IR-2020-46, February 28, 2020 – The IRS today announced that interest rates will remain the same for the calendar quarter beginning April 1, 2020.
IR-2020-45, February 28, 2020 — The Internal Revenue Service is reminding taxpayers today that the best way to check on their tax refund is by using the “Where’s My Refund?” tool at or through the IRS2Go Mobile App.
IR-2020-44, February 26, 2020 ― The Internal Revenue Service reminds taxpayers that it is processing tax returns claiming benefits extended or changed by recent legislation.
IR-2020-43, February 26, 2020 — The Internal Revenue Service’s Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) Program Office has issued its annual program report.
IR-2020-42, February 25, 2020 — Whether on home computers or mobile devices, the number of taxpayer visits to continues to grow year after year. Millions of taxpayers take advantage of the easy-to-use tools available 24 hours a day on the official website −
IR-2020-41, February 24, 2020 — The Internal Revenue Service announced today that Brendan O’Dell will serve as the agency’s new promoter investigations coordinator.
IR-2020-40, February 24, 2020 — The Internal Revenue Service has released its newly-revised tax guide, designed to help members of the military understand the many special tax benefits available to them under the law.
IR-2020-39, February 24, 2020 — The Internal Revenue Service issued proposed regulations on the business expense deduction for meals and entertainment following changes made by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA).
IR-2020-38, February 21, 2020 – The Treasury Department and IRS today issued Revenue Procedure 2020-13 providing procedures for farmers who have elected out of certain capitalization rules and want to apply the small business taxpayer exemption in the same taxable year.
IR-2020-37, February 20, 2020 — The IRS reminds farmers and fishermen who chose to forgo making quarterly estimated tax payments that they must file their 2019 Form 1040 along with a payment for all taxes owed by Monday, March 2, 2020.
IR-2020-36, February 19, 2020 — The IRS today announced it is seeking civic-minded volunteers to serve on the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel (TAP).
IR-2020-35, February 19, 2020 — The IRS today issued guidance to help businesses understand how legislation passed in 2018 may benefit those claiming carbon capture credits.
IR-2020-34, February 19, 2020 — As part of a larger effort to ensure compliance and fairness, the Internal Revenue Service today announced that it will step up efforts to visit high-income taxpayers who in prior years have failed to timely file one or more of their tax returns.
IR-2020-33, February 19, 2020 — Leaders from five international tax organizations came together in Sydney, Australia, this week to review the J5’s progress in their fight against transnational tax crime and set priorities for the year ahead.
IR-2020-32, February 14, 2020 — The IRS and its Security Summit partners today called on tax professionals and taxpayers to use the free, multi-factor authentication feature being offered on tax preparation software products.
IR-2020-31, February 14, 2020 — Offering time-saving alternatives to a telephone call, the Internal Revenue Service reminds taxpayers they can get fast answers to their refund questions by using the Where’s My Refund? tool available on and through the IRS2Go app.
IR-2020-30, February 13, 2020 — With a surge of tax returns expected the two weeks following the February 17 Presidents Day holiday, the Internal Revenue Service is offering taxpayers several tips and various time-saving resources to get them the help they need quickly and easily.
IR-2020-29, February 12, 2020 — The Internal Revenue Service is holding a free webinar designed to help gig workers, employers, contractors and other businesses understand their tax reporting responsibilities.
IR-2020-28, February 11, 2020 — The U.S. Department of the Treasury and the IRS today issued proposed regulations updating the federal income tax withholding rules to reflect changes made by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) and other legislation.
IR-2020-27, February 3, 2020 — The IRS today launched Identity Theft Central, designed to improve online access to information on identity theft and data security protection for taxpayers, tax professionals and businesses.
Find previous year news releases and fact sheets from 1997 through last month.