IR-2011-21, Feb. 28, 2011 — Refunds totaling more than $1.1 billion may be waiting for nearly 1.1 million people who did not file a federal income tax return for 2007, the Internal Revenue Service announced today. However, to collect the money, a return for 2007 must be filed with the IRS no later than Monday, April 18, 2011.
IR-2011-20, Feb. 24, 2011 — The IRS announced a series of new steps to help people and businesses pay back taxes and avoid tax liens.
IR-2011-19, Feb. 23, 2011 — The Internal Revenue Service announced today that nearly 100 IRS offices will be open on Saturday, Feb. 26, and Saturday, March 26, to help taxpayers.
IR-2011-18, Feb. 18, 2011 — The Internal Revenue Service today announced the selection of 32 new members to serve on the nationwide Taxpayer Advocacy Panel.
IR-2011-17, Feb. 17, 2011 — For the calendar quarter beginning April 1, 2011, interest rates for underpayments and overpayments will increase by one percentage point.
IR-2011-16, Feb. 15, 2011 — The Internal Revenue Service announced it has started processing individual tax returns affected by legislation enacted in December and reminded taxpayers that they can begin filing electronically immediately.
IR-2011-15, Feb. 11, 2011 — The IRS is requesting membership nominations for the Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee (ETAAC).
IR-2011-14, Feb. 8, 2011 — Those hiding assets offshore can get current with their taxes through a new Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Initiative.
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