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2020 Latino Tax Professionals Association Focus GroupsPDF SU-5487
Adjustments Customer Satisfaction SurveyPDF CSAT
American Customer Satisfaction Index SurveyPDF SU-3898
Appeals Customer Satisfaction SurveyPDF SU-4039
Automated Collection System (ACS) Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSAT) (Toll-Free IVR)PDF SU-5801
Automated Collection System (ACS) Text Chat SurveyPDF SU-3760
Automated Collection System Support (ACSS) Customer Satisfaction Survey (Mail)PDF SU-4004
Automated Underreporter (AUR) Customer Satisfaction Survey (Mail)PDF SU-4001
Campus Correspondence Exam (CCE) Customer Satisfaction Survey (Mail)PDF SU-4002
Clean Energy Usability TestingPDF SU-7961
Compliance Services Collection Operation (CSCO) Customer Satisfaction Survey (Mail)PDF SU-4005
Comprehensive Taxpayer Attitude SurveyPDF CTAS
Correspondence Exam Secure Messaging SurveyPDF SU-5713
Credential Service Provider (CSP) Usability ResearchPDF SU-5528
Employment Tax Customer Satisfaction SurveyPDF BU-16-406
Estate and Gift Tax Customer Satisfaction SurveyPDF BU-16-505
Excise Tax Customer Satisfaction SurveyPDF BU-16-404
External Customer Satisfaction SurveyPDF SU-3856
Field Compliance Safety Focus GroupsPDF SU-5195
Field Collection Customer Satisfaction SurveyPDF SU-4010
Field Exam Customer Satisfaction SurveyPDF SU-4011
Gig Economy Worker Focus GroupsPDF SU-4432
Injured Spouse Customer Satisfaction SurveyPDF SU-4518
Innocent Spouse (ISP) Customer Satisfaction Survey (Mail) PDF SU-4003
Installment Agreement Create a Short-Term Payment Plan PDF SU-5768
IRA_ CHIPS - Clean Vehicle DealersPDF SU-7972
IRS Individual Taxpayer Burden SurveysPDF ITBS
IRS Taxpayer Compliance Burden Surveys - Surveys oPDF  TCBS
Low Income Tax Clinic (LITC) Focus GroupsPDF SU-5917
MITRE Research Project: Understanding Taxpayer MotivationPDF SU-5653
Privacy Collection Agency SurveyPDF SU-4000
Sales Tax Deduction Calculator Redesign Taxpayer User TestingPDF SU-5928
Sales Tax Deduction Calculator Redesign Tax Professional User TestingPDF SU-5929
TAS Customer Satisfaction SurveyPDF SU-5616
TAS Website Site Satisfaction QuestionsPDF SU-5712
Tax Court Settlement Day Participant EvaluationPDF SU-5451
Tax Pro Account User Testing Fall 2020PDF SU-5556
Tax Pro Authorizations in OLA Round 3 User TestPDF SU-5830
Taxpayer Digital Communication SurveyPDF SU-5755
Taxpayer Digital Communications (TDC) Automated Underreporter (AUR) SurveyPDF SU-5618
Taxpayer Experience Survey Focus GroupsPDF SU-5545
Taxpayer Experience SurveyPDF  SU-6090
TFA 1099 UT Fall 2020PDF SU-5502
TFA 1099 UT Round 4-5 Fall 2020PDF SU-5632
Usability Testing-Mediabarn: FY2021-2023PDF SU-5442
Usability Testing-MITRE: 2020-2022PDF SU-5599
VITA/TCE Volunteer and Partner RecruitmentPDF  
Wage & Investment E-Help Desk Focus GroupsPDF SU-5744
Wage & Investment E-help Desk SurveyPDF SU-4334

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