SOI Tax Stats - Calendar year projections, Publication 6961


Calendar Year Projections of Information and Withholding Documents for the United States and IRS Campuses, 2023 PDF

Publication 6961 (Revised 9/2023) 

2022 PDF 2021 PDF 2020 PDF 2019 PDF  2018 PDF  2017 PDF  2016 PDF  2015 PDF  2014 PDF  2013 PDF  2012 PDF  2011 PDF  2010 PDF  2009 PDF  2008 PDF  2007 PDF  2006 PDF  2005 PDF

Publication 6961 One Sheet PDF
Publication 6961 is revised annually to update detailed calendar year projections of information and withholding documents to be filed at the U.S. and campus levels. Projections are also available by submission method. The projections incorporate the latest changes in legal, regulatory, administrative, and recent filing experiences.

Related tables:

Historical tables:

Calendar Years: 2005–2021