The IRS offers many ways for taxpayers, practitioners and stakeholders to engage in Open Government. The IRS Open Government initiative is a part of the overall Department of the Treasury open government initiative.
On the Web
TAS is an independent organization within the IRS which help taxpayers resolve problems with the IRS and recommend changes that will prevent the problems.
Know of a tax problem that affects more than one taxpayer?
You can help the Taxpayer Advocate Service tackle the “big-picture” problems in the IRS or the tax law by reporting them to TAS via the Systemic Advocacy Management System (SAMS).
FOIA provides public access to agency records unless protected from disclosure by one of the FOIA’s nine exemptions or three exclusions.
In Person
Nearly every tax issue can now be resolved online or by phone from the convenience of your home or office. If you need help from a Taxpayer Assistance Center (TAC), call to schedule an appointment. All TACs are now providing service by appointment.
Attend the IRS Nationwide Tax Forums to learn the latest in tax administration, mingle with industry partners and earn CPE credits.
The Panel helps IRS review and evaluate property appraisals submitted by taxpayers in support of the fair market value claimed for works of art included in federal income, estate and gift tax cases in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code. The Panel members, up to 25 renowned art experts, serve without compensation.
Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee (ETAAC)
The Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee (ETAAC) provides an organized public forum for discussion of electronic tax administration issues in support of the overriding goal that paperless filing should be the preferred and most convenient method of filing tax and information returns. ETAAC members convey the public's perception of the IRS electronic tax administration activities, offer constructive observations about current or proposed policies, programs, and procedures, and suggest improvements.
Internal Revenue Service Advisory Council (IRSAC)
The Internal Revenue Service Advisory Council (IRSAC) conveys the public's perception of IRS' activities and, plays a significant role as an external evaluator.
TAP is a group of volunteers dedicated to helping the IRS identify ways to improve customer service and satisfaction. TAP is a Federal Advisory committee established in 2002 under the authority of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
Small business workshops, seminars and meetings, designed to help the small business owner understand and fulfill their federal tax responsibilities, are held at various locations throughout the country. These events are sponsored and presented by IRS partners specializing in federal tax. On occasion, IRS participates in these events in person or by virtual technology.
Tax Practitioner Institutes are generally sponsored by state universities and community colleges in partnership with the IRS to deliver high-quality continuing education credits to the tax professional community at reasonable cost.
Meetings that allow federally-recognized tribal governments the opportunity to raise issues of concern and offer suggestions. Tribes may also request one-on-one Consultation meetings should they wish to discuss particular matters privately.