E-file provider services

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  • Get answers to your questions about e-file applications and electronic filing identification numbers (EFINs).

  • For account-specific questions, you’ll need an IRS (ID.me) account.

E-file application

Use our online e-file application to become an authorized e-file provider or view and update existing applications

It is only through an approved e-file application that tax professionals, who are electronic return originators (EROs), Circular 230 practitioners, or reporting agents (RAs), can gain access to the Transcript Delivery System. EROs must e-file five or more returns in a tax season to be eligible. Circular 230 practitioners need only apply and be approved.

Access e-file application

*requires login credentials

E-file transmission

You must have an e-Services username and password and a completed e-file application before participating.


This method uses Automated Enrollment (AE) to enroll and maintain the A2A client application systems. AE provides a user interface for enrolling and maintaining A2A client application systems for the IRS A2A channel. For more information see the Automated Enrollment user guide PDF and how to become an authorized e-file provider.

Access A2A Automated Enrollment

*requires login credentials


This transmission method allows users to login to e-Services and upload a file. For more information see Pub. 4164, Modernized e-file Guide for Software Developers and Transmitters PDF.

Transmit using IFA

*requires login credentials

Access Assurance Testing System (ATS) questionnaire

Software developers must access their e-Services account to submit questionnaires for each form they are testing. You must be an authorized user on a completed IRS e-file application and have principal or user granted principal consent authority or be a responsible official or delegate users with Add & Change Software Package Information authority granted. 

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