Filing season statistics for week ending March 29, 2024


2024 Filing season statistics — Individual income tax returns

Cumulative statistics comparing March 31, 2023, and March 29, 2024.

Return/Refund category 2023 2024 % Change
Total returns received 90,111,000 90,315,000 0.2
Total returns processed 89,656,000 88,800,000 -1.0
Total e-filing returns received (may not equal subtotals due to rounding) 87,126,000 87,369,000 0.3
E-filing returns received from tax professionals 46,517,000 46,302,000 -0.5
E-filing returns received from self-prepared 40,609,000 41,068,000 1.1
Web usage, visits 395,430,000 467,978,000 18.3
Total number of refunds 62,932,000 60,858,000 -3.3
Total amount refunded $183.130 billion $185.641 billion 1.4
Average refund amount $2,910 $3,050 4.8
Total number of direct deposit refunds 60,867,000 58,126,000 -4.5
Total amount refunded with direct deposit $180.748 billion $181.607 billion 0.5
Average direct deposit refund amount $ 2,970 $3,124 5.3