IRS sponsors a variety of continuing education programs for tax professionals. Note: The availability of continuing education credit varies by program. Be sure to read the program descriptions carefully to determine if you will receive CE credit.
- Nationwide Tax Forums: Three days of seminars with the latest word from IRS leadership and experts in the fields of tax law, compliance and ethics. Attendance at Forum seminars qualifies for CE credits for enrolled agents, certified public accountants, Annual Filing Season Program participants, California Tax Education Council participants, and certified financial planners.
- Nationwide Tax Forums Online: View 50 minute interactive videos of IRS Nationwide Tax Forum seminars and earn CE credit.
- Webinars for Tax Practitioners: IRS broadcasts webinars on a variety of subjects aimed at educating tax professionals on issues affecting them and their clients. The webinars are free and often offer continuing education (CE) credit for Enrolled Agents and other tax return preparers with valid PTINs. IRS Stakeholder Liaison and the IRS Visual Education and Communication Branch are not NASBA or MCLE accredited. CPAs, attorneys and others licensed by state boards/organizations should check with their respective boards/organizations to determine if credit applies toward their continuing education requirements.
- Practitioner Local Liaison Meetings and Seminars: Find practitioner liaison meetings and seminars for tax professionals in your state designed to share information about IRS programs and issues.
- Tax Practitioner Institute Classes: Find tax classes at Tax Practitioner Institutes in your state and receive continuing education credits at a reasonable cost.
- Employee Plans Training & Outreach Programs: Specialized education programs designed to increase understanding and compliance with tax laws applicable to various retirement plans.
- Exempt Organizations Training & Outreach Programs: Specialized education programs to help exempt organizations comply with tax obligations and understand what they must do to keep their tax-exempt status.
- Refundable Credit Due Diligence Best Practices Training Module: Covers the technical parts of the due diligence requirements for claiming the earned income tax credit (EITC), the child tax credit and additional child tax credit (CTC/ACTC) and the American opportunity tax credit (AOTC). The training module contains examples of applying due diligence requirements. The module is approved for one CE credit for Enrolled Agents and other tax return preparers.
- Volunteer Income Tax Assistance and Tax Counseling for the Elderly: Enrolled Agents and Non-credentialed tax return preparers participating in the Annual Filing Season Program can earn continuing education credits after completing the appropriate coursework and volunteering as an instructor, quality reviewer and or tax return preparer at a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance or Tax Counseling for the Elderly site. Attorneys, Certified Public Accountants, or Certified Financial Planners may also qualify depending on the policies of their state or national licensing board.