You must have an active registered user account in e-Services to access the Secure Object Repository (SOR). If you do not have an account, you will need to set one up, see e‐Services Online Tools for Tax Professionals.
Once you have entered your login information, you will be prompted to select the organization you will represent in this session.
After you have selected your organization, you will see your mailbox.
In the messages you will find files that you can view and download. When you click on the file name you will be prompted to save or download the file depending on the option you chose.
After download is complete, you can either delete the message or return to your inbox. Repeat this process if there are other messages/files to download. Messages will remain in your mailbox for 60 days before being purged.
To close your mailbox simply close the Secure Email webpage, you will be taken you back to the Welcome Page. Then you can sign out of your e‐Services account.