The following are available as Microsoft Excel® files. A free Excel viewer is available for download, if needed.
The tables are grouped into the following categories:
- Returns with and without U.S. income tax
- Returns with and without worldwide income tax
- Returns with and without U.S. income tax and with income of $200,000 or more under alternative concepts
- Returns without U.S. income tax and with income of $200,000 or more under alternative concepts
- Returns with and without worldwide income tax and with income of $200,000 or more under alternative concepts
- Returns without worldwide income tax and with income of $200,000 or more under alternative concepts
Returns with and without worldwide income tax
Data presented | Classified by | Tax years |
Table 2. Individual income tax returns with and without worldwide income tax liability: Number of returns, by size of income under alternative concepts | Size of income under alternative concepts | |
Table 12. Individual income tax returns with and without worldwide income tax liability: Number and percentage of returns by effective tax rate, and by size of income under alternative concepts | Effective tax rate and size of income under alternative concepts |