9th Annual IRS-TPC Joint Research Conference on Tax Administration
The 2019 IRS Research Bulletin (Publication 1500) features selected papers from the IRS-Tax Policy Center (TPC) Research Conference held at the Urban Institute in Washington, DC, on June 20, 2019. Conference presenters and attendees included researchers from many areas of the IRS, officials from other government agencies, and academic and private sector experts on tax policy, tax administration, and tax compliance.
2019 IRS Research Bulletin (Publication 1500) PDF
2019 IRS-TPC Joint Research Conference Agenda PDF
Session 1: Estimating the effects of tax administration on compliance
- Estimating the Specific Indirect Effect for Multiple Types of Correspondence Audits PDF
Ben Howard, Lucia Lykke, and Leigh Nicholl (MITRE Corporation), and Alan Plumley (IRS, RAAS) - Enforcement vs. Outreach - Impacts on Tax Filing Compliance PDF
Anne Herlache, Rizwan Javaid, Ishani Roy and Alex Turk (IRS, RAAS) and Stacy Orlett (IRS, SB/SE) - Assessing the Impact of Exchange of Information PDF
Pierce O’Reilly (OECD)
Session 2: The influence of external factors on compliance
- Recent Changes in the Paid Return Preparer Industry and EITC Compliance PDF
Emily Y. Lin (U.S. Treasury, Office of Tax Analysis) - Effect of Recent Reductions in the Internal Revenue Service’s Appropriations on Revenues PDF
Janet Holtzblatt (Tax Policy Center) and Jamie McGuire (Joint Committee on Taxation)
Session 3: Improving the digital taxpayer experience
- IRS Online Account User Testing: Improving the User Experience Through Iterative Design and Research PDF
Heather Gay (Mediabarn Inc.) - Usability of Biometric Authentication Methods for Citizens with Disabilities PDF
Becca Scollan and Ronna ten Brink (MITRE Corporation) - Customer Experience Research Leads to Better Design and Increased Adoption PDF
Nikki Kerber, Kristen Papa, and Jake Sauser (Booz Allen Hamilton)
Session 4: Understanding the drivers of taxpayer behavior
- Underpayment of Estimated Tax: Understanding the Penalized Taxpayer Population PDF
Victoria Bryant, Brett Collins, Janet Li, Alicia Miller, Alex Turk, and Tomás Wind (IRS, RAAS), and Stacy Orlett (IRS, SB/SE) - The Positive and Negative Effects of Burdensome Audits PDF
Amy Hageman (Kansas State University), Ethan LaMothe (University of South Carolina), and Mary Marshall (Louisiana Tech University) - Using a Graph Database to Analyze the IRS Databank PDF
Ririko Horvath and Rahul Tikekar (IRS, RAAS)