IDES process in six steps Obtain digital certificate from IRS approved certificate authority. Create account. Use the enrollment tool to create a user profile. Validate authorization. Validate your approved GIIN and enter your digital certificate. IDES will validate your authorization. Receive enrollment approval to access IDES via email with instructions or secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) link. Prepare & upload files. You must first compress and then encrypt FATCA data files. Send package to IRS. After you transmit the data package, IDES will send a confirmation message. IDES resources and support Compression tools A list of compatible compression tools. Customer support (updated Aug.10, 2015) Overview of IDES customer support services and operations. Data preparation (updated Feb. 14, 2017) Overview and sample files for of the file preparation process. Data preparation user tips PDF (updated Dec. 6, 2016) A list of common data prep errors and recommended solutions. Digital certificates A list of IRS-approved certificate authorities and certificate types. Digital signatures (updated December 15, 2016) Overview and sample files to illustrate an XML digital signature. FATCA Identification Number (FIN) Overview of the IDES enrollment process for a U.S. withholding agent (USWA), territory financial institution (TFI), third party preparer or commercial software vendor. FATCA XML schema best practices Overview of FATCA reporting schema best practices, character restrictions and other topics FATCA XML schema best practices - Correct, Amend and Void Records (updated December 15, 2016) Overview of FATCA reporting schema best practices and sample files to correct, amend and void records. FATCA XML schema best practices - DocRefId (updated August 10, 2015) An overview of FATCA reporting schema business rules for the DocRefId data element. FATCA XML schema files (updated January 10, 2017) A list of FATCA reporting schema files, samples and user guides. HCTA FATCA Entity ID and user name Overview of the Host Country Tax Authority (HCTA) Entity Sender ID composition and user name IDES Testing Schedule (updated July 19, 2023) An overview of the IDES testing schedule. Supported browsers A list of compatible web browsers. FATCA foreign financial institution list search and download tool Find FFIs Related International Data Exchange Service FATCA XML schemas and business rules for Form 8966 FATCA IDES technical FAQs Subscribe to the FATCA news and information list IDES alert codes IRS FATCA report notifications FATCA informational sites Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) Information for foreign financial institutions FATCA information for United States entities FATCA governments