December 8, 2017
IRS Statement
The Internal Revenue Service today announced that taxpayers may resume creating new accounts for Get Transcript Online and certain other online tools that are protected by Secure Access authentication. Taxpayers also may use their IRS2Go app to access their accounts by using a new “Security” feature. This “Security” feature will allow the app to generate a unique security code without being connected to the internet. Taxpayers must perform a one-time registration process for the app while connected to the web.
Use of Secure Access to create new accounts was suspended recently as the IRS transitioned to a new identity-proofing vendor, Experian. Existing users were not affected. The transition has been completed and all Secure Access protected tools will be available to new users starting December 10.
Secure Access helps protect online tools in two ways: it has a more rigorous identity-proofing process which helps ensure the users are who they say they are, and it requires returning users to use a two-factor access process by entering their credentials (username and password) plus a security code sent as a text message to their mobile phone or a security code generated by the new IRS2Go app feature. This two-factor authentication process meets required federal standards for protecting information.
The IRS also will extend Secure Access protections to e-Services, which is a suite of online tools for tax professionals, including electronic filing, transcript delivery systems and taxpayer identification number matching. Because these are all sensitive tools and because tax professionals increasingly are targeted by cybercriminals, Secure Access will strengthen protections for e-Services and for taxpayer data.
Tax professionals also will have the option of using the IRS2Go “Security” feature, which will help those who lack internet access.