IR-2011-81, July 27, 2011 — IRS announces changes to improve agency's international operations by consolidating certain efforts.
IR-2011-80, July 25, 2011 — The IRS announced that it will extend help to more innocent spouses by eliminating the two-year time limit that now applies to certain relief requests.
IR-2011-79, July 22, 2011 — Corwin has worked on federal tax issues related to domestic and international business transactions, regulated investment companies and bankruptcy and restructuring.
IR-2011-78, July 19, 2011 — The Internal Revenue Service today requested public comment on proposed updates to existing rules on permissible communications between the Office of Appeals and other parts of the IRS.
IR-2011-77, July 15, 2011 — Truckers and other owners of heavy highway vehicles have until Nov. 30, 2011, to file their next federal highway use tax return, which is usually due Aug. 31.
IR-2011-76, July 14, 2011 — The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service today issued a notice announcing plans to phase in the requirements of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).
IR-2011-75 July 13, 2011 –– More than 70 Taxpayer Assistance Centers will be open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. local time.
IR-2011-74, July 12, 2011 — As part of its new oversight program of the nation’s tax return preparation industry, the IRS announced it will send letters to approximately 100,000 tax return preparers who prepared returns in 2011 but failed to follow new requirements.
IR-2011-73, July 11-2011 — Taxpayers are encoraged to be on their guard against those who would encourage them to file tax returns with false claims to get refunds to which they are not entitled.
IR-2011-72, July 5, 2011 — The IRS announced today that it has reached an agreement with the Millennium Multiple Employer Welfare Benefit Plan (Millennium Plan).
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