Income Verification Express Service (IVES) participants who have received taxpayer consent can use the faxing option to receive transcripts in approximately 2-3 business days. The IRS provides tax records to IVES participants only with the consent of the taxpayer.
Companies that have completed the IVES program application process can submit transcript requests using Form 4506-C, IVES Request for Transcript of Tax Return PDF or the WebUI online process.
Transcript information is delivered directly to the IVES participant through a secure mailbox or WebUI account. A $4.00 fee is imposed on each transcript requested.
Please note that any transcript requests received after midnight (12 a.m. Eastern time) will be considered received on the next business day. If the next business day falls on a holiday, then it will be considered received by the IRS on the following business day.
For faster turnaround times, IVES offers online options.
If you want to use electronic signatures on Form 4506-C, please contact your assigned servicing site.
How to get started using IVES electronic signature
How it works
Complete Form 4506-C, IVES Request for Transcript of Tax Return PDF, then get consent from the taxpayer:
- Jointly filed tax transcripts are available to either spouse. Wage and income transcripts are only available to the listed taxpayer(s). Taxpayers who file separately must be listed on separate Form 4506-C requests.
- Insert your IVES participant name, address, IVES participant ID number (participant ID), and delegate's user ID for secure mailbox delivery (SOR mailbox).
- Your ID and SOR mailbox can be added after the taxpayer provides consent. All other IVES participant information must be present before consent is provided.
- Fax the completed Form 4506-C to your assigned campus location with an IVES coversheet.
IVES Campus fax numbers
- Austin: 844-249-6238
- Kansas City: 844-249-8128
- Ogden: 844-249-8129
Optional tracking information
The Customer File Number is 10 numeric characters that can be added to the transcript.
The Unique Identifier is 10 alpha-numeric characters that can be added to the subject line of the mail delivery.
Neither can contain any part of a taxpayer identification number (SSN or EIN). Both are optional fields that can be added after the taxpayer provides consent.
Client-identifying information
Insert the client company's name, address, and phone number. These fields cannot be blank or marked Not Applicable (N/A).
A client company receives the requested tax transcripts from the IVES participant. If the IVES participant is also the client company, then IVES participant information should be entered here as well.
Signature information
Signatures are required for each listed taxpayer. The Signature Attestation Box above the Signature Line must be checked. The Authorized Representative checkbox and electronically signed checkbox are required if applicable.
An electronically signed Form 4506-C can only be submitted by authorized e-signature IVES participants.
How to get started using IVES electronic signature
Cover sheet information
IVES batches must be limited to 50 tax periods and have a specific IVES cover sheet for each batch. The IVES fax coversheet must include the following:
- IVES participant name
- Participant ID number
- IVES participant telephone and fax numbers
- Total number of transcript years requested
The following identifying information must be present on the cover sheet for each Form 4506-C submitted:
- Taxpayer's name
- Last four digits of taxpayer identification number
- Tax year(s) requested
- Tax form number
Requests submitted without a cover sheet, or an incomplete cover sheet will not be processed.
Note: The IRS will only accept Forms 4506-C with a revision date of October 2022 or later.
Get answers to common participant questions about IVES
IVES Participants encountering technical problems should contact the E-Services Help Desk at 866-255-0654.
IVES Participants with questions or concerns about the IVES program can email This mailbox is unable to respond to any tax-related questions.