Part 6. Human Resources Management
Table of Contents
6.10 Agency Accountability Systems
6.213 Excepted Service
6.250 Strategic Human Capital Management
6.300 Employment (General)
6.304 Expert and Consultant Appointments
6.307 Veterans Recruitment Appointments
6.308 Volunteer Service
6.315 Career and Career Conditional Employment
6.316 Temporary and Term Employment
6.330 Recruitment, Selection, and Placement
6.332 Strategic Recruitment
6.334 Temporary Assignments Under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA)
6.335 Promotion and Internal Placement
6.337 Examining System
6.338 Qualification Requirements
6.339 Medical Qualification Determinations
6.340 Other Than Full-Time Career Employment
6.350 Job Abolishment Procedures - Non Reduction in Force (RIF)
6.362 Pathways Program
6.410 Learning and Education
6.430 Performance Management
6.432 Performance Base Reduction in Grade and Removal Actions
6.432 Performance Base Reduction in Grade and Removal Actions
6.451 Employee Performance and Utilization
6.511 Position Classification
6.530 Aggregate Limitations on Pay and Special Rate Schedules
6.531 Pay Under the General Schedule
6.536 Grade and Pay Retention
6.550 Pay Administration
6.553 Reemployment of Civilian Retirees to Meet Exceptional Employment Needs
6.575 Recruitment, Relocation, Retention, and Extended Assignment Incentives
6.576 Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments (VSIP)
6.610 Hours of Duty
6.630 Absence and Leave
6.711 Labor-Management Relations
6.715 Voluntary Separations and Reductions in Grade or Pay
6.731 Suitability Determinations for Employment
6.735 Ethics and Conduct Matters
6.751 Discipline and Disciplinary Actions
6.752 Disciplinary Suspensions and Adverse Actions
6.771 Agency Grievance System
6.800 Employee Benefits
6.959 IRS Broadbanding Systems - IRS Payband System