Application PIAs: I


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Full title Acronym
ICCE, Order A Transcript PDF ICCE-OAT In-Person Verification Study PDF  
Identity and Tax Return Verification Service PDF ID Verify
Identity Protection PIN PDF IPPIN
Identity Theft Tax Refund Fraud Information Sharing PDF IDTTRF-ISAC
Incident Management and Other DSL Treatment PDF IMODT
Income and Family Size Verification PDF  IFSV
Income Verification Express Service Automation PDF COVID IVES RPA
Indian Tribal Government Technical Time Reports PDF ITGTTR
Individual Master File PDF IMF
Individual Master File Document Specific  (IDOCSPEC) PDF IDOCSPEC
Individual Taxpayer Identification Number Real-Time System PDF ITIN-RTS
Information Reporting and Document Matching PDF IRDM
Information Return Analysis System PDF ISRR
Information Returns Database PDF IRDB
Information Return Intake System Web Portal PDF IRIS Web Portal
Information Returns Processing PDF IRP
Information Returns Processing Paper Document PDF IRPPD
Information Sharing & Reporting - Sharing PDF ISR-S
Insolvency Interface Program PDF IIP
Integrated Automation Technologies PDF IAT
Integrated Collection System PDF ICS
Integrated Customer Communications Environment, IC (TRA) PDF TRA
Integrated Data Retrieval System PDF IDRS
Integrated Production Model PDF IPM
Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing PDF ISRP
Integrated Virtual Learning Platform/Adobe Connect PDF IVLP
Integrated Virtual Learning Platform Project PDF IVLPP
Interactive Tax Assistant/Interactive Tax Law Assistant PDF ITA/ITLA
Internal Identity & Access Management PDF IIAM
International Business Machine Engineering Lifecycle PDF ELM
International Business Machines (IBM) System z Main PDF GSS-21
International Compliance Management Model FATCA PDF ICMM-FIR
International Correspondence Exam PDF ICE
International Data Exchange Service PDF IDES
International Web Applications PDF INTWA
Inventory and Classification Database PDF ICDP
Inventory Delivery System PDF IDS
Investigative Data Examination Application PDF IDEA
Investigative Workstations PDF IW
IP Camera System PDF IP Camera
IRMOD IRIS Application Services PDF IRIS
IRS AWS GovCloud NetHub Core Services PDF ANCS
IRS Direct Pay PDF IDP
IRS Integrated Enterprise Portals PDF  IEP
IRWorks PDF IRWorks
Issue Based Management Information System PDF IBMIS
Issue Management System PDF IMS

Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs)