This page contains interim guidance relating to instructions in IRM Part 11 currently in effect but not yet published in the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM).
An interim procedural update effective 8/7/2023 was issued to revise IRMs 11.3.13 and 11.3.41 regarding Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests Seeking Email Records.
Interim Guidance effective 4/18/2024 was issued to revise IRM & IRM regarding Discretionary Release of Records and Harm Statements.
Interim Guidance effective 5/30/2024 was issued to revise IRMs, and regarding Adequacy of Search.
Interim Guidance effective 6/10/2024 was issued to revise IRM 11.3.41 regarding Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Title 26 Cases with Cash Transaction Reports (CTR)s or Data Extracted from CTRs.
Interim guidance effective 06/10/2024 was issued to revise IRM 11.3.41 regarding Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Appeals procedures.
Interim guidance effective 9/12/2024 was issued to revise IRM 11.3.41 regarding imperfect Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and stopping the clock.
Interim Guidance effective 05/29/2024 was issued to revise IRM regarding Interim Guidance on Pattern Letter Deviations.
Interim Guidance effective 5/30/2024 was issued to revise IRM and regarding Public Access Link (PAL) Signature Requirements and Proof of Identity for First Party Requesters.
Interim Guidance effective 09/18/2024 was issued to revise IRM 11.3.41 regarding Requests for Compliance Files Located in Appeals.
An interim procedural update effective 3/14/2024 was issued to revise IRM regarding Interim Guidance on retrieving Campus Examination files from Centralized Examination Automation Support (CEAS).
Interim Guidance effective 7/22/2024 was issued to revise IRM regarding the Use of CFINK to Confirm Access Authority.
Interim Guidance effective 5/30/2024 was issued to revise IRM regarding the Use of Electronic Records for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Responses.
To find all published guidance for employees go to the corresponding part of the Internal Revenue Manual.