SOI tax stats - Projections of federal tax return filings


Here you will find forecasts of the number of returns to be filed for tax forms within the individual, tax-exempt, and business areas. These statistical projections are developed by the IRS Statistics of Income Statistical Services Branch.

Projections publications

Calendar Year Projections of Information and Withholding Documents for the United States and IRS Campuses (Publication 6961)

IRS Publication 6961 is revised annually to update detailed calendar year projections of information and withholding documents to be filed at the U.S. and campus levels. Projections are also available by submission method. The projections incorporate the latest changes in legal, regulatory, administrative, and recent filing experiences.

Fiscal Year Return Projections for the United States (Publication 6292)

IRS Publication 6292 contains multi-year projections of the number of tax returns to be filed with the IRS by fiscal year of filing. The publication includes detailed projections by approximately 50 different individual, business, and tax-exempt return types, such as Form 1040, Form 1120, Form 941 and Form 990. There is also additional detail by medium of filing (paper versus electronic) and by IRS business operating division categorizations.

Calendar Year Projections of Individual Returns by Major Processing Categories, Selected Years and Areas (Publication 6187)

IRS Publication 6187 contains multi-year projections of the number of individual Form 1040 series returns to be filed with the IRS by major processing categories important to IRS planning operations. This includes detail by form type (Forms 1040, 1040A, and 1040EZ), by medium of filing (paper versus electronic), and by other characteristics, such as refund returns. Selected portions of the forecasts are also shown by IRS processing campus location and by State.

Calendar Year Return Projections for the United States and IRS Campuses (Publication 6186)

IRS Publication 6186 contains multi-year projections of the number of tax returns to be filed with the IRS by the calendar year of filing. The publication includes detailed projections by approximately 50 different individual, business, and tax-exempt return types, such as Form 1040, Form 1120, Form 941, and Form 990. There is also additional detail by medium of filing (paper versus electronic) and by IRS processing campus location.

Calendar Year Return Projections by State (Publication 6149)

IRS Publication 6149 contains multi-year projections of the number of tax returns to be filed with the IRS by state—as determined by the addresses on the tax returns. The publication includes detailed projections by approximately 50 different individual, business and tax-exempt return types such as Form 1040, Form 1120, Form 941 and Form 990. There is also additional detail by medium of filing (paper versus electronic). Supplemental Tables

Projections Articles from the Statistics of Income Bulletin