TFOP news and updates


Updated on: 7/31/2024

TFOP alert: 2024–2025 ordering process

Thank you for participating in the Tax Form Outlet Program. We anticipate sending out Form 8635 the week of August 27, 2024.

Products will begin to ship early to mid-January 2025, and we do not expect there to be any shipping delays.

Have additional questions concerning your order?

Send an email to In the email Subject line, type 2024 Form 8635 and your TFOP account number.

Need to change or cancel an order?

As soon as you are aware that a change or cancellation is necessary, contact us at In the Subject line, type Order Change or Cancel Order and your TFOP account number. We will attempt to change or cancel the order before processing begins.

No longer want to participate in the TFOP?

Send an email to Please include the TFOP account number associated with the location and a statement to remove the location's account from the program.