If you live near a state line, please look for tax workshops, meetings and seminars in nearby cities of the bordering state. SBA & IRS Fall Webinar Series The Small Business Administration and the IRS are working together to bring you our fall series for small business owners. The series will provide much needed information for new and existing small business owners. Topics for this free webinar will include: SBA Business Plans & IRS Choosing a Tax Preparer SBA will discuss how a good business plan guides you through each stage of starting and managing your business. You’ll use your business plan as a roadmap for how to structure, run, obtain investors and grow your new business. IRS will offer guidance on selecting a tax preparer that can help you maintain your business and it grow. It is important to choose a tax professional wisely to safeguard your personal and financial information. Registration: Please visit the Internal Revenue Service Webinar Registration website to register and for further details. Date: Nov. 07, 2024 Time: 10-11 a.m. Location: Virtual SBA Market Research & IRS Online Accounts The course will explore the concept of starting a business and important research practices. Participants will develop an understanding of the viability of their concept and ascertain if there is a profitable customer base. IRS will discuss its online accounts for individuals and businesses to securely access the latest information on your federal tax account. Learn the various options available to you. Registration: Please visit the Revenue Service Webinar Registration website to register and for further details. Date: Oct. 29, 2024 Time: 10-11:00 a.m. Location: Virtual SBA Radio Advertising & Resources on IRS.gov Radio is an increasingly competitive and evolving media landscape, and with growing advertiser demand for tangible, measurable responses, radio has never been more ready to meet the challenge. Learn about how radio advertising works. In addition, learn about how radio advertising can help you reach more customers and build your brand from the SBA and IRS. Registration: Please visit the Internal Revenue Service Webinar Registration website to register and for further details. Date: Nov. 05, 2024 Time: 10-11 a.m. Location: Virtual SBA Sales and Social Media & Business Structures From website and social media to sales - every business should have a website and social media account. They allow you to promote your product, build credibility, distinguish yourself, and compete. Learn about the importance of web design, and how having a website and using social media is an easy, affordable and effective way to promote your business and connect with new and existing customers. IRS will be discussing types of business structures, the advantage and disadvantage of each and filing requirements. Registration: Please visit the Internal Revenue Service Webinar Registration website to register and for further details. Date: Oct. 30, 2024 Time: 1-2 p.m. Location: Virtual Related Workshops and Other Events in Spanish for Small Businesses Webinars for small businesses