IRS Data Book index of tables
Returns filed, taxes collected and refunds issued
- Table 1: Collections and Refunds, by Type of Tax
- Table 2: Number of Returns and Other Forms Filed, by Type
- Table 3: Number of Returns and Other Forms Filed, by Type and State
- Table 4: Number of Returns and Other Forms Filed Electronically, by Type and State
- Table 5: Gross Collections, by Type of Tax and State
- Table 6: Gross Collections, by Type of Tax
- Table 7: Number of Refunds Issued, by Type of Refund and State
- Table 8: Amount of Refunds Issued, Including Interest, by Type of Refund and State
Service to taxpayers
- Table 9: Selected Taxpayer Assistance and Education Programs, by Type of Assistance or Program
- Table 10: Selected Online Taxpayer Assistance, by Type of Assistance
- Table 11: Taxpayer Advocate Service: Post-filing Taxpayer Assistance Program, by Type of Primary Issue and Relief
- Table 12: Closures of Applications for Tax-Exempt Status, by Organization Type and Internal Revenue Code Section
- Table 13: Receipts of Form 8976, Notices of Intent To Operate Under Section 501(c)(4)
- Table 14: Tax-Exempt Organizations, Nonexempt Charitable Trusts, and Nonexempt Split-Interest Trusts
- Table 15: Determination Letters Issued on Employee Retirement Plans, by Type and Disposition of Plan
- Table 16: Technical Activities and Voluntary Compliance Closures
Compliance presence
- Table 17: Examination Coverage and Recommended Additional Tax After Examination, by Type and Size of Return
- Table 18: Examination Coverage: Recommended Additional Tax, and Returns with Unagreed Additional Tax, After Examination, by Type and Size of Return
- Table 19: Examination Coverage: Returns Examined Involving Protection of Revenue Base, by Type and Size of Return
- Table 20: Examination Coverage: Returns Examined Resulting in Refunds, by Type and Size of Returns
- Table 21: Returns of Tax-Exempt Organizations, Employee Retirement Plans, Government Entities, and Tax-Exempt Bonds Examined, by Type of Return
- Table 22: Tax Certainty: Advance Pricing Agreement Program, by Type of Agreement
- Table 23: Tax Certainty: Compliance Assurance Process Program, by Program Phase
- Table 24: Information Reporting Program
- Table 25: Math Errors on Individual Income Tax Returns, by Type of Error
- Table 26: Criminal Investigation Program, by Status or Disposition
Collection Activities, Penalties, and Appeals
- Table 27: Delinquent Collection Activities
- Table 28: Civil Penalties Assessed and Abated, by Type of Tax and Type of Penalty
- Table 29: Appeals Workload, by Type of Case
Chief Counsel
- Table 30: Chief Counsel Workload: All Cases, by Office and Type of Case
- Table 31: Chief Counsel Workload: Tax Litigation Cases, by Type of Case
IRS budget and workforce
- Table 32: Costs Incurred by Budget Activity
- Table 33: Collections, Costs, Personnel, and U.S. Population
- Table 34: Personnel Summary, by Employment Status, Budget Activity, and Selected Personnel Type
- Table 35: Internal Revenue Service and Chief Counsel Labor Force, Compared to National Totals for Federal and Civilian Labor Forces, by Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Disability, and Veteran Status