These updated FAQs were released to the public in Fact Sheet 2022-39 PDF, December 2, 2022. Q1. What if I already filed my 2020 tax return and didn't qualify for the third round of Economic Impact Payment (EIP) or received less of it because of my AGI, will the payment now be sent to me if the unemployment compensation exclusion reduced my AGI and makes me eligible for the payment or for more? (updated March 23, 2022) A1. No. Your third EIP was evaluated based on your originally filed tax return. We will not reevaluate or send more money after applying the unemployment compensation exclusion. If you didn't qualify for the payment or received less than the full amount based on your 2020 tax return, you may be eligible to claim the 2021 Recovery Rebate Credit when you file your 2021 tax return. For additional information about the third payment, see Third economic impact payment. Related Topic A: Eligibility Topic B: Calculating the Exclusion Topic C: Claiming the Exclusion (Before Filing) Topic D: Amended Return (Form 1040-X) Topic E: Impact to Income, Credits, and Deductions Topic F: Victims of Unemployment Fraud and Identity Theft Topic G: Receiving a Refund, Letter, or Notice Topic H: Finding the Unemployment Compensation Amount Topic I: Post Unemployment Compensation Exclusion Adjustment Topic J: Economic Impact Payment Previous updates to FAQs FS-2022-21, March 2022 PDF FS-2022-01, January 2022 PDF