Hi, I'm Maria, and I work for the IRS.
Did you know that we work with thousands of organizations to help people prepare and file their tax returns for free?
That's right.
And you may be eligible for that help.
Depending on your income, you may qualify to get your taxes done for free — in your own community.
It's through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance and the Tax Counseling for the Elderly programs, also known as VITA and TCE.
These programs also help senior citizens, people with disabilities and people with limited knowledge of English.
Thousands of trained and certified volunteers are ready to assist you during the tax filing season.
Each year they complete millions of tax returns.
These volunteers will not only prepare your tax return, they will also see if you qualify for any tax credits and deductions.
And the best part of all, it's free.
So, check out irs.gov/vita to see if you qualify, and to find a VITA or TCE site near you.