Excel Viewer These tables below were originally published in the IRS Data Book, which is IRS Publication 55B, and are complied by various divisions throughout the IRS. The IRS's fiscal year runs from October 1 to September 30. Enforcing laws Examination coverage Examination Coverage: Recommended and Average Recommended Additional Tax After Examination by Type and Size of Return and Fiscal Year Returns Examined by Type of Return and Internal Revenue Region, District, and Service Center and Fiscal Year 1999 XLS 1998 XLS 1997 XLS 1996 XLS 1995 XLS Additional Tax and Penalties Recommended After Examination By Tax Class and by Internal Revenue Regions, Districts and Service Centers and Fiscal Year 1997 XLS 1996 XLS 1995 XLS Examination Coverage: Individual Income Tax Returns Examined by Size of Adjusted Gross Income and Fiscal Year Returns Examined with Unagreed Recommended Additional Tax After Examination by Type and Size of Return and Fiscal Year Returns Examined Involving Protection of the Revenue Base by Type and Size of Return and Fiscal Year Examination Coverage: Returns Examined Resulting in Refunds by Type and Size of Return and Fiscal Year Returns of Tax-Exempt Organizations, Employee Plans, and Government Entities Examined by Type of Return and Fiscal Year Returns of Tax-Exempt Organizations and Employee Plans Examined, and Recommended Additional Tax After Examinatinon by Type of Examination and Fiscal Year 2005 XLS 2004 XLS 2003 XLS 2002 XLS 2001 XLS 2000 XLS 1999 XLS 1998 XLS Returns of Tax-Exempt Organizations, Employee Plans, and Tax-Exempt Bonds Examined by Type of Examination and Fiscal Year 2005 XLS 2004 XLS 2003 XLS 2002 XLS 2001 XLS 2000 XLS 1999 XLS 1998 XLS Determination Letters Issued on Employee Pension Plans by Type and Disposition of the Plan and Fiscal Year Tax-Exempt Guidance and Other Regulatory Activities Applications for Tax-Exempt Status by Organization Type and Internal Revenue Code Section and Fiscal Year Tax-Exempt Organizations and Non-Exempt Charitable Trusts Delinquent Collection Activities Criminal Investigation Program by Status or Disposition and Fiscal Year Civil Penalties Assessed and Abated by Type of Tax and Penalty and Fiscal Year Information Reporting Program In addition to receiving taxpayers' self-reported income and tax on those tax returns that are filed, the IRS receives independent information about income received and taxes withheld on information returns, such as Forms W-2 and 1099 from employers and other third parties. With its Automated Underreporter Program, the IRS matches these information returns to tax returns and contacts taxpayer to resolve discripancies. By Returns Received, Contacts, and Additional Tax and Interest Assessed Math Errors on Individual Income Tax Returns During the routine processing of tax returns, the IRS checks for mathematical and clerical errors before refunds are paid, By type of error (Back to top) More resources: Issuing Refunds Enforcing Laws Assisting Taxpayers Managing the System IRS Tax Compliance Activities Taxpayer Compliance Research