Are you recently married or planning to get married before the end of this year?
Marriage is a life event that will also affect your federal taxes.
Here's how:
Getting married will mean choosing a different status when you file your taxes.
Because if you're married as of December 31st, that's your marital status for the whole year for tax purposes.
And that means you'll need to decide between the married filing jointly or married filing separately status on your tax return.
Though most couples choose to file jointly, our website can help you determine which status is best for you.
Just go to
Keep in mind that many tax benefits are reduced or not available for the married filing separately status.
But ultimately, you'll need to use the status that best fits your situation.
Here are some additional tips.
If you or your spouse change last names, make sure you inform the Social Security Administration.
When you file your tax return using a new name, it must match your name in the Social Security Administration's records, or the IRS won't be able to process your tax return.
That could delay your refund.
Next, if you move, make sure you notify the post office so they can forward your mail.
You may also want to go to, which is our change of address form.
Just fill out the form and mail it to us so we know where to send your refund check or contact you about your taxes.
You can also use the form to tell us of a name change.
Since marriage affects your taxes, you and your spouse may want to make sure the right amount of tax is withheld from your paychecks.
Use the Tax Withholding Estimator at
Then, adjust your withholding by filling out a new Form W-4 and give it to your employer.
You'll find all this information and more at