Prior year news and resources about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and tax reform initiatives — General tax reform.
- IR-2018-229, Treasury, IRS: Making large gifts now won’t harm estates after 2025
- IR-2018-216, The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service today issued final regulations expanding the long-standing paid preparer due diligence requirement to include individual income tax returns claiming the head of household filing status
- IR-2018-206, Treasury, IRS issue proposed regulations on new Opportunity Zone tax incentive
- IR-2018-178, Clarification for business taxpayers: Payments under state or local tax credit programs may be deductible as business expenses
- IR-2018-134, For new tax on some private colleges, stepped-up basis may apply to property sold at a gain; new basis rule may limit tax impact8
- IR-2018-126, New law gives individuals and businesses more time to challenge a wrongful IRS levy; newly-revised publication can help
- IR-2018-110, IRS highlights sharing economy tax center, other resources during National Small Business Week
- IR-2018-109, For Small Business Week, IRS highlights key business tax topics
- IR-2018-104, IRS describes new tax reform information reporting requirements for certain life insurance contract transactions and provides transitional guidance delaying reporting until final regulations are issued
- IR-2018-99, Many corporations will pay a blended federal income tax this year under the new tax reform law
- IR-2018-95, Combat zone tax benefits now available to Armed Forces members who served in the Sinai Peninsula; IRS accepting retroactive tax refund claims back to 2015
- IR-2018-94, Inflation adjustments under recently enacted tax law
- IR-2018-82, IRS issues guidance on business interest expense limitations
- IR-2018-37, IRS plans to issue regulations clarifying limitations on carried interest
- IR-2018-16, Tax issues for Alaska Native American Corporations and Alaska Native Settlement Trusts
- IR-2017-210, IRS advisory: prepaid real property taxes may be deductible in 2017 if assessed and paid in 2017
- Tax Reform Tax Tip 2019-08, Videos help taxpayers learn more about tax reform
- Tax Reform Tax Tip 2018-161, Tax reform brings changes to real estate rehabilitation tax credit
- Tax Reform Tax Tip 2018-132, IRS launches new easy-to-use webpages to help all taxpayers understand tax reform
- Tax Reform Tax Tip 2018-123, Taxpayers now have more time to challenge a levy
- Tax Reform Tax Tip 2018-115, Resources on help all taxpayers understand tax reform
- Tax Reform Tax Tip 2018-49, Taxpayers can visit for resources to help understand tax reform