Notices for the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

Updates on the development and implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act.


  • Notice 2024-60, Required Procedures to Claim a Section 45Q Credit for Utilization of Carbon Oxide
  • Notice 2024-49, Clean Fuel Production Credit; Registration
  • Notice 2024-48, Guidance regarding certain requirements under the Statistical Area Category or the Coal Closure Category to qualify for the Energy Community Bonus Credit
  • Notice 2024-47, Extended Relief from Certain Additions to Tax for Corporation’s Underpayment of Estimated Income Tax under Section 6655
  • Notice 2024-41, Domestic content bonus credits
  • Notice 2024-36, Guidance Regarding the 2024 Allocation Round of Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Credit Program  
  • Notice 2024-33, Relief from Certain Additions to Tax for Corporation’s Underpayment of Estimated Income Tax under Section 6655
  • Notice 2024-30, Energy Community Bonus Credit Amounts Under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022
  • Notice 2024-27, Request for Comments on Situations in Which a Section 6417(a) Election Could Be Made for Credits Purchased in Transfers Under Section 6418(a)
  • Notice 2024-20, Guidance on Satisfying the Geographical Requirements of the Section 30C Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit
  • Notice 2024-13, Guidance on product identification number requirement to claim the Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit
  • Notice 2024-10, Additional Interim Guidance Regarding the Application of the Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax under Sections 55, 56A, and 59 of the Internal Revenue Code
  • Notice 2024-9, Statutory Exceptions to Phaseout Reducing Elective Payment Amounts for Applicable Entities if Domestic Content Requirements are Not Satisfied
  • Notice 2024-06, Sustainable Aviation Fuel Credit; Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Percentage and Certification of Sustainability Requirements Related to the Clean Air Act; Safe Harbors
  • Notice 2024-05, Section 45W Commercial Clean Vehicles and Incremental Cost for 2024


  • Notice 2023-65, Section 45L New Energy Efficient Home Credit
  • Notice 2023-64, Additional Interim Guidance Regarding the Application of the Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax under Sections 55, 56A, and 59 of the Internal Revenue Code
  • Notice 2023-59, Guidance on Requirements for Home Energy Audits for Purposes of the Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit under Section 25C
  • Notice 2023-52, Section 5000D Excise Tax on Sales of Designated Drugs; Reporting and Payment of the Tax
  • Notice 2023-47, publishes lists of information that taxpayers may use to determine whether they meet certain requirements under the Statistical Area Category or the Coal Closure Category as described in sections 3.03 and 3.04 of Notice 2023-291 for purposes of qualifying for energy community bonus credit amounts or rates under §§ 45, 45Y, 48, and 48E of the Internal Revenue Code (Code). These lists are provided in Appendix 1, Appendix 2, and Appendix 3 of this notice.
  • Notice 2023-45, clarifies section 5.02(3) of Notice 2023-29, released in IR-2023-69, which describes requirements for a brownfield site safe harbor for projects with a nameplate capacity of not greater than 5 megawatts (MW) in alternating current (AC). This notice also describes a prior modification that was made via an online update pertaining to the special rule for beginning of construction (BOC) under section 4.01(2) of Notice 2023-29.
  • Notice 2023-44, provides additional guidance to clarify and modify Notice 2023-18, 2023-10 I.R.B. 508, which established the program under § 48C(e)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) to allocate $10 billion of credits ($4 billion of which may be allocated only to projects located in § 48C(e) Energy Communities Census Tracts) for qualified investments in eligible qualifying advanced energy projects (§ 48C(e) program).
  • Notice 2023-42, Relief from Certain Additions to Tax for Corporation’s Underpayment of Estimated Income Tax under Section 6655
  • Notice 2023-38, proposes regulations (forthcoming proposed regulations) addressing the application of the rules that taxpayers must satisfy to qualify for the domestic content bonus credit amounts under §§ 45, 45Y, 48, and 48E of the Internal Revenue Code.
  • Notice 2023-29, describes certain rules that the Treasury Department and the IRS intend to include in the forthcoming proposed regulations for determining what constitutes an energy community as defined in § 45(b)(11)(B) and as adopted by §§ 45Y(g)(7), 48(a)(14), and 48E(a)(3)(A) and for determining whether a qualified facility, an energy project, or an energy storage technology is located in an energy community.
  • Notice 2023-20, Interim Guidance Regarding Certain Insurance Related Issues for the Determination of Adjusted Financial Statement Income under Section 56A of the Internal Revenue Code
  • Notice 2023-18, establishes the section 48C(e) program to allocate $10 billion of section 48C credits ($4 billion of which may only be allocated to projects located in certain energy communities census tracts) and provides initial program guidance. 
  • Notice 2023-17, establishes the program to allocate environmental justice solar and wind capacity limitation, as required under § 48(e) of the Internal Revenue Code. This notice also provides initial program guidance for potential applicants for allocations of calendar year 2023 capacity limitation. 
  • Notice 2023-16, updates Notice 2023-1 by changing the vehicle classification standard by which vans, sport utility vehicles, pickup trucks, and other vehicles are defined.
  • Notice 2023-09, provides a safe harbor regarding the incremental cost of certain qualified commercial clean vehicles placed in service in calendar year 2023 for purposes of the new credit for qualified commercial clean vehicles under § 45W of the Internal Revenue Code.
  • Notice 2023-07, Initial Guidance Regarding the Application of the Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax under Sections 55, 56A, and 59 of the Internal Revenue Code
  • Notice 2023-06, provides guidance on the new sustainable aviation fuel credits under §§ 40B and 6426(k) of the Internal Revenue Code and related credit and payment rules under §§ 34(a)(3), 38, 87, and 6427(e)(1). This notice also provides rules related to the § 4101 registration requirements. Finally, this notice requests comments from the public related to the SAF credit to assist the Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service in developing additional guidance on the SAF credit in the future.
  • Notice-2023-02, provides initial Guidance Regarding the Application of the Excise Tax on Repurchases of Corporate Stock under Section 4501 of the Internal Revenue Code.
  • Notice 2023-01, informs taxpayers that the Department of the Treasury (Treasury Department) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) intend to propose regulations under § 30D of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) (forthcoming proposed regulations) addressing the definitions of certain terms relevant to the requirements of the clean vehicle credit available under § 30D (§ 30D credit).


  • Notice 2022-61 provides guidance on the prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements that generally apply to certain provisions of the Internal Revenue Code , as amended by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. 
  • Notice 2022-58 request for comments on Credits for Clean Hydrogen and Clean Fuel Production.
  • Notice 2022-57 request for comments on the Credit for Carbon Oxide Sequestration.
  • Notice 2022-56 request for comments on Section 45W Credit for Qualified Commercial Clean Vehicles and Section 30C Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit.
  • Notice 2022-51 requests comments on prevailing wage, apprenticeship, domestic content and energy communities requirements.
  • Notice 2022-50 requests comments on elective payment of applicable credits and transfer of certain credits featured in IRA Provision 13801.
  • Notice 2022-49 requests for comments on certain energy generation incentives featured in IRA Provision 13202.
  • Notice 2022-48 requests comments on incentive provisions for improving the energy efficiency of residential and commercial buildings featured in IRA Provision 13302 &13303.
  • Notice 2022-47 requests comments on energy security tax credits for manufacturing featured in IRA Provision 50265.
  • Notice 2022-46 requests comments on credits for clean vehicles featured in IRA Provision 13401.
  • Notice 2022-39 explains how to file a one-time claim for credit and payments for alternative fuels.