Certain biodiesel blends reporting option


Implementation of ExSTARS reporting option for certain biodiesel blends

Optional reporting for biodiesel and petroleum diesel blends containing up to 5 per cent biodiesel has been implemented effective 1-26-18. Use of the optional reporting for these will result in the need to report book adjustments.  The optional reporting is available for both undyed and dyed biodiesel blends.

Book adjustments are product reclassifications or conversion of products in the terminal that result in a PC change. Book adjustments itemize changes in volume of at least one liquid product and another liquid product, with no physical movement of the product. Book adjustments may be reported in summary by a set of book adjustments at the end of the filing period or in detail at the time of product disbursement.

When a product is blended or re-classified from product A to product B, a minimum of two transactions must be reported. Book adjustments should always occur in pairs, i.e., for each terminal disbursement book adjustment, there should be a corresponding terminal receipt book adjustment. Product codes should be different between the disbursements and receipts, but the total gallon amounts for the receipts and disbursements should be the same.

Example for optional reporting of book adjustment blends of up to 5 per cent biodiesel

Terminal operators may choose to use the current applicable PCs for dyed and undyed diesel fuel for blends containing up to 5 per cent biodiesel. As a reminder, book adjustment (BA) reporting is required when choosing this option. If you do not choose this option, you should continue with detailed reporting of diesel fuel blends containing up to 5 per cent biodiesel. (i.e., B01-B05, D01-D05).


Assume that an approved terminal (TCN) has 300,000 gallons of Diesel Fuel High Sulphur #2 Undyed (PC 283) and 20,000 gallons of Biodiesel (PC B00) in its inventory. The terminal then blends in tank 98,000 gallons of Diesel Fuel High Sulfur #2 Undyed (PC 283) with a total quantity of 2,000 gallons of Biodiesel (PC B00).  This pair of book adjustments increases the terminal inventory of PC 283 to 302,000 gallons and reduces the terminal inventory of PC B00 to 18,000 gallons.

The terminal operator then makes a disbursement of 8,000 gallons of the 2 per cent biodiesel blend and injects dye into the blend at the rack. This at the rack dyed blend is reported as an 8,000 gallons truckload disbursement of PC 226. To accomplish this, a BA disbursement (15B) of 2,000 gallons of biodiesel (B00), is reported.  The resulting receipt of 2,000 gallons can then be reported as a BA receipt (15A) of PC 283 because the total in tank biodiesel blend is 5 per cent or less. The terminal must then report the book adjustment disbursement (15B) of the 8,000 gallons of PC 283 and the book adjustment receipt (15A) of Diesel Fuel High Sulphur Dyed (PC 226) to reflect the injected dye, and can then report the truckload disbursement (15B) of 8,000 gallons PC 226.

EDI Segment Description
TFS~T3~15B~PG~B00~94~BA\ <<Terminal disbursement book adj. for PC B00>>
N1~OT~~TC~T22CA9292\   <<TCN where reclassification happened>>
N1~ON~NMCA~24~123456789\   <<PH name control and EIN of B00>>
DTM~095~20170116\ <<Date reclassification took place>>
TIA~5005~~~2000~GA\ <<Net amount of gallons for transaction>>
TIA~5006~~~2000~GA\ <<Gross amount of gallons for transaction>>
TFS~T3~15A~PG~283~94~BA\   <<Terminal receipt book adj. for substitute PC 283>>
N1~DT~~TC~ T22CA9292\ <<TCN where reclassification happened>>
DTM~095~20170116\ <<Date reclassification took place>>
TIA~5005~~~2000~GA\ <<Net amount of gallons for transaction>>
TIA~5006~~~2000~GA\ <<Gross amount of gallons for transaction>>
TFS~T3~15B~PG~283~94~BA\ <<Terminal disbursement book adj. for PC 283>>
N1~OT~~TC~T22CA9292\ <<TCN where reclassification happened>>
DTM~095~20170116\ <<Date reclassification took place>>
TIA~5005~~~8000~GA\ <<Net amount of gallons for transaction>>
TIA~5006~~~8000~GA\ <<Gross amount of gallons for transaction>>
TFS~T3~15A~PG~226~94~BA\ <<Terminal receipt book adj. for dyed PC 226>>
N1~DT~~TC~ T22CA9292\ <<TCN where reclassification happened>>
DTM~095~20170116\ <<Date reclassification took place>>
TIA~5005~~~8000~GA\ <<Net amount of gallons for transaction>>
TIA~5006~~~8000~GA\ <<Gross amount of gallons for transaction>>
TFS~T3~15B~PG~226~94~J\ <<Terminal disbursement via truck for PC 226>>
N1~OT~~TC~ T22CA9292\ <<TCN where reclassification happened>>
N1~ON~NMCA~24~123456789\  <<PH name control and EIN of PC 226>>
N1~ST~CA\ <<Ship To State for truck disbursement>>
DTM~095~20170116\ <<Date disbursement took place>>
TIA~5005~~~8000~GA\ <<Net amount of gallons for transaction>>
TIA~5006~~~8000~GA\ <<Gross amount of gallons for transaction>>

In this example, the ending inventory of PC 283 would be 294,000 gallons (300,000 + 2,000 - 8,000) and the ending inventory of PC B00 would be 18,000 gallons (20,000 - 2,000).

It is acceptable to make a single pair of book adjustments at the end of the filing period for all the dye injected at the rack and disbursed for the month.