Develop flyers, stuffers, brochures, posters, bus cards, billboards, grocery bag art, tray liners, etc. explaining eligibility criteria for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), services offered by the coalition, locations of tax assistance sites, dates of financial literacy programs, and so on.
- Conduct meetings or Outreach events with large employers to encourage promotion of EITC to employees earning lower wages.
- Set up and announce an EITC Hotline that residents may call to get basic eligibility information. Design the system so that callers can also find the VITA sites nearest them by keying in a zip code.
- Set up an asset-building program such as custodial accounts using IDA-matched savings accounts with coalition organizations as custodian. For example, each participant saves at least $20 per month and attends financial literacy workshops working toward a defined goal. Upon completion of the program, each participant receives the money they saved, as well as the matching funds contributed by coalition organization to be paid toward the realization of the individual’s defined goal.
- Arrange to donate training space such as school computer labs to train volunteers on electronic filing software and procedures.
- Establish or donate space on kiosks in faith-based or neighborhood centers that contain self-help information on tax issues.
- Produce community newsletters or media public service announcements on coalition activities.
- Recruit or provide volunteers for training classes prior to tax time.
- Donate your organization’s mailing list for an educational mailing.
- Develop web site to share coalition activities and opportunities in your community.
- Plan media events to kick-off filing season activities.
- Donate equipment, supplies, etc. to coalition efforts.
- Seek out bi-lingual volunteers for tax assistance site volunteers or translators.
The possibilities of partnering are endless and the effects are boundless. The power of coalitions is a driving force nationwide. If the mission of your organization coincides with that of IRS, why not consider becoming a partner?
To discuss partnering opportunities send an email to, and let us know how we can help you get started.
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We will help you get started, so please take a minute to peruse our Partner Products and Volunteer Resource Center for products, web sites, and other materials that may be helpful in your partnership with IRS.