SOI Tax Stats - Compendium of Federal Transfer Tax and Personal Wealth Studies, Volume 2


Compendium of Federal Transfer Tax and Personal Wealth Studies, Volume 2 PDF

Introduction PDF — Barry W. Johnson

Part I: Transfer Tax Studies

Chapter 1: Basic Estate Tax Data PDF

Chapter 2: Specialized Estate Tax Topics PDF

Chapter 3: Basic Gift Tax Return Data PDF

Chapter 4: Intergenerational Transfers and Charitable Bequests PDF

Chapter 5: Behavioral Responses to Transfers and Taxes PDF

Part II: Wealth studies

Chapter 6: Estimates of U.S. Personal Wealth PDF

Chapter 7: Studies Linking Income and Wealth PDF

Part III: Validating and improving sample estimates

Chapter 8: Improving the Precision of Sample Estimates PDF

Chapter 9: Comparing Administrative and Survey Data PDF

Selected additional readings