Filing Season Statistics for Week Ending April 17, 2020


Notice: Historical Content

This is an archival or historical document and may not reflect current law, policies or procedures.


Cumulative statistics comparing 4/19/2019 and 4/17/2020

Individual Income Tax Returns: 2019 2020 % Change
Total Returns Received 137,233,000 115,961,000* -15.5
Total Returns Processed 130,775,000 106,637,000 -18.5
E-filing Receipts:      
TOTAL           126,264,000 105,991,000* -16.1
Tax Professionals 70,476,000 53,651,000 -23.9
Self-prepared 55,788,000 52,340,000 -6.2
Web Usage:      
Visits to 421,514,000 744,739,000 76.7
Total Refunds:      
Number 95,737,000 81,349,000 -15.0
Amount $260.919 Billion $229.279 Billion -12.1
Average refund $2,725 $2,818 3.4
Direct Deposit Refunds:      
Number 83,249,000 68,028,000 -18.3
Amount $238.381 Billion $201.612 Billion -15.4
Average refund $2,863 $2,964 3.5

* Total includes returns filed to obtain Economic Impact Payments by those who would not usually file income tax returns.