Qualified Intermediary (QI), Withholding Foreign Partnership (WP), Withholding Foreign Trust (WT) System Application and Account Management System (QI/WP/WT System) – Overview
General system questions
Q1. What is the QI/WP/WT system?
Q2. What are the system’s technical requirements?
Q3. What is my entity ID?
Q4. What are KYC rules?
Q5. Can an entity have more than one EIN?
Q6. What should I do if I receive an “unable to connect to the BSL” error message?
Q7. Are there any alphabetic or numeric formats I should follow?
Q8. If I already have a FATCA Registration account, do I need to create an account in the system?
Q9. Who can access a system account?
Q10. How can the responsible officer, contact person, or power(s) of attorney be changed?
Q11. How do I add a representative (power of attorney) to my account?
Q12. What if I have lost my login credentials?
QI/WP/WT System account creation and access using Login.gov
Q1. How do I create a Login.gov account?
Q2. How do I change the email address I use for Login.gov?
Q3. How do I reset my Login.gov password?
Q4. How do I delete my Login.gov account?
Q5. How do I manage my Login.gov account settings?
Q6. What is multi-factor authentication (MFA)?
Q7. What are the rules of use for Login.gov?
Q8. How do I set up "FIDO Security Key" multi-factor authentication?
Q9. Can my international phone number be used as a two-factor authentication method to receive SMS (text messaging) and/or phone calls?
Q10. How does Login.gov protect my information?
Q11. What is the commitment Login.gov has for my privacy and security?
Q12. How do I submit a help ticket or contact Login.gov?
QI/WP/WT System account creation and access using ID.me
Q1. How do I use ID.me?
Q2. How do I change the email address(es) I use for ID.me?
Q3. How do I change the primary email address in my ID.me account?
Q4. Can I link my ID.me account to other online accounts?
Q5. How do I reset my ID.me password?
Q6. How do I close / delete my ID.me account?
Q7. How do I view and manage my ID.me Account settings?
Q8. Can I share an account with my spouse or other family members?
Q9. What is multi-factor authentication (MFA)?
Q10. How do I add a multi-factor authentication (MFA) method to my ID.me account?
Q11. How do I set up "Text Message or Phone Call" multi-factor authentication?
Q12. How do I update my phone number for MFA?
Q13. How do I set up "Push Notification" multi-factor authentication?
Q14. How do I set up "Code Generator" multi-factor authentication?
Q15. How do I set up "FIDO Security Key" multi-factor authentication?
Q16. How do I set up “NFC-Enabled Security Key” multi-factor authentication?
Q17. What should I do if I'm having trouble entering my 6-digit code?
Q18. What does my error message mean?
Q19. How does ID.me use my information?
Q20. How does ID.me protect my information?
Q21. Is my information secure?
Q22. How do I unlock my account? – ID.me Help Site
Q23. How do I submit a request for customer support?
Account notifications and statuses
Q1. What type of notifications will the system provide?
Q2. How can I check the status of my application?
Application editing
Q1. Can I change my entity type (QI, WP, or WT)?
Q2. What questions in the application or renewal do I need to answer?
Q3. How do I edit my application or renewal?
Q4. Is there a limit to the number of branches that can be added to my account?
Q5. What if I receive a file upload error message?
Q6. Why did my application or renewal status change to incomplete?
Q7. How do I withdraw my application or renewal?
Q8. How do I terminate my QI, WP, or WT agreement?
Renew QI, WP or WT agreement
Q1. When do I need to renew?
Q2. Can I renew my QI, WP, or WT agreement via my FATCA registration?
Periodic certification
Q1. When do I need to certify?
Q2. How do I complete the certification?
Q3. What documents will I upload for the certification?
Q4. How do I create a consolidated compliance group?
Q5. How do I apply for a waiver?
Q6. How do I certify my consolidated compliance group if I don't have an account already?
Q7. Can a terminated entity be a compliance entity or member of a CCG?
QI/WP/WT system self-help
QI/WP/WT system technical support
General system questions
Q1. What is the QI/WP/WT system?
The QI/WP/WT system is a secure web-based platform for users to apply to become a QI, WP, or WT, certify compliance, renew, or terminate an existing QI, WP, or WT agreement, and manage their QI, WP, or WT information online. Go to the QI/WP/WT system page to access the login page.
Updated: June 15, 2021
Q2. What are the system’s technical requirements?
The system is compatible with Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox. It does not support login with more than one tab or window at the same time. Use only one tab or window to avoid losing your work.
Updated: June 15, 2021
Q3. What is my entity ID?
The entity ID is a system generated, eight character ID assigned to an account when it is created. If you intend to share access to the account, be sure to provide the entity ID to the authorized users. Authorized users will use the entity ID to select an account after login. Reference the entity ID when communicating with the IRS regarding the QI/WP/WT system account. Your entity ID is located on your QI/WP/WT system home page.
Updated: February 10, 2017
Q4. What are “know your customer” (KYC) rules?
"Know your customer rules" or "KYC rules" are laws, regulations, rules, and administrative practices and procedures governing the requirements of certain QIs, WPs and WTs that are FFIs to obtain documentation confirming the identity of QI’s account holders, WP’s direct partners, or WT’s direct beneficiaries or owners. The KYC rules page has a list of KYC jurisdictions. It also specifies acceptable documentation.
If your country/jurisdiction is not listed on the application, select "other” from the list and type the country in the provided field.
Updated: June 15, 2021
Q5. Can an entity have more than one EIN?
Yes, an entity can have multiple EINs but only one associated with its QI/WP/WT account. Entities are assigned a QI, WP, or WT EIN once the IRS has approved the application for QI, WP, or WT.
Q6. What should I do if I receive an “unable to connect to the BSL”, UI-1000 or UI-1002 error message?
Press the back button in the browser window then continue with the actions you were taking before running into the issue.
Updated: June 15, 2021
Q7. Are there any alphabetic or numeric formats I should follow?
Enter valid values (0-9 and commas) only. Use American formats in monetary numeric fields (i.e. do not use ‘.’s instead of commas for large numbers). Do not include cents or use decimals. In your review, make sure to verify all input numbers with each page, and ensure the correct numbers are being saved.
Added: June 15, 2021
Q8. If I already have a FATCA registration account, do I need to create an account in the system?
Yes, if you are an existing QI, WP, or WT, or wish to apply for QI, WP, or WT status online, you will need to create an account in the Qualified Intermediary (QI), Withholding Foreign Partnership (WP), Withholding Foreign Trust (WT) System Application and Account Management System.
Updated: February 10, 2017
Q9. Who can access a system account?
Up to four authorized users can access a system account: a responsible officer, a contact person, and up to two representatives of the power(s) of attorney. Although up to four authorized users may have access to the account, only one authorized user can access the account at a time.
Updated: February 10, 2017
Q10. How can the responsible officer, contact person, or a representative’s information be changed?
You enter contact information when you create an account. Only the responsible officer and contact person can update the information by using the manage contact information link on the home page activity center. The login name must not contain a number. It must match the information on the manage contact information page or you will not be able to access the account
Updated: February 10, 2017
Q11. How do I add a representative (power of attorney) to my account?
Representatives (power of attorney) may be added when you create the account. To update or add a power of attorney after creating the account, a responsible officer or contact person may select the manage contact information link on the account home page.
Added: February 10, 2017
Q12. What if I lost my login credentials?
If you lost or forgot your username, you must re-register.
If you lost or forgot your password, you must answer challenge questions to verify your identity and create a new password.
You also must contact the responsible officer or contact person so they can edit your contact information to match your new login credentials.
You can find further instructions in the QI/WP/WT user guide PDF.
Added: February 10, 2017
Account notifications and statuses
Q1. What type of notifications will the system provide?
The system generates messages on the message board when a change occurs to the account or an action is required. Login to your account and access your home page to view your message board. The system also sends an email notification to the responsible officer, contact person, and any representatives you designate with a power of attorney.
Add fatca-qi-donot-reply@irs.gov to your email contact list to ensure notification emails are not sent to a Spam or Junk Mail folder.
The QI/WP/WT user guide PDF has more information about the message board.
Updated: February 10, 2017
Q2. How can I check the status of my application?
Login to your account. The status fields on the home page show your status for applications, renewals, certifications, etc. The system will also generate automatic e-mail notifications to the responsible officer, contact person, and, any of your authorized users when a status changes during the application, renewal, or certification process. The QI/WP/WT system statuses page has a list of statuses and their definitions.
Updated: April 4, 2018
Application editing
Q1. Can I change my entity type (QI, WP, or WT)?
You cannot change your entity type after approval. Submit a notice of termination and re-apply selecting the appropriate entity type to change your entity type after approval,
Updated: February 10, 2017
Q2. What questions in the application or renewal do I need to answer?
Depending on your entity type (QI, WP, or WT), the system will automatically direct you only to the applicable questions. Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk *. Once all answers are complete, you can review and edit your answers in Part 4 before submitting.
Added: April 4, 2018
Q3. How do I edit my application or renewal?
Before the application or renewal is approved you may edit all information. Go to your home page’s activity center and select the edit option. After the application or renewal is approved, select the update account information link to edit general information. Please reference the QI/WP/WT user guide PDF for additional instructions.
Updated: February 10, 2017
Q4. Is there a limit to the number of branches I can add to my account?
The limit is 150 branches.
Q5. What if I receive a file upload error message?
The error message will have information on the error’s cause. If you receive an error message when attempting to upload a file 10MB or less in size, reduce the file’s size to 9MB or less and attempt to upload again. More details on file upload error messages can be found in the QI/WP/WT user guide PDF.
Q6. Why did my application or renewal status change to incomplete?
There is an issue that requires you to update your application or renewal. You will receive an email to check your message board for a message explaining the issue.
Updated: February 10, 2017
Q7. How do I withdraw my application or renewal?
Select the withdraw option on your home page. The option to withdraw is used to withdraw a submitted application or renewal in most cases to make corrections then resubmit. The withdraw option is not used to terminate your agreement.
Updated: February 10, 2017
Q8. How do I terminate my QI, WP, or WT agreement?
Login to the system and select the submit notice of termination link on your home page. The option to terminate is only available in approved entity status. You will need to set a date for the termination to take effect. The termination will occur at the end of business on that date.
Updated: February 10, 2017
Renew QI, WP or WT agreement
Q1. When do I need to renew?
The IRS determines the time frame for the open period to renew the agreement. You will receive a notification when a renewal period has opened. The system will also send reminders regarding the approaching renewal due date. We encourage you to subscribe to QI, WP, and WT News (UI 154775), which provides information, announcements, and important dates applicable to QIs, WPs, and WTs.
Added: February 10, 2017
Q2. Can I renew my QI, WP, or WT agreement via my FATCA registration?
No, you must renew via the QI/WP/WT system. QIs, WPs, or WTs that have a FATCA Registration account, will not be able to renew their agreement in FATCA Registration system as that portion of the registration application has been removed.
Added: February 10, 2017
Periodic certification
Q1. When do I need to certify?
If your email address is correct in the system, you will be notified via email and message board that your certification submission period is open and the due date to submit. For accounts terminated by the entity or the IRS, the certification period opens immediately and is due six months from termination.
Added: April 4, 2018
Q2. How do I complete the certification?
From your account home page, you will select the link to begin the seven-part certification. You will choose from one of three previous years for the periodic review. Depending on your QI, WP, or WT type, the system will direct you to applicable questions including a request for waiver (if eligible) and a supporting documentation upload step. Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk (*). Once all questions are answered, you can review and edit your answers before submitting.
Added: April 4, 2018
Q3. What documents will I upload for the certification?
Part 5 (for WP or WT) or part 7 (for QI) of the certification contains the file upload step. The following files may be uploaded to support the certification: Form 872, Form 2848, organization chart, periodic review report, proposed sample chart, QDD related attachments, remediation plan and other documentation. You can upload up to 10 files. Each file must be 10mb or less. Valid file formats are: CSV, DOC, DOCX, JPEG, JPG, PDF, PNG, TXT, XLS, or XLSX.
Added: April 4, 2018
Q4. How do I create a consolidated compliance group?
You create a CCB in the system by submitting a request within your QI/WP/WT account and uploading an application to form a CCG and an organization chart. Once the IRS has approved the CCG, you request the addition of up to 100 members. These members must be the same QI/WP/WT type and due for certification as well. You must request the CCG creation for each certification period.
Added: April 4, 2018
Q5. How do I apply for a waiver?
The waiver is within the certification form in Part 3. You must be eligible to apply for such a waiver. Each QI/WP/WT type has certain conditions for eligibility. Read the Instructions for Certification at the beginning of the QI/WP/WT Certification page for the eligibility requirements. Entities that are identified as NFFEs, QDDs, or entities that are part of a CCG are not eligible and will not receive a waiver.
Added: April 4, 2018
Q6. How do I certify my consolidated compliance group if I don't have an account already?
You can certify a withholding partnership (WP) consolidate compliance group in the QI/WP/WT system by creating an account with no agreement with the IRS. After you create your login credentials, select that there is no withholding agreement when asked on the Entity Information page. Then answer “yes” that you are creating this account strictly for the purpose of being a WP compliance entity. From your account home page, you can then request to create a consolidate compliance group and complete the certification.
Added: April 4, 2018
Q7. Can a terminated entity be a compliance entity or member of a CCG?
No, an entity cannot be selected to become a member of a CCG if their entity status is either Terminated - by IRS, or Terminated – Voluntary.
Added: April 4, 2018
QI/WP/WT system self-help
In addition to the FAQs, the QI/WP/WT user guide PDF has information on how to answer questions and navigate the system. The system also contains help icons linking to guidance on questions and fields. The QI/WP/WT system page has links to reference documents that explain the system’s functionality.
Updated: February 10, 2017
QI/WP/WT system technical support
If you need system support, including help with technical issues, a “help” link is displayed at the top of each page within the system. This option provides resources, contact information and further assistance for users. You can report technical problems from this "help" page by clicking on the system support link.
Updated: February 10, 2017