in the early file suspense/future holds basket until they are notified by Headquarters.

  10. REJECTS, Hold any Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, with a date of death for current January to June, do the following:


    • SSPND the returns under Action Code 480 (early file suspense) notation "EXT"

    • Batch and hold together according to Julian Date

    • Shelve or place on batch carts ready to be activated for processing when notified by Headquarters.

    • Planning and Analysis (P&A) Analyst must retain daily and/or weekly counts to provide to Headquarters when requested.

    • It would be best to batch these forms in refund/non-refund batches so Planning and Analysis (P&A) can keep track of any 45-day jeopardy refund returns.

  11. On any Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, Code and Edit will review form and (no dollar threshold).

    • If Part 2, Line 1 and/or Part 2, Line 4 is greater than ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡: must get to Small Business/Self Employed (SBSE) for classification. Once completed ERS will send returns to SOI for Scanning. Once returns are received back from SOI, check to make sure they are closed and send to files.

    • If Part 3 Question 2,3 or 4 is checked yes: must go to Small Business/Self Employed (SBSE) for classification. Follow special handling instructions below when it pertains to the MFTRA C pulls in Files.

    • If Part 2, Line 4=0 and Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, are included with the Form 706 file: must get to Small Business/Self Employed (SBSE) for classification. Once completed ERS will send returns to SOI for Scanning. Once returns are received back from SOI, check to make sure they are closed and send to files.

  12. If either of these criteria are met Code and Edit will removed these returns from the batch and have them batched/re-batched separately with like criteria met Form 706. These returns will be numbered with a Special 706 Document Locator Number (DLN), using assigned Block Numbers of 600-799 and a Block ID of 706/Met.


    This unique DLN will alert Submission Processing (SP) that these batches will need to go to Small Business/Self Employed (SBSE) and help Small Business/Self Employed (SBSE) identify which items in their inventory will remain open and which can be closed.

    • The 706/Met and 706/w6166 will have unique Block Numbers assigned for identification.

  13. On Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return. There is a balance due on Line 20, Page 1, of Form 706. and either of the following conditions are present: Code and Edit (C&E) will have forms batch/re-batched, with like form (706 W/6166 election) and numbered with SPECIAL 706 DLN, using assigned Block Numbers of 800-899 and a Block ID of 706/W6166 per IRM Mail and Work Control)

    • "Yes" box on Line 3 and/or Line 4, Part 3, Page 2 of Form 706 is checked.

    • IRC 6166, is noted anywhere on the return or an attachment

    • Code and Edit (C&E) will Action Code (AC) 370 the return and rejects in Error Resolution System (ERS).

  14. Once in Error Resolution System (ERS) these documents will be sent to Statics of Income (SOI) to be scanned. Daily ERS will review their new suspense list for items with the SPECIAL 706 DLN, using assigned Block Numbers of 800-899 and a Block ID of 706/W6166 and or Action Code (AC) 370 and pull form for SOI scanning. When these items are identified, complete tracking sheet provided by Planning and Analysis staff. Send EXCEL file which includes NAME CONTROL, TIN, TAX PERIOD and DLN ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ and forward documents to Kansas City Submission Processing Center SOI with copy of tracking sheet. Once documents are scanned SOI will return documents to Error Resolution System (ERS). Error Resolution (ERS) will then send the EXCEL File to Small Business/Self Employment, mailbox *SBSE Estate and Gift 6166. Small Business/Self Employment will review these documents on the Distributive Processing System Image Net (DIN). After review Cincinnati Compliance Service Estate and Tax Campus Operations will prepare Form 4349, Computation of Estate and Tax Due.


    Only the 706/w6166 returns need to be held until the 4349 is received back from Cincinnati Compliance Service Estate and Tax Campus Operations.


    If ERS receives an Action Code (AC) 370 Form 706 without the above mentioned SPECIAL 706 DLN please alert Kansas City Submission Processing Center Planning and Analysis for proper resolution.

Organization of Text

  1. This text is structured to give you corrective procedures and help you find them quickly.

  2. The text is structured as follows:

    • General information on the overall concepts and procedures of the error resolution process

    • General information and concepts concerning the ERS system

    • Specific instructions for correcting individual fields

    • Specific instructions for correcting consistency and math errors

    • Specific instructions for manually computing returns when required

    • An exhibit subsection with frequently used codes with explanation

  3. This text provides enough information to correct most error conditions. You may sometimes need to see the instructions in IRM 3.11.106, Estate and Gift Tax Returns. If there is any difference between the instructions contained in IRM 3.11.106, Estate and Gift Tax Returns and those in IRM 3.12.263, Estate and Gift Tax Return follow the instructions contained in IRM 3.12.263, Estate and Gift Tax Return, and contact the analyst responsible for IRM 3.11.106. Estate and Gift Tax Return and IRM 3.12.263, Estate and Gift Tax Return using local procedures.

Business Master File (BMF) Consistency

  1. The purpose of the BMF Consistency initiative is to achieve consistency in the BMF Error Resolution System (ERS) processing IRMs.

  2. Topics for BMF Consistency have been identified and developed as a coordinated effort between Kansas City, Ogden, and Taxpayer Services (TS) (Return Processing Branch, BMF Code and Edit/ERS Section).

  3. IRM 3.12.263, Estate and Gift Tax returns are exempt from BMF Consistency Guidelines, (for example indicating diamonds) as shown in other sections of IRM 3.12, Error Resolution.

  4. The text in normal print within a consistency section signifies the common process to be used for all BMF returns. The text in bold print is form-specific and applies to this IRM only.


  1. The forms listed below are used or referred to in estate and gift tax return processing:


    Attachment must contain name, address, Social Security Number (SSN) and an IRS Received Date. Enter if missing. If there is an attached form for another taxpayer, including spouse, or another tax period, review to decide if it is a copy. If it is not a copy, detach and route appropriately for processing. Recommend adding Form 709-NA to list of digital Signature added as acceptable.

    Form/Document Title Detach Action
    Form 56 Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship Yes Prepare Form 10886, Reject Routing Slip, or Form 4227, Intra-SC Reject or Routing Slip, and send to Entity Control.
    Form 706 United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return No  
    Form 706-A United States Additional Estate Tax Return No  
    Form 706-CE Certificate of Payment of Foreign Death Tax No  
    Form 706-D United States Additional Estate Tax Return for Under Code Section 2057 No Note: Form 706-D, like Form 706-A, United States Additional Estate Tax Return is filed separately from other Form 706 series returns. Both are Non-Master File (NMF) forms, processed through Code and Edit and Accounting.
    Form 706-GS(D) Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Return for Distributions No  
    Document 706-GS(D) Notification of Distribution From a Generation-Skipping Trust. No  
    Form 706-GS(T) Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Return for Terminations No  
    Form 706-NA United States (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return Estate of Non-Resident not a Citizen of the United States No  
    Form 706-QDT United States Estate Tax Return for Qualified Domestic Trust No  
    Form 706 Schedule PC Protective Claim for Refund No Make a copy of Sch PC, Form 10886, Reject Routing Slip or Form 4227, Intra-SC or Reject or Routing Slip and send to Cincinnati - Centralized Specialty Tax Campus Estate and Gift, Mail Stop 824G
    Form 709 Schedule S Increased Estate Ta on Excess Retirement Accumulations No  
    Form 709 United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return No  
    Form 709-NA United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, Nonresident Not a Citizen of the United States YES
    • Only when attached to a Form 709 and was for same Tax period as 709 being filed.

    • Edit detached on the Form 709-NA

    • Edit the received date on the Form 709-NA and send to renumbering.


    This should already be done by Code an Edit.

    Form 712 Life Insurance Statement No  
    Form 813-A Recapitulation of Document Registers No  
    Form 843 Claim for Refund and Request for Abatement Yes Prepare Form 10886, Reject Routing Slip, or Form 4227, Intra-SC or Reject or Routing Slip, and send to Cincinnati - Centralized Specialty Tax Campus Estate and Gift, Mail Stop 824G.
    Form 1127 Application for Extension of Time for Payment of Tax Due to Undue Hardship Yes Prepare Form 10886, Reject Routing Slip, or Form 4227, Intra-SC Reject or Routing Slip, and send to Cincinnati - Centralized Specialty Tax Campus Estate and Gift, Mail Stop 824G
    Form 1310 Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer Yes Prepare Form 10886, Reject Routing Slip, or Form 4227, Intra-SC Reject or Routing Slip, and send to Adjustments.
    Form 1332 Block and Selection Record No  
    Form 2350 Application for Extension of Time To File United States Income Tax Return No  
    Form 2758 Application for Extension of Time To File Certain Excise Income, information and Other Returns No  
    Form 2848 Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative Yes
    1. Domestic address - Route to Memphis CAF (Centralized Authorization File) at:
      Internal Revenue Service
      PO Box 268, Stop 8423
      Memphis, TN 38101-0268. Foreign (International) address - Route to Philadelphia CAF.

    2. Foreign (International) Address - send to Philadelphia CAF function.

    Form 3465 Adjustment Request No  
    Form 3696 Correspondence Action Sheet No  
    Form 3696-A IDRS Correspondence Action Sheet No  
    Form 3753 Manual Refund Posting Voucher No  
    Form 3893 Re-Entry Document Control No Stays on the front of return.
    Form 4349 Computation of Estate Tax Due with Return and Annual Installment No See IRM, Installments and Form 4349.
    Form 4422 Application for Certificate Discharging Property Subject to Estate Tax Lien Yes Send to First option is e-fax to 877-477--9243 and if you can’t E-FAX, then send to Internal Revenue Service Advisory Estate Tax Lien Group , 55 South Market ST Mail Stop 5350 San Jose, CA 95113-2324
    Form 4768 Application for Extension of Time To File a Return and/or Pay United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Taxes No Taxpayer is instructed to send a 4768 directly to Estate and Gift Operations
    Form 4810 Request for Prompt Assessment Under IRC 6501(d) Yes Send original Form 4810, Request for Prompt Assessment and copy of Page 1, Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, on Form 10886, Reject Routing Slip or Form 4227, Intra-SC Reject or Routing Slip or Routing Slip, to Cincinnati - Centralized Specialty Tax Campus Estate and Gift, Mail Stop 824G.
    Form 4868 Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File United States Individual Income Tax Return No  
    Form 5347 Examination Multiple Request Master File Yes Prepare Form 10886, Reject Routing Slip, or Form 4227, Intra-SC Reject or Routing Slip, and send to Cincinnati - Centralized Specialty Tax Campus Estate and Gift, Mail Stop 824G.
    Form 5495 Request for Discharge from Personal Liability Under IRC 2204 or IRC 6905 No Form 5495, Request for Discharge from Personal Liability, will stay attached to the return. If the form comes in by itself, then it must be sent to Estate and Gift Tax Mail Stop 824 G. Using Form 10886, Reject Routing Slip or Form 4227, Intra-SC Reject or Routing Slip
    Form 5792 Request for IDRS Generated Refund (IGR) No  
    Form 6800 Request for Missing Information or Papers to Complete Return No  
    Form 6882 IDRS/Master File Information Request Yes Prepare Form 10886, Reject Routing Slip, or Form 4227, Intra-SC Reject or Routing Slip and send to Customer Service
    Form 8821 Tax Information Authorization Yes
    1. Domestic address - Route to Memphis CAF (Centralized Authorization File) at:
      Internal Revenue Service
      PO Box 268, Stop 8423
      Memphis, TN 38101-0268. Foreign (International) address - Route to Philadelphia CAF.

    2. Foreign (International) Address - send to Philadelphia CAF function.

    Form 8833 Treaty Based Return Position Disclosure Under Section 6114 or 7701(b) No  
    Form 8892 Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return and/or Payment of Gift/GST Tax No  
    Form 8939 Allocation of Increase in Basis for Property Acquired from a Decedent Yes Prepare Form 10886, Reject Routing Slip, or Form 4227, Intra-SC Reject or Routing Slip and send to Cincinnati Field Support Operation - Campus Estate and Gift, Mail Stop 824G.
    Form 10886 Reject Routing Slip No Move to the rear of return.
    Form 706 Schedule R-1 Estate Tax Return Yes Re-batch as Program 75780 to Accounting NMF.
    Request for Acknowledgment   No No action required.


    If any of the returns listed below are mailed between August 28, 2020 and October 31, 2025 accept a digital signature.

    • 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return

    • 706-A, United States Additional Estate Tax Return

    • 706-GS(D), Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Return for Distributions

    • 706-GS(D-1), Notification of Distribution from a Generation-Skipping Trust

    • 706-GS (T), Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Return for Terminations

    • 706-QDT, United States Estate Tax Return for Qualified Domestic Trust

    • 706 Schedule R-1, Generation Skipping Transfer Tax

    • 706-NA, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return Estate of nonresident not a citizen of the United States

    • 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return

Researching OLE

  1. OLE is an On-Line Entity system designed to allow for validation of the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and TIN/Name Control on-line with the Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS) input Command Codes (CCs). It is also designed to allow for entity research on a national basis.

  2. The national file is called National Accounts Profile (NAP) and is accessed by using CC INOLE. It is a file of all accounts nationwide. For detailed information and usage of command code INOLE, EOGEN, and SPARQ, see IRM 2.3.47, IDRS Terminal Responses.

  3. INOLE can be used to research name controls. For example, when the TIN is sent to the Master File for validation, but the name control mismatches, you must research to decide the correct name control. If information present on INOLE is consistent with information on the tax return, you can correct the error. If research does not decide the correct name control, then use other research command codes (i.e., NAMES/NAMEI) to decide a better TIN.

Business Master File On-Line and Return View

  1. Since Master File does not carry all information available on the IDRS screen displays it may be necessary to initiate IDRS research using Command Codes (CCs) such as INOLE, ENMOD, BMFOL or BRTVU.

  2. Use these CCs to research entity and/or tax data which may not be available on IDRS. In most cases, the response will appear on the screen in 5 seconds or less.

  3. Corporate Files On-Line (CFOL) CCs:

    1. BRTVU-will provide business return transaction information. The file consists of original input return data, including schedules. This return information includes Code and Edit, Error Resolution (ERS) and computer generated fields.

    2. BMFOL-will provide nationwide BMF entity and tax data information on-line for tax accounts that are in credit or debit status, and/or contain freeze conditions. It will display any tax account, even zero balance, that has not been moved to lower level. Account does not have to be a credit or a debit. It will also display a list of accounts moved to the retention register. Other accounts that are not on the retention register will be available on-line within 24 hours upon request.

Secured Returns

  1. Any returns secured by Compliance will have a Transaction Code (TC) 59X and the appropriate Closing Code (CC) input by Compliance prior to processing.

  2. These returns will be identified by a stamped or handwritten TC 59X and CC in the middle left-hand margin of Page 1 of the return.

  3. If there is a math error and taxpayer correspondence is required, SSPND with Action Code (AC) 640 to Rejects for unprocessables conditions. Rejects will void the document from the system and send the document to Compliance Services, Estate and Gift Tax Campus Operation, for further processing. DO NOT correspond with the taxpayer or executor for clarification or more information.


    For Estate and Gift Tax returns (Form 706, Form 706-NA, Form 709, and Form 709-NA), Kansas City Submission Processing Campus (KCSPC) will SSPND 370 to Cincinnati ,Centralized Specialty Tax leaving the document in ERS.

Unprocessables Conditions-Estate Tax Returns

  1. Estate tax returns must contain specific items before they are considered processable. Perfect all returns to the extent possible from schedules and other attachments. The specific items needed are:

    • Decedent's Name

    • Social Security Number

    • Executor's Address

    • Signature of executor or one coexecutor

  2. If any of the above items are missing or cannot be perfected, give the return to your manager to give to the estate tax attorney.


    Correspond for signature of executor or one coexecutor.


    DO NOT correspond for death certificates.

Unprocessables Conditions-Gift Tax Returns

  1. Gift tax returns need the following information:

    • Donors Name

    • Social Security Number (SSN)

    • Address

    • Signature of donor

    • Spouse's Name, if applicable

    • Spouse's SSN, if applicable

  2. The following table pertains to unprocessables conditions for an incomplete Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return.

    If And Then
    Incomplete return (e.g., only page 1 and/or 2 is present)
    1. Return is unnumbered, refund, or zero-balance

    2. Information for preparation of dummy page(s) is available

    1. Prepare dummy page(s).

    2. If information is not available, correspond using Form 3696, Re-Entry Document Control, or other approved Correspondence Action Sheet.

    Incomplete return (e.g., only page 1 and/or 2 is present) Return is numbered, unnumbered, or balance due and information for preparation of dummy return is available
    1. Prepare dummy page(s).

    2. If information is not available, correspond using Form 3696, Re-Entry Document Control, Correspondence Action Sheet

Criminal Investigation (CI) Referral

  1. Criminal Investigation (CI) investigates potential criminal violations of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and related financial crimes. Criminal violations of the IRC include willful attempts to evade or defeat the income tax. Criminal tax violations also include the willful failure to collect or pay over tax and false claims for refunds based on bogus return information.

  2. If CI has stamped the return, no further CI action is required

  3. For returns with refund claims of≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡, do the following:


    If there is no indication Code and Edit (C&E) made a copy and sent to Criminal Investigation Referral, then see below.

    ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
    ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
    1. ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

    2. ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

    3. ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

    4. ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡"≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡" ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡"≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡" ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

    5. ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

  4. Because of the repetitive nature of the ERS/Rejects function, ERS/Rejects Tax Examining Technicians often recognize income tax return data which is outside of the norm for data found on similar returns for each income tax return type. If ERS identifies return characteristics not meeting Audit Code or Exam referral criteria it deems suspicious, CI is available to review the referral.

  5. If a suspicious return is identified, and there is no indication Code and Edit (C&E) made a copy and sent to CI Referral, then, do the following:

    1. Make a copy of the first two pages of the tax return along with any page of the return that appears suspicious.

    2. Attach Form 4227, Intra-SC Reject or Routing Slip or Form 10886, Reject Routing Slip, to the copy.

    3. Route the copy as indicated in the table below.

      CI Referral Routing

      Ogden Kansas City
      Mail Stop 9001, Criminal Investigation (CI) Mail Stop S2 9000, Criminal Investigation (CI)

    4. Edit an action trail "Copy to (CI)" , or "CI Referral" , or similar language in the lower left corner going vertically up the side of the return.

    5. Continue processing the return.

  6. If the return fits other criteria (e.g., Frivolous Argument), take appropriate action.

Examination (Exam) "Funny Box"

  1. The primary objective in identifying questionable tax returns for Examination (Exam) is to promote the highest degree of voluntary compliance. Exam will give support and assist Submission Processing (SP) with any questionable return identified during processing. Exam has a vast multitude of programs and tolerance criteria already identified in various IRM sections. Exam does not restrict Submission Processing with the flexibility to refer questionable returns other than what is currently identified in various IRMs.

Customer Account Data Engine (CADE) 2

  1. The Customer Account Data Engine (CADE) 2 Program Office in Headquarters is charged with the primary goal of implementing a single, modernized programming solution that gives daily processing of taxpayer accounts.

  2. The CADE 2 solution is comprised of several components to modernize the IRS to a daily processing environment with several Transition States.

  3. The Business Master File (BMF) campus cycles are:

    1. Campus Cycle: Thursday - Wednesday

    2. Master File Processing: Friday - Thursday

    3. Notice Review Saturday: Monday (8+ days)

    4. Unpostables: New available Tuesday; Closing Tuesday

  4. BMF transaction posting time frames are :

    1. Transactions will be viewable using Corporate Files Online (CFOL) command codes on Saturday following the weekly Master Files processing run on Thursday.

    2. Transactions will be viewable as posted transactions using Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS) command codes on Monday, following the weekly Master File processing run on Thursday.


      Implementation of CADE 2 accelerate weekly IDRS analysis. Previously, transactions such as this would have been pending an IDRS and not shown in the CFOL command code displays.

  5. Transaction posting dates will show a format of YYYYCCDD. YYYY is the year. CC is the posting cycle. For BMF transactions, the following values for DD are defined:

    • 01 = Friday

    • 02 = Monday

    • 03 = Tuesday

    • 04 = Wednesday

    • 05 = Thursday


      BMF cycle posting dates on BMFOL will continue to reflect YYYYCC. YYYY is the year. CC is the posting cycle. BMF cycle posting dates in TXMOD will show a format of YYYYCCDD. The DD value is 08.

IRS Employee Contacts

  1. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 (RRA 98), Section 3705(a) gives identification requirements for all the IRS employees working tax-related matters.

  2. All the IRS employees who communicate by telephone, face-to-face, or any other method of correspondence with taxpayers or their personal representatives on tax-related matters must give (at a minimum) the following information:

    1. Telephone Contact - Their title (e.g., Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss), last name and badge identification (ID Card) number. Toll-free employees may also give their location for identification purposes. Treat faxes to taxpayers on tax-related matters as correspondence and include the required information.

    2. Face to Face Contact - Their title (e.g., Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss), give as appropriate during the conversation, their last name and badge identification (ID Card) number.

    3. Correspondence - (sent to the taxpayer and authorized representatives) - A telephone number that taxpayers can call for answers to questions. In addition, manually generated correspondence must have the employee’s title (e.g., Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss), last name, Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS) number, and letter system number, which are systemically generated by IDRS. Treat faxes to taxpayers on tax-related matters as correspondence and include the required information.

    4. Correspondex letters - Specific employee name and telephone number if the employee initiating the correspondence is in the best position to respond to any questions the taxpayer may have or if the taxpayer is being asked to give more case-related information. If the taxpayer does not need to contact a specific employee, the correspondence needs only the IRS telephone number and standard signature.

  3. When taxpayer requests to speak with a specific employee who previously worked their inquiry or request, or complains about the level of service previously given, make every attempt to resolve the taxpayer's inquiry. If unable to resolve the issue, refer the inquiry using established procedures to the manager.

  4. Secretaries, receptionists, or other people who answer the telephone in functional offices need to identify themselves. They must provide their badge identification (ID Card) number only if they are answering telephones which are routinely used to give tax or account information.

  5. It is not necessary to repeat the badge identification (ID Card) number on a subsequent contact, when the nature of an employee's work involves multiple contacts with the same taxpayer and the employee has given the taxpayer (either by telephone or in-person) their badge identification (ID Card) number on the first contact.

Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS)

  1. The Taxpayer Advocate Service is an independent organization within the IRS, led by the National Taxpayer Advocate, that helps taxpayers and protects taxpayer rights. TAS offers free help to taxpayers when a tax problem is causing a financial difficulty, when they’ve tried and been unable to resolve their issue with the IRS, or when they believe the IRS system, process, or procedure just isn't working as it should. TAS strives to ensure that every taxpayer is treated fairly and knows and understands their rights under the Taxpayer Bill of Rights. TAS has at least one taxpayer advocate office located in every state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

  2. TAS uses Form 12412, Operations Assistance Request (OAR), to show the OAR process of referring a case to the Taxpayer Services (TS) Division, to affect the resolution of the taxpayer’s problem. For more information, refer to IRM 13.1., Taxpayer Advocate Case Procedures.

  3. Refer taxpayers to TAS when the contact meets TAS criteria or when Form 911, Request for Taxpayer Advocate Service Assistance (and Application for Taxpayer Assistance Order), is attached and steps can't be taken to resolve the taxpayer's issue the same day.

  4. The definition of "same day resolution" is within 24 hours. The following two situations meet the definition of "same day resolution" :

    • The issue can be resolved within 24 hours.

    • The IRS takes steps within 24 hours to resolve the taxpayer’s issue.

  5. When making a TAS referral, use Form 911, and forward to TAS following your local procedures.

  6. See IRM 13.1.7, Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) Case Criteria, for more information.

Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

  1. The National Taxpayer Advocate reached agreements with the Commissioners or Chiefs of the Taxpayer Services Division, Small Business/Self Employed (SB/SE), Tax Exempt Government Entities (TEGE) Division, Criminal Investigation (CI), Independent Office of Appeals, and Large Business and International (LB&I) Division, that outline the procedures and responsibilities for the processing of Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) casework when either the statutory or delegated authority to complete case transactions rests outside of TAS. These agreements were known as Service Level Agreements (SLAs).

  2. The SLAs are found at https://irssource.web.irs.gov/TAS/SitePages/SLA.aspx

BMF Identity (ID) Theft

  1. BMF (ID)Theft is increasing. If a tax examiner in Submission Processing (SP) Error Resolution System (ERS) finds a case with attachments or correspondence showing the taxpayer is a victim of ID Theft:

    1. SSPND with Acton Code "360" to route the return to Planning & Analysis (P&A).

    2. Attach Form 4227, Intra-SC Reject or Routing Slip or Form 10886, Reject Routing Slip,(or other appropriate routing slip) with the notation "ID THEFT" .

    3. Give the entire case to your senior/lead.

  2. The manager/lead will expedite the case to the P&A staff for referral to one of the Submission Processing (SP) BMF ID Theft liaisons. The taxpayer must show that they are a victim of "ID Theft" ; do not send cases that are subject to Criminal Investigation (CI), Examination (Exam), or Fraud review.

Use of Fax for Taxpayer Submissions

  1. Taxpayers may send tax return information via fax as part of return perfection even when submitting a signature. In circumstances where contact with the taxpayer was made and documented, faxed signatures are acceptable. For more information about accepting signed taxpayer documents by fax, see the most recent revision of the IRS Policy for Use of Fax.

  2. Contact with the taxpayer may be by telephone or correspondence. Follow local procedures to decide which method of contact to use.

  3. Indicate the fax paragraph on the approved Correspondence Action Sheet to inform the taxpayer of the fax options.

  4. Use the following resources to make sure you are speaking with the taxpayer or authorized representative before disclosing any tax information:

    • IRM, Required Taxpayer Authentication

    • IRM, Additional Taxpayer Authentication

  5. Before leaving any messages on a taxpayer's answering machine, review:

    • IRM, Answering Machine or Voice mail

    • IRM 10.8.1, Information Technology (IT) Security Policy and Guidance

    • IRM, Facsimile and Facsimile Device

Frivolous Arguments

  1. Businesses use frivolous arguments for expressing dissatisfaction with the substance, form or administration of the tax laws by trying to illegally avoid or reduce tax liabilities. See IRM 25.25.10, Frivolous Return Program, Potential Frivolous Arguments for Examination Review, for a list of recognized frivolous arguments made by businesses.

  2. Review the return to decide whether it appears to be a frivolous return and take the following action:

    If Then
    The return meets any of the conditions in the table below


    If the return shows Action Code 331 and has a Form 4227 Intra-SC Reject or Routing Slip, attached with the remarks: "Refer to Exam FRP for audit after processing" , continue to next procedure.

    Remove return from the batch and place the return in the locally designated basket for Examination, Frivolous Return Processing (FRP) for review.


    IRM 25.25.10, Frivolous Return Program, requires Examination to expedite the return and make a decision whether it qualifies as a frivolous return within two business days. If a determination is not made within the allowed timeframe, the Examination examiner will edit Action Code 331 in the lower left margin of Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, or Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, preceded with the letters "AC" .

    Examination has selected the return as frivolous, e.g., indicated by an Action Code 331 and a Form 4227, Intra-SC Reject or Routing Slip, with the remarks: "Refer to Exam FRP for audit after processing" , but sends the return for processing Continue processing the return using procedures in IRM 3.12.263, Error Resolution-Estate Tax Return. However, do not circle or void the Action Code showing a frivolous return.

  3. Do not consider the following returns as frivolous, unless there is other evidence of a frivolous argument.

    • Returns that have only zeros, blanks, or no entries

    • Returns showing "None" , "Not Liable" , etc.

IRM Deviation Procedures

  1. Submit IRM deviations in writing following instructions from IRM, When Procedures Deviate from the IRM, and elevate through proper channels for executive approval.

Error Resolution System (ERS) General Information

  1. Records are placed into the Error Inventory or the workable Suspense Inventory for correction.

  2. Once you access a record and it shows on the screen, you must either:

    1. Fully correct the record.

    2. Place the record in suspense until more information is received.

    3. Reject the record from pipeline processing.

    4. Issue the appropriate Taxpayer Notice Code (TPNC).

  3. Corrections include correcting transcription, coding errors or misplaced entries, or in the case of a taxpayer math error, notifying the taxpayer of any error on the return.

  4. This manual is your main source of information for correcting the record on the screen and the related return. You will also find procedures in the following IRMs:

    1. IRM 3.12.38, General Instructions, which has general instructions for correcting records on the screen, document control, inventories and management reports.

    2. IRM 3.11.106, Estate and Gift Tax Returns, which will add instructions related to ERS processing.

    3. IRM 3.24.106, Estate Tax Returns, which has instructions for ISRP (Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing) input of estate tax returns.

    4. IRM 3.24.143, Gift Tax Returns, which has instructions for ISRP input of gift tax returns.

Filing Requirements and Due Dates for Form 706, U.S. Estate Tax Return

  1. Form 706, United State Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return.

  2. The following information pertains to the due date of Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return.

    1. If the decedent died after December 31, 1970, Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, is due the day of the ninth calendar month after decedent’s death numerically corresponding to day of calendar month on which death occurred. For example, if the decedent died on May 31 of the current year, the due date is February 28 of the following year.


      If February 28 falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the due date would be the following Monday.


      If the date of death is between January 1, 2010, and December 17, 2010 (inclusively); the return due date is September 19, 2011, as mandated in the Extender's Legislation (PL 111-312).

    2. An application for extension of time for filing (Form 4768, Application for Extension of Time To File a Return and/or Pay Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Taxes, may be granted even if the application is made later than 9 months after the Date of Death (DOD). Unless the executor is abroad, the extended due date for filing estate tax return may not be later than 15 months from date of the decedent’s death.

Form 706, U.S. Estate Tax Return Gross Estate
  1. For decedent’s dying after 2001, the Unified/Applicable Credit and Basic Exclusion Amount for estates of citizens and residents are as follows:

    Date of Death Applicable Credit Amount Basic Exclusion Amount
    2024 $5,389,800 $13,610,000
    2023 $5,113,800 $12,920,000
    2022 $4,769,800 $12,060,000
    2021 $4,625,800 $11,700,000
    2020 $4,577,800 $11,580,000
    2019 $4,505,800 $11,400,000
    2018 $4,417,800 11,180,000
    2017 $2,141,800 $5,490,000
    2016 $2,125,800 $5,490,000
    2015 $2,117,800 $5,430,000
    2014 $2,081,800 $5,340,000
    2013 $2,045,800 $5,250,000
    2012 $1,772,800 $5,120,000
    2011 $1,730,800 $5,000,000
    2010 $330,800 $1,000,000
    2002 through 2009 $345,800 $1,000,000

  2. There is no limit to the marital deduction. Unlimited amounts of property, except for certain terminable interests, can be transferred between spouses free of estate tax.

Extension of Time for Filing
  1. Extensions of time for filing an estate tax return will be granted if the request is filed on or before the due date of the return. The extension is generally granted when it is impossible or impractical to complete the return within 9 months after the DOD and good and sufficient cause is shown. These extensions may be granted even though a request is made later than 9 months from the DOD. However, unless the executor is abroad, the extended due date for filing the estate tax return may not be later than 15 months from the date of the decedent’s death.


    On Estate and Gift returns the taxpayer is required to send the Form 4768 to E&G 7940 Kentucky Dr. Stop 824G Florence, KY. 41042.

  2. If original Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return for the same period in which taxpayer died is attached to the estate tax return (Form 706), United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, with approved extension to file, pull Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, enter the IRS received date, and note on Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, "Extension to file Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return granted to MMDDYYYY-Do not assess penalties" , Notate Computer Condition Code (CCC) "R" on the return so that no penalty will be assessed on the Form 709, United States Gift (an Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, if the Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, posts after the Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return. Route Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, to batching (numbering). If there is no extension to file, pull Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, and enter the IRS received date.

  3. See IRM, Forms/Routing Guide, for additional references to additional extension forms which taxpayers may submit with their Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, and Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return series .

Prior Revisions of Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return
  1. Chart below For decedent’s dying and revision of Form 706 needed for processing:

    After and Before Use revision of Form 706 dated
    12/31/2018 01-01-2024 August 2019
    12/31/2017 01/01/2019 November 2018
    12/31/2016 01/01/2018 August 2017
    12/31/2012 01/01/2017 August 2013
    12/31/2011 01/01/2013 August 2012
    12/31/20010 01/01/2012 August 2011
    12/31/2008 01/01/20011 September 20009
    12/31/2007 01/01/2009 August 2008
    12/31/2006 01/01/2008 September 2007
    12/31/2005 01/01/2007 October 2006
    12/31/2004 01/01/2006 August 2005
    12/31/2003 01/01/2005 August 2004
    12/31/2002 01/01/2004 August 2003

Prior Year Returns - Date of Death (DOD) January 1, 1977 or later
  1. The following information pertains to DOD January 1, 1977, or later. If a Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, is filed with a revision date prior to June 1977, transfer the data in the Tax Computation section.

    1. Transfer the IRS "received date" to current revision of return.

    2. After transfer of data, code and edit, staple overlay under entity portion of return.

  2. Examiners will perform the following preliminary exam:

    1. If decedent is an "expatriate" the return is not subject to tax rates of a nonresident not a citizen of the U.S., but subject to normal rates of Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return. A U.S. "expatriate" is one who lost U.S. citizenship within 10 years before DOD and for whom it is reasonable to assume that a main purpose in doing so was to avoid U.S. taxes. Check Line 6b on back of Form 706-NA, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return Estate of nonresident not a citizen of the United States.

    2. Under IRC 2208, a person who is a citizen of the U.S. by reason of birth in the U.S., established residence in a possession of the U.S. and died after September 2, 1958, is considered a U.S. citizen. The estate is subject to tax imposed by IRC 2001 and return will be Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer instead of Form 706-NA. Reject with AC 610 if it is a non-remittance return. Delete "NA" from the title of form. This can be checked by looking at "Citizenship (nationality)" and "Domicile at time of death" blocks.

Filing Requirements and Due Dates for Form 706-NA, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return Estate of nonresident not a citizen of the United States
  1. After December 31, 1976, Form 706-NA is required for estate of nonresident, not a citizen of the U.S. If the part of the gross estate situated in the U.S. exceeded $60,000 at DOD reduced by:

    • Amount of adjusted taxable gifts per IRC Section 2201(b), made by the decedent after December 31, 1975, and,

    • Aggregate amount allowed as specific exemption per IRC section 2521, (before its repeal by the Tax Reform Act of 1976) with respect to gifts made by decedent after September 8, 1976.

  2. If Pre-1977 Form 706-NA has been filed, attach current revision of form to return and enter data for transcription lines onto current form. The following information will help convert returns.

  3. The following information pertains to the due date of Form 706-NA:

    1. If the decedent died after December 31, 1970, Form 706-NA is due the day of the ninth calendar month after decedent’s death numerically corresponding to day of calendar month on which death occurred. For example, if the decedent died on May 31 of the current year, the due date is February 28 of the following year.


      If February 28 falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the due date would be the following Monday.

    2. An application for extension of time for filing the Form 4768, will no longer be considered when filing with the Form 706-NA return as the taxpayer is instructed to mail them to Centralized tax speciality.

Filing Requirements and Due Dates for Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return
  1. Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Return), is filed by individuals to report certain gifts of terminable interests, gifts to the spouse (whether a U.S. citizen or a Non U.S. citizen), gifts to donees other than their spouse of future interests or any amount or gifts of present interests of more than the amount in table below for the year of the tax return to any one donee, gifts to charities, political organizations, transfers subject to the generation-skipping transfer tax or estate-tax inclusion period, gift-splitting (especially when the gifts exceed amount in table below for the year of the tax return per spouse per donee), etc. Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, is used to report transfers subject to the Federal gift and certain Generation-Skipping Transfer (GST) taxes and to figure the tax, if any, due on those transfers, and allocation of the lifetime GST exemption to property transferred during the transferor’s lifetime. All gift and GST taxes are computed and filed on a calendar-year basis regardless of the taxpayer's income tax accounting period.

  2. The first gifts of present interest to each donee during the calendar year is subtracted from total gifts in figuring the amount of taxable gifts. For a gift in trust, each beneficiary of the trust is treated as a separate donee for purposes of the annual exclusion. The annual exclusion for gifts of present interests made to a donee during the calendar year, see table below for the year of the gifts and amounts. Any gift amount given in excess of that see table below for the year of the gifts and amounts per donee per year is taxable.


    “The amounts in excess of the annual exclusion for that year (as listed in the table below) of gifts per donee is taxable.”

      2024 $18,000
      2023 $17,000
      2022 $16,000
      2018 through 2021 $15,000
      2013 through 2017 $14,000
      2009 through 2012 $13,000
      2006 through 2008 $12,000
      2002 through 2005 $11,000

  3. The annual exclusion amount for a foreign spouse is

    2024 $185,000
    2023 $175,000
    2022 $164,000
    2021 $159,000
    2020 $157,000
    2019 $155,000
    2018 $152,000
    2017 $149,000
    2016 $148,000
    2015 $147,000

  4. The Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, is an annual return which, generally, must be filed on or after January 1 and by April 15 of the year following the date the gift was given.

    1. If the donor died during 2021, the executor must file the donor’s 2021 Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, not later than the earlier of (a) the due date (with extensions) for filing the donors estate tax return or (b) April 15, 2022. If the donor died during 2022, the executor must file the donor’s 2022 Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, not later than the earlier of (a) the due date (with extensions) for filing the donors estate tax return or (b) April 15, 2023.

  5. Any extension of time granted to file the taxpayer's calendar year income tax return will also extend the time to file Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, Income tax extensions are made using Form 4868, Application for Extension of Time to File a Return and/or Pay Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Taxes; or Form 2350, Application for Extension of Time To File United States Income Tax Return. If the taxpayer has filed late and an extension (TC 460) does not exist on the account, research the Individual Master File (IMF) account for a posted TC 460.


    Form 1127, Application for Extension of Time for Payment of Tax Due to Undue Hardship, is used by taxpayers to request an extension of time to PAY (gift) taxes. The conditions under which extensions may be granted can be found in the Form 1127, Application for Extension of Time for Payment of Tax Due to Undue Hardship, instructions.

  6. See IRM, Extension of Time for Filing, for more information regarding extensions of time for filing. See IRM, Installments and Form 4349 for Information Regarding Extensions of Time to Pay.

Community Property Information

  1. In community property states (Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin) husband and wife each usually are considered to own half of the property owned by either one.

  2. Community property laws apply to estate tax returns if the taxpayer is domiciled in a community property state at the time of death. Accept taxpayer's claimed domicile. Half of the community property interest must be included in the decedent's gross estate.

Installments and Form 4349, Computation of Estate Tax due with Return and Annual Installment
  1. The request for installment payments under IRC 6166 may be included with the return or the election may be made by the taxpayer answering the appropriate questions (Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, Page 2, Part 3, Line 3) on the return. If Field 01PI contains a code 1, 3, 5 or 7, Form 4349, Computation of Estate Tax Due with Return and Annual Installment, must be completed by Compliance Services, Estate and Gift Tax Campus Operation, if Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, Line 20, contains a Balance Due. This election may be in addition to extension requests made under IRC 6161, Extension of Time to Pay, and/or IRC 6163 Election Examination.

  2. If the installment privilege is tentatively granted under IRC 6166, Compliance Services, Estate and Gift Tax Campus Operation will prepare Form 4349, Computation of Estate Tax Due with Return and Annual Installment, for all cases in which Field 01PI contains Code 1, 3, 5, or 7.

  3. If a return requesting installments does not have Form 4349, Computation of Estate Tax Due with Return and Annual Installments, attached, suspend the return with AC 370. Attach routing slip with remarks to Examination Installment Unit.

Refund Returns (45 Day Jeopardy and Large Dollar Refunds)
  1. Document Perfection and Error Resolution are responsible for identifying refunds and for initiating requests for manual refunds.

  2. expeditious processing of refund returns is critical if the 45-day period is about to expire.

    If Then
    The processing date is more than 20 days after the IRS received date or the Return Due Date (whichever is later) and the 45-day interest free period is in jeopardy and the refund amount is ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ or more.


    Refund in this instruction means only the amount requested to be refunded to the taxpayer, not overpayments transferred to other periods.

    1. SSPND Action Code "341" .

    2. Attach Form 4227, Intra-SC Reject or Routing Slip or Form 10886, Reject Routing Slip and give the return to the lead examiner or manager.

    The refund is ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ or more
    1. SSPND Action "341" for numbered and unnumbered returns.

    2. Attach Form 12230, Expedite Processing Million Dollar Manual Refund.


      Remember that refund of≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ or more will also need copies sent to CI. See IRM

Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) Manual Refunds
  1. Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) Manual Refunds - any return hand walked by a TS Submission Processing (SP) liaison for TAS as a manual refund must be processed by a lead tax examiner or designated tax examiner using the following procedures in the order listed:

    1. CCC "O" must be edited on the return and entered in Field 01CCC.

    2. Delete CCC "Y" from Field 01CCC.

    3. Continue processing the return.

  2. Correspondence - If the return requires correspondence for missing or incomplete information, then do the following:

    1. Prepare Form 3696, Correspondence Action Sheet, or other approved correspondence action sheet and request all information that is missing or incomplete.

    2. Inform the Taxpayer Services (TS) SP liaison of all information that is being requested.

    3. Suspend (SSPND) with appropriate suspense code and give the return back to the Taxpayer Services (TS) SP liaison.

    4. The TS SP liaison will contact the TAS employee to obtain the required information needed to complete the processing of the return.

  3. Other Suspense Action - If the return requires other suspense action, then do the following:

    1. Initiate suspense (SSPND) action according to procedures.

    2. Inform the W&I Submission Processing liaison the reason for the action taken.

    3. Give the return back to the Taxpayer Services(TS) Submission Processing liaison.

    4. The TS Submission Processing liaison will contact the TAS employee, who in turn will take the necessary action to complete the processing of the return.

  4. Assigning Taxpayer Notice Codes (TPNCs)/Math Error - When a math error is identified, do the following:

    1. Assign the applicable TPNC according to procedures.

    2. After all TPNCs have been assigned, inform the Taxpayer Services(TS) Submission Processing liaison of the TPNCs issued.

    3. Suspend (SSPND) with appropriate suspense code and give the return to the Taxpayer Services(TS) Submission Processing liaison.

    4. The TS Submission Processing liaison will contact the TAS employee, who in turn will take the necessary action to complete the processing of the return.

  5. When Balance Due/Overpayment Math Error generates do the following:

    1. Make a screen print of the Error Code Screen Display, highlight the Computer-Generated Refund Amount, and attach the print to the front of the return with the entity portion of the return visible.

    2. Enter the amount the taxpayer claimed as the amount they requested to be refunded back into Field 03B/R.

  6. If Balance Due/Overpayment Math Error generates because the taxpayer made a math error when computing their refund, then do the following:

    1. Make a screen print of the Error Code Screen Display, highlight the Computer-Generated Refund Amount, and attach the print to the front of the return with the entity portion of the return visible.

    2. Assign the appropriate TPNC.

  7. Once return processing is complete, give the return, Form 12412, Operations Assistance Request (OAR), and the Error Resolution screen print to the TS Submission Processing liaison.

  8. Rejects Suspense - Manual refunds that are hand walked by a Taxpayer Services (TS) Submission Processing liaison that have been suspended must be processed as follows:

    1. Follow the specific instruction given by the Taxpayer Services (TS) Submission Processing liaison in regards to correspondence issues and the assignment of the TPNCs.

    2. Refer to applicable paragraphs above.


  1. Error Resolution Action Code (AC) - A 3 digit numeric code used to put the document in suspense. This shows the need for more information not available in the record or on the return. Only one action code can be used on a record at a time.

  2. Computer Condition Code - A 1 digit number or letter used to identify a specific condition or computation on a return.

  3. Entity Index File (EIF) - Computer file that stores name data for each SSN on file. A check is made between the SSN and name entered. This check is made during transcription.

  4. Error Code - A 3 digit numeric code naming a specific math or consistency error in an error record.

  5. Error Records - Data records failing any of the math or validity checks on the Generalized Mainline Framework (GMF) system or containing an invalid or incomplete action code.

  6. Generalized Mainline Framework (GMF) - The system used to process and control all documents through the submission processing campus pipeline.

  7. Key Index File (KIF) - A computer file of TINs which can be accessed by using command code NAMES/NAMEI with name and address data.

General Corrections Procedures

  1. Perfecting the Tax Return and Error Screen Displays.

    1. The error screen display shows the DLN, the SSN and the name control, if present, in the header portion of each error record. Previously assigned taxpayer notice codes will also be shown in the header information.

    2. Before correcting the error screen displays, make sure the DLN of the screen display matches the DLN of the document. Take the following action.

    If Then
    A mixed data situation exists (information from two taxpayers' returns appear on the error record under one DLN or the DLN does not match the return on screen display) Stop processing, give the block of work to your manager. Management will see if the mixed data can be corrected via the terminal screen displays or will have the blocks deleted and re-input.

  2. Make sure the taxpayer's entries are on the correct lines of the tax return. Check for coding and transcription errors in each section or subsection and field of the screen display and on the return and correct as needed. Follow specific instructions and local procedures (such as Quality Alerts) for all sections and fields. Make sure all sections and fields were transcribed.

  3. Missing Signature - A signature is needed on all returns. If the signature area on the tax return is not signed, SSPND with AC 225 (Signature Only - Domestic Returns) or 226 (Signature Only - Foreign Returns).

Command Codes (CCs)

  1. The Command Codes (CCs) used to correct and research the Error Inventory and the Workable Suspense Inventory are described below. They are also explained in IRM 3.12.38, Error Resolution System (ERS), {General Instructions. Any CC permitted by the employee's security file will be available to the tax examiner.

  2. Enter CCs correctly, or you will get an error message. Correct the data entered with the CC and transmit.

    1. ACTVT - Used to transfer an unworkable suspense record to the workable suspense inventory.

    2. BMFOL - Used to provide nationwide BMF entity and tax data information on-line for tax accounts that are in credit or debit status, and/or contain freeze conditions. It will display any tax account, even zero balance, that has not been moved to lower level. Account does not have to be a credit or a debit. It will also display a list of accounts moved to the retention register. Other accounts that are not on the retention register will be available on-line within 24 hours upon request.

    3. BRTVU - Used to provide business return transaction information. The file consists of original input return data, including schedules. This return information includes Code and Edit, Error Resolution (ERS) and computer generated fields. This command code was previously announced as CC RTVUE for business returns.

    4. CRECT - Used to make a correction. Use CRECT only after an error has been displayed in response to the GTREC command. You cannot correct the Remittance Field in a record with the CC CRECT.

    5. DLSEC - Used to delete a section within a record in process.

    6. ENMOD - Used to research a name control.

    7. ERINV - Used to research a specific DLN or TIN on the Error Resolution Control File. It also displays the number of records in a block.

    8. ERVOL - Used with a Status Code to display the number of Error Resolution records in the current Workable Inventory. The printed reports for error Resolution are updated nightly. You may obtain the actual count of records to be worked at any time by using CC ERVOL.

    9. GTREC - Used to access the first error record in an Error Resolution error block or to get a specific record in the Workable Suspense Inventory. It can also be used to re-display any uncorrected error.

    10. GTRECQ - Used to access a worked record held for Quality review.

    11. GTRECW - Used to retrieve an Error Resolution data record that has already been worked. Use this CC any time on the same processing day. If an error is found after that day, the record must be corrected using Notice Review and Adjustment procedures.

    12. GTSEC - Used to display any data section within the record in process. The command will display all correctable fields in the requested section, including blank fields. It will not show computer generated fields or error indicators. If no data is present in the specified section, the empty format of the requested section is displayed.

    13. INOLE - Used to access the most current entity data from the National Account Profile (NAP) files.

    14. MFREQ - Used to request an entity module or a tax module and its related entity data from Master File when case control is not required.

    15. NAMEE/NAMES/NAMEI/NAMEB - Used to research missing or invalid SSN’s, TIN’s or Employer Identification Numbers (EIN’s) when only the name and address are available.

    16. RJECT - Used to reject a record from Error Resolution.

    17. SSPND - Used with an Error Resolution AC to place a record in Suspense status. Use SSPND for Error Correction and Suspense Correction.

    18. TXMOD - Used to research an active tax module.

Error Resolution System Action Codes (ACs)

  1. The Error Resolution Action Code (AC) shows that certain information is missing or that the record must be rejected from processing. The code will have sufficient detail to show if correspondence is to be sent to the taxpayer or specific in-house research or action is required.

  2. See AC table below for the appropriate codes:


    * CE = Code & Edit, EC = Error Correction, S = Suspense, GEN = Computer-Generated

    Action Code Description Workday
    Function *
    001 Input Document AC 001 will be computer generated or entered from Error Resolution with CC SSPND when the Block Out of Balance (BOB) Resolution Function has added a missing document by only inputting the name control and TIN for the missing document. See IRM, Error Correction Action Code (AC), for corrective procedures. 0 EC
    211 First Taxpayer Correspondence 40 CE, EC, S
    212 Second Taxpayer Correspondence 25 CE, EC, S
    213 Correspondence to Other than Taxpayer 40 CE, EC
    215 International Correspondence 45 CE, EC, S
    225 Signature Only 40 CE, EC, S
    226 Signature Only (International) 45 CE, EC, S
    310 Statute Control 10 CE, EC, S
    320 Entity Control 10 CE, EC, S
    331 Frivolous Review 3 CE, EC
    332 Questionable Refund Detection Team (QRDT) Review 3 CE, EC
    333 Prompt Audit 10 CE, EC
    334 Joint Committee 10 CE, EC, S
    335 Frivolous Case 10 CE, EC, S
    336 QRDT 10 CE, EC, S
    337 Other Criminal Investigation Division (CID) 10 CE, EC, S
    341 Manual Refund 10 CE, EC, S
    342 Credit Verification 10 CE, EC, S
    343 Other Accounting 10 CE, EC, S
    344 Manual Refund (Error Resolution) 0 EC
    347 Form 2553, Election by Small Business Corporation to Entity Control. 20 CE, EC, S
    351 TIN Research 0 EC, S
    352 Name Research 3 CE, EC, S
    353 Address Research 3 CE, EC, S
    354 Filing Requirements Research 3 CE, EC, S
    355 Other Research 3 CE, EC, S
    360 Other In-House Research 10 CE, EC, S
    370 Examination 10 CE, EC, S
    410 Assistance Needed/Special Handling 3 CE, EC, S
    420 Management Suspense A 5 CE, EC, S
    430 Management Suspense B 10 CE, EC, S
    440 Management Suspense C 15 CE, EC, S
    450 Management Suspense D 20 CE, EC, S
    460 Management Suspense E 25 CE, EC, S
    480 Early Filed Suspense 150 CE, EC, S
    510 Missing Document 0 CE
    511 Missing Document 1st Suspense 25 EC, S
    512 Missing Document 2nd Suspense 20 S
    513 Missing Document 3rd Suspense 20 S
    515 Missing Document Short Term 5 EC, S
    550 Magnetic Tape Attachment 3 CE
    551 Magnetic Tape Inconsistent Data 3 CE
    610 Renumber 0 CE, EC
    611 Remittance Renumber 0 S
    620 NMF/Non-ADP (Automated Data Processing) 0 CE, EC, S
    630 Re-input 0 EC
    640 Void 0 CE, EC, S
    650 International 0 CE, EC
    660 Data Control Delete
    (Tape Edit Processing (TEP) Delete)
    0 GEN
    670 Deleted Missing Document 0 GEN
    700 Duplicate Block 0 GEN
    711 Duplicate Document DLN from CE NA GEN
    712 Duplicate Document DLN from EC NA GEN
    713 Duplicate Document DLN from Inappositeness NA GEN
    714 Duplicate Document DLN from Unworkable Suspense NA GEN
    715 Duplicate Document DLN from Workable Suspense NA GEN
    900 Unpostable Record 0 GEN

  3. Document Perfection tax examiners will give a three digit code to numbered returns when they cannot process the return in the present form until more information is received or some manual intervention is required.

  4. Document Perfection will attach Form 3696, Correspondence Action Sheet, to begin correspondence. Use the AC and state what missing information is needed.

  5. A valid AC other than 001 places the record in Suspense Inventory, either Workable or Unworkable.

  6. Only assign one AC at a time to a record. The priority of the ACs are 310, 320, 4XX, 6XX, 3XX, 2XX.

  7. Code and Edit tax examiners will enter ACs on the bottom left - hand corner of the return.

    1. Data Conversion will transcribe the AC into the record of the form.

    2. If Code and Edit assigns an invalid or incomplete AC, the record will be sent to the Error Inventory for correction or deletion of the code.


    On reprocess/re-input documents, Error Resolution must decide if the AC will be deleted. The AC may have been valid the first time through the pipeline, but not valid for a reprocess/re-input. For example, if a reply is received for AC 211 and the information is attached to the return, the AC 211 would be invalid and must be edited out (i.e., circled) to prevent future suspense.

  8. An Error Resolution tax examiner may enter an AC on a record, delete or correct an invalid code or may replace the present AC with another to either re-suspend or reject from Error Resolution.

    1. Enter a valid AC with CC SSPND. IRM 3.12.38, Error Resolution System (ERS), General Instructions, also explains these codes.

    2. Entering a valid AC with CC SSPND clears the record from the screen and places the record in either Workable Suspense or Unworkable Suspense. And take the following action:

    If Then
    The AC cannot describe the required action Attach a note of explanation to the return (routing slip).
    The tax examiner will not be issuing a letter through IDRS Attach a Form 3696, Correspondence Action Sheet, to issue the correspondence.

  9. A Reject tax examiner entering a valid AC with CC RJECT rejects the record from Error Resolution. Generally, the Service Center Control File (SCCF) will be automatically updated for the rejected records. An Unpostables tax examiner entering an AC with CC NWDLN rejects the record from the Error Resolution inventory and establishes the new DLN under which the record is to be entered.

  10. The computer generates a Form 4251, Return Charge Out, for all new suspense items. Use the form to pull documents to route the controlling documents while holding the record in suspense and to associate the document in the Workable Suspense Inventory when the record becomes workable.

    1. When a record appears on the Workable Suspense Inventory with the AC as first priority, add the information received to the record or follow the IRM instructions for "no reply" . Clear the AC by entering the letter "C" in the Clear Field (CL) and transmitting. Once you clear the AC, any Validity, Section, or Math/Consistency errors will be shown for correction.

    2. Records that had been unprocessables may again require suspense for more information. Re-suspended items do not generate a charge-out. Note the charge-out in the correct block by entering the AC and date.

  11. When you cannot perfect a record, reject it from Error Resolution by using CC SSPND/RJECT with AC 640. Unpostables will take action to have the DLN voided.

  12. You may be able to perfect the record, but the document may need to be renumbered because the DLN or remittance amount may need to be corrected. Suspend with AC 610 or 611.

Clear Code "C" and "000"

  1. Use the letter "C" as a Clear Code to remove the error codes (consistency errors) when you do not have to change or correct the record to fix the error. The display will show a Clear field, labeled "CL" if a Clear Code can be used. The Clear field can be found to the right of "CRECT" on the screen display.

  2. Clear an error code with an available Clear Code by either correcting the problem or entering a "C" to state no correction is needed. If other corrections are needed, they must be entered and transmitted prior to entry of the Clear Code "C" . Make sure that all corrective procedures have been followed for each individual error code before entering a "C" in the Clear Code field.

  3. Use Clear Code "C" to clear the AC from the screen after completing corrections, or when AC 410 and 700 are used. The AC must be cleared before other errors in the record can be resolved. The presence of the "C" with a Priority I Error states you have made the corrections to the AC and now wish to see any other errors on the record.

  4. Use Clear Code "000" to delete all action codes only when you have invalid and erroneous ACs and there is no reason to suspend the record. Suspense correction cannot use "000" .

  5. When you suspend a record with CC SSPND, programming erases all "C" Clear Codes for error codes and action codes for the new day's Error Inventory and Workable Suspense Inventory.

  6. Unfinished records from the previous day contain none of the "C" Clear Codes given to a record not completely worked.

  7. Error Codes (including ones which may require a "C" Clear Code) are numbered consecutively for correcting.

    1. While correcting errors on the terminal, you may create an error code with a higher priority than the one(s) you have cleared with a Taxpayer Notice Code (TPNC) or "C" Clear Code. If this happens, programming erases all TPNCs for error codes with a lower priority than the one created.

    2. Programming will continue displaying error codes for the record beginning with the higher priority error code created. Displays using the corrected data may be different from those previously displayed.

    3. You can correct by erasing an error code that you previously cleared with a "C" and now the error condition no longer exists. Should this occur, the "C" Clear Code for this error and all "C" and TPNCs for all subsequent errors in the record will be deleted.

    4. If after deleting the "Cs" and TPNCs there are errors remaining on the record, they will continue to be displayed for resolution whether or not they were previously displayed.

  8. The "C" Clear Code will not allow any other corrections to the record to accompany the "C" Clear Code. If a correction must be entered, but you have already transmitted the "C" Clear Code, enter CC GTSEC 01 and put a "G" in Field 01CCC. Transmit and remove CCC "G" when the Error Code 010 appears to reset the record. If you used CC SSPND and the record is no longer displayed, then use CC GTRECW to make any corrections.

Types of Errors

  1. The Error Resolution System identifies errors based on type and priority. The record heading shows the type of error. Types include:

    • AC Error (Priority I)

    • Section Error (Priority II) Integrated Submission and Remittance Process (ISRP) priority code

    • Validity Error (Priority III)

    • Math/Consistency Error (Error Codes) (Priority IV)

  2. Tax examiners may find that programming has not included a field or section needed to correct an error. In this event, use CC GTSEC to get the needed field. This must be reported to Headquarters for correction of the display.

Priority I Errors - Suspense Inventory Correction Procedures (Reject Procedures)

  1. All records with an invalid AC assigned by Document Perfection will be placed in the Error Inventory and shown as a Priority I Error.

  2. All records with a valid AC will be assigned to a Suspense Inventory and shown as Priority I Error.

  3. See also IRM 3.12.38, BMF General Instructions, for more information regarding ACs and/or Priority I Errors.

  1. The AC for the record with the literal description of the action will be shown.

Error Correction Action Code (AC)
  1. Enter CC SSPND with the correct AC, then transmit to suspend the record. using the following information:

    If Then
    Suspense is not required Enter "000" in the Clear field (CL) and transmit.
    Document in block Do not remove the document from the block (except for priority statute and manual refund cases).

  2. Under Error Resolution, AC 001 is a Priority I Error.

    1. This happens when the Block out of Balance (BOB) Resolution function adds a document to a block by entering only the name control and TIN. Error Resolution will add the rest of the record.

    2. Enter CC GTSEC for each record section that does have data. Add the required data.

    3. When all the sections have been entered, enter "C" in the Clear field, and normal validity checks will be made to the record.

Procedures for Correcting Priority I Action Code (AC) Errors
  1. The following information pertains to procedures for correcting Priority I AC Errors.

Priority I Error, AC 21X Correspondence
  1. The following information pertains to AC 21X correspondence:

    If Then
    Status 321:
    Suspense period expired with no reply
    If a letter was needed, follow the No Reply instructions.
    Status 331 or 431:
    The Statute Control asks that the record be voided to them. (Statute Control will provide instructions when returning the document) OR
    Follow local procedures.
    Status 421:
    You get a reply
    Follow reply instructions/add provided information in the reply before clearing Priority 1 error.
    The Statute Control Group clears the record Use CC GTSEC for Section 01, check Field 01TXP, Tax Period, and enter CCC "W" in Field 01CCC. Transmit and then clear the Priority I Error with the "C" Clear Code.

Priority I Error, AC 320 Entity Control
  1. Status 332 or 432: Entity Control will provide instructions when returning the document.

  2. Follow instructions from Entity Control before clearing the Priority I Errors.

  3. If the return was sent to Entity Control for the name control or SSN, Enter the correct fields using CC GTSEC for Section 01.

Priority I Error, AC 33X, Review/Routing To Criminal Investigation Division (CID)
  1. Status 333 or 433: Document will be referred to the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) before it is given to the tax examiner.

  2. Instructed to void the record and refer Form 706 or Form 706-NA. Follow local procedures.

  3. The return will continue to be processed, Follow Criminal Investigation Division, instructions before clearing Priority I Error.

Priority I Error, AC 34X, Routing - Accounting
  1. Accounting must return the form to the tax examiner to work.

  2. Follow Accounting instructions before clearing the AC.

Priority I Error, AC 35X, Key Index File (KIF)/Other Research
  1. AC 351, Status 435: Means Key Index File (KIF) was not available when record was on the Error Inventory take the following action:

    If Then
    SSN is found using CC NAMES/NAMEI
    1. Verify using CC INOLES.

    2. GTSEC 01 and enter in Field 01SSN.

    SSN is not found using CC NAMES/NAMEI Re-suspend (SSPND 320) to Entity Control for the SSN.

  2. AC 352, 354, 355, Status 335 or 435:

    If Then
    Unable to solve after using CC INOLE/ENMOD/MFREQ Re-suspend to Entity Control with AC 320.
    Correspondence is necessary and there is no address Use AC 353.

Priority I Error, AC 360, Other In-House Research
  1. Status 336 or 436: You will get the document and instructions from another area.

  2. Follow those instructions using CC DLSEC/GTSEC before clearing Priority I Error.

Priority I Error, AC 410 Assistance
  1. Clear the Priority I Error with the "C" Clear Code, so that other errors in the record might display.

Priority I Error, ACs 420 through 460, Management Suspense
  1. Management may tell you to work or re-suspend the record. Take the following action for processing.

    If Then
    Re-suspending Use CC SSPND and the correct AC.
    Working the record Clear the Priority I Error with a "C" Clear Code, so that other errors in the record might display.

Priority I Error, AC 490 System Problem
  1. Computer Branch will tell your manager what to do, proceed with the following action.

    If Then
    Instructions are not received for Status 349 You may be told to re-suspend with "SSPND 490" .
    No other error exists on the record DANGER: Once you clear AC 490, the record will go to good tape. You must get instructions from the Computer or Submission Processing Campus before clearing.

Priority I Error, AC 51X, Status 451 or 351
  1. Suspend record with AC 51X to initiate special search. The charge-out issued for missing document(s) may be used for the initial search. It may also be used for subsequent searches by marking "Second Request" , "Third Request" , etc. on the charge-out returned from files.

  2. Keep requesting searches until document is located or record is rejected from Error Resolution.

Priority I Error, AC 6XX, Rejects
  1. The following information pertains to Priority I Errors:

    If Then
    AC 6XX is used to suspend to Workable Suspense
    1. Review document to see if you agree with the recommended reject action.

    2. If so, follow local procedures.

    The record is not deleted Clear the Priority I Error with the Clear Code "C" so that any other errors that might exist can display.

Priority I Error, AC 700, Duplicate Block DLN
  1. Clear the Priority I Error with the "C" Clear Code so that other errors in the record might display.

Priority I Error, AC 900 Unpostable Records
  1. The literal for the AC 900 will include the Unpostable Code. Follow the appropriate action,

    If Then
    The record can be resolved for AC 900 returns
    1. Use CC GTSEC for the desired section(s) and make the correction(s).

    2. Enter a "C" in the Clear field after all corrections are made and transmitted.

    3. After you clear AC 900, all other errors on the record will be displayed for correction.

    No other errors exist
    1. The record will clear the screen.

    2. The record has not posted to Master File.

    3. Fields displayed will be as processed prior to being an "Unpostable" .

    4. The record may contain coding and transcription errors.

    5. All Clear Codes and Taxpayer Notice Codes assigned when previously processed will have been deleted from the record and will need to be assigned again, if still applicable.

    The error cannot be resolved on the Unpostable Record (AC 900)
    1. Re-suspend the record with SSPND and the correct AC.

    2. Write and explain the AC and date on the charge-out and send the return and charge-out to the Suspense Documents File.

For AC 3XX, Status 33X
  1. The following information pertains to AC 3XX:

    If Then
    Requested information is not available Verify that the return is for the taxpayer. The tax examiner will be told to re-suspend the record; AC 3XX.
    This occurs often Headquarters will be asked to review the suspense period.
    A document is not available for a record on the Workable Suspense Inventory (AC other than 510) The Suspense Documents File Unit will contact the manager who will search within Error Resolution.
    It cannot be found The manager will state it is missing. The tax examiner working the record will re-suspend the record with AC 511, initiating a search for the document.

Priority II Errors - Section Errors

  1. The Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing (ISRP) will eliminate most editing, missing section, and terminus errors. If normal Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing, validity checks have been bypassed, edit errors and/or terminus errors may be present.

  2. Edit Error - A section with an error detected by Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing. Edit errors will be coded as follows:

    1. Code 1 = Split screen transmission. Key verifier tried to change the Check Digit, key verifier changed four or more digits of the TIN, or the original entry operator indicated that a required section is missing.

    2. Code 3 = Invalid section ending point.

    3. Code 4 = Invalid field length.

    4. Code 5 = Questionable section - A section entered twice or entered out of sequence by Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing.

Terminus Error
  1. A section with variable length input fields with fields the wrong size.

  1. All transcribed fields, except the Error Resolution AC and the remittance (payment received), will be displayed in columnar format with or without data. Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing, Problem Code errors will also show the type of error. Only one section (error) will be displayed at a time.

  1. Any individual section, excluding computer generated fields and the AC. (The AC is an un-correctable field except as defined for CC SSPND.)

Correction Procedures
  1. Integrated Submission and Remittance Process Errors - You must check all fields of the section. If Section 01 of the return is coded, verify that the return is for the taxpayer whose name is in Section 01. After you correct the section, or if no corrections are necessary, transmit from the bottom of the screen.

  2. Terminus Errors - You must check all fields of the section. Make all necessary corrections. After you correct the section, or if no corrections are necessary, transmit from the bottom of the screen.

Questionable Section
  1. Check and enter all of the data for the displayed section. After you correct the section, or if no corrections are necessary, transmit from the bottom of the screen.

  2. Correct all fields in the display before transmitting.

Priority III Errors - Field Errors Definition

  1. Any field failing to meet the requirement(s) for that field will be shown as a Priority III error. Consistency and/or relationships with other fields will not be a factor. Some reasons for field errors include:

    • Non-numeric character in a numeric field

    • Non-alphabetic character in an alpha field

    • Blank space in a number field

    • Blank in the first position of an alpha field


    Individual field validity errors to be bypassed after initial consideration are shown as Priority IV Errors.

  1. All fields with a Priority III Error will be displayed in columnar format in the order encountered in the record. The AC’s and TPNCs do not display as a Priority III Error.

  2. An overflow field is identified by all question marks for a money field or a single pound sign in the last position of a name line.

Correction Procedures
  1. If a field shows in error:

    1. Correct every error field displayed using the specific instructions within each section for the field in error.

    2. Check the information on the source document to decide if each displayed field has been correctly edited and transcribed.

    3. Enter the correct data for each field displayed.

    4. If there is no data for the field, blank the field.

    5. Correct every field displayed.

    6. Transmit.

Taxpayer Notice Codes (TPNCs)

  1. Use this code when there is a math error which affects the tax liability or tax due/overpayment. Enter it on the terminal screen following the literal "NC" and write it on the upper left corner of the return.

  2. Enter the TPNC after you see that no further corrections to the screen display is needed. The TPNC tells the computer that no other corrections to the screen display will be made. Enter and transmit all corrections for each error condition before using a TPNC. Each math error has a certain TPNC that can be used to clear the error. The TPNC used must be valid for the Error Code.

  3. Each math error display needs either a correction to a field or the entry of a TPNC. You cannot make any other correction when transmitting a TPNC. TPNCs used for a math error will be shown on subsequent displays for the record. This field is used for display purposes only and cannot be corrected.


    If you decide that you sent an unnecessary or incorrect TPNC, see IRM, Changing a TPNC.

  1. TPNC 90 is a blank fill-in notice with 10 lines available for whatever statement is needed and is used when no other TPNC fully explains the error situation or when more than three notice codes are necessary. TPNC 90 can be used in conjunction with other notice codes.

  2. If a TPNC 90 is needed, see TPNC 90 Math Error Code Job Aid on Servicewide Electronic Research Program (SERP) at http://serp.enterprise.irs.gov/databases/portals/sp/bmf/ers/job-aids/tpnc-90-math-error-code.doc and TPNC 90 Literals - Copy and Paste Job Aid on SERP at https://serp.enterprise.irs.gov/databases/portals/sp/bmf/ers/job-aids/tpnc-90-literals.txt.

  3. When sending a TPNC 90, do the following:

    1. Write on the return TPNC 90 - ### (or similar language) or use Form 12648, Error Correction 90 TPNC.


      TPNC 90 Math Error Code Job Aid shows literals with two digits and TPNC 90 Literals - Copy and Paste Job Aid shows literals with three digits


    2. Notate TPNC 90 (or similar language) and the date on Form 1332, Block and Selection Record, or Form 2275, Records Request, Charge and Recharge.

    3. Place the return in the TPNC 90 designated area (basket/tub).

  4. The following information pertains to TPNC 90. Error Correction will prepare the exact wording of the error and attach it to the return. Notice Review will type math error explanation on the notice before mailing to the taxpayer:

    If Then
    More than three TPNCs need to be used (a return can have as many as three TPNCs) Use TPNC 90 instead and list the errors for Notice Review to type and send to the taxpayer.
    TPNC 90 is used
    1. This is a "fill-in" and must be used when no other TPNC fully explains the correction(s) made. The tax examiner will write exactly what will appear on the notice and attach it to the face of the return.

    2. Charge the return out and place in the TPNC 90 basket.

    3. Notice Review or the responsible party will type the math error explanation on the notice and mail it to the taxpayer.


    In January 2014, the Taxpayer Notice Code (TPNC) 90 Math Error (ME) Code literals were programmed into the Online Notice Review (OLNR) Retype Application for Notice Review (NR). This addition will eliminate the need for the NR tax examiner to manually type the notice literal and reduce potential copying/typing incorrect paragraphs/messages in the notices.

Changing a TPNC
  1. Once you transmit a TPNC, it may be changed in the following manner:

    1. Records which have not been cleared from the terminal - if you still have errors after transmitting the TPNC you can create an error with a higher priority. To do this, input "G" into Field 01CCC. This will cause EC 010 to generate. Delete the "G" creating a higher priority error. This will delete all "C" Clear Codes and any notice code already assigned a lower priority error from the header display. The display will then show the high Priority IV error created and all subsequent errors, even though they may have been previously shown.

    2. A correction you make erases an error code which you have previously cleared with a TPNC or "C" Clear Code. In this case, the "C" or TPNC on this error and all subsequent error codes will be shown for resolution. The TPNC(s) for this error and subsequent error codes will be deleted from the header display.

    3. Records which have been worked may be reworked using CC GTRECW. See IRM, General Correction Procedures, for further details.

    4. All TPNCs are erased when a record is suspended with CC SSPND.

    5. If you do not completely work a case, the TPNCs you used on the unfinished records will not be there the next day.

TPNCs and Their Notice Messages for Form 706
  1. The following information pertains to Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, Error Messages:

    Taxpayer Notice Code Taxpayer Notice Statement
    TPNC 34 We found an error on Schedule D. Credit for Foreign Death Tax.
    TPNC 35 We found an error on Schedule Q. Credit for Tax on Prior Transfer.
    TPNC 36 We found an error in the computation of Net Estate Tax.
    TPNC 37 We found an error in the computation for State Death Taxes.
    TPNC 38 We found an error in the computation of Tentative tax.
    TPNC 39 We found an error when the credit amounts were added on Page 1, Part 2.
    TPNC 40 We found an error in the computation of the balance due.
    TPNC 41 We found an error in the computation of the Unified Credit amount.


    For Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Returns, use this TPNC for 2011 revisions and prior ONLY.

    TPNC 42 We found an error in the computation of the Marital Deduction on Schedule A.
    TPNC 43 We found an error in the computation of the Applicable Credit amount.
    TPNC 47 We found an error on Schedule R in the computation of Total Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax.
    TPNC 50 We found an error on Schedule R-1 - Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax.
    TPNC 54 We found an error in the computation of the balance due or overpayment amount.
    TPNC 64 We found an error in the computation of your Taxable Estate.
    TPNC 70 We found an error in the computation of the gross estate tax amount on Line 8.
    TPNC 71 We found an error in the computation of the allowable Unified Credit amount on Line 11.
    TPNC 72 We found an error in the computation of the amount on Page 1, Part 2, Line 12.
    TPNC 73 We found an error in the computation of the Allowable Applicable Credit amount on Line 11.
    TPNC 82 We found an error in the computation of the amount on Page 1, Part 2, Line 18.
    TPNC 83 We found an error in the computation of your Total Tax amount.
    TPNC 90 TPNC 90 is a blank notice that contains up to 10 blank lines which are available on the notice for whatever statement is needed. It is used when more than three math errors were made on the return or there is no math error code that meets the error condition on the return. The tax examiner will write exactly what will appear on the notice and attach it to the face of the return. Charge the return out and route directly to Notice Review and follow local procedures. Notice Review, or the responsible party, will type the math error explanation on the notice and mail it to the taxpayer.


    In January 2014, the Taxpayer Notice Code (TPNC) 90 Math Error (ME) Code literals were programmed into the Online Notice Review (OLNR) Retype Application for Notice Review (NR). This addition will eliminate the need for the NR tax examiner to manually type the notice literal and reduce potential copying/typing incorrect paragraphs/messages in the notices.


    If a TPNC 90 is needed, see TPNC 90 Math Error Code Job Aid on Servicewide Electronic Research Program (SERP) at http://serp.enterprise.irs.gov/databases/portals/sp/bmf/ers/job-aids/tpnc-90-math-error-code.doc and TPNC 90 Literals - Copy and Paste Job Aid on SERP at https://serp.enterprise.irs.gov/databases/portals/sp/bmf/ers/job-aids/tpnc-90-literals.txt.

TPNCs and Their Messages for Form 706-NA
  1. The following information pertains to Form 706-NA, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return estate of nonresident not a citizen of the United States, Error Messages:

    Taxpayer Notice Code Taxpayer Notice Statement
    TPNC 20 We found an error on Schedule A - Gross Estate in the U.S.
    TPNC 21 We found an error on Schedule B - Taxable Estate.
    TPNC 22 We found an error on Schedule B, Gross Estate Outside the U.S.
    TPNC 23 We found an error on Schedule B, in the computation of Entire Gross Estate wherever located.
    TPNC 24 We found an error on Schedule E -Jointly Owned Property.
    TPNC 25 We found an error on Schedule F -Other Miscellaneous Property not Reportable Under Any Other Schedule.
    TPNC 26 We found an error on Schedule G - Transfer During Decedent's Life.
    TPNC 27 We found an error on Schedule H - Powers of Appointment.
    TPNC 28 We found an error on Schedule I - Annuities.
    TPNC 29 We found an error on Schedule B, in the computation of Funeral expenses, administration expenses, decedent’s debts, mortgages and liens and losses during administration.
    TPNC 30 We found an error on Schedule B, in the computation of Deductions for expenses, claims, etc.
    TPNC 31 We found an error on Schedule L - Net Losses During Administration and Expenses Incurred in Administering Property Not Subject to Claims.
    TPNC 32 We found an error on Schedule M - Bequests, etc., to Surviving Spouse (Marital Deduction).
    TPNC 33 We found an error on Schedule O - Charitable, Public and Similar Gifts and Bequests (Charitable Deductions).
    TPNC 34 We found an error in the computation of Total Deductions.
    TPNC 35 We found an error on Schedule Q - Credit for Tax on Prior Transfers.
    TPNC 36 We found an error in the computation of Net Estate.
    TPNC 37 We found an error in the computation of the Credit for state death taxes.
    TPNC 38 We found an error in the computation of Tentative tax.
    TPNC 39 We found an error in the addition of the credit amounts on Form 706-NA.
    TPNC 40 We found an error in the computation of the balance due.
    TPNC 41 We found an error in the computation of Unified Credit amount.
    TPNC 44 We found an error in the computation of tentative tax on Page 1, Part II, Line 5, Tentative Tax on the amount on Line 2.
    TPNC 47 We found an error in the computation on Schedule R in computation of Total Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax.
    TPNC 50 We found an error on Schedule R-1 - Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax.
    TPNC 52 We found an error in the computation Taxable Estate.
    TPNC 54 We found an error in the computation of Balance Due.
    TPNC 56 We found an error in the computation on Page 1, Part II, Line 2, Total Taxable Gifts.
    TPNC 58 We found an error in the computation of the-Balance.
    TPNC 60 We found an error in the computation of Other Credits.
    TPNC 62 We found an error in the computation of Earlier Payments.
    TPNC 64 There was an error in computing the amount on Page 1, Part II, Line 18, U.S. Treasury Bonds Redeemed to Pay Estate Tax.
    TPNC 67 We found an error in the computation of the amount on Page 1, Part II, Line 3, Total.
    TPNC 68 We found an error in the computation of the amount on Page 1, Part II, Line 19, Total.
    TPNC 73 We found an error in the computation of the amount on Page 1, Part II, Line 6, Gross Estate Tax.
    TPNC 74 We found an error in the computation of the amount on Page 1, Part II, Line 8, Balance.
    TPNC 76 The amount claimed as prepaid tax with the extension of time to file on Page 1, Part 2, Line 18 was incorrect.
    TPNC 83 We found an error in the computation of your total tax amount.
    TPNC 90 TPNC 90 is a blank notice that contains up to 10 blank lines which are available on the notice for whatever statement is needed. It is used when more than three math errors were made on the return or there is no math error code that meets the error condition on the return. The tax examiner will write exactly what must appear on the notice and attach it to the face of the return. Charge the return out and route directly to Notice Review and follow local procedures. Notice Review, or the responsible party, will type the math error explanation on the notice and mail it to the taxpayer.


    In January 2014, the Taxpayer Notice Code (TPNC) 90 Math Error (ME) Code literals were programmed into the Online Notice Review (OLNR) Retype Application for Notice Review (NR). This addition will eliminate the need for the NR tax examiner to manually type the notice literal and reduce potential copying/typing incorrect paragraphs/messages in the notices.


    If a TPNC 90 is needed, see TPNC 90 Math Error Code Job Aid on Servicewide Electronic Research Program (SERP) at http://serp.enterprise.irs.gov/databases/portals/sp/bmf/ers/job-aids/tpnc-90-math-error-code.doc and TPNC 90 Literals - Copy and Paste Job Aid on SERP at https://serp.enterprise.irs.gov/databases/portals/sp/bmf/ers/job-aids/tpnc-90-literals.txt

TPNCs and Their Messages for Form 709
  1. The following information pertains to Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, Error Messages:


    There can be times when a TPNC 90 has a 3 digit code for Online Notice review to type.

    Taxpayer Notice Code Taxpayer Notice Statement
    TPNC 10 We found an error in the computation of your taxable gifts for the current period.
    TPNC 11 We found an error in the computation on Page 1, Part 2, of your total taxable gifts.
    TPNC 12 We found an error in the computation of your tax on Page 1, Part 2, total taxable gifts.
    TPNC 13 We found an error in the computation of tax on Page 1, Part 2, amount from Schedule B, total amount of taxable gifts from prior periods.
    TPNC 41 We found an error in the computation of the Unified Credit amount.


    For Form 709, s Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, use this TPNC for 2011 revisions and prior ONLY.

    TPNC 43 We found an error in the computation of the Applicable Credit amount.


    For Form 709, s Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, use this TPNC for 2012 revisions and subsequent.

    TPNC 48 We found an error in the generation-skipping transfer tax computation.
    TPNC 54 We found an error in the computation of the balance due or overpayment amount.
    TPNC 69 We found an error in the total gift tax computation on Page 1, Part 2, Balance.
    TPNC 75 We found an error in the computation of Page 1, Part 2, Total Credits.
    TPNC 76 The amount claimed as prepaid tax with the extension of time to file on Page 1, Part 2, Line 18 was incorrect.
    TPNC 79 We found an error in the computation on Schedule A, Part 4, Total Deduction Amount.
    TPNC 80 We found an error in the computation on Schedule A, Part 4, when subtracting total deduction from total included amount of gifts.
    TPNC 81 We found an error in the computation on Schedule A, Taxable Gifts.
    TPNC 83 We found an error in the computation of your total tax amount.
    TPNC 88 An error was made in the computation on Schedule A, Part 4, Total included amount of gifts. Your Unified Credit/Applicable Credit has been adjusted accordingly.
    TPNC 89 We found a error in the computation of your Total gift tax. We have adjusted your return accordingly.
    TPNC 90 TPNC 90 is a blank notice that contains up to 10 blank lines which are available on the notice for whatever statement is needed. It is used when more than three math errors were made on the return or there is no math error code that meets the error condition on the return. The tax examiner will write exactly what must appear on the notice and attach it to the face of the return. Charge the return out and route directly to Notice Review and follow local procedures. Notice Review, or the responsible party, will type the math error explanation on the notice and mail it to the taxpayer.


    In January 2014, the Taxpayer Notice Code (TPNC) 90 Math Error (ME) Code literals were programmed into the Online Notice Review (OLNR) Retype Application for Notice Review (NR). This addition will eliminate the need for the NR tax examiner to manually type the notice literal and reduce potential copying/typing incorrect paragraphs/messages in the notices.


    If a TPNC 90 is needed, see TPNC 90 Math Error Code Job Aid on Servicewide Electronic Research Program (SERP) at http://serp.enterprise.irs.gov/databases/portals/sp/bmf/ers/job-aids/tpnc-90-math-error-code.doc and TPNC 90 Literals - Copy and Paste Job Aid on SERP at https://serp.enterprise.irs.gov/databases/portals/sp/bmf/ers/job-aids/tpnc-90-literals.txt

    TPNC 91 An error was made in computing your annual exclusion amount. Your Unified Credit/Applicable Credit has been adjusted accordingly.
    TPNC 92 While an incomplete gift must be reported on Schedule A, it must not be included in the amount of this year’s gifts. We have adjusted your return accordingly.
    TPNC 93 We disallowed the exclusion from your spouse’s gifts attributed to you because joint returns are not permissible when reporting gifts. This makes it necessary for you and your spouse to each file a separate form. We have adjusted your return accordingly.
    TPNC 94 We found an error in the computation of the Balance after Unified adjustments amount on form 709, line 11. We have adjusted your return accordingly.
    TPNC 95 The Unified/Applicable Credit cannot be used to offset Generation-Skipping tax. Therefore, we adjusted your total tax.
    TPNC 97 We found an error in the computation on Schedule A Part 4, Total included amount of gifts.
    TPNC 98 We disallowed the exclusion amount taken for the gifts of future interest as indicated. Gifts of future interest do not qualify for the exclusion.
    TPNC 99 Because we did not receive a reply to our request for a listing of Donees claimed on your return, we have adjusted the number of donees and the exclusion claimed to the number of donees actually shown on your return.

TPNCs and Their Messages for Form 709-NA
  1. The following information pertains to Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, of a Nonresident Not a Citizen of the United States.

    Taxpayer Notice Code Taxpayer Notice Statement
    TPNC 10 We found an error in the computation of your taxable gifts for the current period.
    TPNC 11 We found an error in the computation on Page 1, Part 2, of your Total Taxable Gifts.
    TPNC 12 We found an error in the computation of tax on Page 1, Part 2, total taxable gifts.
    TPNC 13 We found an error in the computation of tax on Page 1, Part 2, Amount from Schedule B, Total amount of taxable gifts from prior periods.
    TPNC 40 We found an error in the computation of the balance due.
    TPNC 41 We found an error in the computation of the Unified Credit amount.
    TPNC 42 We found an error in the computation of the marital deduction on Schedule A.
    TPNC 48 We found an error in the generation-skipping transfer tax computation.
    TPNC 54 We found an error in the computation of the balance due or overpayment amount.
    TPNC 69 We found an error in the total gift tax computation on Page 1, Part 2, Balance
    TPNC 75 We found an error in the computation of Page 1, Part 2, Total Credits.
    TPNC 76 The amount claimed as prepaid tax with the extension of time to file was incorrect.
    TPNC 79 We found an error in the computation on Schedule A, Part 4, Deduction Amount
    TPNC 80 We found an error in the computation on Schedule A, Part 4, when subtracting total deductions from total included amount of gifts.
    TPNC 81 We found an error in the computation on Schedule A, Part 4, Taxable Gifts.
    TPNC 83 We found an error in the computation of your total tax amount.
    TPNC 88 An error was made in the computation on Schedule A, Part 4, Total included amount of gifts. Your Unified Credit/Applicable Credit has been adjusted accordingly.
    TPNC 89 We found an error in the computation of your Total gift tax. We have adjusted your return accordingly.
    TPNC 90 TPNC 90 is a blank notice that contains up to 10 blank lines which are available on the notice for whatever statement is needed. It is used when more than three math errors were made on the return or there is no math error code that meets the error condition on the return. The tax examiner will write exactly what must appear on the notice and attach it to the face of the return. Charge the return out and route directly to Notice Review and follow local procedures. Notice Review, or the responsible party, will type the math error explanation on the notice and mail it to the taxpayer.


    In January 2014, the Taxpayer Notice Code (TPNC) 90 Math Error (ME) Code literals were programmed into the Online Notice Review (OLNR) Retype Application for Notice Review (NR). This addition will eliminate the need for the NR tax examiner to manually type the notice literal and reduce potential copying/typing incorrect paragraphs/messages in the notices.


    If a TPNC 90 is needed, see TPNC 90 Math Error Code Job Aid on Servicewide Electronic Research Program (SERP) at http://serp.enterprise.irs.gov/databases/portals/sp/bmf/ers/job-aids/tpnc-90-math-error-code.doc and TPNC 90 Literals - Copy and Paste Job Aid on SERP at https://serp.enterprise.irs.gov/databases/portals/sp/bmf/ers/job-aids/tpnc-90-literals.txt

    TPNC 91 An error was made in computing your annual exclusion amount. Your Unified Credit/Applicable Credit has been adjusted accordingly.
    TPNC 92 While a incomplete gift must be reported on Schedule A, it must not be included in the amount of this year’s gifts. We have adjusted your return accordingly.
    TPNC 93 We disallowed the exclusion from your spouse’s gifts, attributed to you because joint returns are not permissible , when reporting gifts. This makes it necessary for you and your spouse to each file a separate form. We have adjusted your return accordingly.
    TPNC 95 The Unified/Applicable Credit cannot be used to offset Generation-Skipping tax. Therefore, we adjusted your total tax.
    TPNC 97 We found a error in the computation on Schedule A Part 4, Total included amount of gifts.
    TPNC 98 We disallowed the exclusion amount taken for the gifts of future interest as indicated. Gifts of future interest do not qualify for the exclusion.
    TPNC 99 Because we did not receive a reply to our request for a listing of Donees claimed on your return, we have adjusted the number of donees and the exclusion claimed to the number of donees actually shown on your return.

Status Codes

  1. Records for the documents in the Error Resolution System (ERS) are controlled by Status Codes. The status is updated when the record is placed in a specific inventory.

  2. Here is a list of the status codes with a brief explanation:

    1. Status 100, error awaiting correction. Records are in the Error Inventory.

    2. Status 2XX, record awaiting information. Records are in the Unworkable Suspense Inventory.

    3. Status 3XX, suspense period expired - no response. Records are in the Workable Suspense Inventory.

    4. Status 4XX, record with information, awaiting correction. Records are in the Workable Suspense Inventory.

    5. Status 900, Record is on the Unselected Inventory.

  3. The final two positions of the Status Code will consist of the first two positions of the AC. This will put similar work together on the Workable Suspense Inventory.


    Status Code 321 means Suspense period expired, no response to taxpayer correspondence.

  4. Records whose Suspense Period has expired before being activated are automatically moved from Status 2XX to Status 3XX.

Unprocessables Automated Data Processing (ADP) Returns

  1. The following information pertains to unprocessables ADP returns:

    If Then
    A return cannot be perfected, and it is necessary to correspond, perform in-house research or send the document to another area of the submission processing campus Suspend the record to start the required action.
    Suspending unprocessables record Enter CC SSPND followed by the appropriate AC.
    The AC cannot describe the required action Attach a note of explanation to the return (use routing slip).
    The tax examiner will not be issuing a letter through IDRS
    1. Attach a Form 3693, Correspondence Action Sheet, to issue the correspondence.

    2. CC SSPND with AC 211 and attach appropriate Correspondence Action Sheet.

Working Trails

  1. You must leave a legible "Working Trail" for those who may work with the return later. If your submission processing campus has a written "In-house Agreement" that differs from the instructions below, follow them. These procedures have been coordinated with Headquarters.

  2. Annotate the following items when making a change to the return:

    • Social Security Number

    • Tax Period

  3. Edit on the return the preparation of Letter 3024C, Math Error Explained (BMF), and Form 2275, Records Request, Charge and Recharge.

Section 01 Data, Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer)Tax Return, General Information

  1. Section 01 has entity data, remittance, fields for codes, the IRS received date, and miscellaneous information.

  2. The remittance field cannot be changed by Error Resolution examiners. This field must be blank on non-remittance returns and all numeric on remittance returns.

  3. The message "Unrecognizable Field error - Contact Supervisor" will appear when a return has neither CCC "G" or Section 04 and there is an entry in Field 01PI (Payment Indicator).

Error Record Format Section 01

  1. The Error Record Format for Section 01 is listed as follows:

    Field Designator on Form 706 Maximum Characters Field Name Location
    RMIT> 11 Remittance Green money, Page 1, Part 2, Line 20
    01NC 4 Name Control Check Digit Decedent's last name Page 1, Part 1, Box 1b
    >>>> 4 Name Control Underprint Computer-Generated
    01SSN 9 Social Security No. Decedent's SSN, Page 1, Part 1, Box 2
    01DOB 8 Date of Birth Page 1, Part 1, Box 4
    01DOD 8 Date of Death Page 1, Part 1, Box 5
    >>>> 2 Fiscal Year Month (Gen) Computer-Generated
    01CCC 10 Computer Condition Code Upper left margin
    01RCD 8 Received Date Date Stamp
    01PIC 1 Penalty and Interest Code Upper right margin
    01CAF 1 CAF Indicator Right margin, Page 1, Part 1, Box 6b
    01RFC 1 Refund Code Error Resolution only field
    01PSN 9 Preparer (PTIN) Bottom right corner, Page 1
    01PEN 9 Preparer EIN Bottom right corner, Page 1
    01PTN 10 Preparer Phone Number Bottom right corner, Page 1
    01PI 1 Payment Indicator Right margin, Page 1, Part 2, Line 19
    01CRD 8 Correspondence Rec'd date Left margin, left of Page 1, Part 2, Line 4
    01RD> 8 Return Due Date Computer-Generated

RMIT> - Remittance

  1. This field is blank for non-remittance returns and remittance returns processed through the Remittance Processing System (RPS) system. It is a non-correctable field.

  2. The remittance amount is found on the Balance due line of a full-paid return and is shown by a green rocker. A partial paid return has the remittance amount entered in green beside the taxpayer's entry on the Balance Due Line.

Field 01NC - Name Control/Check Digit

  1. This field is transcribed from the name line in the entity portion of the return. This field must be the first four alpha characters of the decedent’s last name.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 01NC is invalid if:

    1. It is blank.

    2. The first position is not alpha.

    3. The second, third, and fourth positions are not alpha, hyphen or blank.

    4. There are any intervening blanks between characters.

Correction Procedures
  1. The following information pertains to correction procedures:

    If Then
    The name control has been transcribed incorrectly Enter the correct name control.
    The name control is missing and cannot be found Research using local procedures.
    The name control is found on the return or during research Enter the correct name control in Field 01NC and on the return.
    Still unable to decide the name control Suspend the record with AC 320 to Entity Control using 10886, Reject Routing Slip, or 4227, Intra Sc Reject or Routing Slip.

Field 01SSN - Social Security Number

  1. The SSN is a number assigned by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to identify potential Social Security contributors/recipients. The field is found on Page 1, Part 1, Box 2 of the return.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 01SSN is invalid if:

    1. It is blank.

    2. It is not all numerics.

    3. It is less than nine - digits.

    4. It is all zeroes or nines.

Correction Procedures
  1. The following information pertains to correction procedures:

    If Then
    The SSN is invalid Search for a correct SSN on the return or attachments.
    SSN is found on return or attachment Enter on return and Field 01SSN
    SSN Not found Research using IDRS to obtain a valid SSN, using Namei/Names ETC.
    No SSN record is found through research Suspend with AC 320 to Entity Control to locate a SSN or assign a temporary SSN using Form 10886, Reject Routing Slip, or Form 4227, Intra-SC Reject or Routing Slip.
    More than one SSN is found Suspend with AC 320 for research using Form 10886, Reject Routing Slip, or Form 4227, Intra-SC Rejecting or Routing Slip to determine correct SSN.
    Entity Control has assigned an SSN
    1. Enter Assigned SSN in Field 01SSN and on the return.

    2. Also enter the entity assignment date in Field 01CRD if it is after the return due date and the IRS received date.

Field 01DOB - Date of Birth

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 1, Box 4 of the return. The Date of Birth (DOB) is either blank or numeric in YYYYMMDD format.

  2. The DOB is used as a validity check on the DOD.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 01DOB is invalid if:

    1. It is not all numerics.

    2. The month is not 01-12.

    3. The day is not valid for the month.

    4. Not in YYYYMMDD format.

Correction Procedures
  1. Check for coding or transcription errors and correct as needed.

  2. If the DOB cannot be found, blank the field.

Field 01DOD - Date of Death

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 1, Box 5 of the return. It is entered in YYYYMMDD format.

  2. The DOD determines the due date of the return. It also determines which tax laws and rates are in effect for the estate.

  3. The following table pertains to due dates of returns:


    If the date of death is between January 1, 2010, and December 17, 2010 (inclusively); the return due date is September 19, 2011, as mandated in the Extender's Legislation (PL 111-312).

    Month of Death Month Due
    January October
    February November
    March December
    April January
    May February
    June March
    July April
    August May
    September June
    October July
    November August
    December September

  4. The following table provides examples of due dates:

    If Then
    DOD is 01-01-2010 thru 12-17-2010 (inclusively) Due date is 09-19-2011
    (per Extender's Legislation the date must be 09-17-2011, but that is a Saturday).
    DOD is 12-18-2010 thru 12-31-2010 Due date is 09-30-2011.
    Date of Death Due Date
    DOD is 01-31 Due date is 10-31 of the same year.
    DOD is 02-28 Due date is 11-28 of the same year.
    DOD is 02-29 Due date is 11-29 of the same year.
    DOD is 03-31 Due date is 12-31 of the same year.
    DOD is 04-30 Due date is 01-30 of the following year.
    DOD is 05-31 Due date is 02-28 or 02-29 of the following year.
    DOD is 06-30 Due date is 03-30 of the following year.
    DOD is 07-31 Due date is 04-30 of the following year.
    DOD is 08-31 Due date is 05-31 of the following year.
    DOD is 09-30 Due date is 06-30- of the following year.
    DOD is 10-31 Due date is 07-31 of the following year.
    DOD is 11-30 Due date is 08-30 of the following year.
    DOD is 12-31 Due date is 09-30 of the following year.


    IRM (7) When a field error sets due to the date of death falling in the current calendar year (2023), suspend with Action Code 480 and hold until further instructions are issued by Submission Processing Headquarters Analyst to show the Basic Exclusion tables have been updated per the Revenue Procedure 20XX-57 for that calendar year.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 01DOD is invalid if:

    1. It is blank.

    2. It is not all numerics.

    3. The month is not 01-12.

    4. The day is not valid for the month.

    5. Not in YYYYMMDD format.

Correction Procedures
  1. Check for coding or transcription errors and correct as needed, taking the following action:

    If Then
    The DOD is blank, incomplete, or illegible on the return Check attachments or research CC INOLE for DOD.
    The DOD cannot be found Suspend with AC 211 and attach appropriate Correspondence Action Sheet.
    A reply to correspondence is not received The Reject function must enter a date nine months earlier than the IRS received date.

Field 01CCC - Computer Condition Codes (CCC’s)

  1. CCC’s tell the computer what to do when certain conditions are met. For example, CCC "R" stops the computer from calculating a delinquency penalty when the taxpayer presents reasonable cause for filing the return late.

  2. Since these codes tell the computer what to do, they also post to the Master File so that people looking at the file can tell what actions were taken on the return.

  3. CCC’s are transcribed from the upper left - hand corner of the return. The following CCC’s will be used for Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 01CCC is invalid if:

    1. Any letter or number other than the following is entered: B, D, G, L, O, R, W, X, Y, 3, and/or 7.

    2. CCC "G" is present with any other CCC except "W" .

    3. CCC’s "D" , "R" , and "7" are all present.

Correction Procedures
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

  2. When the codes entered on the return are illegible or invalid, check the return to decide the correct code(s) and enter on the screen using the If/Then chart below.

    If Then
    Any other CCC’s are present with "G" and "W" and/or "3" Delete the other codes if the "G" is needed.
    CCC "G" is not needed Delete it and leave the other codes. Review all sections and input data where necessary.
    CCC’s "D" and "R" are present with CCC "7" decide which is correct and delete the incorrect CCC.

  3. Since Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, has 11 CCC’s, and of these only a maximum of six can be valid at the same time, you will not see more than 10 codes. If you do, delete any invalid codes. Check the remaining codes to ensure that no other invalid conditions are met and delete any other invalid codes based on the instructions found in this paragraph.

  1. B - Victims of Terrorism Relief - Enter CCC "B" when the Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, is annotated at the top of Page 1 of the return with either references to "Section 2201" , or has any indications the return is in accordance with legislation impacting victims of terrorist attacks April 19, 1995 (Oklahoma City bombing), September 11, 2001 (World Trade Center bombing), or references to deaths resulting from anthrax that occurred on or after September 11, 2001, and before January 1, 2002.

  1. CCC "D" is no longer edited by Code and Edit or ERS when a reason is given for failure to pay taxes timely, see exception. Issue a 1382C Letter (If Code & Edit has not done so) and continue processing the return.

  2. Exception: Secured internally prepared returns. For secured returns, e.g., returns notated with “ Process as Original” with a attached Form 13133 or Prepared returns (e.g., returns notated "6020(b)" or "“SFR“" ( Substitute for Return)”, enter the applicable CCC as indicated on the return and/or attached form. If one of the exceptions apply edit the CCC Code listed on the return.

  1. G - Amended Return - CCC "G" must be entered on returns marked "Amended" , "Superseding" , "Duplicate" , "Corrected" , "Supplemental" , etc. CCC "W" and/or "3" can be used with a CCC "G" .


    Taxpayers may send a copy of the front page of their return with a payment. These copies may get numbered and processed. If correspondence is needed for missing information and the return is marked "COPY" , research BMFOLI/BMFOLT and/or BRTVU for duplicate returns.

  1. L - Treaty Based Positions.

  2. The filer has written IRC 6114, Elections on the return or Form 8833, Treaty-Based Return Position Disclosure Under IRC Section 6114 or IRC Section 7701(b) elections, is attached to the return, Enter CCC "L" .

  1. O - Module Freeze.

  2. A completed Form 3753, Manual Refund Posting Voucher, or Form 5792, Request for IDRS Generated Refund (IGR) is attached to the return.

    1. Enter CCC "O" . If the refund is $1,000,000 or more, enter a "1" in Field 01RFC.

    2. These show that a pre-settlement manual refund was made. (The freeze is released by posting TC 840.)

  3. The Refund Code of "1" is entered by Error Resolution in Field 01RFC to show that a refund of $1,000,000 or more has been issued.


    Field 01RFC is an "Error Resolution Only" input field.

  4. Due to the large amounts of interest we (the IRS) would pay if a refund of this size is not handled timely, these returns will have the refund processed manually.


    See IRM, Refund Returns (45-day) Jeopardy and large dollar returns, to ensure the refund is issued timely.

  1. CCC "R" is no longer edited by Code & Edit or ERS when a reason is given for a delay in filing timely, see exceptions. Issue Letter 1382C (If Code & Edit has not done so) and continue processing the return.

  2. Exception: Secured internally prepared returns. For secured returns ( e.g., returns notated with “ Process as Original”) with a attached Form 13133) or Prepared returns (e.g., returns notated "6020b" or "“SFR“" ( Substitute for Return), enter the applicable CCC as indicated on the return and/or attached form.

  1. W - Cleared by Statute - The following instructions pertain to returns which were reviewed and cleared by Statute Control.

    If Then
    The return has been stamped "Cleared by Statute"
    1. Enter CCC "W" .

    2. A return that has been cleared by the Statute Control function will be stamped "Cleared by Statute" .

  1. X - Return Settlement Frozen - The following instructions describe the application and correction of CCC "X" (Return Settlement Frozen).

    If Then
    Taxpayer shows that excess remittance with return or overpayment be applied to another account Enter CCC "X" .

  1. CCC "Y" is used to denote Assistance Needed/Special Handling Returns, Combat Zone Returns, Early-Filed Returns, and Gift Tax Paid.

  2. Combat Zone Returns - returns of citizens or residents of the United States who were killed in action or who died as a result of wounds, disease or injury received while serving in a Combat Zone. The decedent is entitled to lower estate tax per IRC 2201 and IRC 2011(d). The tentative tax equals 125 percent of the maximum allowable state death tax credit. All other credits against estate tax (including the Unified/Applicable Credit) apply to these returns.

  3. These estates have their own tax schedule, so Error Resolution must compute tax manually.

CCC "3"
  1. "3" - No Reply to Correspondence - Suppress Credit Interest. Enter this code to suppress credit interest from being generated when no reply is received for correspondence sent to the taxpayer.

CCC "7"
  1. CCC "7" -CCC "7" is no longer edited by Code & Edit or ERS for REASONABLE CAUSE DENIED when a statement is attached for a delay in filing timely or failing to pay timely. IRM


    Code and ERS will no longer determine if a reasonable cause statement is accepted or rejected.


    The Cincinnati Compliance Services, Estate and Gift Tax Campus Operation, will make all determinations of reasonable cause statements.

    Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return and Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, situations. See instructions in IRM 3.11.106, Estate and Gift Tax Returns.


    Beginning with Form 4868, Application for Extension of Time to File a Return and/or Pay United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Taxes, filed for estate returns due after July 25, 2001, an executor may apply for an automatic six month extension of time to file Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, if the Executor files Form 4768, Application for Extension of Time to File a Return and/or Pay United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Taxes by checking the designated box and completing the form as instructed. An extension of time to file does not extend the time to pay. Take the following action listed in the If/Then Chart.

    If Then
    CCC’s "D" and "R" are present Do not enter CCC "7" if both are present. However, CCC "7" may be present with either CCC "D" OR"R" , but not with both codes simultaneously. Use Letter 854C, Penalty Waiver or Abatement Disallowed/Appeals Procedure Explained to notify the taxpayer of the denial.

Field 01RCD - Received Date

  1. The IRS received date is used to decide if penalties such as failure to file or pay apply, and if so, helps to decide the amount of the penalty. It is also used to provide certain validity checks. This field is transcribed from the stamped or edited date in the center of Page 1 of Form 706. The IRS received date is entered in YYYYMMDD format and must be present on all Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 01RCD is invalid if:

    1. It is not present.

    2. It is not all numerics.

    3. The month is not 01-12.

    4. The day is not valid for the month.

    5. It is not in YYYYMMDD format.

    6. It is prior to the ADP date (January 1, 1962).

    7. The IRS received date is after the processing date.

Correction Procedures
  1. Check for coding or transcription errors and correct as needed.

  2. The IRS received date: This date must be present on all returns. If the date has not been stamped or edited on the first page of the return, research return and attachments and see procedures below. Enter it in YYYYMMDD format. Caution must be taken to decide when a return was filed or became processable. decide received date from return or attachments in the following priority:

    • The IRS date stamp


      Earliest date stamp by Submission Processing Campus, Area Office, U.S. Consulate, or Revenue officer.

    • Earliest legible U.S. Post Office, Private Delivery Service, or foreign postmark.


      If an envelope is not attached, use the postmark date stamped on the face of the return.


      A private metered postmark is to be considered timely ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡.

    • Service Center Automated Mail Processing System (SCAMPS) digital date.

    • Revenue Officer’s or other IRS official’s signature date.

    • Signature date, if within the current year (unless other information shows signature date is invalid).

    • Julian date minus 10 days


    ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ despite Saturday, Sunday or holiday extension dates. If the form is date stamped ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡. If that date shows legal timely mailing without regard to a due date falling on Saturday, Sunday or holidays, change the IRS received date to the postmark date.


    If both U.S. Postal Service and private meter marks are present, honor the U.S. Postal Service marks.

    If Then
    More than one date is stamped Use only the earliest date.
    A return has been identified as unprocessables and the taxpayer has been contacted for more information Do not change the original IRS received date, but also enter correspondence received date (Field 01CRD).

  3. Private Delivery Services - A Private Delivery Service (PDS) is a business which delivers packages. The timely mailing as timely filing rule now applies to some PDS’s. When the rule applies to a PDS, it is referred to as an IRS designated PDS. Only use marks from a designated PDS to decide the IRS received date.


    Private delivery services do not deliver to PO boxes. Taxpayers must use the U.S. Postal Service to mail any item(s) to an IRS PO Box address.

Field 01PIC - Penalty and Interest Code

  1. The Penalty and Interest Code is transcribed from the top right - hand corner of Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, Field 01PIC must be coded "1" ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ and displays an amount for precomputed penalty and interest.

Invalid Condition
  1. Field 01PIC is invalid if it is other than blank or "1" .

Correction Procedures
  1. Check for coding or transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 01CAF - CAF Indicator

  1. Editing of CAF codes is no longer required.

  2. Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative (POA), and Form 8821, Tax Information Authorization (TIA), are forwarded to the Central Authorization File Unit (CAF) by the Code and Edit function.

Invalid Condition
  1. Field 01CAF is invalid if it contains any entry.

Correction Procedures
  1. If a code is present on the screen, clear Field 01CAF.

  2. Leave a "limited" POA attached to the return. A "limited" POA restricts the authorization to the preparation of the return to which it is attached.

  3. Original documents, photocopies, or documents submitted by facsimile transmission (FAX) are acceptable for processing.

  4. The Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative, and Form 8821, Tax Information Authorization, must contain the following information:

    • The name, SSN and address of the taxpayer

    • The name and address of the designated representative Power of Attorney (POA) or appointed Tax Information Authorization (TIA)

    • The type of return (individual, corporate, etc.) and the tax form number

    • The tax year(s) or period(s)

    • The taxpayer's signature and date of signature

    • For Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative, only, a signed and dated declaration of good standing from the representative


    You may not send refunds to appointees named on a Tax Information Authorization(TIA). Route the authorization to the submission processing campus CAF function for further processing.

  5. If the POA/TIA is received, not attached to any return or document, route it to the Submission Processing Campus CAF function. If the authorization is attached to the correspondence, review the correspondence to decide if other requests were made. If they were, photocopy the correspondence and send the copy along with the authorization to the CAF function for processing. If not, send correspondence and authorization to the CAF function for processing.

  6. Do not detach and send POAs/TIAs filed for specific issues unless the document authorizes recognition for a return besides the specific issue. In that case, a copy of the POA/TIA must be sent to the CAF function to input the return portion by the CAF system. Examples of specific issues include but are not limited to the following:

    • Form 843, Claim for a Refund and Request for Abatement.

    • Form SS-4, Application for Employer Identification Number

  7. "General Powers of Attorney" or "Durable Powers of Attorney" do not contain sufficient information to process on CAF and will be retained in the case file or left attached to the related return. However, if a general or durable power of attorney is submitted with a completed Form 2848 Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative, (a transmittal power of attorney, send both forms to the CAF function for processing).

Field 01RFC - Refund Code (Error Resolution Only Input)

  1. The Refund Code of "1" is entered only by Error Resolution in Field 01RFC to show that a refund of $10,000,000 or more has been issued.


    Enter CCC "O" in Field 01CCC when either a completed, Manual Refund Posting Voucher, or Form 5792, Request for IDRS Generated Refund (IGA), are attached to the return, if this has not already been done. The entries in these fields show that a pre-settlement manual refund was made. (The freeze is released by posting a Transaction Code "840" .) See IRM, Refund Returns (45 - day jeopardy and large dollar returns) to ensure the refund is issued timely.

  2. Due to the large amounts of interest we the (IRS) would pay if a refund of this size is not handled timely, these returns will have the refund processed manually.

Invalid Condition
  1. Field 01RFC is invalid if it contains a numeric entry other than a blank or "1" .

Correction Procedures
  1. Verify that the refund is for $10,000,000 or more and that a manual refund has been prepared, then enter a "1" in Field 01RFC.

  2. If the refund has not been issued, SSPND using AC 341, Attach routing slip, and note "Manual Refund"

Field 01PSN-Preparer's Tax Identification Number (PTIN)

  1. The Preparer's SSN (2009 and prior revisions) or Preparer's Tax Identification Number (PTIN) is located to the right of the Preparer's Signature at the bottom right corner of Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, (Page 1).

  2. The Preparer's SSN must be a nine - digit numeric character. The SSN cannot be all zeros or nines.

  3. A PTIN is a valid entry in the Preparer's Social Security Number area at the bottom of Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return. The PTIN is an eight digit number preceded by the alpha "P" (e.g., PXXXXXXXX).

  4. Delete the Preparer's SSN or PTIN if it is invalid.

Field 01PEN-Firm's EIN

  1. The Firm's EIN (EIN for 2009 and prior revisions) is located below the Preparer's PTIN box (Preparer's SSN or PTIN box for 2009 and prior revisions) at the bottom right corner of Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, (Page 1).

  2. The Firm's EIN must be a nine - digit numeric character. The EIN cannot be all zeros or nines.

  3. Delete the Preparer's EIN if it is invalid.

Field 01PTN-Preparer Phone Number

  1. The Paid Preparer's Phone Number is located below the Firm's EIN (EIN for 2009 and prior revisions) at the bottom right corner of Form 706, (Page 1).

  2. No action is required on amended returns.

  3. If a complete Paid Preparer's Phone Number is located elsewhere on the return or attachments, edit to the "Phone no." line.

  4. If a complete Paid Preparer's Phone Number is not located or the number is illegible, delete the incomplete or illegible phone number.

Field 01PI - Payment Indicator

  1. This field is transcribed from the bottom right margin of Page 1, Part 2, Line 20 of Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return (This information was transcribed from Line 25 on returns for Tax Years 2002 through 2004, Line 27 on returns for Tax Years 1998 through 2001 and from Line 28 on Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, for 1997 and prior years.)

  2. This indicator shows when installments and/or deferments are granted, and/or when U.S. Treasury bonds are submitted in payment of the estate tax.


    Currently, only PI codes "0" and "1" are being used. See IRM, Field 01PI-Payment Indicator Correction Procedures.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 01PI is invalid if it is blank (other than for valid "G" coded returns), or the field contains anything but a 0 or 1 (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 for tax years 2004 and prior).

Correction Procedures
  1. PI Codes are entered on Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return in the following priority:

    1. For balance due returns, use a "1" code if the taxpayer has checked the "Yes" box for Section 6166 or 6163 on Page 2, Part 3, Line 3, Line 4, or has an attachment requesting deferment or installments citing these Sections.

    2. For refund/zero liability returns, or for Balance Due returns on which the taxpayer is not requesting deferment of installments, use a "0" (zero) code.


      The only PI codes now used will be "0" and "1" .

Field 01CRD - Correspondence Received Date

  1. When needed the correspondence received date is edited in YYYYMMDD format.

  2. The 45-day interest free period for processing refund returns does not begin until we receive the return in a processable format. If we correspond for missing information, the correspondence received date must be input to the Master File for the purpose of computing credit interest.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 01CRD is invalid if:

    1. It is not in YYYYMMDD format.

    2. It is not numeric.

    3. The month is not 01-12.

    4. The day is not valid for the month.

    5. 01CRD is not greater than the IRS received date.

    6. 01CRD is not greater than the return due date.

    7. 01CRD is greater than the processing date.

Correction Procedures
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed using the following instructions:

    If Then
    No reply or the correspondence was undeliverable Enter CCC "3" in Field 01CCC.


    This will suppress credit interest from being generated.

    Entity Control has assigned an SSN to the return If Entity Control has edited an "A" or "E" in left margin of the return, enter the Entity Assignment Date in Field 01CRD if it is later than the IRS received date and return due date.
    The taxpayer replies to our request for missing information Enter the correspondence received date in Field 01CRD if the correspondence was necessary and was received after the return due date. See IRM, Determining the correspondence receive date.

Field 01RD> - Return Due Date

  1. This is a computer-generated field that calculates the return due date as nine months after the DOD in YYYYMMDD format.


    If the date of death is between January 1, 2010, and December 17, 2010 (inclusively); the return due date is September 19, 2011, as mandated in the Extender's Legislation (PL 111-312).

  2. This field is used to decide if a return is filed timely. If the return is filed late, it is used to calculate any applicable penalties and interest.

Invalid Conditions
  1. None. (This is a computer-generated field.)

Correction Procedures
  1. None.

Section 02 Data, Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation - Skipping Transfer)Tax Return, General Information

  1. Section 02 field designators, line numbers, field lengths and titles are listed below. It is transcribed in dollars and cents or dollars only, whichever is applicable. Field 0203C may be positive or zero (0). Section 02 cannot be present on a "G" coded amended return (delete if present).

Processing Field Errors

  1. Correct transcription errors if the field is not entirely numeric.

  2. If the money amounts on a return exceed the maximum field length allowable, take the following action:

    1. Enter the maximum amount allowable on the original return. Recompute the tax data and enter the corrected amount(s) on the screen display and the return. DO NOT SEND A TAXPAYER NOTICE CODE to the taxpayer.

    2. Write on the original return, "Dummy Return prepared due to overflow document" .

    3. Prepare a "Dummy Return" by computing and entering the remaining overflow money amount(s) for the correct fields. On the top of the return write "Prepared from Overflow Return" ; write the entity data and DLN from the original return; enter CCC "G" in Field 01CCC; and write "Signature on Original Return" in the signature area.

    4. Attach routing slip to the completed "Dummy Return" and send to Receipt and Control to have the "Dummy Return" numbered and processed.

Error Record Format - Section 02

  1. The Error Record Format for Section 02 is listed as follows:

    Field Name Location
    0201 12 Total Gross Estate Page 1, Part 2, Line 1
    0202 12 Tentative Total Allowable Deductions Page 1, Part 2, Line 2
    0203 A 12 Tentative Taxable Estate Page 1, Part 2, Line 3a
    >>>> 12 Tentative Taxable Estate
    0203 B 12 State Death Tax Deduction Page 1, Part 2, Line 3b
    0203 C 12 Taxable Estate Page 1, Part 2, Line 3c
    >>>> 12 Taxable Estate
    0204 12 Adjusted Taxable Gifts Page 1, Part 2, Line 4
    0205 12 Net Taxable Estate Page 1, Part 2, Line 5
    >>>> 12 Net Taxable Estate
    0206 12 Tentative Tax Page 1, Part 2, Line 6
    >>>> 12 Tentative Tax
    02GTT 12 Gross Tax Tentative Page 1, Part 2, Line 7a (Tax Years 2001 and prior)
    02NTT 12 Net Tax Tentative Page 1, Part 2, Line 7b (Tax Years 2001 and prior)
    >>>> 12 Net Tax Tentative
    02TNT 12 Total Net Tax Tentative Page 1, Part 2, Line 7c (Tax Years 2001 and prior)
    >>>> 12 Total Net Tax Tentative
    02TTT 12 Total Transfer Taxes Tentative Page 1, Part 2, Line 8 (Tax Years 2001 and prior)
    >>>> 12 Total Transfer Taxes Tentative
    0207 12 Total Gift tax paid or payable Page 1, Part 2, Line 7
    0208 12 Gross Estate Tax Page 1, Part 2, Line 8
    >>>> 12 Gross Estate Tax
    0209 12 Unified Credit (2011 and prior revisions) Page 1, Part 2, Line 9
    >>>> 12 Unified Credit (2011 and prior revisions)
    0209A 15 Basic Exclusion Amount Page 1, Part 2, Line 9a
    0209B 15 DSUE Amount Page 1, Part 2, Line 9b
    0209C 15 Restored Exclusion Amount Page 1, Part 2, Line 9c
    >>>> 15 Applicable Restored Exclusion Amount  
    0209D 15 Applicable Exclusion Amount Page 1, Part 2, Line 9d
    >>>> 15 Applicable Exclusion Amount
    0209E 15 Applicable Credit Amount Page 1, Part 2, Line 9E
    >>>> 15 Applicable Credit Amount
    0210 12 Adjustment to Unified/Applicable Credit Page 1, Part 2, Line 10
    0211 12 Allowable Unified/Applicable Credit Page 1, Part 2, Line 11
    >>>> 12 Allowable Unified/Applicable Credit
    0212 12 Balance After Unified/Applicable Adjustment Page 1, Part 2, Line 12
    >>>> 12 Balance After Unified/Applicable Adjustment
    02TBA 12 State Death Tax Credit (Table B amount) Page 1, Part 2, Line 13A (Tax Years 2002-2004) Table B figure preceding
    Line 13 (Page 1), Form 706.
    >>>> 12 State Death Tax Credit
    02SDC 12 State Death Tax Credit Page 1, Part 2, Line 13B (Tax Years 2002-2004)
    >>>> 12 State Death Tax Credit
    02BSD 12 Balance After State Death Tax Credit Page 1, Part 2, Line 14 (Tax Years 2002-2004)
    >>>> 12 Balance After State Death Tax Credit

Field 0201 - Total Gross Estate

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 1, of the return and is verified by Code and Edit tax examiners.

  2. It is transferred from Page 3, Part 5, Item number 13, of the Recapitulation schedule.

  3. The amount transcribed will be either the taxpayer's amount or the examiner's corrected amount. It must be entered in dollars and cents or dollars only, whichever is applicable.

  4. This line shows the total amount of assets owned by the decedent at death. After deductions are taken and certain gifts given during life are added back, this amount provides the basis upon which the estate tax (before credits or other adjustments) is calculated.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0201 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

  2. If tax truly exceeds $9,999,999,999.99 SSPND with AC610.

Suspense Procedures
  1. Enter the maximum amount allowable on the original return. Recompute the tax data and enter the correct amount(s) in the fields. (Do Not Send Taxpayer Notice Code).

  2. Annotate on the original return "Dummy Return prepared due to overflow documentation."

  3. Prepare "Dummy Return" by computing and entering the remaining overflow amount(s) for the appropriate fields.

  4. On top of the "Dummy Return" write "Prepared from Overflow Return" enter the data from the original returns CCC "G" in the signature area write "Signature on Original Return" . Put the DLN from the original return on the bottom of the dummy return. Attach routing slip to the complete "Dummy Return" send to batching for numbering and processing.

Field 0202 - Total Allowable Deductions

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 2 of the return and is verified by Code and Edit examiners. It is transferred from Page 3, Part 5, Item number 24 of the return. The amount transcribed will be either the taxpayer's amount or the examiner's corrected amounts.

  2. After allowable deductions are taken and certain gifts given during life are added back, this amount provides the basis upon which the estate tax (before credits or other adjustments) is calculated.

Invalid Condition
  1. Field 0202 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds 9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedures
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 0203A - Tentative Taxable Estate

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 3a of the return. It is computed by subtracting Page 1, Part 2, Line 2 from Line 1 (Fields 0202 and 0201). This field can be positive or zero.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0203A is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 0203B - State Death Tax Deduction

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 3b of the return. ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

  2. The state death tax credit for taxpayers’ dying after December 31, 2004 was repealed. In 2005 the State Death Tax Deduction against the value of the gross estate replaced the state death tax credit.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0203B is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 0203C - Taxable Estate

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 3c of the return. It is computed by subtracting Page 1, Part 2, Line 3b from Line 3a (Fields 0203B and 0203A). This field can be positive or zero.

  2. This is the amount on which, after certain gifts given during life are added back, the estate tax (before credits or other adjustments) is calculated.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0203C is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 0204 - Adjusted Taxable Gifts

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 4 of the return. ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

  2. Estate and gift taxes have a unified tax structure. Tax is calculated on assets given as gifts after December 31, 1976, as well as assets owned at death. Therefore, those gifts not excludable under the Internal Revenue Code must be added to the taxable estate to decide the amount upon which estate tax can be imposed.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0204 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 0205 - Net Taxable Estate

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 5 of the return. It is computed by adding Page 1, Part 2, Lines 3 C and 4 (Fields 0203 C and 0204).

  2. This is the amount on which the tentative tax is calculated.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0205 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 0206 - Tentative Tax

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 6. The computer figures the tax in this field by using the amount in Net Taxable Estate Computer and Tax Table A on Page 4 of the instructions.

  2. This is the basic estate tax, subject to adjustments.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0206 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 0207 - Total Gift Tax Paid or Payable

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 7. It is the total amount of gift tax paid or payable on gifts made after December 31, 1976.

  2. Taxable gifts made after December 31, 1976, are taken into account in computing the estate tax upon death. The gift and estate taxes are not separate taxes. Rather, they are designed to impose a tax or transfer of assets, whether made during life or upon death. This line gives a credit against estate tax for gift taxes payable. Were this not so, an individual would have to pay tax on the gift twice, once when they made the gift and again at death.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0207 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 0208 - Gross Estate Tax

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 8 (Field 0208). It is computed by subtracting Page 1, Part 2, Line 7 from Line 6 (Fields 0207 and 0206).

  2. See IRM, Field 0207- Aggregate Gift Tax, for the reasons this field allows gift taxes paid to be subtracted from estate tax.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0208 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 0209 - Unified Credit (2011 and prior revisions)

  1. This field is transcribed from (2011 and prior revisions) Page 1, Part 2, Line 9 (Field 0209). The computer will math verify this field by using the DOD (Field 01DOD) and the Unified Credit amounts.

  2. The Unified Credit is similar to the standard deduction or personal exemptions allowed on an individual income tax return. Individuals do not pay income tax on income that is less than the total amount of the standard deduction or personal exemptions. Nor do they pay estate or gift taxes on gifts or bequests whose total tax is less than the Unified Credit. There are 2 differences between the Unified Credit and the standard deduction/personal exemption. First the Unified Credit is a credit against tax, not a deduction from income or assets. The credit is subtracted against the estate tax, not the total amount of the estate. Second, the Unified Credit is much larger than the standard deduction/personal exemption.


    If the amount in Field 0209 (Unified Credit - 2011 and prior returns) is lower than the maximum amount of Unified Credit allowed for that year, the taxpayer may have filed a Schedule T (Qualified Family-Owned Business Interest (i.e., QFOBI). If a Schedule T was filed, or if Line 24 (Page 3, Part 5 (Recapitulation), Form 706) contains an entry, ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
    *2011 entries for Field 0209 (Unified Credit - 2011 and prior returns) can be greater than the amount from the table's middle column because of the Portability election.
    ** For 2012 and subsequent years, Field 0209A (Basic Exclusion Amount) must equal the amount on the table's right column. Field 0209E (Applicable Credit Amount) may be greater than the amount from the table's middle column because of the Portability election

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0209 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 0209A - Basic Exclusion Amount

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 9a and is valid for DOD in 2012 and subsequent.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0209A is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99. If 0209A exceeds that amount then both 0209A and 01DOD are set to error.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed. If 0209A exceeds that amount then 0209A and 01DOD are set to error, change 0209A to match the amount for the DOD.


    If taxpayer died in 2022 but reported a basic exclusion of $12,920,000 on the return. Coding and transcription would be correct but the taxpayer would be in error.

  2. Basic Exclusion Amounts for DOD for tax years 2024 through 2015 are below.

    Tax Year Exclusion Amount
    2024 $13,610,000
    2023 $12,920,000
    2022 $12,060,000
    2021 $11,700,000
    2020 $11,580,000
    2019 $11,400,000
    2018 $11,180,000
    2017 $5,490,000
    2016 $5,450,000
    2015 $5,430,000

Field 0209B - DSUE Amount

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 9b and is valid for Date of Death in 2012 and subsequent revisions of Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return.

  2. If the decedent had a spouse who died on or after January 1, 2011, whose estate did not use all of its applicable exclusion against gift or estate tax liability, a Deceased Spousal Unused Exclusion (DSUE) amount may be available for use by the decedent's estate. If the predeceased spouse died in 2011, the DSUE amount was calculated and attached to the Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return. If the predeceased spouse died in 2012 or after, this amount is found in Part 6, Section C of the Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, filed by the estate of the decedent's predeceased spouse. The amount to be entered on line 9b is calculated in Part 6, Section D.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0209B is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 0209C - Restored Exclusion Amount

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 9c and is valid for DOD in 201110 and Later.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0209C is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 0209D - Applicable Exclusion Amount

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 9d and is valid for DOD in 2012 and subsequent.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0209D is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 0209E - Allowable Unified/Applicable Credit Amount

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 9E

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0209E is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99

Correction Procedures
  1. Check for coding and transcription error and correct as needed.

Unified/Applicable Credit Table

  1. The Unified/Applicable Credit for the following years is:

    (Date of Death)
    Applicable Credit Amount
    (Estate Tax Only)
    Basic Exclusion Amount
    2024 $5,389,800 $13,610,000
    2023 $5,113,800 $12,920,000
    2022 $4,769,800 $12,060,000
    2021 $4,625,800 $11,700,000
    2020 $4,577,800 $11,580,000
    2019 $4,505,800 $11,400,000
    2018 $4,417,800 $11,180,000
    2017 $2,141,800 $5,490,000
    2016 $2,125,800 $5,450,000
    2015 $2,117,800 $5,430,000
    2014 $2,081,800 $5,340,000
    2013 $2,045,800 $5,250,000
    2012 $1,772,800 $5,120,000
    2011 and 2010 $1,730,800 $5,000,000
    2002 through 2009 $345,800 $1,000,000
    2000 and 2001 $220,550 $675,000
    1999 $211,300 $650,000
    1998 $202,050 $625,000
    1987 through 1997 $192,800 $600,000


    If the amount in Field 0209 (Unified Credit - 2011 and prior returns) is lower than the maximum amount of Unified Credit allowed for that year, the taxpayer may have filed a Schedule T (Qualified Family-Owned Business Interest (i.e., QFOBI). If a Schedule T was filed, or if Line 24 (Page 3, Part 5 (Recapitulation), Form 706) contains an entry, ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

    *2011 entries for Field 0209 (Unified Credit - 2011 and prior returns) can be greater than the amount from the table's middle column because of the Portability election.

    ** For 2012 and subsequent years, Field 0209A (Basic Exclusion Amount) must equal the amount on the table's right column. Field 0209E (Applicable Credit Amount) may be greater than the amount from the table's middle column because of the Portability election.

Field 0210 - Adjustment to Unified/Applicable Credit

  1. This "dual use" field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 10. The maximum allowable credit is $6,000 for this field. "Dual use" meaning either term will be correct for programming purposes.

  2. At the time the current Unified/Applicable Credit system was created, Congress provided that the taxpayer's use of the former gift tax exemption for gifts made between September 8 and December 31, 1976, would result in an adjustment to the Unified/Applicable Credit applicable to the taxpayer's transfers after 1976 (reduction in Unified/Applicable Credit is 20 percent of exemption claimed).

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0210 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 0211 - Allowable Unified/Applicable Credit Amount

  1. This "dual use" field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 11. It is computed by subtracting Page 1, Part 2, Line 10 from Line 9e (Line 9 for 2011 and prior revisions) (Fields 0210 and 0209 e).

  2. At the time the Applicable Credit was created, Congress provided that the taxpayer's use of the former gift tax exemption for gifts made between September 8, and December 31, 1976, would result in an adjustment to the Applicable Credit applicable to the taxpayer's transfers after 1976.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0211 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 0212 - Balance after Unified/Applicable Adjustment

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 12. It is computed by subtracting Page 1, Part 2, Line 11 from Line 8 (Fields 0211 and 0208).

  2. This field allows the Unified/Applicable Credit, as adjusted, to be subtracted from the estate tax.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0212 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 02TBA - Table B State Death Credit Tax

  1. This field is only used for returns with a DOD prior to 2005. Line 13 (Field 02TBA) was deleted along with former Line 14 (Field 02BSD) after tax year 2004.

  2. This field is transcribed from the dotted line to the right of the arrow on Line 13 ("Table B" amount) Page 1, Part 2, Line 13A of the (Tax Years 2002 through 2004) return. This field is based on the tax from Table B on the Line 3 (Taxable Estate) amount. (This dotted line first appeared on the revision of Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, for Tax Year 2002 as a means of reducing the amount of state death tax allowed.)

  3. Most states impose some sort of tax on assets transferred at death. This can take the form of an estate tax (the estate pays tax on assets) or an inheritance tax (the heirs pay tax on what they receive), or both. A credit is allowed on these taxes paid against the federal estate tax up to a certain percentage limitation.

  4. On June 7, 2001, the President signed into law Pub. L. No. 107-16, 115 Stat. 38 (2001), entitled, "The Economic Growth and Tax Relief and Reconciliation Act of 2001" , made changes to the Estate and Gift Tax Program. This legislation phased out the Estate at a maximum rate 35 percent after 2009 and repealed the State Death Tax Credit in 2005. The State Death Tax Credit is reduced as follows:

    • 25 percent reduction (for decedent’s dying during 2002)

    • 50 percent reduction (for decedent’s dying during 2003)

    • 75 percent reduction (for decedent’s dying during 2004)

    • 0 percent reduction (for decedent’s dying during 2005).


      State Death Taxes Paid are now claimed as a deduction on Schedule K.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 02TBA is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 02SDC - State Death Tax Credit

  1. This field is only used for returns with a DOD prior to 2005. Line 13 (Field 02SDC) was deleted along with Line 14 (Field 02BSD) after Tax Year 2004.

  2. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 13 (Tax Years 2002 through 2004) of the return. (This line is the old Line 15 of Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, to assist in calculating the decrease in (and eventual repeal of) the State Death Tax Credit, based upon Section 531 of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001.)

  3. The State Death Tax Credit is being reduced as follows:

    • 25 percent reduction (for decedent’s dying during 2002)

    • 50 percent reduction (for decedent’s dying during 2003)

    • 75 percent reduction (for decedent’s dying during 2004)

    • Finally, repealed (for decedent’s dying during 2005)

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 02SDC is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 02BSD - Balance after State Death Tax Credit

  1. This field is only used for returns with a DOD prior to 2005. Line 14 (Field 02BSD) was deleted along with Line 13 (Fields 02TBA and 02SDC) after Tax Year 2004.

  2. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 14 (Tax Years 2002 through 2004) of the return. It is computed by subtracting Page 1, Part 2, Line 13 from Line 12 (Fields 02TBA and 0212).

  3. Every state imposes some sort of tax on assets transferred at death. This can take the form of an estate tax (the estate pays tax on assets) or an inheritance tax (the heirs pay tax on what they receive), or both. A credit is allowed on these taxes paid against the federal estate tax up to certain percentage limitations. This field does the math to subtract the credit from the estate tax.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 02BSD is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 02GTT - Gross Tax Tentative

  1. This field is only used on returns dated prior to Tax Year 2002. Line 7a was deleted, along with former Lines 7b, 7c, and 8 (Fields 02NTT, 02TNT, and 02TTT, respectively) after Tax Year 2001.

  2. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 7a of the (Tax Year 2001 and prior year) return. If Page 1, Part 2, Line 5 (Field 0205) exceeds $10,000,000, it shows the lesser of Page 1, Part 2, Line 5 (Field 0205) or the applicable phase out range (see below). This field is bypassed if Page 1, Line 5 (Field 0205) is $10,000,000 or less.

  3. Prior to 2002, the benefits of the Unified Credit and taxes of less than the maximum tax were phased out for estates of more than $10,000,000.

  4. Depending on the maximum tax and Unified Credit in effect for the year of death, the phase out range changes. The phase out range ends at $17,184,000 for January 1, 1998, and subsequent years (through 2001), and at $21,040,000 ending December 31, 1997, and prior.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 02GTT is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 02NTT - Net Tax Tentative

  1. This field is only used on returns dated prior to Tax Year 2002. Line 7b was deleted, along with former Lines 7a, 7c, and 8 (Fields 02GTT, 02TNT, and 02TTT, respectively) after Tax Year 2001.

  2. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 7b of the (Tax Year 2001 and prior years) return. It is computed by subtracting $10,000,000 from Page 1, Part 2, Line 5 (Field 0205) or the applicable phase out range (see below). This field is bypassed if Page 1, Part 2, Line 5 (Field 0205) is $10,000,000 or less.

  3. Prior to 2002, the benefits of the Unified Credit and taxes of less than the maximum tax were phased out for estates of more than $10,000,000.

  4. Depending on the maximum tax and Unified Credit in effect for the year of death, the phase out range changes. The phase out range ends at $17,184,000 for January 1, 1998, and subsequent years (through 2001), and at $21,040,000 ending December 31, 1997, and prior.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 02NTT is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 02TNT - Total Net Tax Tentative

  1. This field is only used on returns dated prior to Tax Year 2002. Line 7c was deleted, along with former Lines 7a, 7b, and 8 (Fields 02GTT, 02NTT, and 02TTT, respectively) after Tax Year 2001.

  2. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 7c of the return (for Tax Years 2001 and prior). The computer will math verify this field using 5 percent (.05) of the computer generated amount for Field 02NTT. This field is bypassed if Page 1, Part 2, Line 5 (Field 0205) is $10,000,000 or less.

  3. Prior to 2002, the benefits of the Unified Credit and taxes of less than the maximum tax were phased out for estates of more than $10,000,000.

  4. Depending on the maximum tax and Unified Credit in effect for the year of death, the phase out range changes. The phase out range ends at $17,184,000 for January 1, 1998, and subsequent years (through 2001), and at $21,040,000 ending December 31, 1997, and prior.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 02TNT is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 02TTT - Total Transfer Taxes Tentative

  1. This field is only used on returns dated prior to Tax Year 2002. Line 8 was deleted, along with former Lines 7a, 7b, and 7c (Fields 02GTT, 02NTT, 02TNT, respectively) after Tax Year 2001.

  2. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 8 of the return (Field 02TTT). It is the sum of Page 1, Part 2, Lines 6 and 7c (Fields 0206 and 02TNT). (This was previously Field 0208 and was transcribed from Line 8 (Tax Years 2001 and prior).)

  3. Prior to 2002, the benefits of the Unified Credit and taxes of less than the maximum tax were phased out for estates of more than $10,000,000.

  4. Depending on the maximum tax and Unified Credit in effect for the year of death, the phase out range changes. The phase out range ends at $17,184,000 for January 1, 1998, and subsequent years (through 2001), and at $21,040,000 ending December 31, 1997, and prior.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 02TTT is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Section 03 Data Form 706, U.S. Estate Tax Return, General Information

  1. Section 03 field designators, line numbers, field lengths and titles are listed below. This section is transcribed in dollars only or dollars and cents, whichever is applicable.

  2. Field 03B/R, Page 1, Part 2, Line 20 can be positive or negative on Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return.

  3. ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡≡ ≡ ≡ ≡≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

Error Record Format - Section 03 (Form 706),U.S. Estate Tax Return

  1. The Error Record Format for Section 03 is listed as follows:

    Field Name Location
    03GTC 12 Gift Tax Credit Page 1, Part 2, Line 15 (Tax Years 2002 through 2004)
    0313 12 Foreign Death Tax Credit Page 1, Part 2, Line 13
    0314 12 Prior Transfer Credit Page 1, Part 2, Line 14
    0315 12 Total Credits Page 1, Part 2, line 15
    >>>> 12 Total Credit
    0316 12 Net Estate Tax Page 1, Part 2, Line 16
    >>>> 12 Net Estate Tax
    0317 12 GST Tax Page 1, Part 2, Line 17
    03SEC 12 Section 4980A Page 1, Part 2, Line 23 (Tax Years 1998 and prior)


    Schedule S is no longer valid for January 1, 1998, and subsequent years. It is still valid for December 31, 1997, and prior.

    0318 12 Total Transfer Taxes Page 1, Part 2, Line 18
    >>>> 12 Total Transfer Taxes
    0319 12 Prior Payments Page 1, Part 2, Line 19
    03USB 12 U.S. Treasury Bonds ((Flower Bonds) - Last Flower Bond matured November 15, 1998 - none outstanding now) Page 1, Part 2, Line 23 (Tax Years 2002 through 2004)
    03PMT 12 Total payments Page 1, Part 2, Line 24 (Tax Years 2002 through 2004)
    >>>> 12 Total Payments
    03B/R 12 Balance Due/Overpayment Page 1, Part 2, Line 20
    >>>> 12 Balance Due/Overpayment
    03MCT 12 Manually Corrected Total Transfer Taxes Page 1, Part 2, Line 18 (represents Total Tax)


    On tax years 2002 through 2004 was edited on the dotted portion of Line 21 and prior to 2002 was edited on the dotted portion of Line 23

Field 03GTC - Gift Tax Credit

  1. This field is only used for returns with dates of death prior to 2005. Line 15 (Field 03GTC) was deleted after Tax Year 2004.

  2. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 15 (Tax Years 2002 through 2004) of the return. (This was previously Line 17 and Field 0317 for Tax Years 2001 and prior.)

  3. Generally, only taxable gifts given after December 31, 1976, are taken into account in computing the estate tax payable upon death. There is an exception, however. Gifts given prior to that date are included in the estate if the decedent retained an interest in the property given which does not cease at death.


    In 1975, a taxpayer gives a child a small business, provided the taxpayer gets half the profits. These profits must continue to be paid to the estate after the taxpayer's death. The value of the interest in the business must be included in the taxpayer's estate.

  4. Since the gift must be included in the estate and be subjected to the estate tax, a credit is given for any gift taxes paid to prevent double taxation.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 03GTC is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999,99.

Correction Procedures
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 0313 - Foreign Death Tax Credit

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 13.

  2. Many foreign governments impose some sort of transfer tax on assets transferred after death. It can be an estate tax (tax paid by the estate), an inheritance tax (tax paid by heirs receiving the assets), or both. The United States taxes its citizens and resident aliens on their worldwide assets. The United States and many foreign countries also tax nonresident aliens on assets held within the taxing country. This can lead to double taxation. Since estate tax rates are often very high, double taxation can mean that assets are taxed by the two countries at a total rate of 100 percent or more. To prevent this from occurring to U.S. citizens and resident aliens, the United States gives a credit against U.S. estate taxes for foreign death taxes paid. (The credit is the lesser of U.S. Estate Tax paid or Foreign Tax paid on property subject to credit.)

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0313 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 0314 - Prior Transfer Credit

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 14.

  2. If a taxpayer pays estate tax on a property given to an heir who dies from two years before to 10 years after the donors death (yes, you can leave property to someone already deceased), a credit is available to the estate of the heir. It has been deemed unfair to subject the property to another estate tax when the property was held by the heir for such a short period of time.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0314 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 0315 - Total Credits

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 15. It is computed by adding Page 1, Part 2, Lines 13 and 14 (Fields 0313 and 0314).

  2. These credits are added to reach a total which will be subtracted from the estate tax.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0315 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 0316 - Net Estate Tax

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 16. It is computed by subtracting Page 1, Part 2, Line 15 from Line 12 (Fields 0315 and 0312).

  2. This line performs the math to allow certain credits to be subtracted from the estate tax.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0316 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 0317 - GST

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 17.

  2. Generation-Skipping tax is the third type of transfer tax. It imposes tax at the maximum estate tax rate on certain transfers meant to avoid estate tax.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0317 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 0318 - Total Transfer Taxes

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 18, with a year in the DOD of 1998 and later. It is computed by adding Page 1, Part 2, Lines 16 and 17 (Fields 0316 and 0317).

  2. This field adds up the additions to estate tax.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0318 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 0319 - Prior Payments

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 19.

  2. This line may be filled in on amended returns or on a return with an extension with payment. It shows estate taxes previously paid.

Invalid Condition
  1. Field 0319 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 03USB - U.S. Treasury Bonds

  1. This field is only used for returns with dates of death prior to 2005. Line 23 (Field 0323) was deleted after Tax Year 2004.

  2. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 23 (Tax Years 2002 through 2004) of the return.

  3. U.S. Treasury Bonds can no longer be used to pay estate taxes.

  4. If an amount is entered on Line 23, research BMFOL to decide if the amount has been credited to the estate.

    1. If present on BMFOL, move the amount to Line 22 and Field 0322.

    2. If not present on BMFOL, delete Line 23 and Field 0323 and continue processing the return.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 03USB is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

  2. If an amount is entered on Line 23, research BMFOL to decide if the amount has been credited to the estate

    1. If present on BMFOL, move the amount to Line 22 and Field 0322.

    2. If not present on BMFOL, delete Line 23 and Field 0323 and continue processing the return.


    Prior Year Returns

Field 03PMT - Total Payments

  1. This field is only used for returns with dates of death prior to 2005. Line 24 (Field 0324) was deleted after Tax Year 2004.

  2. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 24 (Tax Years 2002 through 2004) of the return. It is computed by adding Page 1, Part 2, Lines 22 and 23 (Fields 0322 and 0323).

  3. This field adds payments made prior to filing the return.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 03PMT is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 03B/R - Balance Due/Overpayment

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 20. It is computed by subtracting Page 1, Part 2, Line 19 from Line 18 (Fields 0319 and 0318).

  2. This field shows if the estate owes money or is due a refund.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 03B/R is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

  2. If Field 03B/R under prints, any penalty or interest included by the taxpayer must be subtracted from the amount on Line 20 and the difference entered in Field 03B/R.

  3. Check for presence of Form 4349, Computation of Estate Tax Due with Return and Annual Installment, or request for installment payments under Section 6166. If installments have been established, bring up the underprint in Field 03B/R.

Field 03MCT - Manually Corrected Tax

  1. This field is only used if the decedent died prior to January 1, 1977, or if CCC "Y" applies. In these instances, the tax must be manually calculated.

  2. This field is the manually computed amount of Total Transfer Taxes and will be entered only by Error Resolution. It is entered on the dotted portion of Page 1, Part 2, Line 18.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 03MCT is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

  2. his field is the manually computed amount of Total Transfer Taxes and will be entered only by Error Resolution. It is entered on the dotted portion of Page 1, Part 2, Line 18.

Field 03SEC - Section 4980A

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 2, Line 23.

  2. Schedule S was deleted for 1998 and subsequent years. It is still valid for 1997 and prior years. This Line 23 will still display on the ERS display screen as 03SEC for Tax Years 1998 and prior.

  3. An additional tax is put on taxpayers with very large pensions, tax deferred annuities or Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) under certain conditions.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 03SEC is invalid if it is not all numerics or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99, OR the year in Field 01DOD is after 1997.

Correction Procedures
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

  2. GTSEC 01. If year in Field 01DOD is after 1997, delete Field 03SEC.

Section 04 Data Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer)Tax Return, Error Record Format

  1. The Error Record Format for Section 04 is listed as follows:

    Field Name Location
    04PNL 28 Primary Name Line Decedent Page 1, Part 1, Box 1a
    04 CAD 20 County at Death Page 1, Part 1, Box 3a
    04 SAD 2 State at Death Page 1, Part 1, Box 3a
    04 ZAD 12 ZIP at Death Page 1, Part 1, Box 3a
    04EXE 35 Executor Page 1, Part 1, Box 6a
    04CON 35 "In-Care-of" Name Page 1, Part 1, Box 6a or 6b
    04FAD 35 Foreign Address Page 1, Part 1, Box 6b
    04ADD 35 Street Address Page 1, Part 1, Box 6b
    04CTY 22 City/Major City Code Page 1, Part 1, Box 6b
    04ST 2 State Code Page 1, Part 1, Box 6b
    04ZIP 12 ZIP Code Page 1, Part 1, Box 6b
    04MXI 1 Multiple Executors Indicator Page 1, Part 1, Line 6d
    04AEI 1 Asset Value Estimate Indicator Page 1, Part 1, Line 11

  2. Section 04 cannot be present on a "G" coded return. If present, DLSEC 04.

Field 04PNL - Primary Name Line Decedent

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 1, Box 1a and 1b. The Primary Name Line must be present unless CCC "G" is present.

  2. Although the total field is 35 characters, the number of characters that can be input is limited to 28 because the word "ESTATE" is generated when going to the Master File.

  3. This field shows the name of the decedent for whom the estate tax return is being filed.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 04PNL is invalid if:

    1. It is blank.

    2. Field contains characters other than alpha, less-than sign (<), hyphens (-), and blanks.

    3. A character follows 2 consecutive blanks.

    4. The first position contains a blank.

    5. No less-than sign (<) is present.

    6. One less-than sign (<) is present and is followed by a blank.

    7. For taxpayers with only one name, a hyphen present in the first position followed by a less-than sign (<) is not found.

    8. The field contains more than two less-than sign (<).

    9. Less-than sign (<) cannot appear in consecutive positions.

    10. The first or last position of the field contains a less-than sign (<).

    11. The number of character positions is more than 28.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed. If name is not present or cannot be resolved, SSPND with AC 320 to Entity Control, using Form 10886, Reject Routing Slip, or Form 4227, Intra-SC Reject or Routing Slip.

Field 04CAD - County at Death

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 1, Box 3a of the return. The field must contain an entry.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 04CAD is invalid if:

    1. It is blank.

    2. Field contains characters other than alpha characters and blanks.

    3. An alpha follows two consecutive blanks.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

  2. For Alaska, use the applicable borough. For Louisiana, use the applicable parish.

  3. The following table contains instructions for Field 04CAD:

    If Then
    A U.S. citizen dies while abroad, but whose domicile remained in the U.S. The Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, must be filed with the Kansas Submission Processing Campus.
    The information is not found on Page 1, Part 1, Box 3a
    1. Research death certificate.


    If the entry in Box 3a is a foreign country, enter the foreign country name in Field 04CAD.

    Not found Enter "Unknown" in Field 04 CAD.

Field 04SAD - State at Death

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 1, Box 3a. This field must have an entry containing a valid two character state code.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 04SAD is invalid if:

    1. It does not contain a valid state code or other country ("Code" ).

    2. It is blank.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed Using If/Then Charts below:

    If Then
    1. A nonresident U.S. citizen and whose domicile is not in the U.S.

    2. A U.S. citizen dies while abroad, but the domicile remained in the U.S.

    All Forms 706 are filed at the Kansas Submission Processing Campus.
    The information is not found on Page 1, Part 1, Box 3a Research death certificate.

  2. Use Document 7475, State and Address Abbreviations, Major City Codes (MCC’s), Zip Codes and Countries or valid state codes.

    If Then
    You cannot find the state of death Research, using INOLE. Input the state in Field 04SAD. If not found, enter "OC" in Field 04SAD.
    The ZIP code is present but the state is not Use Document 7475, State and Address Abbreviations, Major City Codes (MCC’s), ZIP Codes and Countries or valid state codes, to decide the state and input in Field 04SAD. Research INOLE. If not found, enter "OC" in Field 04 SAD.
    The information cannot be found through research or in ZIP code directory Enter "OC" in Field 04SAD.

Field 04ZAD - ZIP at Death

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 1, Box 3a.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 04 ZAD is invalid if:

    1. The first five positions are not numeric.

    2. Positions four and five are "00" .


      ZIP code 20500.

    3. The last three or seven positions are not all numeric or all blank.

    4. The first three positions are not valid for the state code in Field 04SAD.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed, using If/Then Chart below:.

    If Then
    The information is not found on Page 1, Part 1, Box 3a Research death certificate.
    A valid ZIP code is not available from the return or attachments to the return Refer to Document 7475, State and Address Abbreviations, Major City Codes (MCC’s), ZIP Codes and Countries or valid state codes.
    Only the first three digits of the ZIP code can be found Enter 01 for the fourth and fifth digits.

Field 04EXE - Executor

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 1, Line 6a of the return. This field must be present except when "G" coded.

  2. This field identifies the person responsible for the estate.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 04EXE is invalid if:

    1. The field contains other than alpha characters, numeric characters, hyphens, ampersands or blanks.

    2. The first position contains any character other than alpha or numeric.

    3. A character is followed by two consecutive blanks.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

  2. Refer to the return or attachments to find the correct name. Using the following Information:

    If Then
    No executor is indicated Enter the name of a personal representative or attorney, which can be found on Page 1, Part 1, Box 6a; Page 2, Part 4; the signature area; or in attachments.
    The return and attachments have no evidence of an executor, personal representative or attorney Enter "Unknown" in Field 04EXE.

Field 04CON "In-Care-of"

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part I, Line 6a.

  2. Field 04CON has 35 positions and the valid characters are alpha, numeric, ampersand, dash, slash or percent (%).


    The first character of the "in-care-of" name must be alpha or numeric.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 04CON is invalid if:

    1. The first position is % (percent) and the second position is not blank.

    2. The first position is blank.

    3. The first character of the "in-care-of" name is not alpha or numeric.

    4. There are two consecutive blanks between significant characters.

Correction Procedures
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed, Using the following If/Then Chart:

    If Then
    A % (percent) is in the first position
    1. Verify there is a blank in the second position.

    2. If not blank, enter a blank followed by the "in-care-of" name beginning with an alpha or numeric in Field 04CON.

    A blank is in the first position
    1. Delete blank.

    2. Enter the in-care-of name beginning with % (percent sign), followed by a blank, followed by an alpha or numeric in Field 04CON.

    The first character of the in-care-of name is not alpha or numeric
    1. Verify in-care-of name on the return.

    2. Enter the in-care-of name beginning with an alpha or numeric in Field 04CON.

    Two consecutive blanks are present between significant characters Delete any unnecessary blanks in Field 04CON.

Field 04FAD - Foreign Address

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 1, Box 6b.

    1. This field will contain an entry when there is a foreign address present on the return.

    2. Field 04FAD must not be present on "G" coded returns.

  2. Valid characters are alpha, numeric and special characters.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 04FAD is invalid if:

    1. The first position is blank.

    2. Any character follows two consecutive blanks.

    3. There are more than 35 characters present in the field.


      Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing (ISRP) is instructed to input a pound sign (#) as the 35th character if there are more than 35 characters present for this field on the return.

Correction Procedures
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed, with the following action. Exhibit 3.12.263-14, Foreign Country Code.

    If Then
    Field 04FAD is present:
    1. GTSEC 04.

    2. Field 04FAD is present enter Foreign Street Address.

    3. 04ADD Foreign City and ZIP Code. 0

    4. 04 CTY Foreign Country code. Ensure Field contains a foreign Country Code.

    5. 04ST Ensure Field contains "." (period/space).

    A foreign address is not present on the return
    1. SSPND 610.

    2. Renumber return to domestic.

  2. If Form 8822, Change of Address, is attached to the return, compare the name and address information on the Form 8822, Change of Address, to the return, following If/Then Chart.

    If Then
    The information is the same Take no action and continue processing.
    The information is different
    1. Detach Form 8822, Change of Address.

    2. Route to Entity Control on Form 10886, Reject Routing Slip or Form 4227, Intra-SC Reject or Routing Slip, and notate "Change of Address per Form 8822" .


    The lead tax examiner is required to batch all Form 8822s daily and hand carry to Entity Control for expedited processing.

Foreign Addresses - General Information
  1. KCSPC will process Estate and Gift tax foreign/international addresses and U.S. Possessions returns.

    1. A foreign (international) address is any address that is not in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia.

    2. All U.S. Possessions are considered foreign:

    • American Samoa

    • Federated States of Micronesia

    • Guam

    • Marshall Islands

    • Northern Mariana Islands

    • Palau

    • Puerto Rico

    • Virgin Islands

  2. The U.S. Postal Service established new address requirements for Army Post Office (APO), Diplomatic Post Office (DPO), and Fleet Post Office (FPO) addresses. If an address appears in the old format, such as APO New York, NY 091XX, convert to the new state code abbreviation (APO AE 091XX) based on the ZIP Code. APO/DPO/FPO addresses are considered domestic addresses. Refer to conversion table below:

    ZIP Code Address Abbreviation
    090XX-098XX APO/DPO/FPO AE
    962XX-966XX APO/DPO/FPO AP

Foreign Addresses
  1. A foreign address will contain:

    • Street Address or PO Box

    • City or town name

    • Other principal subdivision (i.e. province, state, and county.)

    • Postal code if present

    • Foreign country

  2. Returns with addresses in the U.S. Possessions are a foreign return for processing purposes and are entered in the same way as domestic addresses. Refer to chart below for Abbreviations.


    A two character alpha code must be entered in Field 04ST for the possession name.

    U.S. Possession Abbreviation
    American Samoa AS
    Federated States of Micronesia FM
    Guam GU
    Marshall Islands MH
    Northern Mariana Islands MP
    Palau PW
    Puerto Rico PR
    Virgin Islands (U.S.) VI

  3. A ZIP code must be present.

Foreign Address - Canada Only
  1. In an effort to assist Compliance with workload assignment, returns filed with an address in Canada will be edited using a unique country code based on the province. Using the following If/Then charts:

    If Then
    The foreign address contains a Canadian province name or abbreviation
    1. See table below to ensure the correct Canadian province abbreviation is present or edited to the return.

    2. Edit the appropriate country code based on the province preceded by a "/" and followed by a "/$" as the last entry in the address.

    The foreign address does not contain a Canadian province name or abbreviation
    1. Circle the country name.

    2. Edit the country code "/CA/$" as the last entry in the address.

    Canadian Province Province Abbreviation Country Code
    Alberta AB XA
    British Columbia BC XB
    Manitoba MB XM
    New Brunswick NB XN
    Newfoundland and Labrador NL XL
    Northwest Territories NT XT
    Nova Scotia NS XS
    Nunavut NU XV
    Ontario ON XO
    Prince Edward Island PE XP
    Quebec QC XQ
    Saskatchewan SK XW
    Yukon YT XY

Field 04ADD Street Address

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 1, Box 6b of the return.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 04ADD is invalid if:

    1. Any character other than alpha, numeric, blank, dash, or slash is present.

    2. Any character follows two consecutive blanks.

    3. The first position is not an alpha or numeric character.

    4. There are more than 35 characters in this field (ISRP will input a pound (#) sign as the 35th character).

Correction Procedures
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

  2. If the 35th character is a pound sign (#), find a way to abbreviate the address to 35 or fewer characters. Refer to Document 7475, State and Address Abbreviations, Major City Codes (MCC’s), ZIP Codes and Countries or valid state codes.

  3. If unable to correct, SSPND with AC 320 to Entity Control, using Form 10886, Reject Routing Slip, or Form 4227, Intra-SC Reject or Routing Slip.

Field 04CTY - City/Major City Code

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 1, Box 6b of the return.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 04CTY is invalid if:

    1. Any character other than alpha or blank is present.

    2. Any character follows two consecutive blanks.

    3. The first position is blank.

    4. Foreign country code is not present, incorrect or contains "XX" .

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

  2. Refer to Document 7475, State and Address Abbreviations, Major City Codes (MCC’s), Zip Codes and Countries or valid state codes.

  3. If a foreign address is shown on the return, enter appropriate foreign country code in Field 04CTY. See Exhibit 3.12.263-14, Foreign Country Codes.

  4. If unable to correct, blank the field.

Field 04ST - State Code

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 1, Box 6b of the return.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 04ST is invalid if:

    1. Any character other than alpha and blank, if present.

    2. The first position is blank.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

  2. Refer to Document 7475, State and Address Abbreviations, Major City Codes (MCC’s), ZIP Codes and Countries or valid state codes. See Exhibit 3.12.263-13 for U.S. Possessions ZIP Codes.

  3. If unable to correct, GTSEC 04 and delete specific fields.


    "." (period) present may show a foreign address and GTSEC 04 may be necessary to check all fields.

Field 04ZIP - ZIP Code

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 1, Box 6b.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 04ZIP is invalid if:

    1. The first five positions are not numeric

    2. Positions four and five are "00" .


      ZIP code 20500.

    3. The last three or seven positions are not all numeric or all blank.

    4. Field 04ST is foreign (i.e., a period and a space (.) is present) and the File Location Code in the DLN is not 98.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed. Following the If/Then Chart below:

    If Then
    A valid ZIP code is not available from the return or attachments to the return. Refer to Document 7475, State and Address Abbreviations, Major City Codes (MCC’s), ZIP Codes and Countries or valid state codes See Exhibit 3.12.263-13, U.S. Possessions ZIP Codes.
    Only the first three digits of the ZIP code can be found. Enter 01 for the fourth and fifth digits.

Field 04MXI - Multiple Executors Indicator

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 1, Line 6d and is valid for DOD in 2012 and subsequent.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 04MXI is invalid if:

    1. Any character other than blank or 1.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

    If box is checked Edit a 1 in 04MXI
    If box isn’t checked Blank Field

Field 04AEI - Asset Value Estimate Indicator

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 1, Part 1, Line 11 and is valid for DOD in 2012 and subsequent.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 04AEI is invalid if:

    1. Any character other than blank or 1.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

    If box is checked Edit a 1 in 04AEI
    If box isn’t checked Blank field

Section 05 Data Form 706, U.S. Estate (and Generation - Skipping Transfer)Tax Return, Error Record Format

  1. The Error Record Format for Section 05 is listed as follows:

    Field Name Location
    05AMS 1 Marital Status (need to input 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5)depending on the marital status. Page 2, Part 4, Line 3a

Field 05AMS - Marital Status

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 2, Part 4, Line 3a and is valid for DOD in 2012 and subsequent.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 05AMS is invalid if:

    1. Any character other than 1 (Married), 2 (Widow/Widower), 3 (Single), 4 (Legally Separated), or 5 (Divorced).

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed

  2. IF THEN
    If taxpayer has not answered line 3a
    1. Check Death Certificate to decide marital status.

    2. GTSEC 05 and enter, 1 (Married), 2 (Widow/Widower), 3 (Single), 4 (Legally Separated, or 5 (Divorced).

    If not found on the Death Certificate
    1. Research INOLE to decide taxpayer marital status.

    2. GTSEC 05 and enter 1 (Married), 2 (Widow/Widower), 3 (Single), 4 (Legally Separated) or 5 (Divorced).

Section 06 Data Form 706, U.S. Estate (and Generation - Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, Error Record Format

  1. The Error Record Format for Section 06 is listed as follows:

    Field Name Location
    0606 1 Protective Claim for Refund Indicator Page 2, Part 4, Line 6
    0610A 15 Gross Estate Estimated Value of Assets (Alternate value) Page 3, Part 5, Line 10, column 1 (Alternate value)
    0610B 15 Gross Estate Estimated Value of Assets (Value at date of death) Page 3, Part 5, Line 10, column 2 (Value at date of death)
    0623 15 Deductions Estimated Value of Assets Page 3, Part 5, Line 23

Field 0606 - Protective Claim for Refund Indicator

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 2, Part 4, Line 6 and is valid for DOD in 2012 and subsequent.

  2. A protective claim for refund preserves the estate’s right to a refund of tax paid on any amount included in the gross estate which would be deductible under IRC 2053 but has not been paid or otherwise will not meet the requirements of IRC 2053 until after the limitations period for filing the claim has passed.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0606 is invalid if:

    1. Any character other than blank (not present), 1 (Yes) or 2 (No).

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

    If blank on the return Blank Field 0606
    If yes on the return Enter a 1 in Field 0606
    If no on return Enter a 2 in Field 0606

Field 0610A - Gross Estate Estimated Value of Assets (Alternate value)

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 2, Part 4, Line 10, column 1 (Alternate value) and is valid for DOD in 2012 and subsequent.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0610A is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 0610B - Gross Estate Estimated Value of Assets (Value at date of death)

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 2, Part 4, Line 10, column 2 (Value at date of death) and is valid for DOD in 2012 and subsequent.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0610B is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 0623 - Deductions Estimated Value of Assets

  1. This field is transcribed from Page 2, Part 4, Line 23 and is valid for DOD in 2012 and subsequent.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 0623 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Section 07 Data Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation - Skipping Transfer)Tax Return, Record Format

  1. The Error Record Format for Section 07 is listed as follows:

    Field Name Location
    07DDI 1 Decline DSUE Indicator Page 4, Part 6, Section A
    07QDT 1 Qualified Domestic Trust Indicator Page 4, Part 6, Section B
    07C1 15 DSUE Applicable Exclusion Amount Page 4, Part 6, Section C, Line 1
    07C2 15 DSUE Aggregate Gift Tax


    For taxpayers dying in 2013 and subsequent, Line 2 is shown as "Reserved" on the form. Due to budget constraints, programming was unable to be completed to change the Field Name.

    Page 4, Part 6, Section C, Line 2
    07C3 15 DSUE Aggregate Gift Tax Percentage


    For taxpayers dying in 2013 and subsequent, Line 3 is shown as "the value of the cumulative lifetime gifts on which tax was paid or payable" on the form. Due to budget constraints, programming was unable to be completed to change the Field Name.

    Page 4, Part 6, Section C, Line 3
    07C4 15 DSUE Applicable Exclusion plus Aggregate Gift Tax Percentage Page 4, Part 6, Section C, Line 4
    07C5 15 DSUE Adjusted Applicable Credit Page 4, Part 6, Section C, Line 5
    07C6 15 DSUE Adjusted Applicable Credit Percentage Page 4, Part 6, Section C, Line 6
    07C7 15 DSUE Gross Exclusion Page 4, Part 6, Section C, Line 7
    07C8 15 DSUE Net Taxable Estate Page 4, Part 6, Section C, Line 8
    07C9 15 DSUE Exclusion Page 4, Part 6, Section C, Line 9
    07C10 15 DSUE Amount Portable to Surviving Spouse Page 4, Part 6, Section C, Line 10
    07D1A 35 DSUE Deceased Spouse Name 1 Page 4, Part 6, Section D, Part 1, column A
    07D1B 8 DSUE Date of Death 1 Page 4, Part 6, Section D, Part 1, column B
    07D1C 1 DSUE Portability Election Indicator 1 Page 4, Part 6, Section D, Part 1, column C
    07D1D 15 DSUE Portable Amount 1 Page 4, Part 6, Section D, Part 1, column D
    07D1E 15 DSUE Donor Gift Amount 1 Page 4, Part 6, Section D, Part 1, column E
    07D1F 8 DSUE Date of Gift 1 Page 4, Part 6, Section D, Part 1, column F
    07D1G 15 DSUE Remaining Amount 1 Page 4, Part 6, Section D, Part 1, column G

Field 07DDI - Decline DSUE Indicator

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section A.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 07DDI is invalid if any character other than 1 (box is NOT checked), or 2 (No).

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 07QDT - Qualified Domestic Trust Indicator

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section B.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 07QDT is invalid if any character other than 1 (Yes), or 2 (No).

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 07C1 - DSUE Applicable Exclusion Amount

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section C, Line 1.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 07C1 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 07C2 - DSUE Aggregate Gift Tax - "Reserved" on the 2013 form revision

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section C, Line 2.


    Due to budget constraints, programming was unable to be completed to change the Field Name for 2013 and subsequent.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 07C2 is invalid if it is not zero.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 07C3 - DSUE Aggregate Gift Tax Percentage - "value of the cumulative lifetime gifts on which tax was paid or payable" on the 2013 form revision

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section C, Line 3.


    Due to budget constraints, programming was unable to be completed to change the Field Name for 2013 and subsequent.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 07C3 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 07C4 - DSUE Applicable Exclusion plus Aggregate Gift Tax Percentage

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section C, Line 4.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 07C4 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 07C5 - DSUE Adjusted Applicable Credit

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section C, Line 5.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 07C5 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 07C6 - DSUE Adjusted Applicable Credit Percentage

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section C, Line 6.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 07C6 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 07C7 - DSUE Gross Exclusion

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section C, Line 7.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 07C7 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 07C8 - DSUE Net Taxable Estate

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section C, Line 8.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 07C8 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 07C9 - DSUE Exclusion

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section C, Line 9.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 07C9 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 07C10 - DSUE Amount Portable to Surviving Spouse

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section C, Line 10.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 07C10 is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 07D1A - DSUE Deceased Spouse Name 1

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section D, Part 1, column A and is valid for DOD after 12/31/2010.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 07D1A is invalid if it is not alpha numeric.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 07D1B - DSUE Date of Death 1

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section D, Part 1, column B and is valid for DOD after 12/31/2010.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 07D1B is invalid if it is not numeric.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 07D1C - DSUE Portability Election Indicator 1

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section D, Part 1, column C and is valid for DOD after 12/31/2010.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 07D1C is invalid if any character other than 1 (Yes), or 2 (No).

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 07D1D - DSUE Portable Amount 1

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section D, Part 1, column D and is valid for DOD after 12/31/2010.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 07D1D is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 07D1E - DSUE Portable Amount 1

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section D, Part 1, column E and is valid for DOD after 12/31/2010.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 07D1E is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 07D1F - DSUE Date of Gift 1

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section D, Part 1, column F and is valid for DOD after 12/31/2010.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 07D1F is invalid if it is not numeric.

Correction Procedure
  1. The full date is required enter ((MMDDYYYY), 01-01- of year listed in column f page 4, section D in this field. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 07D1G - DSUE Remaining Amount 1

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section D, Part 1, column G and is valid for DOD after 12/31/2010.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 07D1G is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Section 08 Data Form 706, United States Estate (and Generation - Skipping Transfer)Tax Return, Error Record Format

  1. The Error Record Format for Section 08 is listed as follows:

    Field Name Location
    08D2A 35 DSUE Deceased Spouse Name 2 Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column A
    08D2B 8 DSUE Date of Death 2 Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column B
    08D2C 1 DSUE Portability Election Indicator 2 Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column C
    08D2D 15 DSUE Portable Amount 2 Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column D
    08D2E 15 DSUE Donor Gift Amount 2 Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column E
    08D2F 8 DSUE Date of Gift 2 Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column F
    08D3A 35 DSUE Deceased Spouse Name 3 Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column A
    08D3B 8 DSUE Date of Death 3 Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column B
    08D3C 1 DSUE Portability Election Indicator 3 Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column C
    08D3D 15 DSUE Portable Amount 3 Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column D
    08D3E 15 DSUE Donor Gift Amount 3 Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column E
    08D3F 8 DSUE Date of Gift 3 Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column F
    08D4A 35 DSUE Deceased Spouse Name 4 Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column A
    08D4B 8 DSUE Date of Death 4 Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column B
    08D4C 1 DSUE Portability Election Indicator 4 Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column C
    08D4D 15 DSUE Portable Amount 4 Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column D
    08D4E 15 DSUE Donor Gift Amount 4 Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column E
    08D4F 8 DSUE Date of Gift 4 Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column F

Field 08D2A - DSUE Deceased Spouse Name 2

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column A and is valid for DOD after 12/31/2010.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 08D2A is invalid if it is not alpha numeric.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 08D2B - DSUE Date of Death 2

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column B and is valid for DOD after 12/31/2010.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 08D2B is invalid if it is not numeric.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 08D2C - DSUE Portability Election Indicator 2

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column C and is valid for DOD after 12/31/2010.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 08D2C is invalid if any character other than 1 (Yes), or 2 (No).

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 08D2D - DSUE Portable Amount 2

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column D and is valid for DOD after 12/31/2010.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 08D2D is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 08D2E - DSUE Portable Amount 2

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column E and is valid for DOD after 12/31/2010.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 08D2E is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 08D2F - DSUE Date of Gift 2

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column F and is valid for DOD after 12/31/2010.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 08D2F is invalid if it is not numeric.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 08D3A - DSUE Deceased Spouse Name 3

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column A and is valid for DOD after 12/31/2010.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 08D3A is invalid if it is not alpha numeric.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 08D3B - DSUE Date of Death 3

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column B and is valid for DOD after 12/31/2010.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 08D3B is invalid if it is not numeric.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 08D3C - DSUE Portability Election Indicator 3

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column C and is valid for DOD after 12/31/2010.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 08D3C is invalid if any character other than 1 (Yes), or 2 (No).

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 08D3D - DSUE Portable Amount 3

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column D and is valid for DOD after 12/31/2010.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 08D3D is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 08D3E - DSUE Portable Amount 3

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column E and is valid for DOD after 12/31/2010.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 08D3E is invalid if it is not all numeric or exceeds $9,999,999,999.99.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 08D3F - DSUE Date of Gift 3

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column F and is valid for DOD after 12/31/2010.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 08D3F is invalid if it is not numeric.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 08D4A - DSUE Deceased Spouse Name 4

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column A and is valid for DOD after 12/31/2010.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 08D4A is invalid if it is not alpha numeric.

Correction Procedure
  1. Check for coding and transcription errors and correct as needed.

Field 08D4B - DSUE Date of Death 4

  1. This field is transcribed from Part 6, Section D, Part 2, column B and is valid for DOD after 12/31/2010.

Invalid Conditions
  1. Field 08D4B is invalid if it is not numeric.